Today's Goals - What are yours?



  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Monday 30th March Goals/To Do List
    > C25K
    > 10000 Steps
    > Yoga

    > Hoover Kitchen, Hall & Bathroom
    > Freshen up bedding
    > Pick up some antihistamines & some fresh fruit

    > Wash grocery bags
    > Make some more surface cleaner
    > Finish current sewing project

    Didn't get as much as I wanted done yesterday so some will have to be deferred to Wednesday as I'm in the office today.

    Tuesday 31st March Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps
    > Yoga
    > Meditation
    > Laundry
    > Hoover Kitchen, Hall & Bathroom
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    Jackie9003 wrote: »
    My goal today is to stop treating the lockdown like a holiday just because I'm home, it does not give me the excuse to eat everything in sight and stop weighing and logging.
    I'm finding it difficult as I'm cooking for the family and we're all eating the same so I can't easily separate my food from theirs, so today I shall find a way of doing that and log everything.

    Can you just add different accompanients or maybe batch cook something for yourself and freeze it so you can just heat it up and eat at the same time?

    My freezer is packed so I can't get anything else in it - it's actually not a bad thing as they are having to eat more fresh veg and we're all eating less processed foods. It's a mental barrier - I have to guess so I'm just not bothering, and because we're all like caged animals comfort eating/drinking has started.
    However, I acknowledge these are just excuses and now we know this is likely to go on for some time I'm uping my game to combat it. I'll log best estimates, ensure I get some exercise and hide the chocolate and vodka!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Today's Goals:

    get a 30 minute elliptical session in
    walk to bank and post office
    finish vacuuming the house
    get the day lily bulbs dug up and moved
    put the new bulbs in the ground
    fertilize the lawn
    get a body weight routine in (cut back some to try to avoid serious DOMS like last week)

    I didn't get the bulbs in the ground yesterday, but its supposed to be pretty this weekend. And instead of a body weight routine, I did aerobics. But over all, not too bad a day


    -get a 30 minute elliptical session in
    - do an aerobics session at lunch time
    - stick to my deficit
    - try not to over-caffeinated today so I can actually sleep tonight.......

    I drank almost a whole gallon of tea and coffee yesterday, and paid for it when I tried to sleep last night. Between the caffeine overload and the leg muscles that were a little restless, I had a time and half falling asleep last night. I know it was close to 2 am, and my alarm went off at 5:15 :frowning: A short power nap might be in my future today.

    That's one benefit to working at home; if I find I need a power nap, I can just lay down on the bed behind me and take it without feeling guilty then just take the extra time to the end of the day. There isn't that need to wear a front in front of co-workers!
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Just rejoined MFP on Sunday after getting on the scales to discover I was back over 300 lbs. DarnIt!! So, I'm back ... and, hopefully, will stick with it so I can get to a healthier weight. Luckily at my physical in January, everything checked out in good order; absolutely no issues except for being obese. So, back again!!
    My larder is stocked with about 3 weeks of supplies (chosen by my granddaughter, bless her heart) due to the pandemic. I did go out very briefly to get fresh veggies and fruit. Now it's a matter of using what I have - making sure to log everything - and replacing with my choices as needed.
    I'm 72 and obese so I've been self-isolating for the past couple of weeks or so. I've also started back on the beginner's walk from Leslie Sansone but can barely get thru 5 minutes before I'm winded and my legs feel like jelly ... so baby steps there as well. Right now I'm shooting for at least 2 5 min sessions a day; then Sunday I'll increase to 8-10 min, maybe try for 3 a day.
    Hope Y'all have a great day! :)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member


    -get a 30 minute elliptical session in
    - do an aerobics session at lunch time
    - stick to my deficit
    - try not to over-caffeinated today so I can actually sleep tonight.......

    so far so good on the caffeine part; we'll see when I hit the hay in a bit. I had wanted to get in an upper body resistance workout this evening, but by the time I got back home from a grocery run and pharmacy run on the other end of the county, then came home and got dishes done, egg rolls wrapped, and a few other odds and ends, I don't have the time. So that will be on tomorrow's goal list!

