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TEAM: Run Track Minds (July)



  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Daily report
    Run: went to my Tuesday class. Today was 30 mins of aerobics and 30 minutes of strength, mostly legs.
    Track: not properly, more like guestimating. Had unexpected visitors so cooked quickly, without measuring/weighing. Fried fish cakes so difficult to work out calories. But I stuck to normal portion sizes and had only a tiny amount of chips. I consider it a win.
    Mind: ok-ish. Still not completely in the zone, but getting there.
  • Rozbee1
    Rozbee1 Posts: 335 Member
    johicks wrote: »

    I so like this thankyou @johicks
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 40 mins on elliptical
    Goal/Day: No bootcamps today. Me and the kiddo went to watch Lion King (I didn't really know what to think of the movie going in but surprisingly it was actually really good). Had to get in some exercising afterwards to make up for the popcorn.. it's really hard to resist movie theater popcorn 😂
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: over a bit
    Exercise: power walked the dog
    Goal/Day: I had a good day. I overslept, so i didn't get my run in. I decided to grab the dog and walk him instead. Today was the last day watching my friends kiddos. I will miss them. Off to the gym for the 5 a.m. class in the morning.
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Monday July 23:
    Tracked: nope
    Calories: nope
    Exercise: nope

    Sometimes you just gotta nope. Back on the wagon tomorrow!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday 07/23)
    Track: 😭
    Calories: 😭
    Exercise 20+mins: 10m 👣
    8+ Water: 💧x 11
    Healthy Habits:
    • Morning Affirmations: 💯
    • Plan / pre-log food: 💯
    • NO post-dinner snack: 😱 several
    • 🛑 KITCHEN CLOSED 🚫: 😱
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @perla4686~ Terrific Tuesday of exercise. You’re getting there. You can do it! :)
    @Rozbee1~ You’re welcome. Hope you had a great day!
    @ajaia2001~ Good for you for making sure you got in some exercise after the movies. :)
    @jupdyke~ Good back-up plan -walking the dog. :)
    @skullsandskeletons~ One nope-day. You will do it.. Back on track. :)
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    Daily Post (Tuesday 07/23)
    Track: 😭
    Calories: 😭
    Exercise 20+mins: 10m 👣
    8+ Water: 💧x 11
    Healthy Habits:
    • Morning Affirmations: 💯
    • Plan / pre-log food: 💯
    • NO post-dinner snack: 😱 several
    • 🛑 KITCHEN CLOSED 🚫: 😱

    @johicks I feel for you. I am struggling to stay on plan too. I'm expecting a gain this week😒
    We've got to get back on plan and not let this setback ruin our hard work!
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over by less than 25
    Day: Another solid day back on track! Feeling better, bloating as gone down, feeling more positive about continuing this journey. I have one social event this weekend that involves eating and alcohol, so my plan is to enjoy that, but then stay on track Friday and Sunday to balance out the brunch. I also plan to only indulge during the brunch and social time and not the entire day like I have in the past. And I think the key to that will be remembering how gross and bad I felt the past couple of weeks, when I let food control the narrative instead of me in control.

  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Daily report Wednesday
    Run: no workout, too hot and too tired
    Track: yes, over, but not by much
    Mind: ok. Still working on getting back in teh zone.
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily post: Wednesday
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under by a small tad
    Exercise: yes, biceps, triceps, and abs

    It was a good day. I treated myself to a pedicure after work. The kids wanted Taco Bell tonight. I was able to fit it in...went with chicken. Was good but feeling ugh! Lol. Hoping for an early run tomorrow.
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 1 hr bootcamp/20 mins on elliptical
    Goal/Day: Not sure what's going on with me but I've been feeling very heavy the past 3 days. I don't know why either, my meal plan for this week is very light and I haven't strayed from it other than some popcorn yesterday. I almost pulled out my scale but decided not to just in case it showed a gain, don't need that on my mind until Friday's weigh in. Guess I'll continue with my food and exercise routine and hope for a loss on Friday.
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Wednesday July 24
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: no

