

  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @ljdanny congrats on the grandbabies! So exciting!

    @lennoncpa I have ordered the steamed Chinese food, it does not have much taste, too blah. You are better off making a smoothie or something else that is easy. I do not cook much, I know how, it just gives me anxiety to try to figure out what to make, the shopping, prep & clean-up. I have been married for over 20 years and my hubby is still very happy, lol. I'm with you, find a man that likes to cook, my brother in law loves to cook, my sister does not, but she cleans like a lunatic, lol.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @lennoncpa I have helped nurse a sick dog back to health. I used chicken broth with the rice and little pieces of chicken. That might help. Good luck
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Tuesday 11/5 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water:64 oz
    Exercise: none

    Quick update on yesterday's check in: I was on track with my calories but then had a snack before work and went over. Oops.😥

    My day was completely off today. I had a doctor's appointment at 11 this morning. I usually make them for later in the day so I can sleep first but that didn't work out this time.

    I slept for a couple hours before the appointment, then got up to go to that and was up a few hours. I was hungry when I got back so I had lunch before sleeping again and then slept the rest of the afternoon. Got up, had supper and am going to take a nap before work since I'm still tired.

    I do plan on reading everyone's posts and respond to them but it looks like it's going to take me a while to catch up on everyone's posts.😁
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,454 Member
    Catching up quick before we start boarding..Going from Charlotte to Philly now. Treated myself to a pedicure and a small frozen yogurt. I really want herbal tea but I can't even get near starbucks. I should have gotten one earlier. Oh well...l will check in tomorrow am. Have a good night everyone!

    @Cafelelia I forgot that your Mom sent you home with some healthy goodies. Perfect timing! I can't believe the holidays are so close! I like both of your ideas. Healthy foods at home and also treating it like vacation. I did good with vacation and still ate and enjoyed myself. I was very aware of what I was eating too rather than just mindlessly eating. You gave me a lot to think about. I love the chart with the alcohol! Thanks for posting! I can really see a difference in your photo! It is nice to see your hard work paying off!
    @pacsnc6 You have had a busy/fun few weeks! I actually love your sister's plan of traveling around by RV. What a nice way to see the country. Guess you are ready to get back into your routine this week. :)
    @amytriesww I don't know much about it. A few ladies on here do it though. I was having trouble with snacking at night, so it started with cutting that out, then I started eating earlier and it kind of went from there. I was surprised that I was able to do it at all. I didn't do too well tonight because I had a frozen yogurt in the airport pretty late. How are things going with you?
    @mrsbell8well Dinner looks so yummy!
    @kirsten11872 We all have off days but you seem to be having more good than off days lately. Keep it going! You are doing great!
    @lennoncpa . Sounds like you have a very good Tuesday! I like fruit and veggies and I am not quite sure why I don't eat them more. Hope your poor little foster dog is feeling better soon. We do what @mrsbell8well said. Chicken and rice.
    @tryingagain5 Hope you can catch up on your sleep tomorrow . Have a good night at work.
    @phoebe112476 That is an awesome NSV!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited November 2019
    Tuesday Check In
    Food - at goal
    Water- 42oz
    Exercise - 30 minute walk
    Steps- 9040 steps

    What's a very nice day yesterday. Work was really busy came home from work and went to vote for a bond issue that was in our community. Then the old boy wanted to go out to dinner. Change of plans. That's okay. I ate a sandwich and a little bit of beef barley soup and that was it . I ate till I was satisfied. Today is going to be a super busy day. I've got work and will be preparing for our Thanksgiving open house tomorrow. Then after work I go to the doctor. So I won't be home until 6:30 quarter to 7. I will eat the spaghetti zoodles that i was supposed to have last night. And then I have to put together my white chicken chili. That's what I'm bringing to the open house. So it's going to be a late night for me and I am going to try..,.... no stop that. I am going to follow my plan. I can do this. I will do this. Have a great day everyone
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cafelelia yes I too noticed a big difference in your photos. I lost my pictures but Molly might have them. 16 pounds is a lot. Imagine if you had gained 16 pounds the difference. But no you didn’t gain you lost. Great job!!!
    @pacsnc6 Molly and I have flirted with the idea of doing the RV for a year when we retire. How fun. We have a vegan map of the United States of restaurants to try.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Tuesday:
    Water 50oz?
    Steps 7500
    Food-on track
    Exercise-22 yoga, 20 run 5/5 warm up/ cool down
    By the time I got off work it was too dark to run. My coworker suggested the community center across the street. Great idea. Joined back for a month. $15. Did the treadmill. Managed to do a fast pace for 5 minutes of the run and a good pace overall. Was worried about my hamstring but it behaved. It did feel good to be running.
    By the time I got home and did yoga it was too late to organize clothes. Put laundry away and went to bed early. Got great sleep and woke up with weight loss. 1/2 pound to go by Saturday’s goal and next star.
    I am officially counting down 2 years this month until retirement 😁
    @Cafelelia I keep meaning to tell you congrats on 10k steps! I know that was a huge achievement for you.
    @cyndiesstuff I smiled the other day when you wrote “my husband “ sounds so nice lol. I am so happy you have Jim by your side.
    @sleepymom5 hope your flight goes well Pam. I know your apprehensive about setting goal targets. But next month is Christmas, then New Years then Valentines. I know you have made changes but your health will improve as you lose the pounds. The extra weight is difficult on our joints and muscles. I know this first hand. If you don’t do it now when will you do it? Onederland is waiting for you. Timing is everything. When your ready mentally nothing will stop you. There’s always events and celebrations. Especially in your life. I had to take 1 year to focus just on me. At times I felt lonely and selfish but I was the only one that was going to take care of me and my body. It was absolutely worth it!!! Good luck you can do it!
    I realized last night that I don’t have any articles of clothing that don’t fit! That’s so amazing. I’m not trying to get down a size. I have arrived.
    Thanks team for all the kind words. ❤️
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 love the license story! I had the same thing happen.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Tuesday Check In

