Introduce Yourself



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    dcheek04 wrote: »
    Hi all! I am 33 and a mom of 2 well technically 3! I have had custody of my niece since she was little, my kids are 17, 12, & 3, we have a non stop life of activities, school and just normal daily life things! I have always struggled with my weight, never once have have I been happy! My youngest started preschool so I am finally able to get back into to the gym to try again.. I have a goal to loose 100lbs by next summer! I have been going to the gym 4 days a week for 3 weeks now and I average and hour to hour and half of cardio, and on and off on the light weights! I have a big issue with foods, I tend to lean to a lot of carb foods and I don’t eat enough thru out the day! At the age of 21 I was diagnosed with Crohn’s.. then at 24 I had to have surgery to remove half my large and small intestines. Now I struggle with eating a lot of healthy foods and tend to stick to comfort foods that I know don’t bother my stomach.. I am so lost with what to do.. I would love to eat a salad, nuts fresh fruit and veggies a day but it is very hard on my stomach.. I have a hard time eating three meals a day, I have nights that I realize I haven’t ate all day! People tell me I should eat 6 small meals a day, but if I can’t do three how do I do six, I am so loss.. sorry if this was a lot I am hoping this page can give me some insight! 😀

    Hi @dcheek04,


    I believe you have come to the right place.

    I think you should start by checking out a couple of threads:

    To summarize a few points you should learn when reading them though:

    1) You do not need to eat "healthy" to lose weight.
    2) You do not need to eat 3 or 6 meals a day to lose weight.

    Personally I do not deal well with 3 meals a day. Back 10 years or so ago when 6 meals a day was the new way to increase your metabolism (myth) I tried it and it was a spectacular failure. Most people cannot wrap their heads around the fact that I could get to be so large and have had such inattentive hunger signals. On a few occasions I have accidentally fasted for 24 hours because I was so busy I thought I had eaten and I had not.

    I eat most of my food at lunch and then I eat an optional snack sized dinner. It is very easy for me and I do it quite naturally. I do not promote it because it is not necessary and it may not even be a good idea unless a person is nutrition minded and gets all the macros and calories they need in a single meal.

    Eat less and move more. That is all it really takes to get started.

    I encourage you to change your goal. A lot of people think that setting a deadline to shoot for is a good idea. It seldom is. You can lose a lot of weight in a year but unless you do something unhealthy you can't lose 100 pounds that fast. As you get closer to goal you cannot/should not continue to lose weight at 2 pounds per week.

    I would encourage you to make your goal being healthier by next summer. You can accomplish that each day you are in a calorie deficit. You will start to experience NSVs (non scale victories) in as little as 10 pounds of loss if you pay attention. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel by next summer.

    Spend a lot of time reading the threads in this group. In a very short amount of time we have covered a lot of ground on what you need to know. Ask any questions. We want you to succeed.
  • bankey1976
    bankey1976 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning, I'm currently around 255 (down from 295) and wanting to end up around 185. Joined MFP a couple of months ago and starting hitting the gym again. Just looking for support on my journey and hoping I can be of support to others. Always do well for a few weeks then I decide I can cheat and thats when the sliding starts.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    bankey1976 wrote: »
    Good morning, I'm currently around 255 (down from 295) and wanting to end up around 185. Joined MFP a couple of months ago and starting hitting the gym again. Just looking for support on my journey and hoping I can be of support to others. Always do well for a few weeks then I decide I can cheat and thats when the sliding starts.

    Hi @bankey1976,

    Welcome to LL.

    Perhaps you need a plan that allows you to have more treat foods so you are not so tempted to "cheat". Also, do not require yourself to be perfect. That gets in the way. You only need to lose weight most days not all days. If you slip up and eat all the pie in 3 counties just log it and go again the next day. You can't "blow" your diet except quitting it.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Oh, that is a huge light bulb can’t “ blow” your diet without quitting it!.....thank you because I am learning every day.....
  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    @NovusDies So true!

