

  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check in for Tuesday
    Food IF on track
    Water good
    Exercise C25K, 45 minutes walk and plank challenge
    Steps 13,908

    IV is easier to follow. Some days I fast for 19 hours instead of planned 16.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Username GingerPwr

    Pw 146
    Cw 147

    It's okay. I'm actually down 3lbs.i grained a lot from our road trip last week.

    Are responsibly yesterday and got in a jog and abs. Feeling better each day!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Last week I weighed 147.2. Today my goal was 143.6.
    CW 143.2
    I did it!!!
    Next weeks goal 142.6. Less than 1 pound. I have company coming again this weekend but I’m ready. Making Mexican food with mom and a pear tart. Also making a large salad and a side dish of zucchini, corn and onions.
    I often skip dinner on Tuesday nights if I’m worried about weigh in. Not last night. I made a yummy kale salad with unsweetened dried tart cherries, chocolate balsamic, garbanzos, toasted pine nuts and avocado. A slice of seeded sour rye to go with it.
    Slept great last night. Thankfully.
    More comments later today. Great posts and CAKE pics!!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,454 Member
    Check in for Tuesday
    Food logged and on track
    Water 112 oz
    Exercise 45 minutes bike ride, 30 min walk and PT
    Steps 10,728

    I had another good day yesterday. The summer went so fast and there were so many fun stuff that I never got to. I am trying to fit them in now. Some are nicer because there are no crowds. Yesterday I went shopping after PT in a little shopping center. It was fun. Monday I went geocaching. I miss going hiking to do that but it doesn't look like I will be hiking any time soon. I am feeling yesterdays steps today. My Aunt will be here in an hour. I was going to make a crumb cake but I know that she will probably not eat it and I will so I didn't. I feel a little bad but I do have fresh fruit and a fruit salad so hopefully that will do. I also have cut up veggies if she wants to snack. I am not sure what she wants to do so if she just wants to sit by the water and relax I figured she could have wine and cheese and I could have veggies. She insisted on bringing hero sandwiches for lunch. I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I will eat till satisfied or 3/4 or 1/2 depending how big. I think she said she got 2 halves. Any of you ladies who are my age get sad when they see older relatives? I could already hear her voice was shaky but I still love that Jersey accent. All my family has it but those who moved away. I remember my Aunt with the long dark hair, big glasses always looking great. I guess like a typical jersey girl. It will be a little sad to see her age. I saw her last year but don't see her often. I feel the same way when I go to Florida now. I just want everything back the way it was when they were all down there enjoying retirement. Life marches on... I know it is part of life but I don't know why I get this way. Oh well....back to today....Hoping to get out on the bike but not sure if I will have time. If not, I will have to get a walk in with Daisy if I can force her to go longer than usual. (She's getting old too Lol!) I should be able to check in again tonight. Hope everyone has a great day!

    @hope002 Another great day! I am glad that IF is going well. It is good to hear that it gets easier. I have been eating dinner too late this week and then I end up not doing it. I am going to try again. I am determined to give it at least a fair shot.
    @Mrsbell8well Woo hoo! Nice job getting to your goal for the week!! Salad sounded delicious last night too!
    @GingerPwr I am glad to see you are feeling good and getting into a routine. We had missed you over the summer and are happy you are back.
    @Barbb1557 Look at that loss! You had an awesome week! I love that you are able to go back into the dungeon and work out Lol! Sounds scary but it must be a nice feeling that you are back at that level physically. Perfect day with the shopping and lunch after. Let's have another great week!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Daily check in for Tuesday

    Food - logged & on track
    Exercise - 30 minute walk (still waiting for my new fit watch)
    Water - 2l

    My little guy is still sick today so I had to cancel PT. My leg is feeling pretty good though, so I will likely move to bi-weekly PT. I did not have the bday cake last night as it was during IF. I am actually not feeling like having some today. Funny how that works!

    @Barbb1557 - What an inspiring loss!! Congratulations! And great NSV being with your first Dungeon work out!!

    @Mrsbell8well - I knew you would get back to your number, congratulations!!

    @GingerPwr - Great job getting back on track after your road trip! Already 3 lbs down is amazing!!

    @hope002 - Amazing steps & dedication to C25k! Your commitment to IF is an inspiration. I started this week 14:10 (I have played around a bit). After 5 days, I have to say I am experiencing a difference in how I feel, how my bodies feels (really good) and what I am eating. I am going for a longer fast today just to experiment a bit as I don’t have as much going on with son at home from school. Thanks so much for sharing with us!!