    Yesterday was obviously an off day. I even thought it was Monday when it was actually Tuesday! Back to normal whatever that is.
  • wander216
    wander216 Posts: 90 Member
    Daily post Wednesday July 24
    Tracked yes
    Calories under😁
    Exersize no, had a super busy day at work today.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited July 2019
    @Perla4686~ Three days of me NOT being a good "Run. Track. Mind." teammate or Captain is enough. Today IS the day I get myself back on track! It does help that someone else understands. Hope you are closer, too. You can do it. WE CAN DO IT!
    @jwall309~ Glad you’re back on track and have a solid plan for the weekend. Sounds good. You got this!!
    @jupdyke~ 💪 Awesome! And a pedicure…. great treat! Aaaaaaaah.
    @ajaja2001~ :( Odd feeling. Keep your eye on the plan. You had an awesome workout!
    @skullsandskeletons~ Glad you’re back to normal. Good job getting back on track so fast. How is the water intake?
    @wander216~ Wonderful Wednesday!
    @Gustaaf85 ~ Okay… one week up. Next week down. You will get it off. You ended July after vacation with almost a 5# loss. (2.25 kg) :)
    @johicks~ GREAT REMINDER! Eat to live, not live to eat. It’s so hard.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited July 2019
    johicks wrote: »
    Some thoughts for discussion… Comment on all or just one. What are your strengths? What do you need help with most?
    • 1. Do you weigh daily or not? Why? Or why not?
    • 2. How many hours of sleep do you get? Can you tell a difference with weight loss? How?
    • 3. Something we too often forget when eating out…. We have the choice of eating half and getting a take-out box. So we can have the leftovers from lunch as dinner, or from dinner for lunch the next day. What are some other strategies for eating out?
    • 4. What are some wonderful “dessert” alternatives, besides fruit? Do you use a cool whipped topping? How?
    • 5. How and what do you use to help you get in your 64oz of water?
    • 6. What strategies do you use to keep yourself consistent: exercise, eating, etc.?
    • 7. What “aha” moments have you had recently?


    1. Yes. I do weigh myself daily and mark it on a calendar in my bathroom near the scales. I find that if I don’t, then I lose focus. It’s not a measurement of success/failure for me. It’s my daily reminder to stay focused! I figure I’ll have to do this even when I hit goal to maintain my loss. So it’s now “just a habit.” Along with that, I put a smile on the calendar for the previous day, when I didn’t binge. :)
    2. I get about 7-8 hours of sleep. I notice that on the nights I don’t get 7 the next day my weight goes up and not only am I tired, but my body thinks it needs more food to stay awake (energy) and it’s hard to make smart choices when fighting that exhausted feeling.
    3. Like others have stated, look up menus and plan ahead. I plan my day around that meal out so that I can eat accordingly all day. And ask for a takeout box. And sharing a meal.
    4. I have a protein powder w/ whipped powder mousse that I make in choc pb or vanilla / strawberry flavor. Plus a 4-ingredient ice cream that uses a banana and protein powder.
    5. I prefill my bottle for the day and just drink! I set small goals of having a bottle gone by a certain time, all day.
    6. Consistent with eating right foods: meal prepping and eating the same thing most of the week- less choices less thinking, easier to plan, easier to stick too. Consistent w/ exercise: I tell myself at least 20 minutes in the morning. And add a walk in some time throughout the day. I have several options so that if I find myself whining about not wanting to exercise, then I choose something a little more “easy” on the body & mind: a PBS recorded “Sit to be fit” or Upper body resistance w/ lighter weights, or sometimes just doing a super good full body stretch. Seeing the results is all the motivation that I need to do something daily, plus I feel mentally better when I exercise. Morning is theeeeee best exercise time for me. I feel so accomplished when I get in a morning workout. Getting more consistent w/habits to make it easier to have something to focus on versus just eating and the scale.
    7. My “aha” moment was the other night when I was laying in bed binge watching Netflix, after a few thoughts about wanting to eat, what to eat, and do I have enough calories and talking myself out of it. Then this one came out... “Wow. This feels great to not let food control me. I can lay here and be content. I truly believe that I can make this my new lifestyle. I ate well today, I’m content, I’m happy, and I don’t need food to make me feel that way.”

    But then I go and have a few days “totally off!” :( I’m still trying to look at the big picture. I am going to fight hard today to let this month, be the month that I have the fewest “off” days since I started this challenge.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Message to all Team Members:


    This is the last week of the July Challenge. After this week, all members will be rolled over automatically into the August Challenge.

    The August challenge thread is:
    TEAM: Run Track Minds (August) https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10755451/team-run-track-minds-august#latest
    If you wish NOT to participate next month, please message me or tag me @AB0215 or your team captain.

    Please view your team thread and post a brief introduction so others in the team can know who you are.

    When viewing the thread, please "bookmark" the thread by pressing the "star" icon (it should turn yellow).

    This way you can be notified whenever someone posts to the thread (your "bell" icon on most forum headers will show if there are any notifications).
This discussion has been closed.