    Welcome @dcheek04 & @bankey1976!
  • kmtbeaulieu6056
    My name is Kelly.
    I've been chubby my whole a young teen I went bulimic to correct that.. lost 80 lbs realized I was being stupid and put back on 90. When I moved out on my own as an adult i realized I was morbidly obese according to the bmi calculators. A few years back I lost about 80lbs wasn't at my goal but I was comfortable...had a minor car accident and used that as an excuse not to workout and eat crap. Now here I am back at 260 lbs...I know i have to buckle down and take control of my life
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    My name is Kelly.
    I've been chubby my whole a young teen I went bulimic to correct that.. lost 80 lbs realized I was being stupid and put back on 90. When I moved out on my own as an adult i realized I was morbidly obese according to the bmi calculators. A few years back I lost about 80lbs wasn't at my goal but I was comfortable...had a minor car accident and used that as an excuse not to workout and eat crap. Now here I am back at 260 lbs...I know i have to buckle down and take control of my life

    Hi @kmtbeaulieu6056,

    Welcome to LL.

    I think the one of the harder challenges is to come up with a plan that can survive all that life can throw at us. I hope this time around you can find a better answer for yourself.

    Jump in anywhere.
  • Olblueiiii
    Olblueiiii Posts: 43 Member
    Hello. I'm Dan. I've been a member of MFP for 9 years. In December of 2017, I had lost over 90 lbs of the 120 lbs I needed to reach my goal. As it turns out, I wish I hadn't given away all my big clothes. In May of 2018, I had the first of 4 surgeries on my feet. One at a time, each foot was reconstructed and then 6-8 weeks later, the ankle was replaced(See my profile pic.). I've been sitting in my chair recovering for 16 months now. Apparently, during that time, I was gaining about a pound a week. It really snuck up on me. I'm just getting to where I can walk again, but not well enough to call it exercise. On September 1, 2019, I started trying to lose some weight again. On September 18, I started a Keto diet of 1200cal-1500cal. My profile says I've lost 31 lbs, but 17 0f those were from 2017. I'm happy with 14 lbs lost. Just 95 more to go to get to my goal of 219, at which time I will reassess things. I think, ultimately, I could make it to Onederland. I know I can lose the weight because I've done it before; I've already had a good start.
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    Welcome to LL @olblueiiii.

    Sounds like you've had a rough time. I'm glad you're recovering from your surgery and that you're trying to get serious about your health again.

    Having that knowledge that you can do it because you did it before is really helpful IMO. I lost a bunch 10 years ago and gained it back, so I have a similar perspective.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    olblueiiii wrote: »
    Hello. I'm Dan. I've been a member of MFP for 9 years. In December of 2017, I had lost over 90 lbs of the 120 lbs I needed to reach my goal. As it turns out, I wish I hadn't given away all my big clothes. In May of 2018, I had the first of 4 surgeries on my feet. One at a time, each foot was reconstructed and then 6-8 weeks later, the ankle was replaced(See my profile pic.). I've been sitting in my chair recovering for 16 months now. Apparently, during that time, I was gaining about a pound a week. It really snuck up on me. I'm just getting to where I can walk again, but not well enough to call it exercise. On September 1, 2019, I started trying to lose some weight again. On September 18, I started a Keto diet of 1200cal-1500cal. My profile says I've lost 31 lbs, but 17 0f those were from 2017. I'm happy with 14 lbs lost. Just 95 more to go to get to my goal of 219, at which time I will reassess things. I think, ultimately, I could make it to Onederland. I know I can lose the weight because I've done it before; I've already had a good start.

    Hi @olblueiiii,

    I hope the worst is behind you. We look forward to watching you succeed. Let us know if there is anything you need.