    @sleepymom5 - Enjoy the Shore now that it is quiet! Also have fun dress shopping for the wedding, very exciting! I love clothes & fashion, so keep us posted on your options and purchase! Fyi, in listening to Dr. Patrick’s podcasts & reading her blog, I started the supplement Curcumin Phytosome (Thorne brand, Meriva SF). It is derived from turmeric root. She cites research that says it reduces inflammation and is a good substitute for ibuprofen. I was a bit skeptical, but a few days in (2 capsules per day), my leg pain is far less. I am working hard with PT & my trainer, but there may be something to this supplement. Even if it is a placebo effect, it is better than ibuprofen which I need to take on busier days. I am also experimenting with her other supplement recommendations,including Collagen (powder in water), which is also supposed to help joints and can help injuries (also is supposed to give you great skin). That will take several weeks to kick in, so will report back.

    @phoebe112476 - What a lovely place and thanks for sharing the photos!! All of the food looks so delicious! Congratulations on your size 8 NSV! Once again, I love clothes & fashion and love hearing about everyone’s purchases!

    @pacsnc6 - Great that you are staying on track, and the walking was a good substitute for the water aerobics.

    @amytriesww - A 30 minute walk is great, even if you could not get a full workout in. Great job staying on track!

    @amsandos - Beautiful family and photos!! Paris is my most favorite city to visit and your photos make me want to go back right now!! Thanks for sharing!!
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,010 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Week: 2
    Weight in day: Monday
    Previous weight:205.4
    Current weight: 206

    We've been on vacation and just got back yesterday. Very happy with the fact that I only gained .6 while we were gone. Now it's time to get back to business.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @barb1557 the dungeon sounds scary and like an achievement. Mentally and physically. Great job and nice los!!! FYI...if you put the @ symbol before the teammates name it will flag them that they have a comment about them. Great job as well dropping sizes. You scored on those tops! I started my journey a year ago wearing size 3x. I am now a size small size 6. Some 8's. It's a marvel.
    And great job... @phoebe112476 on your size 8's. Especially pants. I hate baggy butt pants. But I lost my butt months ago. lol. And those pics of your food and restaurant are wonderful. I am glad you had such a nice afternoon.
    @gingerpwr great job getting back with it. I may have already said that lol but here it is again!
    @amytriesww I would love to cook for you lol. It is my passion. Where do you live? Anytime you want a recipe just let me know. I love using local fresh produce to inspire me with my meal planning. I have really been enjoying the produce moms monthly challenge.
    @amsandos great job on your reflections. I just LOVE that big happy smile of yours!
    @sleepymom5 so glad your feeling good and back on track. Good luck with your lunch and staying on plan. Fresh fruit is always good as well.
    @hope002 glad your feeling back on track as well. Sounds like your finding something that works for you. I have personally used both C25K and IF with great results. As humans I think we need to keep tweaking and finding what works best.
    If I missed commenting on your post...so sorry. Got to get back to work.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,454 Member
    I will be sorry tomorrow but I am too pooped to post. I will probably not have time to check in until the evening. My Aunt is staying until around 3 and then I have PT. See you at some point tomorrow!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Check in Wednesday

    Food - Logged & under
    Exercise - stationary bike 35 minutes & walking
    Water - 2l

    I now have both kids home sick today with this cold. It did not take long for the germs to spread at the start of school. I am taking care of them, trying to stay healthy, while still getting some work done today. I completed a longer fast yesterday. It was challenging in the evening, but we all went to bed early with the kids being sick, so that helped a lot. I felt great this morning, and have to say, I am becoming a convert to this approach. I am going to keep experimenting and monitoring the impact on my weight, health, injury recovery etc. It is already a busy day and I will check in this evening. Hope that everyone has a good day!

    @lennoncpa - hope that you enjoyed your mani-pedi!

