Today's Goals - What are yours?



  • Stay in the calorie budget
    Manage my situational depression and anxiety in healthy ways.
    Paint the stairwell (the wall had a ton of dings and scuffs from ten years of up and down, and we're having house photos taken Tuesday for eventually selling the house whenever the quarantine lifts.)
    Finish doing the dishes from last night's Chinese feast
    Cook lunch: We are having pulled pork in BBQ sauce on buns, chips, and pickles. I make vast quantities of pulled pork up and bag it dry, and then we thaw it at need.
    Cook dinner: we are having spaghetti and meatballs and pan-seared zucchini. Boyfriend had WLS so can't do pasta, but he says the red sauce and meatballs (I make them without bread and give him a few more) on top of the zucchini is so good that he doesn't miss the pasta.
    Finish the laundry and fold and put away.
    Go to the store for the coffee and tea and the lunchmeat that Girlfriend just decided she wants to exclusively eat right now. (roll eyes)
    Plant the next pot of cat grass. One growing and accessible, and one growing and inaccessible so the poor thing has a chance to recover from the mowing.
  • Stay in the calorie budget--not quite the end of the day yet, but dinner was pretty solid, so I think I'm good.
    Manage my anxiety and depression: I'm accepting that for a while I'm just going to need to have an afternoon nap, and plan accordingly.
    Still working on the dishes, not helped by today's nap, but I have all evening.
    Stairwell's done. I want to get a tiny brush out of my art kit and touch up a spot or two where the pale tan paint dripped on the dark brown trim, but that's a five minute job. It'll take longer to clean the brush than do the work.
    The laundry is still in process, but I can probably get it done tonight.
    I went to the store, so we're set for a bit I hope.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    Today my goal is to get my water intake up, a nutrition expert on tv has just said dehydration slows your body down and since working at home without a water cooler I've been drinking very little.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Jackie9003 wrote: »
    Today my goal is to get my water intake up, a nutrition expert on tv has just said dehydration slows your body down and since working at home without a water cooler I've been drinking very little.

    I need to drink more water and eat less food!
  • Today several things arrived from Amazon, so I put the bed skirts on the beds (which lets me hide all the crap one actually uses in the bedroom in boxes under the bed when photos are taken and showings are happening), got the leisure bras that will let me do overnight corseting comfortably, and got a pair of sandals that will let me use the lift in my left shoe. I have a leg length difference, and my back is now to the point where if I can't put the lift in it I won't buy the shoe, because I won't wear it.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    Thursday 9th April Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps
    > Weights

    > Yoga or Foam Roller/Stretching
    > Hoovering & mopping living room/kitchen
    > Laundry
    > Prep Roast Pork Dinner for tonight
    > Find a recipe for something different to do with cabbage
    > Deep condition my hair
    > Re-read Binge Eating Program
    > Call my Dad to wish him happy birthday

    Weekend (Friday 10th - Sunday 12th April) Goals/To Do List
    > Avg 8000 steps per day
    > Weight Session
    > Yoga Daily
    > Foam Roller Session
    > C25K Session
    > Meditation Daily
    > Read outside/in window seat
    > Keep on top of housework
    > Rearrange bedroom
    > Do some work on tshirt bag

    Had a relatively lazy day today although I have already prepped some food for the weekend, rearranged the bedroom (trying to solve my current insomnia),
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    TO DO

    --go get some compost from my brother for my garden
    --get groceries (my stock is getting low!)
    --vacuum & at least swiffer mop if not mop-mop
    --some sort of activity, whether a low energy low impact cardio, or walk
    --fold and put away that darned towels!
    --vacuum seal the sweaters and switch out for summer clothes
    --make the carrot cake cookies for Easter
    --prep Easter dinner; take to mom's to slow roast over night the turkey & crock pot the stuffing
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    To Do List for Saturday, April 11

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP
    Drink at least 8 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk
    Do 15 minute morning stretches
    Do 30 min chair yoga routine
    Find a way to block 2 cold air returns to keep the &^%$ cat out of them -- still need to do

