Jumpstart January 2020 Challenge!



  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Probably gonna keep the same set of like goals & stuff as we have for December, but we'll finalize that in time for the 1st.
    We've decided we're just gonna keep the same 5 goals as we had in December since they're working ok for us. 😺

    1) Carbs under 30g total
    2) Calories between 1000 & 1500
    3) Log everything
    4) Hit our activity goal every day
    5) Workout (min 30 minutes) at least 5 times / week

    We've done pretty good at checking in daily too, we'll keep trying to do that too cos it really helps IMHO to keep us focused & stuff. 😺
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Here we are folks!
    Happy New Year!
    It's my birthday today, so I'm having cake.
    I'll be in here tomorrow to start reporting and working. I'm still recovering from this awful respiratory plague. Yesterday, I went on the Dreadmill at 2mph for an hour while watching something on Netflix. It felt like the longest 3 hours of my life. :sweat: I have a bit more recovering to do before I'm even close to 100% but I'm going to try anyway.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Happy birthday @baconslave! Sorry you're still sick tho. 😿 We hope you're feeling better soon!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Happy Birthday @baconslave !
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Checking in for January 1st - our day is done! 😸

    I don't remember if we ever explained this btw but we check in 'early' cos its whenever we close our diary for the day. We do intermittent fasting, 2 meals a day, & normally our 2nd meal is like 3 or 4 pm. So we're usually all done with any kinda food by like 5pm, and then its just water till tomorrow morning. 😺

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️

    We hope everyone's having a good day & 2020 gets off to a good start for everybody! 😸
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,711 Member
    Happy Birthday @baconslave....I had a birthday on 12/29 :)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Happy new year!!

    My goals (health-related goals from my list of goals for 2020):
    * Do my PT exercises at least 3x/wk
    * Exercise at least 20 mins at least 3x/wk (ideally running
    * Go to bed by 10:30 at least 4 nights a week. This is the one I was the worst at in 2019 but I really need to prioritize sleep going forward!
    * Lose at least 2 lbs this month (I have 10 lbs to go so I think 0.5 lbs/wk is a good goal.) I'm starting at 144.
    Regarding food ... I'm seriously considering doing an ad lib challenge where if I count anything, it might be number of servings of certain things rather than logging food. I've been doing it off and on for a long time and I'd like a break from it. I'll try ad lib for January (possibly carnivore challenge!) and start logging again if the scale is climbing.
  • al4374
    al4374 Posts: 44 Member
    I dropped out of the dec challenge bec life got too hectic. I actually deleted the mfp app from my phone in an effort to simplify my life and cut down on noise.
    I’m back now, ready to try again. My goal for this month is to plan my food each night and not eat something the next day if it hasn’t been planned. Did great today - stuck to plan and already planned for tomorrow
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Report in here and the DD Facebook group daily. I didn't check in here yesterday but spent hours on the DD facebook group.
    Keep the carbs within the guidelines of the DD 5 week challenge. I am not starting the program until Monday
    Follow the meal plans and make any substitutions ahead of time, not when I open the fridge! I am not starting the program until Monday
    Attend Body Flex or use at home weights 2 x a week. So far, attended Body Flex and did one day of home weights.
    Attend Zumba class and do 2 sessions at home with the DVD. Zumba is tomorrow, did a dance session yesterday.
    Look in the full length mirror at least 3 x a week and journal about what I see. No progress on this issue.
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 366 Member

    Starting challenge weight 195.2
    Starting waist measurement 37.5
    Starting hip measurement 44.75

    Day 1
    Staying under carbs-50g total- NO, I binged on popcorn 🤦🏼‍♀️
    Staying under calories-1500 per day- YES
    Logging and measuring-Daily- YES
    Getting in exercise/movement-3x/week- 0/3
    Increasing water intake - NO
    Planning ahead meals-YES

    So for this month I want to focus on logging, staying accountable, getting regular activity and drinking more water. Last months challenge has shown me what areas I need to work on 👍 here we go!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Drink all my water - yes
    Take all my supplements/meds/vitamins - yes
    Quit eating after 9 pm (since I'm on day shift this month) - yes

