
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Here it is. LOL0o9sebt3vhpg.jpeg

    This is great!

    @berriesandsunshine Thank you. It’s a bit rudimentary, but what ever works.

    And like Liselyn said Impressive steps. Such wonderful consistency. Well done. 👏🏼👏🏼
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    @jugar So glad you are enjoying the Pilates. It’s not too late if anyone else wants to join. Free and online.

    I am about to go do my Day 2. The day has gotten away from me. There was a walk and lots of jumping around with the little one but no Pilates until after dinner.

    To all my Waistaways friends:

    What are you proud of yourself for today?

    I’m proud I have over 8,000 steps and got in some exercise. Hugs!!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    If my doctor has no answers this week, I'm going to ask to see a gastroenterologist. But that will certainly mean no answers for months, as specialist appointments are hard to get. Which means my best bet is the dreaded... elimination diet. *dramatic lightning*

    I really don't wanna. I love calorie counting precisely because I'm not good at dieting and I'm an incredibly picky eater.

    But, the pain. I can't live like this. It feels like I imagine being disemboweled alive feels.

    So if anyone has any ideas for success on an elimination diet that will suck less, I'm all ears. *sigh*

    @Terytha, I tried going back to find when you explained what you're feeling but I had no success. I am asking because you mentioned gastroenterologist and pain and I have had my fair share of problems of the sort. The biggest, worst of all and most recent one being gastritis. Diet definitely helped, there were a few things I needed to stop eating and in my case, I had medication prescribed because my gastritis was bad.

    Ah, I think I posted about it last month. My stomach just isn't working properly. So I have bathroom struggles, consistent stomach cramps, and every so often severe enough stomach cramps that I've been leaving stuff to bite down on around.

    I feel like this kind of pain is unreasonable. That's why my doctor is thinking it might be a blockage of some sort. But also maybe celiac or something. So we'll see how the appointment goes.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    To all my Waistaways friends:

    What are you proud of yourself for today?

    I’m proud I have over 8,000 steps and got in some exercise. Hugs!!

    Spent an hour at the gym. My form for squats is getting a lot better, and the 1000 meters on the rowing machine was not nearly as exhausting as last time. Also I like pushing the tank around, and I'm up to 125 pounds on it.
  • @jugar and @micki48 thank you! I have a great walking companion, my sweet dog always requires his morning walk. My big goal for this month is to start going for a walk/run late afternoon, alone, so I can have a better pace. My Spike is an old man already, hitting his 13 years of age so I need to keep up with his slow but steady walk.

    @micki48 I am going to check the Pilates. Online and free sounds perfect for me.

    And I am proud of my work done out in the yard this afternoon. I still HATE weeds. Every single time I pick one weed it comes with earthworms and ughh, they are so disgusting. (Clearly a new gardener here. LOL.) But the mowing part is fun and I love it! So I am proud of that!
  • Terytha wrote: »
    Terytha wrote: »
    If my doctor has no answers this week, I'm going to ask to see a gastroenterologist. But that will certainly mean no answers for months, as specialist appointments are hard to get. Which means my best bet is the dreaded... elimination diet. *dramatic lightning*

    I really don't wanna. I love calorie counting precisely because I'm not good at dieting and I'm an incredibly picky eater.

    But, the pain. I can't live like this. It feels like I imagine being disemboweled alive feels.

    So if anyone has any ideas for success on an elimination diet that will suck less, I'm all ears. *sigh*

    @Terytha, I tried going back to find when you explained what you're feeling but I had no success. I am asking because you mentioned gastroenterologist and pain and I have had my fair share of problems of the sort. The biggest, worst of all and most recent one being gastritis. Diet definitely helped, there were a few things I needed to stop eating and in my case, I had medication prescribed because my gastritis was bad.

    Ah, I think I posted about it last month. My stomach just isn't working properly. So I have bathroom struggles, consistent stomach cramps, and every so often severe enough stomach cramps that I've been leaving stuff to bite down on around.