    Need To Do --
    Turn mattress and put on new sheets and pillowcases -- Tues, still need to do
    Box up remaining DGD's items (1/2 already done) -- Wed, one box to go
    Clean cat boxes and clean up their room -- Thur-Fri-Sat, still need to do

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- at least 15 minutes
    Do one load of laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away

    Granddaughter is home and messed up my routine. Did not get in all of the little walks and only about half of the yoga routine. Seems like any disruption can throw my routine off ... so, back at it today I hope (she's home all day today). Well, Wed & Thur were a bust for my routine because of DGD. Friday was a bust because my attitude sucked. Logged food etc but did not do any exercise and did not post in any threads. Was in a really pissy mood. Decided I needed to take the day off and just not worry about it. Sooooooo, back at it today!!

    Have a great day Y'all!! :)
  • @cesse47:We all have those days. The wonderful thing about this is that every day is a new chance to do it better. I've been having some moodiness and inertia myself, and I put it down to the whole mess we're in with the pandemic. We'll all do better.
  • Today I want to get the upstairs rooms we use less set for photography, and generally sweep and dust up there. Boyfriend is responsible for his electronics room and his home office; Girlfriend is responsible for her room. I'm responsible for everything else. Some of it involves putting away all the debris of daily life and so I won't do that til Tuesday morning after everyone has showered and dressed. And some of it involves setting out artificial flowers with tall grassy foliage that is just irresistible for certain young black cats, so I'm waiting on that until Tuesday morning and the ability to put the cat in her carrier and out in the garage for the photos. She is a sweetheart, but gregarious and loud, and she doesn't need to be in the pictures we're using to sell the house.

  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,448 Member
    Today's goals:
    Work out (even though I don't really feel like it).
    Make fabric masks.
    Cook the dinner I have planned.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    @cesse47:We all have those days. The wonderful thing about this is that every day is a new chance to do it better. I've been having some moodiness and inertia myself, and I put it down to the whole mess we're in with the pandemic. We'll all do better.

    I agree. I'm hoping since it's sunny today I can get outside and meander around my yard a bit. Being in lockdown is bad enough, but add not being able to go outside (cold, rain, snow, etc) and it's almost claustrophobic!

    Have a good day!! :)
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Weekend (Friday 10th - Sunday 12th April) Goals/To Do List
    > Avg 8000 steps per day
    > Weight Session :neutral: Didn't make time for it
    > Yoga Daily :neutral: Did some but not every day
    > Foam Roller Session
    > C25K Session :neutral: Did half a run Friday - it was too hot and struggled to finish it.
    > Meditation Daily
    > Read outside/in window seat
    > Keep on top of housework
    > Rearrange bedroom
    > Do some work on tshirt bag

    Tuesday 14th April Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps
    > Weights
    > Yoga/Foam roller
    > Meditation
    > Home spa day
    > Laundry
    > Tidy up and inventorise kitchen
    > Place meat order with Butchers
    > Bake some banana bread
    > Plan food for rest of the working week
    > Do weekly review for Binge Eating program

  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    edited April 2020

    Tuesday 14th April Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps - undershot them by about
    > Weights
    > Yoga/Foam roller
    > Meditation
    > Home spa day
    > Laundry
    > Tidy up and inventorise kitchen
    > Place meat order with Butchers

    > Bake some banana bread
    > Plan food for rest of the working week
    > Do weekly review for Binge Eating program

    Wednesday 15th April Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps
    > Weights
    > Yoga/Foam Roller
    > 10 Mins Exercise Bike or Cycling
    > Laundry
    > Clean Bathroom
    > Pick up parcel
    > Bake some banana bread
    > Read in the sun
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @tinkerbellang83 all this talk of banana bread is making me want some, now! lol
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    To Do List for Wednesday, April 15

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP
    Drink at least 8 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk
    Do 15 minute morning stretches
    Do 30 min chair yoga routine
    Find a way to block 2 cold air returns to keep the &^%$ cat out of them -- still need to do

    Need To Do --
    Clean cat boxes and clean up their room -- Thur-Fri-Sat, still need to do

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- at least 15 minutes
    Do one load of laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away

    Major food boredom set in yesterday ... thought I really blow my program for the day but managed to hang on by my fingernails. LOL Better today.

