

  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    The above weights make it look like I have passed this plateau but I do not think this is so. I have been 162.5 to 164 for more than a month. This is the lower end and maybe the beginning of some progress but will not know for a few more days. I will not feel like I have started losing again until I am less than 162 for a few days. No hurry. It will come as I keep making the right choices. After a week or two of struggle I am back to feel ease and contentment on this journey. Back to having no desire to eat the kids snacks at night or have sweet treats. So much nicer!! I have not idea why or what changed but I will take it for now.

    I made a shocking discovery last night - I have been eating a bag of kettle corn microwave popcorn most every day. It is just the right amount of salty and sweet for my craving and it is very filling for only 150 calories! I was putting away the newest box last night when I happened to look at the nutrition info. It is still really hard for me to decipher the number of calories in a bag of popped (and I don't feel bad because there are several threads on here with people confused about the same thing) - but it is certainly not 150 calories! Looks like more along the lines of 450!! That is an extra 300 calories per day that I was not accounting for. Yummy! But that will surely stall my planned 250/day deficit for 0.5 pounds of weight loss! So I am going to find some pre-popped serving sized bags to end the problem and then move on from here. Hoping to see the scale move soon but very happy on this journey today. Hope you all are having a great week!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    I made a shocking discovery last night - I have been eating a bag of kettle corn microwave popcorn most every day. It is just the right amount of salty and sweet for my craving and it is very filling for only 150 calories! I was putting away the newest box last night when I happened to look at the nutrition info. It is still really hard for me to decipher the number of calories in a bag of popped (and I don't feel bad because there are several threads on here with people confused about the same thing) - but it is certainly not 150 calories! Looks like more along the lines of 450!! That is an extra 300 calories per day that I was not accounting for. Yummy! But that will surely stall my planned 250/day deficit for 0.5 pounds of weight loss! So I am going to find some pre-popped serving sized bags to end the problem and then move on from here. Hoping to see the scale move soon but very happy on this journey today. Hope you all are having a great week!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    wow that is quite a bike ride Pam @sleepymom5!
    WTG @phoebe112476 on a great loss! I bet that is happiness!
    @gingerpwr great job getting it back together. It takes mental effort and will power but so nice to be back into a groove of self care self love!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Food: IF on track
    Water good
    Exercise C25K and 40 minutes walk
    Steps 11,014
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Daily check in for Monday
    Food - logged & on target
    Water - 2l
    Exercise - circuit training with trainer

    It is my younger son’s birthday today and poor guy is sick! He is happy to hang out at home and is enjoying getting spoiled by yours truly! As I am doing daily IF starting around 6 pm, I will not have a slice of his birthday cake until tomorrow at lunch. That is the plan & we will see how it goes!

    @phoebe112476 - Congrats on the loss!! You will get through your plateau just fine! Those pesky food labels!
    @carlsoda - You house looks amazing, congratulations!! Your hard work will definitely pay off and am praying for you!!
    @hope002 - Great day yesterday and very inspired by your progress on the C25k!
    @sleepymom5 - Congrats on your awesome day yesterday and hope that you have another one today!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,081 Member
    Sorry I haven't checked in for a bit. Baby shower was a success. I also worked 12 hours yesterday, we had an open house at work. I plan on getting back on track, I do not like the way I feel or look lately. I plan on getting to my Zumba class today to work off the cake I ate.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 Oh my that is a shocker! I really love the bag of smart pop for 35 calories a cup. Already popped. We like to use the air popper too. And for a real treat we add some gummies, choc chips and a few nuts. I usually reserve that for hikes and long bike rides. So tasty!
    @carlsoda your home looks so beautiful! Did your daughter stage it?
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I slept terrible last night. I am usually a great sleeper. A lot swirling around in my head. I was up till about 4 am. :s But I am hanging in there. I was so pleased to be down to an even 143 this morning. My goal by tomorrow was to be 143.6 so I am really doing great.
    Part of my strategy has been to eat. I have been eating a lot of the most amazing fresh food. I make sure to have breakfast, am snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Tea for dessert. With honey if I have to have something sweet.
    Yesterday for breakfast I had a whole wheat tortilla with honey, banana and almond butter. Am snack 3 fresh figs. Lunch yellow curry with yellow bell pepper, red onion, asparagus, lots of broccoli and basmati rice sprinkled with roasted cashews. afternoon snack orange watermelon. Dinner red cabbage salad with red onion, red apple, caraway seeds, and apple cider vinaigrette. Yellow baby potatoes with vegan butter and parsley and vegan German style sausage. It was all so amazing. And I did have some sleepytime vanilla tea with a splash of oatmilk and raw honey. AND I LOST WEIGHT eating all this. So amazing and a wonderful, loving, caring way to live.
    I have been taking time after lunch to sit in my car and read my latest novel for 30 minutes. There was such a pleasant breeze today. I snoozed for about 15 minutes.
    Still nervous about my bosses visit Thursday but trying to get everything prepared.

