TEAM: The Slimsons (September)



  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    edited September 2019
    @143tobe so great that you rejoined The Slimsons. This is only my second month in the challenge group, but I've found it to be very motivating and helpful! We all have our reasons for wanting to lose weight and get healthier. Just remind yourself of YOUR reason to help you get back on track. I had a moment of frustration yesterday, and I stuck with my plan, because I know it will be worth it in the end.

  • Handlesgone
    Handlesgone Posts: 14 Member
    @gjaholy33 thanks so much for the support. I’m looking forward to living a healthier life and having more energy.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member

    Original starting weight: 273

    PW: 188.4
    CW: 185.1

    Wheeeee....I finally broke through that plateau I was going through in August. For about 4 weeks I was between 187 and 189. I think going back to my 10,000 steps a day helped.

    @CindyJNC1963 Congrats! That's exciting, and it's really encouraging that you've had a pretty rough August but stuck with it and now you're starting to see the rewards again! Great job!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    143tobe wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I'm Lisa. I was a member of team Slimsons a while back, but honestly, no idea when or how long ago that was. About 4 months ago I reached my long time goal weight of 143 lbs and had maintained it for the most part (plus or minus a few). If this photo goes through, you will see my weight graph starting from 2012. At my highest weight I was 218 lbs (early-mid30's). I felt awful, I could feel the fat squeezing my internal organs, I felt so strained to exercise or even walk. My whole teen and younger adult life my "set point" was around 165. Although heavy, I was always very active and felt like I was in good physical condition. (I'm 5'4") The weight gain happened when I moved to Germany and started having kids at about age 30. I was very depressed and I never felt comfortable in my surroundings, so I rarely left the house. I was less than sedentary, I was a slug. Well, my brother in-law who was only 3 years older than me had a heart attack and that was the wake-up-call I needed. After that I became active in MFP and although it's taken me what, 6-7 years? I finally reached my goal. I felt GREAT.
    What I want now is to lose an additional 10 lbs from that 143 weight, be 133. Except right now I am not only in a rut, I am once again falling back into some kind of emotional depression. If I go based on my graph, I am due to gain several pounds before dropping again. And I can already see it happening. When I am really motivated, I can diet so "good", but when I'm at a point where I feel like something is bringing me down, I find comfort in food. Eating lots and lots of food.

    So this is why I'm here. Joining this challenge. I hope to avoid another weight gain and get on top of it for another weight loss before that happens. I am SO happy to be on team The Slimsons again. The two team captains are SO motivating, inspiring and encouraging.

    Just gotta put this out there... When I weighed in on Saturday for this challenge, I was 145.6 (I think). That was already me coming off of two bad high carb days. Sunday (yesterday) should have set me back to a lower weight this morning (I do not do strict keto, but do low carb), but instead I had another setback at a family BBQ (which actually wasn't too bad) but the real setback came due to an argument (a disappointment really) that I had with my husband on the long drive home. It left me feeling gutted and of course, being a carbohydrate addict, I tried to fill up that void with all kinds of carbs. So today, the scale went up to 147.6.

    SO. When I joined this challenge on Saturday, it was not my intention to be a Debbie Downer! I was actually feeling very happy, motivated and ready to go! And I promise I will not always be a D.D., but just had to get this all off my chest since it's still kind of literally weighing me down right now. I am actually training for a half marathon on October 3rd and have actually been killing it lately in the running department. I look forward to sharing more of that journey later, as well as how I've managed to lose the weight that I have. I think I've shared enough for now :D

    I did read every comment written in here up until now and I am so happy to meet (or be reacquainted to) you all!

    @143tobe I tend to go through those cycles myself, that's actually how I've lost all of my weight, I drop a lot, gain a little, which usually tends to be muscle for me that I gain back, as I tend to take a little mental break every 6 months or so and maintain, however that "maintenance" is usually up a few pounds, and my last 2 months have been a 1 lb gain each month, which I did find to be muscle so that's not necessarily a bad thing either.

