
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Here is the site with the recipe. You can google vegan8.com garlic Alfredo sauce. Let me know if you can’t find it. And if you make it. I’m a red sauce girl but this is really tasty.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @hope002 looks very beautiful. What state do you live in?
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Thanks @Mrsbell8well I'm going to try it! Coincidentally I just began following Vegan 8 on Instagram!

    Beautiful pictures @hope002! Thanks for sharing them with us!! How nice to have that so nearby!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check in: Wednesday
    Food: pre-logged, ate as planned, under on calories
    Water: Great
    Exercise & steps: 15 minute walk; 11,971 steps

    Had to be at the hospital first thing in the morning for my annual mammogram... how timely in light of recent posts. Because it was so early I ran a few errands in town. Its tourist season in our little town and gets pretty chaotic by afternoon (by Montana standards LOL). Didn't get a chance to exercise before my appointment but I went for a short walk after dinner to get my steps up over 10,000. It was way too hot to take the dogs with me and I kept thinking what the hell am I doing out here?!?! Very pleased with today's weight. Its been dropping steadily but I think a lot of it is water. Truthfully this was the weight I wanted to be a couple weeks ago so I'm about 3 weeks behind. Now I just need to continue what I've been doing.

    @cyndiesstuff Yay, you had a good dinner out with your friend. Look at you sticking to your plan. Proud of you!!

    OMG @twyla77 That beer sounds too good. I love craft beers. I would have to try at least a little. :smiley: And glitter...!!!!

    @carlsoda I try to think of cravings in terms of my body lacking/needing a certain nutrient. However, two nights ago I desperately craved mint chip ice cream. Fortunately, the nearest grocery store is 20 minutes away. It wasn't worth 40 minutes just to get some ice cream... at least that's what I told myself in the moment. I'm not sure that craving was related to a missing nutrient! As far as bread.. have you tried Ezekiel bread? I'm not sure if its low carb. I like it toasted with peanut butter. I don't care for it for sandwiches tho. Its my go to when I need a little something more substantial for breakfast than just fruit.

    @sleepymom5 If you read this... hope you're having fun but I miss you! Hurry back!! :smile:
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @lennoncpa and all our other nut & seed folks out there... I’m a huge fan of this brand and don’t feel guilty about my daily indulgence but I do weigh my portion


  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,112 Member
    Can I weigh in tomorrow please? I just realized I didn't do it. I like to weigh in when I get up. God knows the scale will not be pretty with me on vacation and I do not want to add to it weighing in at night. I went kyacking today for the first time, it was a little terrifying at first but once I got used to it I had fun. I then went out to the brewery with my family so you can see why I don't want to weigh in now. I am enjoying vacation. I have been doing well with eating but have had a few treats. I do get out walking almost daily. So hopefully that will help.
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member
    Check in from Wednesday. Feeling overwhelmed and missed my morning walk due to appointment in Hershey. Side note to those of you outside of Pennsylvania, the town of Hershey has street lights shaped like Hershey kisses and yes it often smells like chocolate:-) some days my depression stops me in my tracks. I am struggling today but still on track for food. I need to make banana nut muffins for my son, his wife, and my grand daughter (22 months old.) the good news is that I hate banana nut muffins. I have to go to the store and I am worried i will not leave without a bag of buffalo wing pretzels. I will try to eat some cottage cheese before I leave.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    lennoncpa wrote: »
    @hope002 looks very beautiful. What state do you live in?

    Alberta, Canada

  • timibotkin
    timibotkin Posts: 235 Member
    @hope002 your photos are beautiful. I love to see pics of different places. And I think when you have a place that beautiful to go on a walk/run it makes it more enjoyable and easier to accomplish!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    @hope002 wow! your walking photos look SO nice! beautiful!
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Week 1
    PW: 118.8
    CW: 117.5
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Check in for Thursday:
    Food: logged and a lot under
    Water: plenty
    Exercise: 70 min walking
    Steps: 8401

    I had awful fever yesterday and had no appetite. So I mostly had liquids: juices, tea with honey, broths. I didn't stay so much under my goal intentionally, but it just happened...
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    daily check in Thursday
    food a little over but still in the weight loss zone
    water a little under
    exercise 20mins strength work at gym

    I went to the gym and when I came back there was a custard tart on my desk. I had an unplanned custard tart but I logged it and didn't use it as an excuse to go further off the rails so go me. I was so tired yesterday I went to bed at 9pm and didn't get up until nearly 7am. Sleep is a big thing for me and weight loss. I often eat when I am tired and it is a vicious circle. I think one of the most powerful things I can do is make sure I go to bed and don't distract myself with tv and fb.

    @cyndiesstuff well done for sticking to your plan hopefully you will inspire your friend to see that she can do it too. You must have thought what is that crazy brit on about... tubs...isn't that where you bathe...what do you guys call tupperware (do you have tupperware - of course you do - maybe you just call it tupperware) sorry my American is so poor. :D

    Friday intention and plan
    breakfast crumpets and cheese
    lunch ryvita sadrines and salad
    dinner planned joy eat icecream sundae, haddock and cauliflower rice when I get home.

    continue to say no to the kitchen!
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    Ok, so I missed the check in again yesterday :( , but with a slight jetlag and a bad cold, I've been really tired after getting home from work.

    My plan is still going ok, drinking lots of water and eating at a deficit, nor as big of a deficit as I should like, but a deficit nonetheless :D

    Tomorrow is my first weigh in, and this is the first time ever that I've not actually weighed during the week, so I'm excited to see what it still show tomorrow.

