TEAM: Run Track Minds (July)

AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Ashley @AB0215.


  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Hello team! Welcome to July 2019!

    My name is Joanna @johicks, I will be your captain for this month. Please feel free to introduce yourselves and share your goals for the month as well. To get you started…
    I’ve struggled my entire life with my weight. So here I am hoping to truly learn what it takes to keep it off. With the Biggest Loser Challenge I’m losing and learning. In my first three months of being on @RunTrackMinds I’ve lost 21.6#. My biggest challenges are exercise and my husband who loves to drink, eat, and cook. We're slowly getting better at working together to plan dinners.
    @RunTrackMinds is awesome. I’m happy to be here to help where I can and offer encouragement, support, and also be a part of something that will help you, me, and our team stay on track and lose weight. My goals for July are to continue the amount of exercise time and enjoy the fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers.

    As taking part in this challenge your only requirement is to weigh in weekly. Please post your weight on your scheduled weigh-in day, as if you miss weigh-ins, you may be eliminated from the challenge and we don't want to see that happen!! Please set-up your posts in the format below as it really makes it much easier to see your post to track properly.
    Your weekly weigh-in posts should look like this:
    Username: johicks
    Week: Sunday, May Week 5 (5/26)
    PW: 244.8
    CW: 243.8
    below are optional
    One thing I did well: - optional
    One thing to improve: - optional make it easier, copy and paste from week to week.

    Also optional is taking part in the daily mini-challenge. (see the next post)

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    We are also going to continue with an optional Mini-Challenge this month somewhat based on “Daily Post for Ultimate Accountability.” First and foremost is that participation in the mini-challenge is optional. It's up to you as to whether you want to try this, the choice is yours. I encourage you to participate as it seems to help keep us on track and think about our goals on a daily basis. It's encouraging to see other's successes and struggles so that we realize that we are not alone!!

    Our RTM Daily Posts Challenge follow these basic rules:
    • #1. Track EVERYTHING you eat that has calories.
    • #2. Stay inside your allocated daily budget.
    • #3. Try to do at least 20 minutes of activity a day (anything: walk, run, cycle, swim, gardening, housework, yoga, gym, etc.. As long as it gets you active and off the couch)
    • #4. Check in daily (tracking yes/no, calories yes/no, exercise yes/no).
    • #5. Work towards healthier habits (you choose: increase water, journaling, self-care, overall wellness)
    It works on an honor system. Being honest with yourself and others is a key to making things work. Remember, this is a judgment-free zone, everyone has good days and bad days, but the way to get to the finish line is by being honest and when we have a bad day, picking ourselves up and carrying on.

    -You set your own daily budget.
    -You choose your own exercise and intensity (no step limit, no exercises you cannot or should not do, 20 mins of gardening counts as much as a 10-mile run.)
    -It is not weight based (as weight fluctuates day by day).
    -Daily check-in keeps you in touch with those doing similar. Longer term weight management is hard to do on your own.

    Your optional mini-challenge posts should look like this:
    Daily Post (Sunday)
    Track: Yes/no
    Calories: Yes/no (under /over)
    Exercise: Yes/no (what type and how long)
    Healthier habits: (you choose: variety of exercise, increase water, journaling, affirmations, self-care, positive self-talk, being kind to self, positive outlook, overall wellness, morning routine, night routine)
    Goals or Day: (Share a brief description about you, your day, your goals for the day, whatever you want)

    Welcome to July! Let's all have a great month


  • mawash9
    mawash9 Posts: 77 Member
    edited June 2019
  • Terry111330
    Terry111330 Posts: 563 Member

    My name is Terry and I am looking forward to this challenge. I have worked to maintain a healthy weight throughout most of my life, but have found it particular hard since I went through menopause. I hope to lose 25 lbs over the next six months and to keep it off. My biggest challenges are wine and cheese, and late night snacking. In June I cut back on the wine and cheese and I also joined the LNS challenge. So far, so good.

    Good luck to everyone over the coming month.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Hello @Terry111330! Welcome. I know you can lose 25lbs. This team is an awesome group of like-minded people wanting to lose weight and make the switch from dieting to a lifestyle change. We're glad you're on our team. I too am doing the ME vs lns challenge! I love the accountability of both these challenges.

