
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Username: amsandos
    Weigh in Week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 140
    Today's weight: 139

    thanks @amytriesww It is always better to show up for yourself and know what you are dealing with. As it turns out it was better than I feared. The truth of the scale is that I lost 1/8th of a lb but I took the decision at the beginning to only look at the big numbers. So I am taking it as a loss.

    Daily check in Sunday
    food on target
    water not counted
    exercise none slept most of the day I went out on Saturday night it was a rare occurrence I am not used to it. Today my plan is to steer clear of the kitchen and sugar and to track all my food. Have a great day everyone.
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    So, for me. I'm Lilly from Bulgaria. 36 years, married and we have a 6-year old son. I've never bin very slim or a sports person, but during my pregnancy I gained about 40 lbs, and after giving birth, staying home and getting a driving license I gained even more. So at some point that was almost exactly 2 years ago I reached 73 kg (160lbs) and I'm only 5.1 feet tall. So that was the point I said "no more". I started visiting aerobic classes at the local gym and minimized sugar and dough. So by December when I found MFP I had lost 11 kg (24 lbs). Afterwards I also discovered MFP challenges, fitness bands and watches. And for the first time in my life I started running. I joined a running club for 5K runs and then I started participating in trail run races. I'm more of fast walking there than running, but I've done several half marathons, 1 marathon, and 2 ultras (that I couldn't finish). So now I'm about 2 lbs away from my goal weight. I've been here 10 months ago, but then I've gained weight back. Now I'm more determined then ever to reach and maintain it.

  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Congrats, @lenka1
    That is such a good news :):):)

    Check in for Sunday
    Food: logged and under (no sugar, no late night snacks)
    Water: enough
    Exercise: 40 min Tabata circuit training + 10 min stretching + 50 min walk
    Steps over 16239

    It was a good day yesterday. In the morning I attended that free open door tabata class, I was planning to. Then we took our son to the cinema. It was our first movie together. We saw "Toy story 4". Had 1.5 Ikea hotdogs and some french fries. It turned out a very good friend of ours is in Bulgaria (he lives in Vienna), so he visited us in the evening. I had salad and chicken planned for dinner, but he brought a variety of hams, cheeses and beers. So I though I was lost. But I prelogged (or at least tried to) everything and I managed to try a little bit of everything and still stay within calorie limit. It felt so good when after dinner he and hubby declared they are stuffed, and I just said "I'm perfectly fine" :D So we decided to go for a 40 min walk in the neighborhood after dinner and when we got back I brush my teeth so I wouldn't be tempted to eat something else. BTY for me that usually works well as a precaution against late night snacking ;) Maybe I should do it more often.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for Sunday
    Food: yes! on plan
    Water: not enough
    Exercise: 30 minute walk
    Steps: 6537

    it was a tough weekend for me. i am feeling some better. i am up and moving and ready for work. drinking my coffee and thinking a lot about why this is the last time. i have never worked on my thoughts around weight and food. calories in and calories out. sure... i could lose the weight but if i did change my thoughts, i would gain it back and that is exactly what i did. over and over again. i thought there was something wrong with me. but there is not. it is no wonder i gained back the weight. i didn't change the thinking that got me there in the first place. thats why this time is different. i am working on my thoughts and feeling around food and weight. it is hard. way harder that losing weight. losing weight is easy. keeping it off is not. so i struggle and learn. and fall and get back up and learn. one day at a time i am changing the way i think and feel. i am going to lose weight. and while i am losing it, i am going to make mistakes. thats ok as long as i learn from them. i have been like this for a very long time. so changing my belief system is a challenge but not impossible. with diligence, persistence and tenacity i will make this happen.

