Today's Goals - What are yours?



  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    Had a pretty big binge on NYE. Did well with cravings and portion control today. Goals for the rest of the week is to not binge or overeat. Plan to go to gym tomorrow night.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    This morning has been a bit of a letdown on the planning front as slept later than usual as I was woken by the stupid fireworks (trigger some of the not so good memories of my times spent working overseas) I have the day off work so I plan to utilise it, my goals for today:

    > Get back on my binge eating plan for the rest of the day (planned meals/snacks).

    >Go out for a walk.

    >Jot down goals for 2020 for myself/OH and discuss plans to attain them.

    > Plan meals for next week Mon - Weds (away in Spain from Thurs-Sun and will just be focusing on regular meals and not drinking too much :-) )

    > Update positivity board for this week/month.

    > Meditate/Yoga before bed.

    PLAN: stuck with plan rest of the day, no bingeing, so happy with that. Prepped stuff for work for today and tomorrow. So just need to sort out the weekend now.

    WALK: didn't happen but kept myself busy cleaning and decluttering around my apartment and got around 8000 steps in.

    GOALS: made the lists, didn't get around to discussing them much as OH went out rowing.

    PLANNING MEALS: meal plan made out up to next Weds.



    Today's goals:

    > Stick to self-help plan

    > Arrange to take some TOIL hours back to go rowing tomorrow.

    > Walk to/from work
  • GeminiLady159
    GeminiLady159 Posts: 120 Member
    My Friday plan: follow & log my meal plan. Walk dog. Rest. Repeat.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    : done

    Today's goals:

    > Stick to self-help plan

    > Arrange to take some TOIL hours back to go rowing tomorrow.

    > Walk to/from work

    PLAN: monitored as directed, ate as planned, weighed this morning.

    ROWING: Got time off sorted to get out on the water as planned, beautiful morning for it854hy6llefjt.jpg

    WALKING COMMUTE: It was lashing with rain but I put my big girl waterproof pants on and walked to/from work anyway.

    Todays Goals:

    > Get out for row (already done).
    > Cycle to/from row.
    > Stick to Self Help Plan
    > Go for a walk.

  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    To eat on plan, not overindulge when I go out to eat tonight, and to get up in time for Zumba on Saturday. I have not been sleeping well and it has been monsooning here for the past 2 days so the temptations to lay around and do absolutely noting is super strong.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member

    Todays Goals:

    > Get out for row (already done).
    > Cycle to/from row.
    > Stick to Self Help Plan
    > Go for a walk.

    Don't know why my post didn't post yesterday but Friday's goals were all smashed.

    Yesterdays were to stick to plan and go for a walk. Did both.

    Today's goals:

    > Go for a walk
    > Do some yoga
    > Stick to Self Help Plan
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    I admire the whole idea of New Year's resolutions/goals, but 365 days is just too long for my attention span. This year I'm making monthly goals and January's is Walking. The goal is to have a scheduled walk 3-5 days a week, and to hit 5K steps 3-5 days a week (they don't have to be the same days). I intend for walking to become a permanent, regular part of my life but let's just start with the January goal for now.

    So for today:
    - 5K steps
    - log all food/drink
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    My goal for today was to go to the gym and I did it!.....first time for a while...

    Now I plan to be happy, smile more,eat healthy and watch football!
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Today is my restart day, I'm back to work which gives me that all important structure and routine to the day and I'm feeling focused again.
    My goal today is to not weigh myself, stick to my allowance and be in bed by 10.30pm.
    I've prelogged all today's meals except the veggies for dinner, so if I can resist the left over chocolates later this evening I'll be happy.
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    edited January 2020
    Same for me, Jackie. I've been doing better for the past week or so, but as of today I'm putting myself completely back on track.

    For me that's:
    • No food before 12pm or after 8pm
    • Log all food as I eat it
    • Stay under my calorie budget (currently 2000, I set my goal for 1.5 lbs/week down from 2)
    • Go to the gym at least 3x/week
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member

    Don't know why my post didn't post yesterday but Friday's goals were all smashed.

    Yesterdays were to stick to plan and go for a walk. Did both.

    Today's goals:

    > Go for a walk
    > Do some yoga
    > Stick to Self Help Plan

    WALK - did it eventually.

    YOGA - didn't do it, got home quite late so settled for eating dinner and going to bed.

    SELF-HELP PLAN - stuck to it as best I could and adjusted as necessary.

    Today's Goals:

    > Go for a walk
    > Do the yoga I missed yesterday
    > Stick to Self-Help Plan and start implementing Step 3 (Alternative activities for urge to eat.)
  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    This has been such a crazy, stressful day! My goal is not to overeat when I get home.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member

    Today's Goals:

    > Go for a walk
    > Do the yoga I missed yesterday
    > Stick to Self-Help Plan and start implementing Step 3 (Alternative activities for urge to eat.)

    WALK - had a short walk

    YOGA - didn't get it done, just as I was about to go to bed I got a work call about some crew stuck in an airport so spent around an hour sorting that out and was struggling to keep my eyes open.

    SELF-HELP PLAN - ate to regular eating pattern, but did order takeaway instead of eating what I had planned, I've been a bit off the last couple of days and didn't really want to cook/prep food.

    Today's Goals:

    > Go for a walk.
    > Yoga - will finally get it done.
    > Stick to planned food and self-help plan.
  • amkita
    amkita Posts: 183 Member
    since the high today is 20F, and it was about -6F with wind chill when I left the house this morning, I decided to skip the bike commute and hopped on a bus. my winter goal is to walk at least part if the way home when I don't bike in or all the way home--2.5 miles! for today:

    -stick to 11:30a-7:30p for eating
    -stick to <1600 (been slacking a bit)
    -walk home!
    -try making buffalo cauliflower for dinner!
    -make some kale pesto for tomorrow's dinner :)
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Jackie9003 wrote: »
    Today is my restart day, I'm back to work which gives me that all important structure and routine to the day and I'm feeling focused again.
    My goal today is to not weigh myself, stick to my allowance and be in bed by 10.30pm.
    I've prelogged all today's meals except the veggies for dinner, so if I can resist the left over chocolates later this evening I'll be happy.

    Well it's not really going to plan!
    There is still too much nice food in the house to get rid of so I'm working to maintenance this week and what hasn't been eaten by Sunday evening will be taken to work.
    I've moved most of the alcohol and my secret chocolate stash has been replenished so it's only some cheeses, some random chocolate and some alcoholic dregs now so not too bad really.
    I've been to the gym once and will go again today, due to other activities I haven't managed walking to work but never mind, and I did get to bed at 10.30pm on Monday (I think).

    The only goal I have stuck to is to not get weighed yet :)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I feel your pain!...I have been at it but it’s been a struggle the past week...we can do this!
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I feel your pain!...I have been at it but it’s been a struggle the past week...we can do this!

    Yes we absolutely can, we just need to get into that mindset and focus!
  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Satisfiedwithbetter Posts: 970 Member
    Today’s PLAN, FOLLOW IT! Assess how we’ll I followed it! Identify how I can improve it! Make tomorrow’s plan!
  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    My goal for this week is to eat on plan, exercise 2-3 times, and make it through the work week.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Just back from a couple of days Winter Sun in Valencia, Spain.

    So today's goals are:

    > Write out food plan for the rest of the week.
    > Catch up on cleaning/laundry so it doesn't stress me out the rest of the week.
    > Complete Week 3 Review of my Binge Eating Self-Help plan.