    I think that we're taught from an early age to eat our feelings, celebrations and what not lead us down this path, and it's a hard habit to break, one I still find myself falling back into after over 2 and a half years! I think it's important to recognize the feelings and work through them, me personally, lately I have been journaling to see how I'm feeling affects what I want to eat, and rather than putting what I want to eat down on paper, it's been really forcing me to change what I was going to eat, rather than eating my feelings, I eat what I want to put down on paper, so when I see it later, I'm not also ashamed of what I's been helping, but is a bit time consuming, but I feel like I'm worth it!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Sept week 1 weigh in
    PW 252
    CW 245
    Total 34 pounds
    Even though last week the scale said 252, this is not a one week loss! For all of August I was stuck on 252, I started the month convinced it would be a week or two at most before I was in the 240s and for me that was a big psychological deal. Instead the scale didnt budge and I had to convince myself to keep going even though my brain was saying what’s the use. I would come here and read of the struggles and victories of my teammates and decide, just for another day I can do this. Sundays I would have trouble getting to sleep dreading the Monday weigh in. But yesterday, I wore a dress and I knew that no matter what the scales said I was getting fitter. So thank all of you who have been willing to share your journeys!
    The first of Oct, we are going to a concert and my goal is to attend the concert wearing a tunic that my husband bought for me last year which did not fit.

    @tennisquilter I say this a lot, but you're never truly at a plateau until you're there for more than like say 4 to 6 weeks, you'd be surprised at what can randomly happen....and sometimes it's as simple as just drinking more water! You can be burning fat and retaining water, so the scale won't necessarily be moving, but you're still changing. Your body tends to use water as a placeholder for fat when you burn it because it truly believes you are going to replace it so when you drink more water, it helps to encourage your body to let go of the water it's holding and causing you to lose that water weight. Sounds nuts, but it's true!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    @AB0215 That's a really good idea! I've been wanting to be more creative and start drawing more. Maybe I will try drawing what I want to eat instead of eating it. No, I'm not an artist but my kid loves drawing and I've been trying to think of what the heck I can possibly draw with him. I did think about journaling last night, but everything felt too raw. Then today I did have the thought that I wished I had journaled my feelings and thoughts throughout my weight loss progression so I could see if I could see patterns. Thanks for your insight! It helps!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Weigh ins due (that haven't already posted):
  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    Daily Post - Monday
    Track ✔
    Calories ✔
    Exercise ✔✔
    Water - 80oz

    Another good day. Very busy this morning. Before I realized it, it was 11:00 and my feet needed a rest because I had been up and keeping myself occupied since 6:30.
    Goal for this week: drink more water and keep myself busy, to prevent the dreaded binge.
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    🌟Daily Post: Monday, 2 September

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Just a little walking today, not much at all
  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    Hi all 👋 I'm Laura in the UK and have been with the Slimsons for several months now. I've recently had a dip in progress (summer holidays off with the kids 🙄one day I'll learn how to manage it!!) but back to it now I have a schedule back again! This week is a tricky week in general as I have some health appointments I'm not looking forward to and a funeral to go to, but this team is great at support and checking in so feeling okay.

    I really reeeeeeally want to lose a stone (14 lb) through this month if I can, regardless of the 5 birthday parties I'll be going to (😂) but it will need a big buckle down so I'll be doing all I can to get my progress back to where I need it.