    Plan for my day
    go to work
    get 10k steps
    drink 60 oz of water
    eat apple, protein bar, salad with grilled chicken, veggie bag w/hummus, chicken stir fry, outshine popcicle
    go home
    cook dinner
    water gardens
    journal about my day

    @amsandos i am glad you finally got your computer fixed. we have become so dependent on these things. i am with you girl, i am going to lose a pound a week too. lets get real serious about this. this is our lives. this is what we want. no better motivation that that!! lol love unexpected money. hasn't happened to me in a very long time but i is certainly nice when it does. ohhh and paris. you are a lucky girl. and a loss for the first week! super proud of you girl! look at you making a new commitment!! that is fantastic.

    @ihp2015 i am so glad you are back. it seems like an eternity. and we are all about figuring out the thought processes that got us here in the first place. you can change anything once you recognize it, analyze it, and then take ownership over it. and my job is the same, i am an office manager with a financial broker. same company, just changed branches so i am a lot busier.

    @phoebe112476 ohh yes, one year aniversary. you have really changed since coming here. you have taken control of your life and built a new way. i am super proud of all the hard work you have done. and i thank you for share all the ups and downs with us. yes! you are a success.

    @Zumba_Luvah work it girl. you know how to do this. and no i have never done body grove. i will have to check it out. i do certainly love to dance!!

    @carlsoda your goals are totally doable. i am ther with you. dancing around the house is one of my fun forms of exercise. we are building a new life and we get to chose.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 ok sweety! now you know what you need to do. make a commitment to come here every day and tell us you did it. let us help you be accountable!! come on chicky! it is up to you.

    @Barbb1557 ohh weekends with family is the best. surrounded by love. and ohhh my gosh. look at you, controling the amount of alcohol. super victory. that is awesome. and i am with you. i commit to 4 pounds as well.

    @Mrsbell8well happy august to you as well! wonder woman!! lol

    @kirsten11872 i am so amazed at your commitment. i am very proud of you for all the hard work. you can totally do this. have you ever listened to any weight loss coaches? if you interested let me know i could give you a few suggestions.

    @nstephenson01 we are soooo glad you are here. you are such an inspiration to us all. and we all learn what we still have to change when we revert back to old bad habits. because it was one thing to eat like crap on your tramatic flight, that was the trigger. analyze it and move on. but then in true fat girl thinking, you beat yourself up about it and then gave yourself permission to compulsively eat. you, nancy, are a beautiful work in progress. you will get to your goal because you will never give up! you are a rock star!!

    @amytriesww wooo whooo girl! week one and a nice loss! that is super. i am dancing all the round the office! awesome! take a mental picture of how you feel! you can use it later!! and you know, it is ok to not feel like exercising. you just do it any way.

    @lenka1 om gosh that is the most amazing news. a little baby. i am sooooo happy for you. yes i will ask you be moved to the cheer squad, but don't quit coming here to share with us. i still expect you to continue on your healthy journey!!

    @Moarrein you are doing so well. i am glad you enjoyed a movie with your son. good clean quality time is so important. you are going to do this and keep the weight off. i know you are. now...what is your plan for today?

  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Thanks, @cyndiesstuff :) I hope you're right. First I wanted to answer your previous question about shouting at my boy. After I came home I apologized and explained him what I did was not the right way to react, though he should be more careful. I also bought him a small treat with a little toy, though I didn't tell him it was an apologetic gift ;)

    And my plan for today is:
    • eat on track
    • stay hydrated
    • try to work a little
    • attend a Zumba class in the evening
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,423 Member
    Sunday check in:

    Food - almost on plan. I was pretty hungry so I allowed myself some extra food. I feel much better today. Carbs were less than 40 grams which is a win for me!

    Water - great day. I even got up at 1:30 am to go to the bathroom. I usually never have to get up :)

    Exercise - I wanted to do C25K but it was just too hot and humid yesterday (will do today) but I did run around the house while I was doing meal preps and get my 10,000+ steps in. And I did a 40 minute Adriene yoga video and my body felt SOOOO good afterwards.