    @sleepymom5 - enjoy the rest of your Aunt’s visit and hope that PT goes well!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,454 Member
    Check in for Wed
    Food not logged a little over
    Water at least 64 oz
    Exercise none
    Steps 5,800 ish

    In a rush. Enjoying my Aunt's visit!
    @Cafelelia Hope everyone is feeling better soon! I have been toying with IF too. I don't think it is going to be as hard as I keep telling myself it is.
    @jedaschultz I agree, not bad after vacation! Back to work now! :)
    @lennoncpa hope you enjoyed your Mani/pedi!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Week 2
    PW: 168.6
    CW: 165.6

    Been pre-planning my meals, pre-logging, sticking with plan and tinkering with IF. I haven’t exercised as much as usual because this silly head cold was lingering so hope I’m not losing muscle. Plan to be more consistent with IF this next week see if It produces another nice loss. If nothing else its teaching me I can live with a little bit of hunger. Will catch up on posts later... have to be at DMV first thing this morning to register the horse trailer we bought that I’ve been putting off... ugh.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Cafelelia so sorry to hear your boys are both down. colds are so nasty. Great job with the IF. So glad you are happy with the results. It can be freeing to not eat for a certain period of time. Less dishes, more energy, more time to focus on other things. And again I want to thank you for stepping up to co-captain our team. Your doing a great job and it is appreciated! I also loved and appreciated your avocado post.
    @nstephenson01 look at you go girl! Amazing results. Another IF convert. It is interesting to know that we can live with less food. Good luck at DMV.
    @sleepymom5 hope your enjoying your visit with your aunt. Don't stress about posting too much. Your always so great about it that you can go light every now and then. We still feel the love. <3

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Molly and I were out the door this morning. I was able to get in a light run. 30 minutes cardio. I have been faithful with yoga and great nutritious food but those are time consuming. Fitting in the extra cardio is important and continuing to organize our home is also a top priority. I am on track with the 2 rooms a week. This weekend I am also dedicating to get rid of a lot more clothes. I am feeling that less is more.
    Todays produce challenge is mushrooms. We are making vegan Salisbury steak with mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes and peas. Can you tell I live my life to eat? I am either eating, looking forward to eating, cooking, meal planning or shopping. It's consuming but also so rewarding to fuel my body with such tasty fabulous meals. I usually have a treat on Wednesday nights after weigh in is over. I found 2 pieces of banana cream pie I had made and frozen. Oh yum.
    I am weaning myself off the scale. I am skipping today and tomorrow. Will check in Saturday morning to make sure I am on track before company gets here. But it's a start.
    Molly and I are still dreaming of retiring. We fell in love with New Hampshire and flirt with idea of moving there. I also looked in to a blog course. I am planning to tuck away money each month to take the course and begin in January. I might try to start the course in December once the house is finished with cleaning/organizing projects.
    My boss ended up canceling his visit today. I was so relieved. He is awesome but it is still performance stress. I had a 5 star day at work yesterday. I needed it.
    Are you all thinking about the weekend? I am.

    Enjoy your Thursday and keep posting everyone!!! Stay the course! Being skinny is awesome but being healthy is the real reward.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    So I was doing great yesterday until I woke up at 1:30 am and could not get back to sleep. I ended up trying oatmeal and that didn’t help so then I made a trip to the gas station and got my Ritz crackers!! I’m so mad at myself. I had a perfect week going on and just blew it in one night
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member

    Checking in. Yesterday was good, my Dr was very pleased with my 40 pound weight loss since she saw me in February. She took me off of hctz which is a water pill and could be negatively impacting my potassium and electrolytes. I am so hopeful I do not gain water weight.

    I worked through my 15-minute Pilates challenge. My tail bone is sore and I worry about my spinal fusion impact, so I am modifying what I can, it is a great work out!

    @Mrsbell8well thanks so much for sharing your journey from a 3X to a 6-8, so impressive!!

    Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    oh no @lennoncpa NOT THE RITZ...ahhhhh. they are sooooo tasty and cravings can feel so uncontrollable. I often think of addicts that just have to have that fix no matter what. It is definitely a challenge but it can be overcome one day at a time. you have been doing so good! Dust yourself off and keep going. I admire your willingness to be open and honest. I did 12 step plans ages ago and that was one of the cornerstones is to be willing to bring these challenges to light. It is so easy to squirrel away the chocolate or tempting treats and not tell anyone. But those dark secrets will keep you trapped. You might want to try logging in to MFP to post before you go on a splurge. Just use this spot for support and to air out what you are going through. It's a set back but your desire can help you prevail. Hang in there.
    @barbb1557 what great news about your check up! I am so glad you had such good results. And Pilates is not for sissy's. I modified my yoga for months till I felt comfortable with some of the more advanced poses. I always try to stay active but I am respectful not to push myself to injury.
    @gingerpwr I have recommitted myself to Adriennes 30 days of yoga. The other day we did 13 minutes of push ups. I thought of you the next morning when my abs were sooooo sore. But I suppose that is a good thing too as we get stronger. Reminded me of your ab challenge. have you been sore?
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