TEAM: Run Track Minds (July)



  • klilev
    klilev Posts: 87 Member
    Week 4
    Username: klilev
    Weight in day: Monday
    SW: 196.6
    PW: 183.6
    CW: 180.2
    Need to work on: Healthy choices when my routine is off
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm coming back sheepishly after hiding from the team and my scale for the past 3 days....Missed weigh in, which I'm not proud of, and rather than get back on the horse, I hid out for the rest of the weekend, started out my days tracking then would conveniently skip tracking dinner and alcohol calories. So of course, as one would expect, today I feel bloated, gross, and I stepped back on the scale to a horrifying number. YIKES! ok.....but I'm back, I'm done hiding out and need to face the music. I will weigh in daily this week and get my eating and tracking in order! I will weigh in on Friday regardless of whether the number is good or bad. I need to recommit myself to this process and end the month stronger than I started it.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    Still struggling to get my head back in the zone :(

    Make a list.... what two - three habits CAN you do to get you back on track. Focus on what you CAN DO, not what you are not doing. hugs
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Great job Run Track Minds for achieving 2nd place last week! And to you johicks for second place overall. Very inspiring!

    Thanks! I agree... our team staying in the top three is VERY inspiring!!
  • Kate_X4
    Kate_X4 Posts: 25 Member
    edited July 2019
    Username: kate_x4
    Weigh in day: Sunday, July 21 Week #3
    PW: 255
    I went out of town and left my charger at home, no way to log food but made good choices, 5 days in a tent with no way to log I was happy to see the same weight. Now back home and back at it!! Sorry for the late post hope I'm still part of the team!
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Username: jupdyke
    Weigh in day: Monday, July 22 Week #4
    PW: 160.8
    CW: 158.4

    I'm so happy to see 2.4 lbs down this week. Heading back in the right direction. Going to focus more on food intake this week. Onward! Thanks all for the support.
  • Rozbee1
    Rozbee1 Posts: 335 Member
    edited July 2019
    keep working on our losses through August, too. Keep losing!

    How do we carry on with you in August? Do you do it automatically?@johicks
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    jupdyke wrote: »
    Username: jupdyke
    Weigh in day: Monday, July 22 Week #4
    PW: 160.8
    CW: 158.4

    I'm so happy to see 2.4 lbs down this week. Heading back in the right direction. Going to focus more on food intake this week. Onward! Thanks all for the support.

    Woohoo! Go you!
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Daily mini report
    Run: C25K W6R3 done!! Woohoo!!
    Track: yes, over by 29 but under with running.
    Mind: I'm back (I hope ;) ) skipped breakfast as I knew I'm going out for lunch and will have a big meal. Estimated my lunch calories so hopefully I'm not too far off. I hope I can keep it up now and finish July on a high.
    Keep it up everyone!
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily post: Monday
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: A little over, but under with exercise.
    Exercise: Leg day

    Today was a busy, but good day. I was happy with a loss. Starting the week out on a high, gonna keep it that way. Let's rock this week together!
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 1hr bootcamp/25 mins on elliptical
    Goal/Day: So Friday I helped a friend move, and man am I still sore. Lifting all kinds of furniture in the moving truck and then removing that same furniture out of the truck nearly made me keel over (the 100+ temp didn't help either). Today was the first day I did my normal exercise routine because I couldn't move on Saturday and Sunday 🥵😟😳
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Weigh in
    Week 3
    PW 209
    CW 204
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Monday July 22:
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: no but again ran my tush off at work!

    It was tempting to skip eating dinner as I worked 12 hours with nonstop running around. But I reminded myself that I need nutrition to stay healthy! I hope I don’t crash and binge in the next few days.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Monday 07/22)
    Track: 😭
    Calories: 😭
    Exercise 20+mins: 40m 👣 😅
    8+ Water: 💧x 14
    Healthy Habits:
    • Morning Affirmations: 💯
    • Plan / pre-log food: 💯
    • NO post-dinner snack: 😱 several
    • 🛑 KITCHEN CLOSED 🚫: 😱
    W3 D2 (16) of DO-IT attitude. Didn’t happen. 😭
    The positives: 1) 15/16 days in a row is fantastic for me!! 2) And I got in my water and 3) exercise. I had a somewhat emotional day starting w/ taking mom to the doctor as she broke some blood vessels in her eye and it looked nasty. But that wasn’t planned and started my day in a hurry. I still managed to get in a 10-minute bike ride and my 4) meals packed/planned and thrown in the cooler, then later and a 30-minute walk. But then after work, we were supposed to meet at mom’s: mom, my sister & I. My sister didn’t show. She lives 2 miles from my mom. She rarely makes time for mom. She had two excuses last night. Poor mom. So mom & proceeded without her to 5) start planning for a medical alert system. So I think even though I handled everything, okay… the emotions of mom getting up there in age hit me. (I’m tearing up now.) I didn’t realize it. I ate my exercise calories and was at maintenance. But then I wanted a sandwich. I didn’t talk myself out of it. I should’ve said…”Jo, have it for lunch tomorrow when you can plan accordingly you already ate your calories for the day.” I should’ve used my night strategies of washing my face, brushing my teeth, and reading my affirmations. I should’ve said, “Why do you want a sandwich? What happened in your day that you “feel” the need for a sandwich?” Instead, I walked right to the kitchen and unleashed the monster. UNLEASHED!!