    Our July challenge officially begins on Sunday, June 30th. Our current team members will be posting in that thread there. So don't be alarmed at the silence. :) You can start posting here with the daily mini-challenge if you wish. It will give you a good start for week #1 of July.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Back from vacation and ready to shed of the extra weight i gained, altough i weight last week and the gain was only 0,5 kg since beginning

    Glad you're back. I trust you had a good vacation!
  • Rozbee1
    Rozbee1 Posts: 335 Member
    Hi im Rozbee1 and am looking forward to this challenge.
    Hope you all are well 😀
  • Kate_X4
    Kate_X4 Posts: 25 Member
    edited June 2019
    I'm Kate, after 5 kids I've put on a lot of weight, now it's time to lose it so I can be healthier to watch them grow up! We can do this!!!
  • thinkthingem
    thinkthingem Posts: 25 Member
    I'm gemma I have always struggled with my weight. I'm looking forward to taking on this challenge over all I would like to lose at least 100lb but I understand Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm my biggest critic and being a single mum sometimes I used to comfort eat but I'm getting better at that now.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Thank you for introducing yourself. I do hope you feel welcomed and will consider doing the optional daily mini-challenge. Posting daily sure does help me stay focused.

    P.S. Our team won as the biggest loser team for Week #3 in June. We also won biggest loser for the month of May. We have also had some teammates who have been in the top three out of all the teams and one that was biggest loser for the month of April. So I hope you are ready for some encouragement and support, and mostly ready to lose!!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited June 2019
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers! I have been doing this for 2 months now and have lost 14 pounds. The team support and my own accountability have been monumental in helping me achieve my goals. Good luck everyone! Shout out to @johicks for being so awesome!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers! I have been doing this for 2 months now and have lost 14 pounds. The team support and my own accountability have been monumental in helping me achieve my goals. Good luck everyone! Shout out to @johicks for being so awesome!

    Awe.. thanks @skullsandskeletons. Thanks for being an awesome teammate and welcoming our newbies and inspiring them with your 14lbs progress report. You're doing great! Let's keep losing in July!!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jen. I joined this group in May and lost a total of 7 lbs. in that month. I lost another .8 in June. I have lost a total of 18.4 lbs since starting my weightloss journey. I am 12.4 lbs away from my final goal. I work out faithfully 6 days a week with a combination of running, strength training, and home videos when the weather stinks and it's not a Strength trainging/gym day. I try to be quite faithful with logging my food and workouts in MFP. At this time my calories goal is 1250. I allow one cheat meal a week. On a personal note, I have a hard working husband who works out of town and is only home 3 days a week, 2 step sons ages 22 and 20, and 2 daughters ages 16 and 13. I am a 1st grade teacher and love what I do. I also just survived my 40th birthday! looking forward to a great month in July. Just started summer break. My family is leaving tomorrow for an amazing trip to Beaches all inclusives resort in Turks and Caicos in the carribean. Needless to say I plan to let loose and really enjoy the week. Drinking, eating, quality family time. I'm going to unplug a bit. I work hard all year, so gonna enjoy. I'll be back the 6th and will weigh in the following Monday (won't be pretty). Gonna need some great support from you all when I get back. We've got this team! Welcome to all team members!
  • mawash9
    mawash9 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi, I am Mike. I have very athletic teenagers who want to hike Mt. Washington. I used to hike a lot, but focused on the boys and let myself go. Started at 250# and my goal is to get down to 200. Along the way I will get that hike in. This has been a long time coming and this group will help me be accountable, which should make me accountable to me I hope.
    Good luck to everyone on the journey and much success!
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Week 4 weigh in Friday
    PW: 180.4
    CW: 180.4
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    Week 4 weigh in Friday
    PW: 180.4
    CW: 180.4
    Oops wrong thread. I'll repost.

    MADDIESMOMMY6611 Posts: 140 Member
    Hello! My name is Jackie and I started this journey back in January by signing up for CrossFit. I figured I should go big or go home! I didn’t just want to lose weight, but wanted to gain muscle and strength. So far I’m down about 20 lbs and still have 50 to go. But I feel a lot stronger already and can’t wait to see how much I improve as the weight comes off. 😁
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