TEAM: The Slimsons (June)



  • Skkayy
    Skkayy Posts: 13 Member
    I know I am just getting started...but I expected more...been calorie counting since May 26th. Went from 176.6 to 172.2 but have been stuck here for the last five days. While I have only done minimal work days have been filled with starting the garden (rather large garden), tearing out the ceiling of my porch (this took two days of being up and down a ladder, pulling, banging, prying over my head, then hauling to the trailer) plus other labor intensive chores. I just didn't think I would hit a plateau already. Feeling frustrated already. I know I need to keep going ...just ugh.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @CourtneyLomonaco Way to stay under your calories!!

    @jmitts2 A loss is still a loss, and you're doing great!!

    @o0kody0o That's super exciting, congrats!! What a huge NSV!

    @Fitness327wk Awesome loss and nice day!!

    @tinak33 Drink extra water, it helps with water retention, I know that sounds weird, but it does. Hang in there, doing a 5k is awesome and regardless of what the scale says, you should be proud!!

    @lesockie Awesome loss, way to start June!!

    @Gadgetgirl259 Nice day, yard work is a great workout, I'll be hitting some yard work this morning too!!

    @vicky2767 Great day, nice exercise!!

    @CindyJNC1963 Yeah, I sort of wanted to do it again, it really helps keep me thinking about my goals because there's money on the line, but if we're honest, I'm getting to the point now where I'm nearing my original goal and I am going to have to think about what's next and really I'm not sure how much actual fat is left to lose and I'm building more muscle again to lift heavier, so my actual weight will be hard to gauge so I decided against it.

    @genajonas Glad you're back for June!! I understand how you feel about the difference between being aware of your relationship to food and labeling it a disorder, but the important part isn't that it is or isn't a disorder, it's that you are aware and can make changes and overcome the obstacle, which is really the way to look at it, you can do this. Your goals are super solid, and you're off to a great start!

    @aadubb Remember to take in extra water during that time of the month, sounds weird, but extra water does help with water retention, and also another thing that sort of can help is watching your carbs a bit more closely as carbs also help you to retain water so if you're worried about it, there can be a little bit you can do to sort of mitigate it, or you can choose not to worry about it realizing that it is also normal and happens to us all and that next week the scale will be kinder....

    @cydneebauman Hang in there, and I hope you're feeling better soon!!
  • DeshotelK
    DeshotelK Posts: 183 Member
    Hi Slimsons! I've had a break these last 4 days. On Saturday, we had an out of town wedding. It was great visiting with family that we only get to see once a year. Sunday we pulled the camper to a water park type place. It was a very relaxing and much needed break. Unfortunately, I did not track my calories for 4 days and feel it and the scale shows it. I started daily weighing again this morning and wow... the numbers made a huge leap in an upward direction. Wonder how long it will take me to get them going on a downward trend. Hoping it drops a little by my weigh in on Friday.
  • batgirl140
    batgirl140 Posts: 433 Member
    Skkayy wrote: »
    I know I am just getting started...but I expected more...been calorie counting since May 26th. Went from 176.6 to 172.2 but have been stuck here for the last five days. While I have only done minimal work days have been filled with starting the garden (rather large garden), tearing out the ceiling of my porch (this took two days of being up and down a ladder, pulling, banging, prying over my head, then hauling to the trailer) plus other labor intensive chores. I just didn't think I would hit a plateau already. Feeling frustrated already. I know I need to keep going ...just ugh.

    @skkayy Do you only count calories or look at all your nutrient numbers? I watch my macros closely and my calories just fall into place. I drastically reduced my carbs, increased my protein(not doing Keto), watch my salt and try and get enough fiber. I get a few days of activity a week. I’ve never been so successful losing before! Not everyone succeeds in the same way but it’s worth a try. 😁
  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    lesockie wrote: »
    Username: lesockie
    Weigh in week: June Week 1
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous week's weight: 178.2 lbs
    Today's weight: 175.0 lbs

    Let me know if I posted that incorrectly!

    Woot Woot! Great first week well done!!
    6.3 Daily Check IN (Tue)🌷🌺💐🌹
    Track: Yes✔️
    Calories: Yes ✔️ I will be for the day.
    Exercise: One hour barre 🏋️‍♀️ and three mile hike 🥾.