    Have a great day Y'all!! :)
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    @tinkerbellang83 all this talk of banana bread is making me want some, now! lol

    Sowwy! It's totally getting done today, so will be stricken from the list tomorrow and will vanish (both in words and substance likely)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @tinkerbellang83 I need to get groceries today, and bananas will probably end up in my cart, though that means it won't be until the weekend that the bread (or cream pie...or banana pudding....ooooh that sounds really good) gets made; gotta let those suckers get appropriately ripe!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    @tinkerbellang83 I need to get groceries today, and bananas will probably end up in my cart, though that means it won't be until the weekend that the bread (or cream pie...or banana pudding....ooooh that sounds really good) gets made; gotta let those suckers get appropriately ripe!

    Yeah on account of taking a couple of days extra to make mine (originally planned to make it Saturday) my bananas were almost ready to walk on their own. Anyway it's in the oven now and has around 30 mins left to go. Added some dark chocolate chips and chopped walnuts too.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    To Do List for Thursday, April 16

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP
    Drink at least 8 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk
    Do 15 minute morning stretches
    Do 30 min chair yoga routine

    Need To Do --
    Clean cat boxes and clean up their room -- still need to do
    Complete grocery delivery list
    Pay monthly bills

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- at least 15 minutes, may reach 40 today so will try
    Do one load of laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away

    In a better frame of mind today ... seem to be out of my funk, thank goodness. Woke up this morning at 4:30 so I'm sure I'll need a nap later today. Feel alert and energized right now so think I'll do my stretches and walking before I eat breakfast. It would be nice to get them out of the way.

    Have a great day Y'all!! :)
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Wednesday 15th April Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps
    > Weights
    > Yoga/Foam Roller

    > 10 Mins Exercise Bike or Cycling -Didn't do it as did an extra walk whilst the sun was out.
    > Laundry
    > Clean Bathroom
    > Pick up parcel
    > Bake some banana bread
    > Read in the sun

    Thursday 16th April Goals/To Do List
    > 10000 Steps
    > Weights

    > Yoga/Foam Roller
    > Slow Cooker - Roast Chicken
    > Do some eco-bricking

    In the office today, so not a huge amount of stuff on the to-do list today. Already done weights, 5000 steps and put the chicken in the slow cooker. Left the OH to sort out the laundry.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »
    To Do List for Thursday, April 16

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP
    Drink at least 8 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk
    Do 15 minute morning stretches
    Do 30 min chair yoga routine

    Need To Do --
    Clean cat boxes and clean up their room -- still need to do
    Complete grocery delivery list
    Pay monthly bills

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- at least 15 minutes, may reach 40 today so will try
    Do one load of laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away

    In a better frame of mind today ... seem to be out of my funk, thank goodness. Woke up this morning at 4:30 so I'm sure I'll need a nap later today. Feel alert and energized right now so think I'll do my stretches and walking before I eat breakfast. It would be nice to get them out of the way.

    Have a great day Y'all!! :)

    Sounds like a great plan!...I need to make a list and then stick to it lol
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    @conniewilkins56 Thanks ... getting it done is the trick LOL

    To Do List for Friday, April 17

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP
    Drink at least 8 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk
    Do 15 minute morning stretches
    Do 30 min chair yoga routine

    Need To Do --
    Clean cat boxes and clean up their room -- still need to do
    Complete grocery delivery list
    Pay monthly bills

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- at least 15 minutes, still need to do
    Do one load of laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away still need to do

    Have a great day Y'all!! :)
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Wednesday 15th April Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps
    > Weights
    > Yoga/Foam Roller

    > 10 Mins Exercise Bike or Cycling -Didn't do it as did an extra walk whilst the sun was out.
    > Laundry
    > Clean Bathroom
    > Pick up parcel
    > Bake some banana bread
    > Read in the sun

    Thursday 16th April Goals/To Do List
    > 10000 Steps
    > Weights

    > Yoga/Foam Roller
    > Slow Cooker - Roast Chicken
    > Do some eco-bricking

    In the office today, so not a huge amount of stuff on the to-do list today. Already done weights, 5000 steps and put the chicken in the slow cooker. Left the OH to sort out the laundry.