    Just a note though... 1500 calories is the minimum nutrition line for men.
  • Oppaloopa
    Oppaloopa Posts: 49 Member
    AnnasMom89 wrote: »
    Hey, ya'll! New to the group here but not new to MFP. I have "started over" many times in the past, but this time I'd really like to stay on track. I am NOT one for working out, nor am I one for health food. I know myself and that just won't work for me. I'm big on eating smaller portions of what I love and losing it that way. I began 30 days ago at my largest of 297. On a 5'3 frame, I feel like an Oompa Loompa. I refuse to go back there. Too much worry about my health, too tired of getting anxiety about simple things like whether or not I can fit into a go-kart during family outtings. I'm DONE! So if you're still reading, please add me. I need like-minded friends 💚
    I am a Oppaloopa I am 5ft 1 inch Hi

  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    @Oppaloopa Welcome to LL! Feel free to share more about yourself/your goals if you feel comfortable. Join in any conversation thread going on or make your own.

  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    @VoluptuousComedyNerd welcome to LL! I'm glad you found us. I joined back in July and found it very helpful to have a group of people in a similar situation as me -- I rarely view the main forums on MFP now.

    Hiking sounds like a great way to get some activity in. I'm thinking about trying to get into it next spring. Are you looking forward to the upcoming Breaking Bad movie?

  • VoluptuousComedyNerd
    merph518 wrote: »
    @VoluptuousComedyNerd welcome to LL! I'm glad you found us. I joined back in July and found it very helpful to have a group of people in a similar situation as me -- I rarely view the main forums on MFP now.

    Hiking sounds like a great way to get some activity in. I'm thinking about trying to get into it next spring. Are you looking forward to the upcoming Breaking Bad movie?

    Yes! I can’t wait for the movie. Ordinarily I’d be wary of the quality, but even their spinoff (Better Call Saul) was really good so I think the movie will be great.

    Hiking has really saved me to be honest. I often climb a 300ft “hill” near my house and absolutely love just sitting at the top with a book. If it wasn’t for that, I’d be in a much worse position than I am now. I encourage you to give it a shot! Even if you try smaller hikes now, since fall is the best season for it (assuming you live in a place where fall is a prominent season). Good luck!
  • marlajane11
    marlajane11 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey hey, there everybody 👋 My name is Marla, I’m 37 and have struggled with weight my entire life. I am determined to have a healthier relationship with food and with myself. I’m an obsessive person, as soon as I get something in my head I throw everything I have into it. I re-downloaded MFP on Sunday told my husband I was READY to start making some lifestyle changes and then immediately came looking for a support forum 🤗

    My goal is simple, I just want to feel good in my own skin. Right now I’m weighing in at 307lbs and I’m just completely uncomfortable in my body. Depression and anxiety are starting to kick in and I’m basically a hermit who doesn’t want to leave the house because that means I need to wear real clothes and not pajamas 😩

    My seven-year-old daughter is extremely active and has started noticing that I’m limited in the activities that I’m willing to do with her 😭 and I am desperate to change this!!

    Another factor that’s motivating me is an upcoming family trip to Disney World November of 2020. I want to enjoy ALL the things without worrying if I’ll fit or be uncomfortable. We go every couple of years and the last time we went there were a few rides that were incredibly uncomfortable due to my size. Right now I have zero stamina and can barely wash my own feet in the shower. Walking upwards of 15 miles a day in Disney World as I currently am right now sounds like torture.

    I am on day four of tracking and limiting my caloric intake. This just seemed like a great place to start. I’m not on a diet of restriction just keeping my calories to 1500 a day. I’ve also started walking in the evenings as where I live the day time temperatures are still in the high 90°’s. While I know I need to lose over 100 pounds I’m more focused on how I feel and how clothes fit. I also don’t want to lose weight too quickly and have excess skin hanging everywhere (which I understand I will have some).

    Current goals:
    Lose 1-2lbs a week
    Work up to walking 3 miles a day
    Start some form of yoga/stretching practice
    Family bike rides!!
    Staying happy and excited about this new lifestyle journey!

