

  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    @Mrsbell8well I started my cycle training today. I have a turbo trainer which is a clamp you can add to your bike to turn it into an indoor bike. This what I use to improve my bike fitness. A basic one is not too expensive.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @Mrsbell8well I did the Master Cleanse a few times. The first time I did it perfect, lost 10 pounds and felt like a million bucks. I actually kept the weight off and really modified my diet for about 3 years after that. I haven’t been able to do it as good and actually don’t know if I even could ever do that cleanse again! That was so so so hard!! But you bring up a great point about the sodium because I was so careful about the amount i allowed in my diet back then and I’m not good about that now!! I think I even have puffy fingers!! Lol
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @cyndiesstuff Look at you go girl! Sassy newlywed, new job, warm weather, fun projects, a fresh purpose in life... makes a girl feel good! I've been thinking about what you wrote "i can play in the gardens in the summer, but what to do the other times, like winter, i need more fun me stuff i enjoy." Those of us in the northern states really need to give some serious thought to your words because winter will be here before we know it ,sadly. Do you remember when we were newbies with F2F and I was in PA with hubby and the two dogs stuck in our RV with the fridge literally baby steps away... LOL not the most successful winter for me weightloss-wise. You kept me trudging along. My challenge to you is in the next 4-5 months look forward, picture Cyndie in the winter... what's she doing? For me JessicaSmithTV strength training and walking the dogs when weather allowed helped me. I'm not a knitter or crocheter.... wish I was. Think lady... start working on the winter Cyndie!! xoxo

    @sleepymom5 a weekly reflection is helping me right now. I'm the type of personality where if I blow it one day, it trickles to the next and then the next. Eventually I just think screw it. Right now my mindset is OK you messed up one day but you have a week to make it right. I would get discouraged if I didn't get my 10,000 steps/day. But a weekly goal pushes me... at least for now. Ha ha something will trip me up at some point no doubt.

    Its a journey for sure!

    congrats @mrsbell8well on making goal. A personal victory for sure and for those of us on the sideline partaking in your success, we learn a lot from you.... HURRAY!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,453 Member
    Only got to walk today. I fell asleep waiting for the guy to come who did my screens. I couldn't understand why I was so tired and then I remember that I got stung by something earliernand took an antihistamine. That has to be why.

    Such a beautiful evening and there is a group across the canal that are arguing about politics. ugh! I should put some music on to drown them out.

    @Mrsbell8well Congrats on hitting your goal!
    @kirsten11872 I can tell that you are back on track. I saw your amazing workouts starting up again. You got this!
    @amsandos You made me think about hunger. I don't seem to let myself get too hungry. I do think I need to get hungrier more often and learn to sit with it.
    @nstephenson01 Lol! It must have been funny seeing all of those dogs running around or in a pack. What a beautiful pic of the waterfall too! We must be around the same podcasts for phit and Phat. I just heard the one about the evening routine. They give me a lot to think about.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Today we are going on a hike for Robins birthday. I need to get going to make s’more brownies and hummus wraps. Very excited. Skylynn will be joining us. 6 miles. A little nervous about bears and ticks but the fun and beauty make it worth the risk. We have bug spray.
    Had a perfect fun day with mom yesterday. She got the cutest haircut from my hairdresser. We went to lunch, to the library, post office and 7 stores plus I got a pedicure. Most of those stores were quickies. I had a large bag of returns.
    @nstephenson01 loved the pic and the poodle story. What a wonderful hike.
    @gingerpwr I have missed you. Thanks for the picture and the update. Enjoy Montana. Sounds like your having fun.
    Thanks team for all the congrats. I really appreciate all the love and support! I truly count you all as my best tool for success. You’ve kept me going when it would have been easy to quit.
    I have been thinking of all the time and energy we put into weight loss day after day, month after month, year after year. What will you do when you hit goal? That energy has to go somewhere. Would we get even fitter, have more fun, write a book...explore a new goal instead of the same old monotonous one we have held onto for so long???
    I am about to find out. Come join me.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,453 Member
    Daily check in for Tuesday
    Food logged and over
    Water 64 oz
    Exercise 30 minute walk
    Steps 6,306 steps

    Not too bad of a day yesterday. Wish I had gotten out and got more exercise but today is a new day. I am getting out early today. I am meeting family for dinner in Atlantic City for dinner. I already have my day planned as far as food. I am also going to drive so I won't drink more than one drink. Should be fun and it forces me to get everything done early. Have a great day everyone!

    @GingerPwr Thanks for checking in. We missed you! Enjoy your trip! I have never been in that part of the country.
    @Mrsbell8well I am so excited for you! You have certainly worked hard. Congratulations!
    @cyndiesstuff You are really making life changes that are going to change your life for the better. I know it isn't easy but it will be worth it! Hugs!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Tuesday Check In

    Food - great!
    Water - great!
    Exercise - 12,000+ steps and yoga

    I made a plan yesterday and I achieved everything on the plan. (yay!!)

    Today's plan is already written as well as a question (from F2F):

    Tonight, how do I want to feel? I want to feel like I accomplished all my goals for today and had a very productive work day.

    I love this question, what a great positive way to start the day! And of course, I don't want to let myself down especially when it is written down. I know from experience if I think something like "today will be a good day" and I screw up I am really really good at forgetting what I committed to myself. BUT...writing it down is different. It's there!

    @Mrsbell8well - happy 1st day of maintenance! Now part 2 of the adventure starts!! Congratulations - you worked so hard to get to this point!!