    Food - logged & under
    Water - 1.5 l
    Exercise - 30 minutes stationary bike, 10 minutes cross training

    I can see my trainer only once this week, so I am trying to do my own workouts in the mornings. I am delayed today but will try to do one before afternoon physio. In my “spare” time, I have been trying to get a bunch of home repairs done. I finally decided to delegate. A handyman is here now recaulking a few bathrooms. It is nice having somebody else do some of this stuff! I also came across a bigger issue of the dryer vent becoming disconnected in the wall, which may be causing all kinds of problems. I have somebody coming in to fix that tomorrow. It feels like November is going fast, just like October and I want to get caught up before December & the holidays.

    For Day 3 of the sleep challenge, I put my electronics far away at bedtime. Ironically, my husband feel asleep with his iphone on top of him and it crashed on the floor around 4 am, waking us both up! I guess I should have told him about the challenge!

    @timibotkin - Great job getting up early to work out! Cooking for others and yourself can be really tricky and I am in the same boat. I have tried to streamline by preparing common side dishes (salads, roasted vegetables), and then multiple entrees. I am getting better at being efficient, but some weeks I still find it challenging.

    @Mrsbell8well - Joining the community centre was a great idea and it is so convenient that it is across the street from work! Having your “final” wardrobe is another awesome NSV! 2 years to retirement will fly by, and maybe you can do a chart for that too! Hope that you can find your photos as your transformation has been truly inspiring!

    @cyndiesstuff - Great day yesterday and great job sticking to plan on the fly at the restaurant! You will do great at the open house tomorrow!

    @sleepymom5 - Great job on vacation! There is something about you and vacations which seem to work with your plan. Maybe you are not running around/driving around so much. I don’t know, but it is worth looking at what you are doing that works so well on your vacations. Hope that you had a good trip and are settling back into your routine. As for my photos, I don’t really see the weight loss on a daily basis, so the photos help me. My trainer started biweekly photos with me, but we only started end of September so I need a few months before I can really see a difference there.

    @phoebe112476 - Your driver’s licence story is an excellent NSV!

    @tryingagain5 - Appointments can mess up a daily routine and particularly with your work hours. Today is a new day and it is going to be a good one for you!

    @lennoncpa - I love that dancing is your workout and you (and my mom) have reminded me that working out can be many different things! It is so amazing that you foster dogs! I hope that your little guy gets better soon!

    @kirsten11872 - Really great how mindful you were yesterday and you stopped your binge! That is huge! Also 15k steps is impressive! Sounds like you have a great plan today!

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Mrsbell8well I am madly in love with that man! He is my rock. I told him last night he is stuck with me forever. He said who's stuck, I want to be here!! Just so you know, I have looked at that picture of Skylynn a dozen times. she is a complete doll!! I just love her smile.

    @timibotkin you have been thru so much. I am super proud of you for not giving up. It really does make my heart sing.

    Don't forget @sleepymom5 I still want to see you work the model with your anxiety. How is your mom?
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Cafelelia I love (maybe love is not quite the right word) the pictures of the fat at 5, 10, 15, and 20 lbs. What a great way to make it tangible.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    If today you could be the person that has already lost the weight, what would you do today? Be that person today, act as if!!
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello & Happy Hump Day! It is a nice, sunny day here in NJ! :smiley:

    My plan was to go to the gym after work last night, but I left work an hour late, picked up dinner for the boys & stopped to vote on my way home. I was exhausted by the time I got home, and with the time change it gets dark by 4:30 which makes it even harder to want to go out so late to workout. I did stay on plan with my food. I got home, ate a light dinner and started my fast. Once I hit start on the IF app, I am usually good about not eating anymore for the night. I made myself a cup of tea to fill me up and not want to eat more, it worked.