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for Thursday
    Food: on plan
    Water: 60 oz
    Exercise: 30 min walk
    Steps: 10676

    today is the end of my second week at my new job. i am SOOOOO happy i made the move. the boss is weird but nice and loves his job. he is there before i get there and is there when i leave. the new job has helped with my compulsive eating as well. being tired and overeating go hand in hand. and i could do nothing about it at the old job. i have no time to be bored any longer. phew. relief. i ate on plan and met my goals yesterday. its the weekend, people. have you made a weekend plan? lets not let the weekend undo everything we have done all week. i have another eating out challenge tonight. going out to dinner with jim and his daughter. same plan... drink water, have a salad first and then eat between the 2's. i can do this.

    @Moarrein what was the thought you had about the circumstance of you being ill? was it i am sick and sweets make me sooth me? thats where your power is. changing the thought and you will change the result. hope you feel better. i hate being sick. nice loss this week lady. at least the sweets did make you gain. i wish you were feeling better. have some fresh veggies. your body needs some extra!!

    @nstephenson01 holy crap girl!!! nice loss. MOMENTUM!! good job. and thats for the encouragement and cheering for my successful outing. and remember, your not 3 weeks behind, your arriving on nancy time!!

    @carlsoda i am not staring at you!! lol. eat the good stuff girl. i will take your reese's and run!!

    @twyla77 it feels really good to mark things off too. then at the end of the day you can say, "look i showed up for myself" always give yourself huge credit for following your plan. so how did you do with the brewing party?

    @lennoncpa work thru the though model with the nut habit. something your thinking is causing this action. i think i am going to post it again. it is so important to just not try to willpower thru it. in order to create lasting change you need to change the way you think about it.

    @lenka1 your a lucky lady. what a beautiful time in your life. your build a human being. gods gift. awhhhh...

    @hope002 that is absolutely stunning. you are very lucky to have that so close to your home. wow.

    @ljdanny yeah no problem on the weigh in. i will ask for excused. i am so glad you are have a fun vacation. we all need a little time away.

    @Barbb1557 what is the though that is leading you to feel like you cant leave the store with out those pretzels. that is where the power is. the circumstance is that your feeling down. you can not fix that with food. be strong and say food will not fix my problem. what other ways can you self sooth? you can do this. it takes practice.

    @amsandos and you are right that is a positive step. moderation will help. ohhh and eating and the sleepys go hand in hand. i know that first hand. no worries. i love you girl. you be british all you want. we like you like that!!
    we call them bowls or plastic bowls or tupperware. lol

    @ihp2015 oh no, your sick too? feel better my friend. i am taking my disinfectant to work. i don't want what ever is going around!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Back by popular demand, The Thought Model. Those of us who are struggling with changing our old habits will find this a very useful tool. @carlsoda @Moarrein @twyla77 @lennoncpa @Barbb1557 @amsandos with the concerns you posted i would like you to work thru this model and share it with the rest of us. i think it will really help you and us to see where we can make changes to make this a new habit.


    lets talk about the above model for a moment. quite honestly this is how our brain works. many times without our even realizing it.

    First there is a circumstance. the circumstance is a fact. it can be proven in a court of law.

    Next, you have a thought about that circumstance. a good one or a bad one.

    Followed by a feeling. happy sad and so on

    Then that feeling moves you to action or inaction

    And finally, in turn, it gives you a result.

    lets take an example:

    The facts: my son is an addict, he may lose his housing, my mom has a fatal heart condition
    The thoughts: my son can get help, what he does is out of my control and my mom will be surrounded by love and I will be there for her till the end.
    The feelings: I am scared, I am angry, I am overwhelmed
    the action: had a long talk with Jim and cried and yelled.
    the results: I felt some relief with jims compassionate heart.

    Now it could have gone like this:

    The facts: my son is an addict, he may lose his housing, my mom has a fatal heart condition: the facts have not changed
    The thoughts: my son and my mom are going die,
    The feelings: I am scared, I am angry, I am overwhelmed
    the action: i went to the frig and ate my feelings
    the results: my son is still and addict and my mom still has a heart condition and now i feel like crap cause I lost control of my food intake

    the point of the story is that your thoughts can be true or untrue, helpful or unhelpful. we need to really look at what we say to ourselves. AGAIN... the words we say to ourselves are very powerful.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,423 Member
    Friday WI
    PW: 145.8
    CW: 146.8
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,423 Member

    Need I say more?

    Today is a brand new day and I'm working on my 24 hour plan. I haven't written one for a few days and I know that's a big problem for me. I'm a rule follower and I need to treat my plan like a rule :)

    Yesterday food was over but definitely improved.
    Water was great!
    Exercise - C25K - I am able to run longer now without dying (hehehe)

    Today's plan
    Work on Thought Model - get it in my journal!
    Plan food for today
    Yoga tonight before supper!

    @hope002 – absolutely beautiful area where you live. Alberta always surprises me. In my mind I think prairies but I know that’s likely just the eastern section by SK. Right?

    @nstephenson01 – yes I love Ezekiel bread especially the cinnamon raisin. I did find some small sliced sprouted organic bread at target that has hit the spot. I had some with egg salad for breakfast today. SOOO yummy! I agree the mint chip ice cream was likely just a craving. I find it interesting when I crave just sugar or chocolate, then I know it’s either I’m stressed or tired but toast with PB was new and a weird craving for me. Maybe the toast craving was just a vessel to eat PB LOL!!

    @amsandos – great job with the custard tart!! Have you ever had the Portuguese custard tarts? OMG they are good!!

    @cyndiesstuff – so why is your boss weird? I hope it’s a good weird! And I will work on the thought model. I have a lot of mind work that is holding me back. I tend to be lazy when it comes to this sort of stuff but I’m only hurting myself!

    Have a great day and lets get our plans for the weekend in our journals!!

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