    September week 1 done! We still have 3 glorious weeks left to get that goal!

    @sleepymom5 Pam I had to laugh...you were right I did find a better room at a better location for 1/2 the price!!! It has a shared bathroom but last night I was too tired to look for anything else but I think we got a great deal!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone. I had a great day yesterday and today so far is awesome. My big problem seems to be the hunger that I feel after dinner. If I was able to stop eating at dinner I would probably lose a lot of weight - but I always get hungry at night.

    I keep these 100 calorie popcorn bags around to help fill the need sometimes - and its the kind of food that I won't binge on so I feel safe keeping it around. Another option is a bowl of instant oatmeal - which is also 100 calories and helps to fill me up. Now those are two options when I am behaving myself!

    But I've had my bad times with sweets and nuts, both of which I have given up completely. Another weird one I get into is eating Hint of salt Ritz crackers!! I don't put anything on them but isn't that a strange thing to want to eat?? If any of you have seen the movie "Regarding Henry" you might remember his paintings of Ritz Crackers. That actually is one of my favorite movies, but I don't think it has anything to do with my craving for Ritz Crackers!! I think it would be fine if I was able to eat them in moderation - but I don't! Its an all or nothing thing.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,454 Member
    @phoebe112476 Nice loss! Hopefully this is the start of you getting back to losing. I am starting to be more careful about the food labels. It is crazy that these things that look like single serve end up being way more than one serving. I bet you're right and that could be it.
    @carlsoda Looks beautiful! I can't believe that you are this far along in the process! Hopefully you haven't been off track with your food, just not logging it. Crossing my fingers, sending prayers and hugs! I am covering all the bases! ;)
    @hope002 Looking good! Hope you have a good day today too!
    @Cafelelia Happy Birthday to your son! Hope he feels better soon. Good idea to work the cake into your plan tomorrow.
    @ljdanny I was curious how the shower went-glad it was a success! The beginning of the school year is tough, I forgot about the open houses and back to school nights. Glad that you plan to go to zumba tonight. Try to plan you meals and exercise in, it makes it easier when you are busy.
    @Mrsbell8well That all sounds amazing! Especially the tea! You got me into the herbal teas,I guess I need to try that sleepytime Vanilla next. I knew you would find a better deal! ;)
    @lennoncpa I have the same problem with some foods. I need to be all or nothing. I try to avoid peanut butter for that reason. I actually like Ritz crackers and could eat them plain too. I also would over eat nuts if I didn't have them pre packaged.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    daily check in

    got my new computer and it is a beaut. had a good day food wise although spent the day fiddling with my new computer so haven't worked out. This morning I journalled woke and and set my intention and evaluated myself. I did not over eat today but gave myself budgetted treats. It is like she says in PNP you have to do it like you will live it. I have kinda of been getting myself tied up in knots and creating strange rules which I then fail to keep. When I am successful at weight loss this is what I do:
    I allow treats
    I plan
    I evaluate
    I go off track but get back on track swiftly

    It feels good to be getting back into control
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member

    Checking in. On track Monday, started a Pilates challenge with my friend not too bad, but my cat became more affectionate with me on the floor. I think she has Pica , she is definitely attracted to non food items. She had a good grip on my phone and tried dragging it away as I was following the video.