    Comments: Barre was awesome! 🔥💃🤸‍♀️👏👍

    I love barre! It's super hard to get into my local class.though as it's so popular!

    o0kody0o wrote: »

    Today when I was walking to the shop, I realised that my thighs no longer rub together at the top! I actually have a little gap between the tops of my thighs and I can’t believe it! I only use my exercise bike maybe 2-3 times a week but my legs and bottom are more defined now 😊 36lbs ago, my thighs and bottom liked to do this jiggle when I walked but that’s gone too 😅

    Yessss! What a great NSV....I can't wait to get to that point again!!
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    Skkayy wrote: »
    I know I am just getting started...but I expected more...been calorie counting since May 26th. Went from 176.6 to 172.2 but have been stuck here for the last five days. While I have only done minimal work days have been filled with starting the garden (rather large garden), tearing out the ceiling of my porch (this took two days of being up and down a ladder, pulling, banging, prying over my head, then hauling to the trailer) plus other labor intensive chores. I just didn't think I would hit a plateau already. Feeling frustrated already. I know I need to keep going ...just ugh.

    I started to get a bit frustrated with myself because I had been losing weight consistently each week for the past 4 months and then for about 10 days my weight went up about 1lb and stayed like that. I changed my eating patterns up a bit and ate some different foods to my usual etc and my weight has started to go down again. We all hit little bumps along the way and it really is frustrating but like you said, you just need to keep going and I’m sure this time next week your weight will have went down again. If you weigh daily I’d recommended the Happy Scale app (for iPhone) or Libra Scale I think it’s called (for Android). I have the Happy Scale app and it gives you a moving average weight which can be reassuring to see when you’re weight doesn’t seem to be going in the right direction. It also gives you weight predictions and mini goals to work towards 🙂

  • OkieGina
    OkieGina Posts: 126 Member
    Daily check in for Tuesday, June 4
    Track: yes
    Calories: yes - under my original target, even more under if you count exercise!
    Water: yes, almost 100 oz (really need to get more, but I seem to be starting later in the day this week so far...)
    Exercise: YES! I pulled out one of my old (not that old, maybe a month ago) training sessions, which ended up mostly lower body, plus a little core and some upper body. I added 10 lbs to my deadlift, 5 lbs to my goblet squat, and 5 lbs to another exercise that I can't remember the name of right now (t-bar push, or something). After my warm up and all the strength exercises and a little stretching, I realized I was at 55 minutes, so I got on the treadmill for 5 minutes. It was a slow, cool-down speed walk, but that's part of why i love having an activity tracker again. But man, I'm definitely a little sore today. Hoping to get some cardio in after work, but I'll see how I feel.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    batgirl140 wrote: »
    Daily check in June 4

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Yes. 45 min taekwondo class. Class two days in a row, a bit sore today. Good sore. 😁

    Sorry I’ve been MIA again. Struggling to get back and stay in routine after s few fun weekends. Still lossing just fluctuating a lot. Need to get back to checking in here daily again.


    Just did my measurements yesterday. Overall, from 13 points, I’ve lost 29.25 inches! Most in my abdomen. Think it’s picked up since I started karate classes, especially in my legs. I’d recommend measuring to anyone that doesn’t!

    WOW Beth!! What a great change!! Congrats!
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    o0kody0o wrote: »

    Today when I was walking to the shop, I realised that my thighs no longer rub together at the top! I actually have a little gap between the tops of my thighs and I can’t believe it! I only use my exercise bike maybe 2-3 times a week but my legs and bottom are more defined now 😊 36lbs ago, my thighs and bottom liked to do this jiggle when I walked but that’s gone too 😅

    THAT is awesome!! You're doing great---you should be proud!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited June 2019
    Skkayy wrote: »
    I know I am just getting started...but I expected more...been calorie counting since May 26th. Went from 176.6 to 172.2 but have been stuck here for the last five days. While I have only done minimal work days have been filled with starting the garden (rather large garden), tearing out the ceiling of my porch (this took two days of being up and down a ladder, pulling, banging, prying over my head, then hauling to the trailer) plus other labor intensive chores. I just didn't think I would hit a plateau already. Feeling frustrated already. I know I need to keep going ...just ugh.

