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  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,427 Member
    Monday Check in:

    Food - great!
    Water - great!
    Exercise - 13,000+ steps and yoga!

    Boy my body feels great when I do yoga. Kinda like sugar too, I feel so good being off it and then I slip back into old routines of eating sugar and not doing any yoga. I really have to make this a total lifestyle! I do have in my daily planner to do more yoga tonight :)

    I also got my new glasses! I'm still getting used to the progressive part with the computer. Things are still a little fuzzy. Not sure if it's the glasses or if I need to get used to them, but I'll give it a few days and see if it approves. I found an amazing deal at lenscrafters. They had a designer sale going on with 60% off, so I got some fun Burberry glasses and I had enough in my FSA to pay for them. YAY!!

    I also found out, but no one told me, my vacation has jumped up to 4 weeks now. I only knew because my vacation balance was growing faster than I anticipated. Typical for my company, a lot of times you don't know anything until you see it for yourself (ie: bonus, raise) :) not going to complain though.

    @nstephenson01 - Glad your girl is still doing well and keeping up on the walks. Even with a heart murmur I bet exercise is good for her right? Our last guy (cat), we let him go too long before putting him down and he was so sick at the end. He was a super old guy too, about 18 but had been sick for years. We feel guilty about being so weak to not put him first.

    @cyndiesstuff - I have an idea for your phone calls, just let them know another opportunity came up in the company and you couldn't turn it down! They will be happy for you!! Hope today goes smooth!! And stay cool - it was awful here yesterday with 80 degree dew point. It felt like New Orleans in the afternoon, so humid.

    @sleepymom5 - great job on the brunch yesterday. You did exactly what you should have done and even left a few bites!! Glad you also had fun jet skiing. I remember my snowmobiling days when I was a kid and I wouldn't let my brother go fast LOL!!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Week 3
    CW: 164.5
    PW: 165.6
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member

  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,019 Member
    User ID: jedaschultz
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Week Number: Week 3
    Previous weight: 201.8
    Current weight: 202.2
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Moarrein you look like a fairy princess!
    @sleepymom5 Pam glad you had a fun day. My maintenance range is 138-142. 142 is my edge for “normal” range.
    @carlsoda yes it definitely is a lifestyle change. Glad u got your glasses. What a great deal!!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    @carlsoda Isn't it funny how we can see the benefits and we still go back to our old habits Lol! I know you will make this a life style. You are one dedicated lady! Wait to take the glasses back. I wear progressives, it takes a little bit to get used to. You have to make a point to look through the bottom for reading. Eventually you don't need to think anymore, it is automatic. I love them, my husband hated them and never got them again. Hope you end up liking them.
    That is awesome about your vacation time increasing! What a nice little surprise!
    @phoebe112476 I may be wrong but I really think this is the first time you have had a gain since you have been here. At least that I can remember. There is so much that goes into weight so no worries if you have been following your plan. If you aren't following your plan, I know I don't have to tell you what to do. Hope all is well. Let us know if you need anything.
    @jedaschultz How's it going? That is just a small gain. I hope everything is going well.
    @McKay85 I am glad you got a little stretch of sleep. Sounds like you have a great day planned! Hope it is going well!
    @amsandos Good that you're getting your workouts in. Do you think you may be hungrier because of your workouts. You workout hard, your body may need fuel. Maybe you can have some healthy stuff around to grab when you are feeling hungry. You really have been doing well.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member

    Wednesday's Weigh In

    Thursday's Weigh In
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    PW 141.6
    CW 141
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Well that was sure something I fought for. I came back from vacation with a 3 pound gain. 2 days of juice cleansing gave me a 3.6 pounds loss. Completely worth it to do the cleanse on many levels.
    Everyone knows darn well that those 3 pounds don’t magically disappear. They have a way of stubbornly staying with us and inviting more of their friends along the way. So it’s a big relief to get rid of them quickly.
    First week of maintenance... today’s scale is happy. For the week I know my natural tendency is to eat too much. I like eating too much. Not stuffed but comfortable. I need to find balance. Reading some new health books but I’m already doing just about all the recommendations. I need to make large portions again with salads and vegetables. That has helped me before. As @nstephenson01 mentioned eating more good stuff and less of the not so good.
    My recent downfalls have been smart popcorn, organic blue chips, and my homemade nutritious delicious treats. Well maybe those brownies weren’t the most nutritious but they were GF and vegan and oh so yummy. Plus I was just on vacation. I had one gin and tonic and shared an Aloha sangria with Molly. Plus a total of 5 salt water taffy’s. This may have contributed to headache? Idk.
    I suspect the headache was from running. It may sound strange but I have noticed fast or long runs seem to trigger tension in my neck and shoulders. Ice on the back of my neck helps.
    Week 2 my hope is to find a better balance and a plan.
    Stomach grumbling. Time to nourish my body.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for Tuesday
    Food on plan
    Water 50 oz
    Exercise 2- 30 minute walks
    Steps 11024

    it was a nice day yesterday. i stayed on plan and met all my goals. counseling was difficult today. we talked a lot about some real negative things that have happened in my life that has led me here. i am feeling optimistic about my progress on all fronts. i am creating a grand new life. my life. today, i have no appointments. so i think i will start packing my stuff up at work. when you have been there for 10 years you kinda move in!!

    @Mrsbell8well wow that sounds like a very scary situation. i am not big on swimming in open water. i really don't care for it much. i like to get in, get wet, and then get out and set on the beach. and maintenance will become habit. i know its tough but you are tougher. ohhh yea lady down another half pound and did a vacation! look at you go!!

    @gottagetthisdown maintains are good. yup and mfp can have some glitches sometimes. but i guess we can't complain a whole lot cause its free!! glad you got here!!