  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Didn't get as much as I wanted done yesterday so some will have to be deferred to Wednesday as I'm in the office today.

    Tuesday 31st March Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps
    > Yoga
    > Meditation
    > Laundry
    > Hoover Kitchen, Hall & Bathroom

    Wednesday 1st April Goals/To Do List
    > C25K Session (Week 2, Day 1)
    >10000 Steps
    > Strength Training (maybe)
    > Yoga
    > Meditation
    > Take glass to recycling bins
    > Drop work post off to P.O.
    > Pick up some change bags from bank

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    TO DO
    2 elliptical sessions
    fold and put away my clothes
    aerobics video
    upper body routine
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    Yesterday I managed to log everything and so far so good today too.
    @bmeadows380 I need to put away my clothes too, I ironed them on Sunday and left them in the bedroom so now each night I go to bed they're taunting me so thanks for the reminder :D
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    To Do List for April 1, 2020
    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP
    Drink at least 6 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk

    Need To Do --
    Put away clothes
    Start to declutter closet
    Run errands: deposit cks, pay Home Depot, get fresh fruit & veg
    Call Sis & Bro about funeral home bill

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit
    Box up DGD's stuff in Living Room

    Well, I looked at my lists above and realize it's all doable ... if I'd just get busy. Soooooo, why is it what I really want to do is go take a nap? LOL Have been getting a lot of headaches this past month and, usually, I only get 3-4 a year and they are usually allergy related. I don't sleep well to begin with and these headaches have interfered with that. So I had my DGD (darling granddaughter) buy me some Tylenol PM hoping it would help with the headache and help me sleep. No headache this morning, Thank You Jesus!! but, still didn't sleep well. Basically slept in 2 hour chunks. Hopefully, tonight will be better.
    Ok, heading in to put away my laundered clothes. Hope Y'all have a great day! :)
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Wednesday 1st April Goals/To Do List
    > C25K Session (Week 2, Day 1)
    >10000 Steps

    > Strength Training (maybe)
    > Yoga
    > Meditation
    > Take glass to recycling bins
    > Drop work post off to P.O.
    > Pick up some change bags from bank

    Wasn't feeling great Thursday & Friday so just focused on getting outside for some fresh air and doing the minimum necessary outside of work/housework.

    Saturday 4th April Goals/To Do List

    > 8000 Steps
    > Yoga
    > Strength Training
    > Laundry
    > Hoovering
    > Meditation
    > Ecobricking and/or Tshirt Bag sewing
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    TO DO

    --still need to put away those clothes.....
    --aerobic video
    --change oil and air filter on push mower, then mow the lawn
    --either get a walk in, or dig out the bike and try out a bike ride
    --install the backup camera on the truck
    --maybe do some laundry (though that could wait until Monday, since I want to hang clothes outside)
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    To Do List for April 1, 2020 -- now on Saturday April 4

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP -- still doing
    Drink at least 6 water -- now working on 8
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk -- still doing and working on 3rd set

    Need To Do -- YEA!! ALL DONE!!!
    Put away clothes
    Start to declutter closet
    Run errands: deposit cks, pay Home Depot, get fresh fruit & veg
    Call Sis & Bro about funeral home bill

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- still want to do
    Box up DGD's stuff in Living Room -- still want to do.

    Made progress from the 1st. So, need a new Need to Do list ... hmmmm,

    Laundry -- do at least one load of laundry all the way -- wash, dry, put away!!!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    TO DO

    --still need to put away those clothes.....
    --aerobic video
    --change oil and air filter on push mower, then mow the lawn
    --either get a walk in, or dig out the bike and try out a bike ride
    --install the backup camera on the truck
    --maybe do some laundry (though that could wait until Monday, since I want to hang clothes outside)

    Didn't do the aerobic video because after pushing my lawn for nearly 2 hours, then getting a bike ride in, I figured I'd had a pretty good day of activity, even if my step monitor only shows 8,000 steps. The bike ride had my heart rate at an average of 130 which was more of what I was going to use the aerobic video for anyway.

