

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Today's steps: 17,059 in 90 active minutes.

    French is done. About to turn in ... zoning out as I type this.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Faire report!


    Rainbow deep fried oreos. :smiley:

    Not pictured: wild boar bacon topped elk burger. SO good. Probably my weigh in tomorrow will be ugly but oh, so worth it. Boar bacon is fantastic.

    We also bought a fancy frying pan and I bought an IR hair styler as my 30 lb reward.

    Next week I'm going back with my company for the grandstand show and fireworks, so I'll have to resist the cookie dough donut sandwich.

    Wow @Terytha those looking amazing!!!! Were the fried oreos good? Are they dipped in some kind of dough or batter before frying? They are huge. Looks like you're having a great time on your vacation this week. Have fun. 😎😃😎😃

    I think each battered piece had two cookies in it, haha. I love deep fried oreos, they are my favorite. Really chocolatey and moist. That's why I limit myself to once per year.

    Especially because I think making them at home would be super easy. >>
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Good morning ☀️. Up super early again so went out for my walk and breathed in some fresh morning air and got plenty of sunshine on my face. Feeling much better today. Still on my pain killers until next Tuesday. They have causing some heartburn which sucks. My appointment went well yesterday. Drain was removed and wound was cleaned. I can finally shower 🚿 and no longer feel all stanky and sweaty.

    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Previous Weight: 170.1
    Todays Weight: 169.1

    Sun - 14,687
    Mon - 22,104
    Tue - 15,900
    Wed - 4,089 (surgery day)
    Thu - 19,643
    Fri - 20,161
    Sat - TBA
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Faire report!


    Rainbow deep fried oreos. :smiley:

    Not pictured: wild boar bacon topped elk burger. SO good. Probably my weigh in tomorrow will be ugly but oh, so worth it. Boar bacon is fantastic.

    We also bought a fancy frying pan and I bought an IR hair styler as my 30 lb reward.

    Next week I'm going back with my company for the grandstand show and fireworks, so I'll have to resist the cookie dough donut sandwich.

    Omg I think I just gained the 1 lb I lost this week just looking at this picture. Those look Soooo good!!!
  • tigrib
    tigrib Posts: 12 Member
    I am a day late with posting, but I forgot to weigh in yesterday morning.
    Current weight 188.2.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,289 Member
    Saturday weigh in
    Week 1
    PW 200.3
    CW 200.1 (talk about baby steps, but at least, down not up 🤷🏻‍♀️)

  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Username - Matthewsfive
    Weigh in Day -Saturday
    Week 1
    PW - 212.8
    CW - 212.6
  • AmyRobF
    AmyRobF Posts: 97 Member
    Here’s the flag. I hope!
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Steps 7/5~6,100
  • Loriab901
    Loriab901 Posts: 114 Member
    Week 1
    PW: 149.0
    CW: 147.0

    Next week I will be away on vacation and I won’t be able to weigh myself. Had a good week of sticking to my plan and hope that my coming holidays plus a wedding won’t set me back. 24% BF today. Does anyone on here aim for a certain BF%? I’m not sure what is ideal for ladies.
  • wlcmac81
    wlcmac81 Posts: 3 Member
    Username: wlcmac81
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 354.2
    Todays Weight: 353.5

    Sorry I'm a day late!
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Username @evangsimmons170
    Exercise minutes = 68
    Steps = 11,321
    Water (in oz) = 70

    Exercise minutes = 123
    Steps = 14,664
    Water (in oz) = 40

    Exercise minutes = 97
    Steps = 15,694
    Water (in oz) = 64

    Exercise minutes = 0
    Steps = 6,220
    Water = 29

    Exercise minutes = 55
    Steps = 8.953
    Water = 64

    Exercise minutes = 91
    Steps = 11,275
    Water = 40
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    Sorry to have been away most of this week. A lot on the go at home.

    I am doing well and my husband continues to recover well. We have been going out to the mall to walk because it is too hot and humid for him.

    I am hoping for a loss tomorrow. Eating some prepared foods today that have more than my normal salt content, even though calories will be reasonable.

    @jugar I see the spreadsheet has me down for 5, I meant to pledge 3, thinking I posted that? No way can I do 5 in a month, I wish though. :D
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Sorry to have been away most of this week. A lot on the go at home.

    I am doing well and my husband continues to recover well. We have been going out to the mall to walk because it is too hot and humid for him.

    I am hoping for a loss tomorrow. Eating some prepared foods today that have more than my normal salt content, even though calories will be reasonable.

    @jugar I see the spreadsheet has me down for 5, I meant to pledge 3, thinking I posted that? No way can I do 5 in a month, I wish though. :D

    Thanks for the good news! And I'll fix your pledge... 3 is certainly doable. We'd all love to do more, but let's be real, right?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    My internet is back, at least for now. We're having a lot of wild storms today (at last!) and it keeps going out on me. My vegetable garden will be MUCH happier. I have not got any water set up out there this year, so things were getting pretty dry.

    Lots to celebrate - @Connie7355 50 pounds lost! You are a champion! Yes, there may be more to go, but you have got this!

    Thanks for all the numbers, everyone. You know how much I love them. Steps - wow @mari_moulin @BMcC9 and @evangsimmons170 - you are leading the pack. Keep 'em coming! And doing all kinds of other exercise, and French, and all -- I'm seriously impressed.

    And the green weigh-ins are outnumbering the red. @terytha the oreos did not get you! You must have been very, very good aside from those, and maybe some other faire food. We are all trying not to look at those pictures.

    And a special hug to @mari_moulin - out there walking after tangling with the medical people yet again, and in spite of the heat. I am sure that shower was a fantastic one!

    @wlcmac81 - no worries about being late - if you want to change days, just let me know. Of course it is best to stick to the one so that you don't have any short or long weeks during the month :wink:

    @Loriab901 - great job on your loss and excellent BF%. I also watch that number fairly carefully, and you are certainly in the GOOD range. You would not want to go below 20%. Next week I'll mark your weigh-in EXC for excused, and just re-enter this week's weight. Just weigh in on your normal day the week after that, and have a great time while you're away!

    @martinesther88 do you have steps for June 30th? I might have missed them, but if you could re-post them, that would be great. Thanks!

    Last weigh-ins for the week due by midnight tonight:

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Check out what hubby made us for dinner. Omg it was so good. Went for a walk after to try to make up those extra calories. Ouch

    I’m sure tomorrow morning that 1 lb will be back. Weekends......amiright?

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Check out what hubby made us for dinner. Omg it was so good. Went for a walk after to try to make up those extra calories. Ouch

    I’m sure tomorrow morning that 1 lb will be back. Weekends......amiright?


    Oh dear. He is a keeper!!
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Check out what hubby made us for dinner. Omg it was so good. Went for a walk after to try to make up those extra calories. Ouch

    I’m sure tomorrow morning that 1 lb will be back. Weekends......amiright?


    Oh dear. He is a keeper!!

    Does he have a brother? LOL
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