    Thanks for taking the time to read my novel of an introduction. I’m excited to be a part of this community and to learn and grow (less) with all of you!!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 330 lbs and finally trying to get off my butt to do something about it. I did lose about 75lbs several years ago, but once I started to really see results, I became sloppy with my regimen and eventually gained it all back. I'm hoping that this time around, I can see the same results and push even further to get to my ultimate goal of 150. But I have a long way to go!

    A little about me: I'm 36 from Boston(ish), MA. Netflix and I have a love/hate relationship, where I love it but also hate myself for watching it so much. My favorite shows are Parks and Rec and Breaking Bad but there are so many more that I won't list here. I also am a big fan of comedy in general, as well as trivia, board games, and breweries.

    I love hiking and recently climbed a 1.2k mountain in NH this summer. While I'm so incredibly proud that I was able to get all the way to the top, it was so much more difficult than I thought it would be, and I realized that I have a lot of work to do before I go climbing my next mountain.

    I'm here hoping to make a lot of friends to motivate each other!

    Hi @VoluptuousComedyNerd. Welcome to LL!

    Boston(ish) is one of my favorite cities.

    Hiking was once one of my favorite activities and I allowed my poor weight management to rob me of it for a very long time. I am currently post-op and healing but it is one of the first things I plan to do when I am better.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hey hey, there everybody 👋 My name is Marla, I’m 37 and have struggled with weight my entire life. I am determined to have a healthier relationship with food and with myself. I’m an obsessive person, as soon as I get something in my head I throw everything I have into it. I re-downloaded MFP on Sunday told my husband I was READY to start making some lifestyle changes and then immediately came looking for a support forum 🤗

    My goal is simple, I just want to feel good in my own skin. Right now I’m weighing in at 307lbs and I’m just completely uncomfortable in my body. Depression and anxiety are starting to kick in and I’m basically a hermit who doesn’t want to leave the house because that means I need to wear real clothes and not pajamas 😩

    My seven-year-old daughter is extremely active and has started noticing that I’m limited in the activities that I’m willing to do with her 😭 and I am desperate to change this!!

    Another factor that’s motivating me is an upcoming family trip to Disney World November of 2020. I want to enjoy ALL the things without worrying if I’ll fit or be uncomfortable. We go every couple of years and the last time we went there were a few rides that were incredibly uncomfortable due to my size. Right now I have zero stamina and can barely wash my own feet in the shower. Walking upwards of 15 miles a day in Disney World as I currently am right now sounds like torture.

    I am on day four of tracking and limiting my caloric intake. This just seemed like a great place to start. I’m not on a diet of restriction just keeping my calories to 1500 a day. I’ve also started walking in the evenings as where I live the day time temperatures are still in the high 90°’s. While I know I need to lose over 100 pounds I’m more focused on how I feel and how clothes fit. I also don’t want to lose weight too quickly and have excess skin hanging everywhere (which I understand I will have some).

    Current goals:
    Lose 1-2lbs a week
    Work up to walking 3 miles a day
    Start some form of yoga/stretching practice
    Family bike rides!!
    Staying happy and excited about this new lifestyle journey!

    Thanks for taking the time to read my novel of an introduction. I’m excited to be a part of this community and to learn and grow (less) with all of you!!

    Hi @marlajane11,

    I have some compulsive habits that always got in my way too. I really think what helped me has been to make rules for myself to keep me from going too strict with myself. One of the rules I made was that I would do my best to find a way to moderate all the food that helped me gain weight and not try to cut it out of my life.

    I don't think any of us are immune to wanting to look better in clothing but you are certainly in the right place because the goal of this group is to change our lives for the better with simple, sensible, and sustainable progress. Perfection is not the goal here. We just need to be good enough to lose weight most days. Weight is something that is lost by chipping it away. If my goal is to lose 2 pounds in a week and I have a bad day and eat too much I should still be happy losing 1.7 pounds that week and try for 2 again the next one. For me the more relaxed I am about it the less bad days I have.