    I have headaches every day and cannot tell if it is from New meds for anxiety or my potassium and electrolytes are off from all of the increased sweating from a different med so glad I see my doctor on Wednesday
    Have a great day everyone!
  • amytriesww
    amytriesww Posts: 91 Member
    Tuesday Check In
    Food: a little under today
    Water: 135 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walk
    Steps: 6708

    Didn't get in my good workout today like I wanted, but did get in a little something. I'll try again tomorrow. Nothing new going on- still plugging away at my school work. Three weeks in and I already can't wait until the semester is over! lol

    @carlsoda Your house looks great! When I staged our house in TX, I remember thinking how it was so clean and neat and now I had to move! Like, why couldn't it look this nice when we were living there! lol I know you're tired, but doing all that work pays off. We had a full price offer the day we listed. I'm crossing my fingers and sending positive vibes your way in hopes the same happens for you!

    @Mrsbell8well You always make me wish I could hire you as my private chef! The food you eat sounds so amazing. Anytime you want to share recipes, I'm over here listening!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Yesterday I missed water aerobics again as there was no class. No instructor - not sure what the problem is but they can't seem to keep them for long lately. Or they each have a family problem keeping them busy. Anyway, I went shopping to Kmart, Walmart, Kohls so got in lots of walking. Did not find what I wanted. Today I worked in the school library stocking shelves then to the dentist and grocery shopping. Have been doing good with calories and water too.
    I love the buttery taste of Ritz crackers in fact had some for lunch today. Yes I have to limit them or i'd munch the whole box!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,454 Member
    Another good day today! I will tell you about it tomorrow. I have a busy couple of days coming up. Tomorrow morning my Aunt is coming to visit and stay overnight. She is 78. She always seemed so much younger than my parents I almost fell of my chair when she told me. I guess since my Dad would have been 90 and my Mom is 85 she still is younger. I don't know what I was expecting Lol! Then I will be going back to PA on Thursday or Friday. The bridal shower is Saturday and then my girlfriend and I are going to look for a mother of the groom dress. I was hoping my daughters could join us but they can't and I can't wait any longer. Next week the last of my guests will be coming from Thursday until Sunday. September is so nice at the shore but it is pretty deserted and things are starting to close.

    @amsandos Love the pics! What a beautiful family and you all look so happy! Thanks for sharing! I am glad you got your new computer up and running. It takes a while to figure things out lol! Glad you feel more in control and back on track.
    @Barbb1557 Your story about the cat and the pilates made me Lol! The cat was probably wondering what the heck you were doing! Hope you got to finish your session. I am interested to see what your doctor says about the headaches. Do you think you could be dehydrated? Maybe you can drink a sports drink to replace what you have lost with working out? Keep us posted!
    @amytriesww The good thing is that you are still getting yourself moving even though you have limited time. That is something you should give yourself credit for. You also haven't let your studies give you an excuse to eat. You are still on track with eating and another awesome day with the water! Great job!
    @pacsnc6 I hope they find a new instructor soon! I know that you love your water aerobics Sounds like you got a lot of steps in shopping at least. You have had a busy few days! Great job keeping on track!
    @phoebe112476 I want to go there! It looks like such a beautiful place to have dinner! Not to mention how yummy everything looks. What an awesome NSV with the new size 8s! I am sure it is a great feeling to see these clothes that used to fit or even be snug get too loose to wear! I bet the bathing suit shopping wont be as bad as you think. They have so many cute ones now a days that you will look fantastic in with your new, slimmer figure!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,454 Member
    edited September 2019
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