    @Skkayy It's most likely not a plateau already. One of the things you have to realize is that usually the first week or so when you first start a new eating plan, you tend to lose a lot at first, easily up to 10 lbs, which a lot of is excess water weight, so that's not uncommon and it's also unrealistic to think that it would continue at that rate all the time. i can promise you that during my now 2 year journey (2 days away from 2 yrs) to lose what is now almost 100 lbs and some weeks, and even months have been like that, seen minimal losses even though my body has still been changing. I am 100% encouraging you to take measurements and photos, and also slowly increase your activity, even if it's a 10 min walk a day, that will help you in the long run too.

    It's waaaaay to early to get got this, hang in there, it's important to realize that some weeks will be big losses and so me weeks less, that's just normal.

    Also one more point, I will leave you with is what is commonly referred to as the "whoosh" and what happens when you burn fat is that water fills the fat cells as a placeholder of sorts because your body is so certain you will replace that fat that it's not ready to shrink the cell just yet, so it uses water to fill it temporarily until you fill it back up with fat. The longer you go and still burning more fat, your body eventually gives up on waiting for the fat to come back and it will release the water and shrink the fat this is also why fat loss and weight loss don't happen simultaneously. Another thing that's important and can encourage your body to speed up this process is drinking more water!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited June 2019
    DeshotelK wrote: »
    Hi Slimsons! I've had a break these last 4 days. On Saturday, we had an out of town wedding. It was great visiting with family that we only get to see once a year. Sunday we pulled the camper to a water park type place. It was a very relaxing and much needed break. Unfortunately, I did not track my calories for 4 days and feel it and the scale shows it. I started daily weighing again this morning and wow... the numbers made a huge leap in an upward direction. Wonder how long it will take me to get them going on a downward trend. Hoping it drops a little by my weigh in on Friday.

    @DeshotelK It's unlikely that it would all be fat in just short period of time, you have to realize that 3500 calories is equal to 1 lb so you'd have to have eaten an additional 3500 calories for each of those lbs you're up for it to be real gain and once you start restricting and tracking again, (and drinking more water), a lot of that weight will come off and generally pretty quick depending on your individual body chemistry.
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    @batgirl140 & @AB0215 well done to both of you on your inch losses, that’s a superb achievement 👏 🙌🏻
  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    💥 Daily Post: Wednesday 5th June 💥

    ✅Track: Yes
    ✅Calories: under 👍 (I would have been 13kcal over but stickler to my calories I gave one of my snacks to The Husband 😂
    Exercise: Not today. Not really trying on this bit right now as feel like I can only focus on getting my calories into a habit right now!

    Comments: Completely not health related, but new season of Black Mirror dropped today on's a good day! 😊 Which is just as well because I am so tired! Is this my body getting used to the lower calorie intake? Anyways it's all manageable, so no worries.

    Hope you're all having a good start to the second week! X
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    ⭐️Daily Post: Wednesday 5 June

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under...just
    🤔Exercise: Not really apart from some walking
    💭Comments: My OH made a tasty spagbol with garlic bread and a side salad. It left me just under my calorie allowance 😅
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member

    Daily Post Wednesday 5th
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes under
    Exercise: Yes Pilates, walking, gardening
    Comments: so glad I started logging again. Will not be having the Cinnamon cereal again with all that sugar.
    Doctors confirmed I need to lose weight to reduce my cholesterol and that is a huge incentive.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday, June 5th
    Username: SLIMn2016

    ✅ Track: Yes
    ✅ Calories: Yes, under
    ✅ Exercise: Yes, Body Combat, Arc Trainer & 5 mile walk
    ✅ Water: 249.8 oz. +
  • cydneebauman
    cydneebauman Posts: 122 Member
    📣📣Daily check in📣📣

    ☀️wednesday June 5th ☀️

    ✔Tracked: yes
    ✔Calories: under
    ✔Exercise: nope.
  • aadubb
    aadubb Posts: 67 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »

    @aadubb Remember to take in extra water during that time of the month, sounds weird, but extra water does help with water retention, and also another thing that sort of can help is watching your carbs a bit more closely as carbs also help you to retain water so if you're worried about it, there can be a little bit you can do to sort of mitigate it, or you can choose not to worry about it realizing that it is also normal and happens to us all and that next week the scale will be kinder....

    Thanks @AB0215 I usually drink over 120oz so if I can manage more I will :smile: I always try to watch carbs during this time, but I want carbs the most lol. It's more of an annoyance than worry. It's me being impatient because I have to wait 2 week's extra to see scale progress.
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