    Jump in anywhere. Ask any questions.
  • marlajane11
    marlajane11 Posts: 2 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Hi @marlajane11,

    I have some compulsive habits that always got in my way too. I really think what helped me has been to make rules for myself to keep me from going too strict with myself. One of the rules I made was that I would do my best to find a way to moderate all the food that helped me gain weight and not try to cut it out of my life.

    I don't think any of us are immune to wanting to look better in clothing but you are certainly in the right place because the goal of this group is to change our lives for the better with simple, sensible, and sustainable progress. Perfection is not the goal here. We just need to be good enough to lose weight most days. Weight is something that is lost by chipping it away. If my goal is to lose 2 pounds in a week and I have a bad day and eat too much I should still be happy losing 1.7 pounds that week and try for 2 again the next one. For me the more relaxed I am about it the less bad days I have.

    Jump in anywhere. Ask any questions.

    Thank you for the warm welcome NovusDies, I will definitely jump in here and ask questions as they arise!

    Speaking of questions lol While my thinking is the same as yours, moderate all food and not completely restrict anything. Im wondering if eliminating my biggest weakness for the first few weeks as a “detox” would help with my impulse control?!

    I feel as though I have absolutely zero control over chocolate and sweets. When I start to eat them, “Oh, I’ll have two brownies. Those are so good let me have another one.” 20 minutes later I’ll have a Little Debbie star crunch or three and give zero thoughts about it 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Just outright eliminating “sweet treats” from my diet for 21 days or a month will help my brain/body reboot and adjust to the obvious sugar dependency I have going on. Then I can start adding them back in moderation, maybe or maybe not, depending on how my impulse control is going. Sugary foods are my weakness.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Hi @marlajane11,

    I have some compulsive habits that always got in my way too. I really think what helped me has been to make rules for myself to keep me from going too strict with myself. One of the rules I made was that I would do my best to find a way to moderate all the food that helped me gain weight and not try to cut it out of my life.

    I don't think any of us are immune to wanting to look better in clothing but you are certainly in the right place because the goal of this group is to change our lives for the better with simple, sensible, and sustainable progress. Perfection is not the goal here. We just need to be good enough to lose weight most days. Weight is something that is lost by chipping it away. If my goal is to lose 2 pounds in a week and I have a bad day and eat too much I should still be happy losing 1.7 pounds that week and try for 2 again the next one. For me the more relaxed I am about it the less bad days I have.

    Jump in anywhere. Ask any questions.

    Thank you for the warm welcome NovusDies, I will definitely jump in here and ask questions as they arise!

    Speaking of questions lol While my thinking is the same as yours, moderate all food and not completely restrict anything. Im wondering if eliminating my biggest weakness for the first few weeks as a “detox” would help with my impulse control?!

    I feel as though I have absolutely zero control over chocolate and sweets. When I start to eat them, “Oh, I’ll have two brownies. Those are so good let me have another one.” 20 minutes later I’ll have a Little Debbie star crunch or three and give zero thoughts about it 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Just outright eliminating “sweet treats” from my diet for 21 days or a month will help my brain/body reboot and adjust to the obvious sugar dependency I have going on. Then I can start adding them back in moderation, maybe or maybe not, depending on how my impulse control is going. Sugary foods are my weakness.

    I made the decision not to have reese pb cups or jerky in the house for a time. I don't really every crave them but in the past I would mindlessly eat an entire bag. I felt like if I gave myself time to really get into a good routine I would have more control. During that time I really worked on logging accuracy and logging accountability. I eventually came to a place where seeing "unnecessary" calories in my log became enough of an annoyance that moderating got much easier. By my definition "unnecessary" is a situation where I didn't actually make a decision to consume that many calories.

    Some people have to cut things out entirely. I would start with a plan of temporary elimination and work up to that if there is no choice. I would also keep in mind that what makes most dessert food hard to control is not the sugar or sweetness but the combination of fat, sugar, and flavor.