    Plan for today:

    Food - almost all planned out. Just thinking about supper tonight
    Water - already on it!!
    Exercise - C25K at lunch!!

    @amytriesww – my Lucy is an only child so yes she is with us constantly. If she’s not she’s usually tucked away in a closet having a nap. I’m starting to train her to have treats with a bell. This morning I rang the bell and low and behold here she comes for her treat. So much fun!! I eventually want her to ring the bell herself for a treat :) I've been it on youtube! Great loss btw!!

    @nstephenson01 – are you listening to Fit to fat podcasts. She really deals with the mental BS we always tells ourselves. I find I need to hear her message most days to keep me on the straight and narrow 😊 I hope in August you will feel so much stronger!

    @lenka1 – congratulations!!!! So fun!!!

    @amsandos – great WI! You can do this!!!

    @Moarrein – love reading your story! Great job on becoming a running and soon you’ll be at goal weight along with @mrsbell8well!!

    @cyndiesstuff – well I think there was something in the air because my husband’s fibro was so bad this weekend too. He was pretty grumpy but he just wouldn’t slow down and respect his body. I need to have a talk with him. I hope today you start feeling much better.

    Have a good and strong week everyone!!
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    Daily check in

    Yesterday was a good first day! Although I didn't walk as much as I would have liked, I stayed within my calories and drank my water. But I also wanted to take it slow and get back in the swing of things, so I'm happy with my first day.

    This morning was though getting up at 5 am, but I did and it was good to get back to work again.

    Time for some dinner now. :)
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Molly and I had a wonderful 3 day vacation. We stayed home and packed it with active adventures. Tubing was different. I thought we were going to lay there for 3 hours and drift down the river. But it turns out you have to paddle away with your hands and arms to avoid branches etc. I jumped in and swam a couple of the spots. It made me miss swimming at the lake. But it was beautiful weather and a beautiful day and best of all I got to be there with Molly. Planning to visit the lake in a few weeks. later that day I did a light run. Sunday Molly and I went on a 45 minute bike ride. Lots of delicious home cooked food this weekend. including peach cobbler last night. Friday night we took the old folks out with us for Mexican food. I ate way too many chips...not because they were yummy, but because they were there. Totally not worth it. By Sunday my appetite had decreased. Unfortunately dealing with a headache again. It has killed my appetite. I usually wake up Monday morning with weight to lose from the weekend, but today I am right where I need to be. I am really hoping to stabilize here soon. My body keeps wanting to jump back to 144.8 like it did Saturday morning after the Mexican fiesta. But it's back down to my maintenance weight of 142. I know there are fluctuations that are normal. Once I get a little more stabilized I will wean myself back off the scale. I have been successful with all my yoga sessions and doing those daily.
    My head is still fuzzy so I am not feeling very clear on my words here.
    Enjoying the intros!
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I walked an extra lap around my hilly neighborhood yesterday and met friends at Yak and Yeti it is similar to Indian food. Not my favorite, but the company was great. My Dr. increased a medication for depression and a happy side effect is decreased appetite some days. I feel like I have been ravenous for many years and although it is a welcome change on the days it kicks in I do not always hit 1000 calories. I set my calories for 1300 based off of knowledge from Hershey Medical center weight loss department. I am thrilled that I have less than 100. Pounds to lose, but the head games of focusing on a day or a week at a time are difficult to manage. Thanks for all the support!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    My name is Angelina. I started my weight loss journey July 2018. I had a goal to lose 60 pounds by July 2019. I did it! Very excited to be in maintenance. I am married to Molly. We are celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary tomorrow.
    My parents live with us due to ill health. We bought a large home a year ago to accommodate everyone including our 9 year old granddaughter that we were watching 3-4 days a week. My daughter is a nurse. But that has recently changed since they moved 45 minutes away to live with Robin's boyfriend and his 3 kids. They are doing great. It's nice that Skylynn has "siblings". My daughter is encouraging me to embrace being a "grandma" now instead of a "second mom". It's different. But we are getting there. I have written on this site faithfully since I first started. I am also one of the team motivators. I get a bit preachy...but I also practice what I preach. My health is everything to me.
    My 3 highest daily priorities are: Nutritious food, exercise and sleep. I put these 3 things above everything else. They help prepare me for anything life brings my way.
    I am vegan/plant based. I ran my first 10k in June. Molly and I are training for a 36 mile bike ride in the fall and I do daily yoga.
    I have recently posted long posts about my journey so I will stop here.