    @Moarrein i am soooo proud of you. you maintained on vacation!! good job. you know how to do it. now.... keep doing that girl. it looks good on you!! i love dehydrated fruit. when my favorite fruits come in season here i dehydrate them myself. yummmmm!! and you do look like a princess. you are gorgeous my lady.

    @sleepymom5 i have never been on a jet ski. i have to admit tho that i do like going fast. ouch, i hate sunburns. i havent been sunburnt in ages. i try to stay out of the sun. what did you find at the farmers market?

    @carlsoda don't be hard on yourself. you have been the old way for years. this is new to you. your mind is use to the old way, it was easy. sooonnnn... the new way will be the old way and it will be easy too. keep working it. and as for the glasses, it can take some time to learn how to use them. i have progressive trifocals. so the top is for distance, the middle is for computer and the bottom is for reading. once i got use to them tho. it is just habit, your eyes just do what they are suppose to. ohhh girl and your right, the country is in a heat wave.

    @phoebe112476 good job on that loss!! you are a rock star and sooooo consistent. be proud girl and keep working that plan! it looks good on you. yea you switching the order in your weigh in kinda thru me for a loop yesterday!! you have come so far lady. look at the new life you have created for you and your family. i am sooooo proud of you.

    @jedaschultz that is only a half pound. no worries. what will you do today? have you listened to any of the podcasts? i think they could help you change the way you think about food.

    @McKay85 omgosh that is so great that you slept some better. and yes! we will thank God for that. love your goals girl!! your doing great. it is the small daily steps that will get you to your ultimate goal.

    @amsandos ok, you had a bad day yesterday. did you analyze it? what went wrong? what was your faulty thinking? follow the model i posted earlier. figure out what thinking has to change. this is a hard gig girl. you will get this. your an amazing human being.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    Today's weigh in

    Tomorrows weigh ins:
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    Daily check in for Tuesday
    Food logged and under
    Water 80 oz
    Exercise 30 minute walk and 30 min bike ride
    Steps 8790

    Great day yesterday! I hit or exceeded my goals for the day. I got some stuff knocked off my to do list as well. I really wasn't hungry for dinner last night and didn't want something hot so I decided to finish up some plain greek yogurt I had and add berries. Not a surprise but I was worried I would be hungry later. I didn't have a snack planned for the evening but I told myself if I got hungry I could have a plumb. I didn't get hungry though. For being as big as I am, it is funny how I am so worried that I may get hungry later. I am starting to notice that I don't get hungry nearly as much as I think I am going to be. I also was busy all night, I journaled and planned my day. Then I started to read a new book for fun not self development. I am thinking keeping busy helped too. I need to get an early start today as it is going to get hot so I will check back in later. Hope everyone has wonderful Wednesday!

    @phoebe112476 I should have caught the weight being listed backwards. I really don't think I ever have seen you gain. Hope things settle down at work soon. Enjoy your well deserved night out. I also love your non scale victory. I am sure it has taken you a lot longer to notice how great you look than those around you.
    @Mrsbell8well A loss AND after being away! Wtg! Love the new profile pic! I wish you left all the pics on your page so you could see the progression. You did every 5 lbs right?
    @cyndiesstuff I haven't been to therapy but I would think the hard stuff to talk about are exactly the things you need to talk about. I am glad you are feeling optimistic. This is your new life you are building. You are not letting life happen to you, you are planning it! You are doing so well. I am glad you got into counseling finally. They didn't make that easy. I did well at the farmer's market. I got a ton of fruit, I filled up my basket on the bike. I need to add more veggies than just salad and tomatoes. I think I have to get there earlier to get more of a selection. MK will be back today with my car so I am going to a farm stand to get veggies.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,427 Member
    Tuesday check in:

    Food - on plan, all whole30 but too much :)
    Water - great
    Exercise - hit my goals

    Yesterday I was absolutely starving all day. I think it was a combination of stress at work and not feeling 100%. Still have a headache today and of course only had 2 advil in my purse so it'll have to do :) One amazing thing I noticed, I was craving peanut M&M's (which I know is stress), but it wasn't as mind consuming as it has been in the past. I was able to eat some plantain chips and pistachios to keep it under control. Today at work is "meeting" day - 2 hour meeting this morning and 1 hour meeting this afternoon. First one is boring :)

    @sleepymom5 - you are too funny about not being hungry. I honestly think being hungry scares us...or at least me...kinda like the bitter cold in winter, if we get too hungry we will die. Yeah..not really but I bet it's left over in our bodies from hundreds of years ago when people did die from hunger.

    @Mrsbell8well - you are doing amazing!! I'm trying to catch up so we can both do maintenance together at the same time!!

    @cyndiesstuff - sorry counselling was a little rough last night. But so proud of you for going. Sometimes you just need to get things out in the open to make them less powerful. Like they say in Alanon, you are only as sick as your secrets. Have fun packing and cleaning up at work! Now-a-days we have so much more to clean up when you think about what personal items you also store on your work computer. I have pictures and emails and things I've downloaded. :)

    @phoebe112476 - awesome NSV seeing a reflection of the skinny you in the windows!! You are doing such a great and consistent job!!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Today I am going to try teaching my friend to knit. She is blind and recently had a second stroke so not sure how well this will work. I bought some "loop yarn" which means you work it with your fingers pushing the loops through each other. No needles needed!! I only got one skein which means it won't produce much but we can always get more yarn if she likes it.

    It has been so hot here I have been outside long enough to walk around the house and check the vegetable garden. Heat index was 107. Makes me feel hot just thinking about it. I finished another book yesterday - I don't watch daytime TV - and I played computer games in between some housecleaning.

    The scale has been good to me up and down a few ounces day to day, hope Friday is a down day . . . . and I have been doing good staying close to my target calories every day.
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