    Feel free to add as a friend and good luck to everyone 😊
  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    edited September 2019
    💪Weekly weigh-in💪

    *Weigh in on Mondays*

    Username: lsjhudson
    Week: September, wk 1
    PW =222.6
    CW= 225

    💥Loss this week: + 2.4 lb
    💥Total loss: -8 lb

    Ugh. Well. At least I weighed in. Onwards and downwards! Kids back to school this week! 🎉🎉🎉
  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    edited September 2019
    💥Daily Post: Monday, 2nd September 💥

    ✅Track: yes
    ☑️Calories: very slightly over
    ☑️ None today

    Comments: I tracked. Therefore I'm winning hard comparative to the rest of my summer holidays off with the kids which, quite frankly, was a bit of a s!*t show. Why don't I ever learn that stopping tracking leads me down a deep dark rabbit hole? Anyway I'm back and feeling OK. Currently under investigation for, kid you not, bowel cancer. Today was therefore a fun adventure of pre-procedure admin. They're just crossing their t's and dotting their i's I'm sure, but it's been a niggle of worry. Colonoscopy booked for end of September and I'm sure I'll come bounding in saying what a faff but all okay and thank goodness that's over. But hey til then I'm going to have to work extra hard to not eat my feelings.

    Nice to be back amongst friendly faces. Good luck to everyone this week 🙌
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,841 Member
    Monday Check in:
    Calories: under
    Water: over
    Exercise: walking and weights
    Goals tomorrow: under 25 carbs
    more walking and weights
  • jeapri17
    jeapri17 Posts: 63 Member
    Sept week 1 weigh in Monday
    PW 166
    CW 166
  • Handlesgone
    Handlesgone Posts: 14 Member
    edited September 2019
    Daily Post (Monday/September 2)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: No
    Exercise: Yes (Cleaned the entire house)
    Goals/Day/Comments: (I’m getting better tracking my food. I didn’t track everything because I didn’t know what exactly to choose to list it. I had two homemade meatballs today for dinner with broccoli which is better than me choosing takeout which I would often have. My goal is to eat more home cooked food instead of takeout so I met that goal today. I know it’s cleaner and less additives and fillers. Tomorrow I plan to do the same.
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    Daily Post: September 2nd

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: No, 120 calories over
    Exercise: 10,450 steps
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Daily Post (Monday 9/2)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, under
    Exercise: Yes, 30 minutes Yoga with Adriene
    Goals/Day/Comments: Completed Day 2 of 30 'Rebirth' Yoga with Adriene today, did a good bit of walking and was able to enjoy a nice Labor Day cookout dinner with the family and still stay on track with my KETO WOE. However, the scale has not moved since Saturday, hoping a whoosh is on the way.
  • Ver9nika
    Ver9nika Posts: 183 Member
    lsjhudson wrote: »
    💥Daily Post: Monday, 2nd September 💥

    ✅Track: yes
    ☑️Calories: very slightly over
    ☑️ None today

    Comments: I tracked. Therefore I'm winning hard comparative to the rest of my summer holidays off with the kids which, quite frankly, was a bit of a s!*t show. Why don't I ever learn that stopping tracking leads me down a deep dark rabbit hole? Anyway I'm back and feeling OK. Currently under investigation for, kid you not, bowel cancer. Today was therefore a fun adventure of pre-procedure admin. They're just crossing their t's and dotting their i's I'm sure, but it's been a niggle of worry. Colonoscopy booked for end of September and I'm sure I'll come bounding in saying what a faff but all okay and thank goodness that's over. But hey til then I'm going to have to work extra hard to not eat my feelings.

    Nice to be back amongst friendly faces. Good luck to everyone this week 🙌

    Oh... waiting for analyses and their results... Hate that! Wish you all the best!

    Good work on calory tracking
  • Ver9nika
    Ver9nika Posts: 183 Member
    dustyspal wrote: »
    @Ver9nika that was me basically the last two weeks. There were goodies and chips in the house, plus I was stressed, so I binged, again and again. I got it back together this past week, though, and feel confident I can did this.

    Thank you for insight! Only reason I stopped over-eating today was this challenge as otherwise Monday was same as Sunday: I only thought about food and watched clock all the time hoping that next meal's time has come. I wonder is it because of Autumn?


    Track: Yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
This discussion has been closed.