    I feel like this kind of pain is unreasonable. That's why my doctor is thinking it might be a blockage of some sort. But also maybe celiac or something. So we'll see how the appointment goes.

    What you described sounds a lot like what I felt. In my case, I spent months ignoring the pain, just thinking it was a bad cramp until one day, at work, I had to be rushed to a hospital because I was feeling so much pain that I couldn't move and stop crying. It was crazy! The gastroenterologist said he was surprised I was able to carry things as they were for that long. I hope you can find out what it is. If you drink lots of coffee or citric juices I would suggest trying to lower the amount. It was one of the first steps I had to follow.
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    PW: 129.2
    CW: 130.1

    Oh oh!! So, some things happening -- as jugar mentioned it HAS been hectic and our son HAS moved (Brooklyn!) and we were there this past weekend (we took a caravan of stuff down to him -- he can't rent a truck yet) AND there we were in NYC -- so there was flatbread, wine, ice cream tacos (I am not kidding) and a cool little Japanese take out right around the corner from him with really really really good California rolls and chicken teriyaki. Sigh.

    Something else, @jugar -- I seem to forget to post on Mondays (or am just too exhausted from these crazy weekends!) and I seem to always remember around Wednesday. While I like my reason for Monday weigh in (keeps me accountable on the weekends!) maybe I should just become a Wednesday weigh -in?

    Keep on the path everyone! I'm sure what goes up can also come back down.....

    And @jugar -- nag away!! :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,268 Member
    PW: 129.2
    CW: 130.1

    Oh oh!! So, some things happening -- as jugar mentioned it HAS been hectic and our son HAS moved (Brooklyn!) and we were there this past weekend (we took a caravan of stuff down to him -- he can't rent a truck yet) AND there we were in NYC -- so there was flatbread, wine, ice cream tacos (I am not kidding) and a cool little Japanese take out right around the corner from him with really really really good California rolls and chicken teriyaki. Sigh.

    Something else, @jugar -- I seem to forget to post on Mondays (or am just too exhausted from these crazy weekends!) and I seem to always remember around Wednesday. While I like my reason for Monday weigh in (keeps me accountable on the weekends!) maybe I should just become a Wednesday weigh -in?

    Keep on the path everyone! I'm sure what goes up can also come back down.....

    And @jugar -- nag away!! :smiley:

    Thanks for the update - your NY trip sounds WAY too delicious. Big cities with good food are dangerous! So glad I'm not working in downtown Montreal any more :smiley:

    I'm happy to move you to Wednesdays. But confirm for me first, after you have a chance to think about it. Any day is good, as long as you're happy with it and it works for you!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,268 Member
    @berriesandsunshine you crack me up with your description of pulling weeds! I love the earthworms because they make the garden better - the more the merrier :p But there are wonderful thin gardening gloves now if you don't already have some to keep the slime at bay! And you can come mow for me any time. I hate the mowing part. I make my son do it, but he takes revenge by going the wrong way around the garden and spraying all the grass cuttings onto my vegetables. I swear he does it on purpose, but he's probably just intent on his mowing and prefers a certain way around the circumference. It's inside a crazy fence to keep the critters out (the garden's nickname is "Sing Sing") so there is barely room for the mower in there. It still makes me crazy. Maybe I'll just have to do it myself next year! I'll think of you and the worms, and you can think of me and the dreaded mowing :#
  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    Weigh in day Wed
    PW: 174.8
    CW: 176.6
    My body / mind is on auto pilot. When I lose some weight I correct it by getting it back. I have got to get in my mind that it is ok to lose weight.
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,364 Member
    Username: fourathomej
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW: 147.8
    CW: 147.8

    I'm not even complaining...has NOT been a good week for me...next week will be better!!!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,364 Member
    9/9 - 13018
    9/10 - 13004
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,268 Member
    Greetings wonderful team!