    So far today my food plan is on point. I packed my food for the day. I may try to workout when I get home from work, but my sister comes for dinner on Wednesdays so I try to catch-up with her, but I will see how I feel, I am not making any definite decisions until I get home.

    I am feeling good, even though I did not workout, I ate well and got in lots of steps. I am taking each day in stride, trying to be able to keep this lifestyle forever and be able to fit it in with holidays, parties, events etc.

    My goal is to be down 15-20 pounds by the end of the year. I think it is attainable, I just need to stay on track 90% of the time and I should be good!

    @sleepymom5 safe travels! Enjoy!

    @mrsbell8well how nice for you to be able to countdown to your retirement, so exciting! Sounds like you are right back on track and set to hit goal again! I can't wait until I am back within a few pounds.

    @cyndiesstuff I love how you just jumped right back into this challenge! You are so encouraging!

    @phoebe112476 that must be such a great feeling that your license weight is actually the truth, lol. It is funny how the little things can make us so happy!

    I am really trying to keep up with everyone's posts as well as post daily. It is keeping me motivated! Have a great day! :smile:
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Just got caught up on 4 pages of posts! Love the beginning of the month. Keep it up team!!

    @cyndiesstuff what a horrible tragedy! Its an amazing gift you gave them to drop everything and run down to Florida. I'm liking your new boss. ;) Great idea/plan for the open house.
    I have done similar at our neighborhood potlucks... reserve calories for things you don't always get to eat. I'm so glad you're back with us and have jumped back in with both feet!
    @sleepymom5 this month will be a challenge but you have come so far and learned so much. Never fear my friend... refer to all the things you have learned and nail these social situations. Keep your health and weightloss journey front and center. No one else can lose the weight for you... you've gotta do the hard work. I like @Cafelelia's suggestion of having healthy food around.
    @Cafelelia what a transformation. Those 16 pounds are gone, bye bye, history and it shows. I wish I would have taken before photos... I avoided the camera as much as possible. I wish I had had more faith in myself in the beginning to log my journey. And thank you for the graphics. I definitely need visuals.
    @Kisten11872 I fall into the all or nothing mindset myself. I have to remind myself "one day at a time" and "its a marathon, not a sprint". Nothing gets me off track like lapsing into the nothing mindset. I'm so happy for how well you're doing this month and I enjoy your check ins.
    @mrsbell8well I have never heard of soy curls. Had to look them up. there are a ton of recipes on Pinterest! My mind is blown!! LOL Congrats my friend on staying on plan the other night. You're one tough, stubborn cookie!
    @lennoncpa If the little guy can tolerate milk, try cottage cheese. You always have the cutest fosters!! Did the little one that was so scared get adopted to a good home?

  • timibotkin
    timibotkin Posts: 235 Member
    @Cafelelia your photo comparison has me motivated.... I can fit more little wild beasts in the bed with us if I lose more weight! :):):). LOL Although I doubt Wayne would like that!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Not sure if its the time change or my husband being home and my routine off a little but this week is flying by. Honestly super pissed that the scale is not budging. Scrapped dinner plans Sunday instead making hubby a chef salad and me a green salad with just a splash of EVOO & Balsamic. Monday was yoga day and made boneless ribs in the instantpot, au gratin potatoes from scratch (not out of the box) and steamed artichokes for dinner. Weight dropped .2 lbs. Tuesday morning I had an early appt. to take my dog Willow to the heart specialist as she's been coughing more (fortunately its treatable and not the beginning of the end which is where my mind always goes with her advanced age and heart disease). I had a few minutes to catch up on posts and instead told myself to get my butt off the couch and get some exercise in before I had to make the 1 hour drive. So sorry team... exercise won out and I fell behind on posts. Still bugged about the scale so I made a green salad with shrimp for dinner last night. Scale was down .2 lbs. I have now fed my husband salad 2 nights this week and have .4 lbs to show for it!! This morning I went for a 6 mile hike. Willow did great the whole way BTW. I'm fiercely motivated to lose these last few pounds, exercising, living with my hunger which I hate with a passion, watching my portions, not over eating and the pesky scale is not cooperating. #&@% Tomorrow is weigh in day and I hope to remember to take my measurements just for s***** n giggles.

    As for the sleep challenge...
    Day 1 - Done
    Day 2 - Was an IF night/day so that was doable
    Day 3 - I've been putting down the mobile devices an hour before bedtime for a few months now so that was easy peasey
    Day 4 - I need to remember to drop the blinds tonight because the moon is getting big and bright. Loving the coziness of my flannel sheets right now.
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