    Good luck everyone!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Awe @cyndiesstuff thank you for the kind words and verbal hug my friend. We've been on this journey for a while but I sense a change is in the air for the both of us. This month is the start of something great! Sorry about your pain flare-up.

    @amsandos ooh Disneyland in Paris sounds so fun! I bet a bike tour will be a great way to see the city!

    Welcome back @ihp2015! You were missed!! Sounds like you had a great vacation!

    @phoebe112476 What a year of success you have had! Your journey inspires at each step.

    @Zumba_Luvah Nice loss starting out. I've never heard of body groove...?

    Welcome back from Vegas @kirsten11872.

    Nice first week loss @amytriesww! I used to dislike exercising but now I love it and can't imagine going a day without doing at least something.

    Whoo hoo congratulations @lenka1!!

    @Moarrein I enjoyed reading your intro... you're so active I just assumed you were always that way! You are doing fantastic!

    @carlsoda Yes, I binge listen to Phit n Phat when flying! I love her straight talk but I need to listen on a more regular basis... maybe even save and listen again to some of the more relevant ones so her wisdom will sink in my thick skull!!

    @Mrsbell8well Preach on Angelina. I have learned so much from your openness about your journey.

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Goals for August:

    - Lose 5 pounds
    - Pre-log each morning, review macros/scheduled exercise and adjust accordingly; eat as planned
    - 70,000 steps/week
    - 2 yoga classes/week and 30 minute walk every day (at least while its hot; then I'll get back to longer hikes)
    - 2-3 vegetarian dinners/week and continue to add more plant based foods into my diet
    - Try (yet again) to improve my quality of sleep by establishing and sticking to a regular sleep schedule, no food 2 hours and no phone/tablet 1 hour before bedtime

    Daily check in for Sunday:
    Food: Pre-logged, ate as planned
    Water: Great
    Exercise & Steps: 30 minute dog walk, mowed lawn; 17,124 steps

    First day of getting back to basics and meeting mini goals. Baby steps... one in front of the other... one day at a time.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Hello team. My name is Sheryl and I will be turning 64 years young this month. I am single with two grown sons who bring me so much joy. I live in Michigan, I’m a clogger (dancer) and a line dancer and I’m very committed to my exercise and fitness. I struggle with food addictions and actually gave up sweets last November because I found that I couldn’t eat it in moderation. I enjoy the support of this community group and since I usually log in on my phone, I don’t respond to other members very often, but I do like reading how everyone is doing!!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    @lenka1 congratulations that is awesome.

    daily check in
    food on target
    water on target
    exercise 40 min swim

    a good day. not a perfect day but a good day. I stayed out of the kitchen but a team member bought cake. I had a small piece and enjoyed it. Tomorrow I will continue my streak with good food and drinking lots. It will be day 2 of my new duathlon training plan it is a 40 minute run.

    Breakfast: haddock mushroom spinach and egg toast
    lunch; sausage mash and beans
    dinner spaghetti bolognese
    snack yoghurt and hula hoop puft

    I will stay out of the kitchen. This is the most important thing. Here is to another good day. I have a family BBQ at the weekend. We are big eaters. I would usually be queuing up my excuses for overeating but today I am resolved. I will eat to a +2 focus on eating lots of healthy fruit and veg an calorie count. I can go to this event and stick to my healthy eating goal. I will show myself that I can change.
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