    This was a day with everything: all kinds of weather from a cold morning with fog through warm, muggy, rainy, and super sunny alternating all afternoon, and all the events from a mammogram, to lunch OUT (good, but lots of calories!), shopping for new kitchen counters (yikes), getting a speeding ticket, playing with a bunch of 11 year olds (running like a crazy person) and then helping them with their homework. And I managed to do a Pilates workout before that all started, so I feel virtuous in spite of the speeding ticket. It was a downhill. I thought the limit was 70 km/h but it was 50. Dang. First one in about 30 years, so I can't complain.

    I hope you all are having a terrific day and making all those good choices. Check on in and let us know whassup!

    only one weigh in due THURSDAY - @cory17
    one late - @tdrjustus3

    Then Friday will hit before we know it. Are you ready???
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    micki48 wrote: »
    To all my Waistaways friends:

    What are you proud of yourself for today?

    I’m proud I have over 8,000 steps and got in some exercise. Hugs!!

    Spent an hour at the gym. My form for squats is getting a lot better, and the 1000 meters on the rowing machine was not nearly as exhausting as last time. Also I like pushing the tank around, and I'm up to 125 pounds on it.

    @Terytha That’s great!!! It’s so good when you feel yourself getting stronger. What is the tank? I’m not familiar with that.
    @jugar and @micki48 thank you! I have a great walking companion, my sweet dog always requires his morning walk. My big goal for this month is to start going for a walk/run late afternoon, alone, so I can have a better pace. My Spike is an old man already, hitting his 13 years of age so I need to keep up with his slow but steady walk.

    @micki48 I am going to check the Pilates. Online and free sounds perfect for me.

    And I am proud of my work done out in the yard this afternoon. I still HATE weeds. Every single time I pick one weed it comes with earthworms and ughh, they are so disgusting. (Clearly a new gardener here. LOL.) But the mowing part is fun and I love it! So I am proud of that!

    @berriesandsunshine the link to Pilates is above in this thread.

    I was going to say the same as @jugar. Having worms is great!!! They are working for you. Our soul here in NC is so much clay I literally could make a pot if it weren’t so dry lately. I love mowing. Instant gratification. And yes, definitely wear gloves. That soil will dry out your hands.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    @micki48 The tank is like a large wheeled cart thing, you can set it to a high resistance and/or pile weights on it and then push it around.

    My trainer usually hops on it for a ride lol. It's a good combo of strength and cardio.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,268 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    @micki48 The tank is like a large wheeled cart thing, you can set it to a high resistance and/or pile weights on it and then push it around.

    My trainer usually hops on it for a ride lol. It's a good combo of strength and cardio.

    Trainers are really great big kids at heart - sounds like fun!

    And that is some gorgeous bee and flower, @micki48 - beautiful photo.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,457 Member
    leni1us wrote: »
    Well, the medical issues I mentioned a few days ago are a bit worse than I thought. I've been diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer and I need to focus all my energy on fighting that battle. The weight loss battle will have to take a back burner for a bit. Please suspend me for the rest of September. Sorry team.

    I see the surgeon next week. After that I'll have a plan of attack. I hope all goes well and I'll be back ready and raring to go in a month or so. Please send good thoughts my way. This is a very scaring time for me and my family. Anyone go through this before? I'd love to hear your stories.

    I went through breast cancer 2 years ago stage 1 also ER+. Had lumpectomy, radiation and was on estrogen blockers for some time. It's one day at a time. You will get through it. There are several facebook groups https://www.facebook.com/groups/1247552292041002/?fref=nf that are a big help.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    @micki48 The tank is like a large wheeled cart thing, you can set it to a high resistance and/or pile weights on it and then push it around.

    My trainer usually hops on it for a ride lol. It's a good combo of strength and cardio.

    Wow! That’s quite a workout. Nothing like that at my little gym.

    @jugar Thanks for the compliment. Also I completed Day 3 Pilates around 8:30 last night. On to Day 4!!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I found the perfect disaster: a food that is high calorie, not filling, and not tasty at all.

    I regret eating it, but science demanded it.

    Long story short: I found military rations and convinced all my coworkers to eat some.
This discussion has been closed.