

  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    Week 2
    PW: 277.8
    CW: 280.8
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,286 Member
    I feel like I’m not doing well, but I’ve exercised four times so far this week and most of my days have been under goal. And my steps have been fine. I got on the scale Tuesday, I think, and I was up a pound. It was the morning right after I played tennis. I think that gain has me down. But I haven’t been on the scale since so it could be a fluke. But why is losing weight so slow???
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    C25K W6R1 done! Feeling pumped!

    Yes! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    I feel like I’m not doing well, but I’ve exercised four times so far this week and most of my days have been under goal. And my steps have been fine. I got on the scale Tuesday, I think, and I was up a pound. It was the morning right after I played tennis. I think that gain has me down. But I haven’t been on the scale since so it could be a fluke. But why is losing weight so slow???

    Going up a lb a day after having done an intense workout is normal I think. You worked muscles that don’t usually work causing them to go into repair mode which means water retention. If you are doing everything right then the weight will come down. Sadly we can’t control the speed. I know how frustrating it is when you work so hard and not see the changes you are expecting. Give it time and be patient. You WILL see the fruit of your hard work!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Welp. Tomorrow is the big work lunch. Hotdogs, pulled pork, churros, and copious amounts of alcohol. Beer pong, I hear. There's always this surreal feeling for me when I'm at work drinking.

    Once that's over, back to faire grounds for the show. Probably dinner too, the show ends around midnight. Gotta really focus that will power this time. I finally, finally dropped to the 230's, I don't want to mess that all up.

    16 hours drinking with coworkers... I may not wake up until Sunday. If you don't hear from me until then that'll be why.

    Wow I already feel your hangover lol. Please be safe and you don’t need to over do it. Enjoy yourself without causing too much damage on all the hard work you’ve done until now. You control what goes on your body. Wishing you a wonderful weekend ❤️
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Good morning! I am a bit stalled out this week but hoping for a small loss on Sunday. Had friends over last weekend and we ate pasta which had a lot of salt in it. Delicious but no longer really do that!

    Have a great day and weekend everybody.

    Hello Andrea. It’s so nice to get news. How is your husband doing? Fingers crossed for your weigh in on Sunday and glad you’ve been able to enjoy your friendly company. Those are the moments we work so hard for. Enjoy ❤️
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    TOM has made an appearance, ugh. Messing with my mood.

    Hugs. Feel better soon ❤️
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Flawless_K wrote: »
    Hi! Super late joining the thread (I registered on June 30). This is my first week. I am trying to do the low carb eating way (not necessarily Keto). I also do a (mostly) daily 15-20 elliptical workout and I walk for about 15-20 minutes at work. We have a huge campus with a bunch of trails.

    It's my third day and I miss sugar. But I know it can't miss me back so I am trying to divorce it. The withdrawal headaches aren't as bad as I thought they would be. I am doing a really good job at drinking water. I literally have gone over 24 hours without drinking water in the past (not proud of that)!!!

    I am really going to stick to it this time. I have alot of "whys". Most importantly, my daughter Honor. I keep visions of me wearing regular sized clothes that I actually like (not just what fits) in my head as motivation for now.

    Cheers and the best of luck to us all!

    User: Flawless_K
    Weigh in day: Monday (Week 1: July 8th)
    Starting: 223.2 (only 5 feet)
    July Weight Loss Goal: 10 lbs.

    Welcome! We are so happy you’ve decided to join us. I hope you like our group and our team. Wishing you the best of luck on your new low carb adventure. I know it’s not easy at all especially when one is addicted to sugar (like me lol). I think the amount of workouts you do is very impressive and that along with your new healthy eating will having you shedding those LBS In no time.

    Let’s go!
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Steps 7/11~10,600
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,398 Member
    CW 218.6 ugh
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good morning everyone. Up early to complete C25K week 4 day 3. Next week I’m up to week 5 and I’m a bit worried about day 3 as it’s a full 20 minute jog without stopping I’ve done it before so I know I can do it but I might very well die while trying lol.

    Yesterday was a bust with workouts and I over indulged a bit with food. Hubby made a roast chicken and potatoes in the bbq and I prepared a head of cauliflower smothered in Indian spices with Greek yoghurt (also made in the grill) and needless to say I may have over eaten quite a bit lol. The combination of the 2 may be the reason for today’s little weight spike.

