
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,423 Member
    @phoebe112476 - love your post today. So sorry about your 5 yo, that must be SO hard!

    @MrsBell8Well - how about something like MrsBell8Well Lives for Today (stole it from Mrs. Pettigrew Lives for today which is a great movie)

    Didn't have a chance to check in yesterday - so sorry just have so much going on right now. Buyer's home inspection is tomorrow and of course just a bit nervous. To us the home is great but what if he finds something we didn't know about? Placing it in God's hands so I don't need to stress over it!!

    Food has been not too too bad, just a little more than I usually eat but it's due to stress. Weight is staying consistent at least!!

    Water and Exercise has been pretty good.

    Hope everyone has a super great Friday!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    No time to comment or check in. We are going for a boat ride soon! Weight would be more but drank and had french onion soup yesterday. Still a loss. I am in a much better mood today lol! Thanks for putting up with my crankiness!

    @Cafelelia I entered my weight. MFP wont let me react to my own post.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    It is almost the weekend!! Time to have a plan if you feel you need one.

    I have 3 nights of socializing starting tonight, so I definitely have a plan. I am going to restaurants tonight and Sunday night and have preplanned my meals. The big challenge is wine, and I am going to have fun, but limit my drinking to 2 glasses each night. Also, I hope to get in some extra exercise all three days to balance things out.

    @pacsnc6 - A loss is a loss, and you are staying on track! Great job!

    @carlsoda - You had a loss and did all of that work to sell you house! Hope that the home inspection goes well!

    @sleepymom5 - Same with you! You had a loss and have been super busy! Congrats and enjoy the boat ride!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    Week 3 is almost over! Here are the remaining weigh ins:

    Friday’s Weigh Ins Still Due

    Saturday's Weigh Ins
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    CW 207
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Check in for Thursday
    Food: pre-logged, ate as planned until after dinner when a glass of red wine and peanut m&m’s seemed like a brilliant idea 🤦‍♀️
    Water: great
    Exercise: none but deep cleaned some much needed spots including taking a toothbrush to the grates on my gas stove. Yikes, they were dirty. Housework helped get me to 6,108 steps

    Chiropractor spent some time making a few adjustments to me. I never know what or why he does what he does but I always feel better after. Resuming weekly appointments for a bit but I’ve got the available appointments covered by insurance so might as well use em. Willow seems better... gave her half a dose of pain med yesterday afternoon. Resting her again today.

    My Husband is wrapping up work in Pennsylvania and it was looking very likely that he would be headed home soon. Nope... got a phone call from a former employer and is headed to South Dakota beginning in October. I was so disappointed but came to the realization that it buys me a few more weeks to once and for all get to goal before he comes home, hopefully around Thanksgiving. Gotta find motivation where you can and I’m trying to look on the brightside.

    Headed to the Farmer’s market saturday morning and then will plan my meals for the week depending on what looks good at the market. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Friday weigh in
    Week 3
    PW 119.5
    CW 119.5

    Well maybe I'm not doing perfect with healthy eating butat least I'm trying. I eat sweet but not everyday and not too much. I don't buy junk food and avoid white bread. I managed to maintain my weight for a week. I wish I could get back to running again but it's already cold outside, so I'll have to limit myself with the elliptical and aerobics classes.
    And I'll have to face it. I have no time lately to post here, so I'll have to leave this group for now. Thank you for all the support! You are great! And good luck everyone with your healthy journey. I know mine is not over yet, I'll have to transform it way of life, so that is my new goal.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Moarrein good luck. I have enjoyed having you on our team.
    @barb1557 oh my your a mess girl! Glad you enjoyed your dinner with your friend. This F2F is meant for unloading. We share our journeys the good the bad and the ugly. Hang in there. Everything your doing is part of your self love as you head towards a healthier you.
    @nstephen01 your human. I’m so envious you have a gas stove. And very excited for you that your goal weight is in site. I know you will achieve it! Soon! Good way to look at your husbands delay. We have been talking about going to the farmers market again. Have a great weekend!
    @Cafelelia thanks again for stepping up to co-captain. Your doing a great job.
    @sleepymom5 we’re here for you Pam!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited September 2019
    Check in for Friday

    Food - logged & on track
    Water - 2l
    Exercise - 80 minutes of walking

    Lots of early morning hockey for the kids today, so I could not post until now. My night out with the girls last night went according to plan for the most part, so I was able to relax and have some fun. The only times that I veered off course was with the shared plate of fries (I had a limited amount), and an extra glass of wine. A “food/drink pusher” friend showed up later, so my resolve was tested with the wine. I simply said no to those temptations to get another bottle of wine, get a cocktail etc. I also managed to fit in 12 hours of fasting from last night to this morning, so I am figuring my way through maintaining an IF schedule when busy & socializing. Night 2 of socializing is tonight and we are hosting a bunch of people at home for snacks and drinks. My plan is to eat a healthy meal in advance to limit too much snacking during the party. The wine limit will be 1 or 2 glasses. I am going to try to fit in IF for 12 hours if possible, which means stopping food/wine by around 9:30 pm. R
    Hope that everybody is having a great weekend so far!!

    @GingerPwr - You can totally get below145 by the end of the month. I have always found that logging helps. There are periods when I take a break, but I always go back as the accountability helps me.

    @Zumba_Luvah - Nice maintaining this week!

    @Mrsbell8well - I really like that blog name! Cold weather running is my favorite, but you are right that those first few minutes are always the worst.

    @Moarrein - We are sorry to see you go and best of luck with your journey!! We will miss you!

    @Barbb1557 - Oh, so sorry about your toe, the prolonged procedure with the dermatologist and the not sleeping. Sleep deprivation and injury pain are the worst. Venting here is a great outlet and I am so glad that you feel comfortable doing that. Hope that today is a better day! Sending you a big hug!

    @nstephenson01 - It is such a great time of year for produce and hope that you had a great time at the farmer’s market this morning!

    @hope002 - That is another loss this week, congratulations!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited September 2019

    Week 3
    Friday’s & Saturday’s Weigh Ins Still Due

    Week 4
    Sunday Weigh Ins

    Monday Weigh Ins

    Tuesday Weigh Ins

    @CassieGetsFit2013 & @gottagetthisdown - I will ask that you get moved to cheer squad for the last week of September. If you want to return to the challenge in October or some time in the future, just post here to let us know.
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member

    Checking in
    I slept last night and my son came over to help me figure out how to use my new power washer. Yeah! I Need to succeed as a single person in this world, but get overwhelmed with small stuff like turning on the outside water. It was turned off by my very strong plumber, and I do not have the strength in my hands to turn it on. I have several gadgets in my kitchen which I use all of the time for jars and bottles.
    Food was on track yesterday, but my 'fat' ratio was high with a Tbsp of almond butter. I refuse to avoid natural almond or peanut butter especially when I generally limit it to 1 to 2 Tbsp.

    I am excited to visit my friend's daughter who is in town from Raleigh NC. It will be a great night. She grew up with my boys and considers them her brothers

    My last chore today is to unscrew the hose from the power washer. I have already spent 30 unsuccessful minutes on this task, but I am not giving up!!
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    PW 221.5
    CW 221.7
This discussion has been closed.