    Had a day off from To Do lists today. Did a short walk this afternoon and have pottered around a bit inbetween work emails, so should probably have around 5-6000 steps still and will probably do a little yoga before bed.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Today's Goals

    elliptical #1
    - done
    cardio video - done
    vacuum & mop
    standing pilates video (just to finish out my teambodyworks 1st week session and to see what it is and if I'd like it)
    cut out caftan
    cut out doll pattern for niece
    make banana cream pie
    make pasta dough (I've got left over egg yolks to use up, hence the pie and the pasta lol)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    John and I mopped and vacuumed our end of the house this morning...changed linens,washed throw rugs and cleaned our bathrooms...did a load of laundry and unloaded the have to do their end of the house and Amanda has grades to do for school...she is making lasagna for dinner and I am doing the salad...we might get rain today...finally....I want to go to Walmart but I don’t think I will get there today!...stay safe everyone!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited April 2020
    Today's Goals

    elliptical #1
    - done
    cardio video - done
    vacuum & mop - done
    dust - done
    standing pilates video - done
    cut out caftan
    cut out doll pattern for niece
    make banana cream pie - done
    make pasta dough - done

    I'm not going to get the two patterns cut out. The pilates was more difficult than I thought, even if it didn't drive that heart rate up!

    I know I have more steps than what is recorded because I had to charge my device. Still, I'm over my calorie limit right now by about 20 calories and under the protein limit by 12, so since its way too cold to walk outside, I think I'm going to hit the elliptical again. I shouldn't have tasted that darn pie - and all I had was a half piece, too!
  • Sunday's work:

    Do the dishes you didn't do yesterday cause you had a migraine.
    Make garlic rolls.
    Do three loads of laundry, fold and hang.
    Change the sheets on the beds.
    Put the card file of work and upcoming meals in order for the week ahead.
    Tell people to clean up their personal sitting areas because I am cleaning the downstairs tomorrow.
    Make coney dogs with chips and pickles for lunch
    Make grilled pork chops with parsley baby potatoes or rice, broccoli, and rolls for dinner.
    Get ready for the week's work; set up clothing and put the week's meat in the small freezer.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    To Do List for Sunday, April 19

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP
    Drink at least 8 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk
    Do 15 minute morning stretches
    Do 30 min chair yoga routine
    MUST DO TODAY!! -- Clean cat boxes and clean up their room

    Need To Do --
    Clean cat boxes and clean up their room -- still need to do
    Complete grocery delivery list
    Pay monthly bills

    Relax; read a book; watch a little tv; take a walk outside

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- at least 15 minutes, still need to do -- next week
    Do one load of laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away still need to do --- next week

    Have a great day Y'all!! :)
  • Do the dishes you didn't do yesterday cause you had a migraine.
    Make garlic rolls.
    Do three loads of laundry, fold and hang.
    Change the sheets on the beds.
    Put the card file of work and upcoming meals in order for the week ahead.
    Tell people to clean up their personal sitting areas because I am cleaning the downstairs tomorrow.
    Make coney dogs with chips and pickles for lunch
    Make grilled pork chops with parsley baby potatoes or rice, broccoli, and rolls for dinner.
    Get ready for the week's work; set up clothing and put the week's meat in the small freezer.

    I'll make the rolls on Wednesday on my usual baking day, and do the sheets on Tuesday when I clean the upstairs. I'm just a lot tireder than usual lately. I think it's the stress of the pandemic.