    Looks like another day of lots of water and I will attempt clean protein and lots of veg. ❤️💪🏻


  • tigrib
    tigrib Posts: 12 Member
    CW: 186.4
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    CW 138.0
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Weigh in day~ Friday
  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    I feel like I’m not doing well, but I’ve exercised four times so far this week and most of my days have been under goal. And my steps have been fine. I got on the scale Tuesday, I think, and I was up a pound. It was the morning right after I played tennis. I think that gain has me down. But I haven’t been on the scale since so it could be a fluke. But why is losing weight so slow???

    Going up a lb a day after having done an intense workout is normal I think. You worked muscles that don’t usually work causing them to go into repair mode which means water retention. If you are doing everything right then the weight will come down. Sadly we can’t control the speed. I know how frustrating it is when you work so hard and not see the changes you are expecting. Give it time and be patient. You WILL see the fruit of your hard work!

    This is also what I've been told in the past. When your muscles are repairing or building, there is a weight gain that will pass in a couple of days. I had that experience when I was training for a marathon years ago. I did one long run a week. My weight would always spike the day after the long run.
    @micki48 Don't let it get you down or cause you to stumble. You are doing fantastic!! (By the way, loved the photo with your grandchild at the yummy dinner table posted earlier. I had too much catching up to do in posts here to comment on everything I wanted to.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    It's FRIDAY! My son has a flat tire somewhere on the way to work (he hoped MOM would call CAA and get it all fixed up for him, but so sorry! He has to do it himself like the big 22 year-old he is!!!), our well is acting up (or the pump, or the pressure tank, or something...) so our water supply is very iffy, and it's cloudy out there. But otherwise it is a beautiful morning!

    (just got a call from my son - he put on the spare and all is OK!)

    SO - thanks for the beginnings of the Friday weigh-ins! @Perla4686 - you are ON FIRE! And @tigrib is right behind you - well done! You must be feeling fabulous. Don't "reward" yourselves, now, y'hear? I always tend to do that and then pay like mad for the next few days...



    I might book a ticket to go visit @mari_moulin for dinner... Have a good Friday everyone!
  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    Good morning everyone. Up early to complete C25K week 4 day 3. Next week I’m up to week 5 and I’m a bit worried about day 3 as it’s a full 20 minute jog without stopping I’ve done it before so I know I can do it but I might very well die while trying lol.

    Yesterday was a bust with workouts and I over indulged a bit with food. Hubby made a roast chicken and potatoes in the bbq and I prepared a head of cauliflower smothered in Indian spices with Greek yoghurt (also made in the grill) and needless to say I may have over eaten quite a bit lol. The combination of the 2 may be the reason for today’s little weight spike.

    Looks like another day of lots of water and I will attempt clean protein and lots of veg. ❤️💪🏻



    Kudos to you. You're looking great. One meal isn't going to derail you.

    I see C25K posts and I'm itching to get back to running. I'm trying to build up my walking distance first, as I really want to avoid injury and I have a calf that often complains. I might wait until September before starting the running bit.
    I'm going to do None2Run program, but I'm already thinking I'm not going to bother trying to get to 20 or 30 minutes of straight running. Intervals will serve my purpose just fine. I will switch from increasing my running interval to increasing my overall distance somewhere in the middle of the program. I only mention this to say it is okay if your body isn't up for a 20 minute run on a particular day. It is okay to change the program to fit you. If it is particularly hot and humid or you're tired from other life events, sticking to 20 minutes might not be the best idea on that day. LOL basically, don't be me and end up hurt and unable to run because you felt you needed to adhere to a generic program. Good Luck!!
  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Welp. Tomorrow is the big work lunch. Hotdogs, pulled pork, churros, and copious amounts of alcohol. Beer pong, I hear. There's always this surreal feeling for me when I'm at work drinking.

    Once that's over, back to faire grounds for the show. Probably dinner too, the show ends around midnight. Gotta really focus that will power this time. I finally, finally dropped to the 230's, I don't want to mess that all up.

    16 hours drinking with coworkers... I may not wake up until Sunday. If you don't hear from me until then that'll be why.

    You are very brave or you are a great drunk person!! LOL
    Years ago, I was at a work holiday party for my husband's workplace. His coworker's wife had too much to drink and was telling the group I was in all about their sex life in great detail. One of the others in the group was friends with her and trying to change the topic but she wasn't having it. She was very loud. At one point my husband came over to me, took my drink and gave me a glass of water. He leaned down and said, I'm cutting you off right now. It was all I could do not fall over laughing.
    Over the years we have presented each other with a glass or bottle of water at different events when there is someone that has had a drink or five too many. It still makes me laugh.

    Have fun! but maybe not too much fun. :blush:
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