    Didn't get the camera installed, but its not a huge priority, and didn't get laundry done because I mowed the grass later in the afternoon, waiting for the temps to warm up. But I can get the laundry on Monday if it doesn't rain, and if it does, I"ll just hang them up in the house.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Saturday 4th April Goals/To Do List

    > 8000 Steps
    > Yoga
    > Strength Training
    > Laundry
    > Hoovering
    > Meditation
    > Ecobricking and/or Tshirt Bag sewing

    This has been more of a Saturday & Sunday effort. Did not do steps or yoga yesterday, had a reasonably lazy day, think poor sleep finally caught up with me :(
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    Monday 6th April Goals/To Do List

    > 8000 Steps
    > Weights
    > Laundry
    > Dusting
    > Mini Home Spa Day
    > Finish Tshirt Bag
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Today's Goals
    --mow the neighbor's lawn
    --get riding mower ready for the season
    --plant flower bulbs
    --move bushes, wild day lilies, and periwinkles
    --put screening on chicken house & building eaves
    --dig out ditch?
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    To Do List for Monday, April 4

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP -- still doing
    Drink at least 8 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk -- still doing and working on 3rd set
    Do 15 minute morning stretches

    Need To Do
    Turn mattress and put on new sheets and pillowcases
    Box up remaining DGD's items (1/2 already done)
    Clean cat boxes and clean up their room

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- at least 15 minutes
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Today's Goals
    --mow the neighbor's lawn
    --get riding mower ready for the season
    --plant flower bulbs
    --move bushes, wild day lilies, and periwinkles
    --put screening on chicken house & building eaves
    --dig out ditch?

    didn't get the screening on the chicken house but figured I needed to wait until we're ready to finish it up anyway. and I didn't get the riding mower ready for the season because I push-mowed the neighbor's yard and don't want to change the oil in the mower until I can run it for a while.

    But that was a lot of digging and planting, and then after the 40 minutes of push-mowing the neighbor's lawn, i went for a 23 minute bike ride! I'm going to be sore tomorrow.....
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    Monday 6th April Goals/To Do List

    > 8000 Steps
    > Weights
    > Laundry
    > Dusting
    > Mini Home Spa Day
    > Finish Tshirt Bag

    Didn't get as much done as hoped yesterday as was quite busy with work. Managed to get most of that project done this morning though.

    Tuesday 7th April Goals/To Do List
    In the office today so won't get much home stuff done:
    > 10000 Steps
    > Laundry
    > Food prep
    > Yoga
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    I managed a deficit yesterday so my goal today is to do that again.
    i managed to get the clothes put away but then decided to sort my wardrobe out and packed away winter and brought out the summer stuff. Because I haven't really lost anything in 12 months everything from last year still fits but none of my new stuff does so that's my motivator at the moment.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    To Do List for Tuesday, April 6

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP -- still doing
    Drink at least 8 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk -- still doing and working on 3rd set
    Do 15 minute morning stretches
    Tues -- bag trash, take bin to curb

    Need To Do
    Turn mattress and put on new sheets and pillowcases -- Tues, still need to do
    Box up remaining DGD's items (1/2 already done) -- Tues, still need to do
    Clean cat boxes and clean up their room -- Tues, still need to do

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- at least 15 minutes
    ... I know it looks like this is the only thing I did yesterday, but I did do other stuff. LOL
    ... I'd like to do this again today, but it's raining
    Do one load of laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    edited April 2020
    Well, this falls into that category of -- WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINKING!!!??? :p

    So, bought new sheets, laundered them. Have been meaning to put them on the bed for several days and didn't. I decided today was the day. Stripped all the blankets, sheets, pillows, etc off the bed. Pulled the bed out and angled it into the room so I could get around the whole thing. Put on the bottom sheet ... always tricky with just one short person who has short arms. Remembered I needed to turn the mattress so pushed, pulled, shoved, etc ... and got it done. Except in that struggle the bottom sheet came off. UGH. So, again, put bottom sheet back on, tucking in, pulling, stretching to keep other corner on ... JHRC!!! ... I'm exhausted.