    @nstephenson01 - wow what a fun day yesterday and an adventure with poodles!

    @GingerPwr - Glad you are having a fun trip in Montana! I have never been there but it's on the bucket list! I am very partial to Wyoming, my gosh I just love all the sagebrush everywhere. Once the house is paid off, then some fun trips will start up for us! Have a fun time and stay safe!!

    @amsandos - good job avoiding the snacks! In F2F, they mention about not being scared with feeling hunger. It's ok to be a little uncomfortable. I always thought it was just me, but apparently not, but I truly am scared of being hungry. I figured it was in my genes from paleolithic days. Maybe not, maybe it's normal! Anyhow, when I feel hungry now I remember it's ok to be uncomfortable and I'm not going to die (so much drama!!) Have another successful day!!

    @cyndiesstuff - good job finishing strong. Your reputation will follow you to the new job as being professional and getting her work done!!

    @sleepymom5 - Hi Pam! Have a good day!

  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @GingerPwr that is beautiful! Enjoy your trip! :smiley:
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @Mrsbell8well Congrats! I am so happy for you! Good luck with Maintenance! I am looking forward to seeing how you do with maintaining your weight. I have been at goal, but always have trouble staying there, I am determined to get there!!! :smile:
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello all & Happy Hump Day! :wink:

    I am feeling good, back on track once again. I have been on point with 18:6 IF, WW points & my workouts. Been eating healthy foods and getting my workouts done. Got my elliptical workout done after work last night, then had a light dinner. Planned out my food for the day, going to workout when I get home. I have been walking during my lunch hour so my daily step counts have been good, yesterday was over 22K! The scale was down another 2 pounds this morning. I should have a nice loss this week. 2 weeks exactly until I leave for Vegas, so I am really trying to challenge myself to drop as much as possible by then. I do not have plans this weekend, so I should be able to stay on track. The weekends tend to screw me up, but I am determined to do well all weekend. I have done it in the past, even with plans, I can do it!

    Have a wonderful day! :smile:
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Mrsbell8well you know what you say is so totally true. why when we eat like crap for 2 days does it take a week or more to get it back off. it really makes a day a crappy eating not worth it. and I know first hand how easy it is to climb back up the scale. I have been maintaining for some time, just not maintaining where I would like. I am following you twinsie! I am coming! I just got side tracked for a bit. and you tell molly I said congrats on the weight loss. she is a rock star too!! omgoshhhh and you have met your goal. I knew you would. I am dancing all around the office. passers by are staring and I don't care. Angelina made it people. she set a goal and she did it. wooooo whoooooo. and careful bears like skinny girls!! lol.

    @phoebe112476 your consistency is commendable. you just keep plugging away. good job at the loss this week lady.

    @lennoncpa and you are right, you should not get on the scale every day if it makes you feel bad. and like you I am only 5 foot tall. and our tdee is low because of that. do you weigh and measure your food? do you pay attention to the macros and sodium? are you going thru menopause? there are so many things that could be accounting for your fluctuations. and I would not recommend going under 1200 calories. its a tough gig. maybe try being more active during the day. pacing at work. and getting up and moving. have you had a physical recently? did they check all your hormones?

    @sleepymom5 you have got a crazy busy day planned. not time for snacking. good job. and antihistamine does the exact opposite to me. it's like a caffeine buzz. and I am with you in spirit pam. you are going to do this. this is our last time we are going to lose this weight. as long as we never quit we never fail.

    @carlsoda hahahha and you got ole lady eyes! me too! oh well, it's Gods Plan!! and you laugh about the drug test but I hadn't heard from home office and I thought they lost it some where. I felt nervous about asking! like I was a druggie or something. lol and when my days is done tonite I want to feel accomplished. I want to add day 3 to my string of days of compulsive overeating abstinence.

    @kirsten11872 glad to hear you back at it lady. good job never giving up the good fight!!

    @amsandos make sure if your getting hungry , that when you sit down to your meals your still eating slowly and mindfully. seeeee? and that's my problem where I am at now, I am sooo bored at work and I have nothing to take my mind off it!! can't wait to start my new job. and lol I don't think you would look good in a size 2. tooo skinny.

    @nstephenson01 that water fall is beautiful. and I can just see you with all the pups! what a great outing. ohhh see? you planning ahead. you are so different today then you were when we first started. and I have done that often. go to bed early that is. many times that is why you want a snack any ways because you are tired. yes, winter is on its way and we need to be prepared this year. and I do remember when you were living in that rv. after that, you had quit for a while and I was soooo glad when you came back to us. it really is a journey. and like you I am not a knitter or a crafter. but I am going to start searching now. we need to be ready.

    @GingerPwr omgosh are you and @nstephenson01 taking pictures of the same waterfalls? that is a beautiful picture, I am glad you are having fun.

    @Barbb1157 I struggle with depression as well. hang in there. you can do this. this is a very nice loss, good job not turning to food. it won't fix the problem it only compounds it. keep with us and if you need to vent come here and tell us. many of us have very similar struggles. keep up the good work.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    Old habits are hard to break and easy to slip back into. This is why in weight loss every single time DOES matter because every single time you’re either reinforcing the old, adverse habit or the new, helpful habit. Don’t be fooled by your primitive brain telling you one time doesn't matter – this time does matter! Make the right choice today. Choose the healthy, helpful habit. It's just one day. You can do this today.

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