    Posting this then, walking away to Zen and start my day new and refreshed. BRB
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited July 2019
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Okay... I needed to put yesterday behind me. So I started my day with my morning mug of water (new habit, instead of coffee- mom said her diabetic program says to start with water before coffee) in hand out on the deck. I was able to watch our deer eat apples from the ground and shrubbery. She is in our neighbor's yard just behind our fence, about 30ft away. So relaxing. As I was sitting there relaxing, a hummingbird hovered over me near the feeder. What a wonderful way to start my day new and fresh! So with that said, today's plan is to take 2-10minute walks during the day as it's nice and cool. That gives me a little more morning time to plan my meals to be very low calorie and high in protein and slow carbs: fruits (berries, apricots, grapefruit) & veggies (cauliflower, black beans).

    Enough about me. Now that I have my mind right and attitude adjusted.... time for you!! My wonderful and awesome teammates.
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Day: After weighing in, I was determined to stay on track today and luckily bloating and fullness helped me make choices for lighter foods throughout the day so I came in under calories. Kicked off the week in a great place and mindset to finish this month off strong and start next month ready to do better than this past month. Turns out my meh feelings and feeling defeated and tired lasted a lot longer than I thought. Thought I could kick those feelings after a week, but really they lasted about 3 weeks in total, end of June into the beginning of this month. But thats ok! Looking back, I never completely gave up. I may have indulged more often and ate above calories by a few hundred on more days, but I never once threw in the towel and just completely quit! I'll take it.

    Its crazy what bloating and water weight can do, after a day of back on plan eating with plenty of fruits, veggies, and water, 3 pounds down from Monday when I weighed in this morning. A good start to getting back on track!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Rozbee1 wrote: »
    keep working on our losses through August, too. Keep losing!

    How do we carry on with you in August? Do you do it automatically?@johicks

    Great question!! Yes... all current members will automatically be rolled over from July to August with your last weigh-in carrying forward as your PW. :) I'm sure more than you wondered. Thanks for asking.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @johicks that sounds like a tough day. You did well considering. Try not to let it fester, move on as you have and put it behind you. You're still doing great! Sending hugs.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @Toyota100 - Good Monday morning to you, a day late from me. :) So happy that you started your week with a post. Great attitude… no music… no matter. How did your mini-breaks go?

    @Terry111330~ Hey! You had a good month. And you have a plan to keep yourself going strong. I’m finding it’s about making habits that you can sustain for life. You can do it! :)

    ALL: I feel like we’re not just here to lose weight, but to also figure out how to keep it off. How do we do that? By changing our habits. Habits that we can sustain for life. So what habits have you been able to adjust and start to change in July?

    @klilev~ What a loss! 👏🏽 Yes. Learning to adjust when a routine is off… I get it! You got this! Let’s work hard this week and have an Awesome August!

    @jwall309 - Jessica, I was wondering about you. I couldn’t remember if you had any company or was gone for the weekend. Anyhooo… glad you posted and are back on the thread. You’re right… you’re back!! I feel like being part of this team limits our days of slip-ups. We want to get back on the horse sooner, then keep wallowing in the pen. So glad you are not hiding any longer. WE ARE HERE for you! Yeah… Marvelous Monday!! Right! Not giving up.

    @Kate_X4~ Good job on staying the same without logging while camping. I know, it’s no fun. But you didn’t gain. 👍🏽 Right? Right!! Absolutely still part of the team! Glad you posted. And actually, it’s week #4 for July. Your next weigh-in on Sunday, July 28th is the beginning of a new month. :) Let’s make it an Awesome August!!

    @jupdyke~ Yeah!!! So happy you had a good loss. Yes, onward. You got this! We’re ready for an Awesome August!! Yes!! Magnificent Monday!

    @Perla4686~ Wooohhoooooo!!! So glad you got your run in. Can you believe it!? You run, now!! 👊🏽 Way to track and get yourself back into it!! You’re doing great! Thank you. HUGS …. It’s such a habit to feed the emotions, rather than feel them. That sometimes, I don’t think I give myself time to feel them. So lesson learned. I’m sure I’ll keep having to learn that one. Yep. It’s behind me and today is Tuesday! Gonna be a great day.

    @ajaia2001~ wooohooooo! Marvelous Monday workouts! 👍🏽 Just think. Had you not been exercising regularly and losing weight; how much MORE you would hurt and take to recover! Glad you are back to the routine.

    @Jactop~ Awesome loss!! 👏🏽 So glad whatever you did this week worked! Keep it going.

    @skullsandskeletons~ big hugs. I hope you don’t crash and binge either. Just keep breathing deep inhale and exhale. You had another great day. Marvelous Monday! 👍🏽

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