    Ended up with 2 bags of free organic white cheddar popcorn (after the sale price and coupons) and half price 5 bar Lindt Dark Gift Box today. Didn't resist, but chocolate is hidden away as hubby is even worse than I am for "Lindt-lust."
    Carry on....
    nothing to see here.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    @baconslave, your Scrabble opponent looks pretty intense, not sure I'd play against him/her/it. :D
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Drink all my water - yes
    Take all my supplements/meds/vitamins - yes
    Quit eating after 9 pm (since I'm on day shift this month) - yes

    Ended up with 2 bags of free organic white cheddar popcorn (after the sale price and coupons) and half price 5 bar Lindt Dark Gift Box today. Didn't resist, but chocolate is hidden away as hubby is even worse than I am for "Lindt-lust."
    Carry on....
    nothing to see here.

    That stuff is just too delicious.
    canadjineh wrote: »
    @baconslave, your Scrabble opponent looks pretty intense, not sure I'd play against him/her/it. :D

    She def looks like she means business. :lol:
  • francesca_grey
    francesca_grey Posts: 96 Member
    1) “Stop snacking/binging” is too vague of a goal so instead I am going to wait 20 minutes every time I want to snack so the urges die down.

    2) Aiming for 300 hours of exercise this year so I need to knock out 25 hours per month. Start exercising and hiking outdoors.

    3) Meal prep on Sunday and mid-week. I did great last month with trying new recipes, but I spend too much time cooking and the kitchen is always a mess.

    4) 1700 calories, 100g carbs & 130g protein, no eating between 8pm and 12pm.

    5) Continuing my effort to be more balanced and let go of my “all or nothing” attitude because it’s sabotage wearing disguise. If I mess up on any of the above goals I will report about it here, let go of the guilt and get right back to it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My goals for January are pretty simple:
    Cardio and weights workout six days a week
    Yoga and Pilates every other day
    no weekday wine.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Very excited to get going on the January Jump start. The goals worked so well for me in December, I'm keeping them.
    1. Lose 5 lbs before 1/31
    2. Stay under carb goal, <35 day
    3. Stay under calorie goal, <1,500 day
    4. Exercise every day
    5. Plan ahead for meals and snacks

    The planning ahead is going to be key. I found out last month that the times I didn't do so well was when I didn't fully plan ahead and I was all willy nilly.

    January 1 check in, I did well but went over carbs by having a baby sized piece of pie. Wow, there are a lot of carbs in 2 ounces of pie! ( I got a food scale for Xmas)

    I am so glad to see all of you from the December group. It's nice to have support.
    Happy Birthday to @baconslave and I hope you feel better. You must be passing the plague back and forth between family members.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Day 2 check in! It was a really stressful & difficult day for us today. 😿 There were a couple moments we were tempted, just cos of the stress & emotions & stuff. But, we didn't give in, & stuck to the plan.

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◼️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️

    We hope you're all having a better day than we did! 😺
  • jessetfan
    jessetfan Posts: 373 Member
    I'm a day late, but I'm in. I just started back to keto yesterday, so I'm excited since I know this works for me.

    My goals for January:
    Stay under 50 total carbs everyday
    Exercise everyday
    Lower my blood sugar
    Lose something

    SW: 236.5
    Starting blood sugar: 235

    Today's blood sugar: 189
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    Starting as of Wednesday 1/1/2020

    Water: 96 0z per day, got it
    Fiber at least 14*
    Logged Food: Got it

    Exercise as Planned: Cardio, no issue. Issue is really for strength training. I have a bad forearm, wrist, hand. Literally cannot lift anything above 2 lbs with right hand/arm. I can and do circles. But cannot figure out how to really tone upper body and batwings, with this issue. Any ideas? My problem area, good for cardio as use indoor bike. But how to tone upper body with limitations?

    At or Under Carb Level: 50
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes!
    Planned Day Ahead: Yes!, normally make big meals on Sunday so can use several times a week. Just makes life so much easier.
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