    Wouldn't a "normal" intelligent woman of 72 years know better??? I think isolation is fuzzing my brain. :p
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Tuesday 7th April Goals/To Do List
    In the office today so won't get much home stuff done:
    > 10000 Steps
    > Laundry
    > Food prep
    > Yoga

    Wednesday 8th April Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps
    > Yoga or Foam Roller/Stretching
    > Laundry
    > Dusting
    > Watering plants
    > Meal Planning
    > Meal prep
    > Re-read Binge Eating Program
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    TO DO
    --get 7,500 steps (this will be a challenge since its raining and I won't be able to walk outside)
    --stick to meal plan
    --fold towels & put away
    --put away laundry from Monday
    --get aerobic session in
    --practice piano piece for Sunday (while the church services are being live-streamed during the shutdown, I still go down to play so the service is as normal as we can make it. Less than 7 people there including me, the pastor and his wife, the singer, and the sound tech, and with the size auditorium we have, social distancing is not a problem!)
    --start an introductory stretching routine?

  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    To Do List for Wednesday, April 8

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP
    Drink at least 8 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk -- still doing and working on 3rd set
    Do 15 minute morning stretches
    Do 30 min chair yoga routine
    Find a way to block 2 cold air returns to keep the &^%$ cat out of them
    Tues -- bag trash, take bin to curb

    Need To Do
    Turn mattress and put on new sheets and pillowcases -- Tues, still need to do
    Box up remaining DGD's items (1/2 already done) -- Wed, one box to go
    Clean cat boxes and clean up their room -- Wed, still need to do

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- at least 15 minutes
    Do one load of laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    TO DO

    --start an introductory stretching routine?

    I have one I do every day that I really enjoy. I know a lot of people don't like him but he does NOT speak at all in this video. There is no speaking whatsoever which is one reason I like it so well. Also, it's set to classical music so there are no jarring or loud notes. It's on YouTube -- Richard Simmons Stretchin' to the Classics.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @cesse47 thanks! I also scrolled through YouTube yesterday and found a few more I might give a try. I was looking for some more beginner low impact aerobic videos than run about 30 minutes long. I like the ones I found 2 weeks ago, but they only have about 3 videos for beginners, which I want to stick with for now mainly because I can't handle all the squats and lunges that show up in their other videos. And I need variety - doing the same 3 videos over and over gets stale really fast :)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    okay, I didn't get the clothes folded, the piano piece practiced, or the stretching routine in. But I did stay under goal, I did get the aerobics in, and I got an extra 40 minute elliptical session on this evening in lieu of my regular walk or bike ride because of the rain. And I just spent 2 hours across the road at mom's setting her up a facebook account and downloading facebook and facebook messenger to her phone and kindle so she could face-time with her granddaughter and watch the church's livestream and videos now. So while not what I had intended to do originally, but I figured it was time well spent anyway.

    and I did get 10,000 steps in today! I didn't think I would make it, and with the poor sleep I had last night (I was lucky if I had more than 3 hours of honest sleep), all I wanted to do this evening was veg on the couch, but I pushed through with the 2nd elliptical session and got my steps in. Now it's time for bed!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Wednesday 8th April Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps
    > Yoga or Foam Roller/Stretching
    > Laundry
    > Dusting
    > Watering plants
    > Meal Planning
    > Meal prep

    > Re-read Binge Eating Program

    Didn't re-read my B.E. Program as had a work emergency I was dealing with most of the day, so that's now on this morning's agenda in between work stuff.

    Thursday 9th April Goals/To Do List
    > 8000 Steps
    > Weights
    > Yoga or Foam Roller/Stretching
    > Hoovering & mopping living room/kitchen
    > Laundry
    > Prep Roast Pork Dinner for tonight
    > Find a recipe for something different to do with cabbage
    > Deep condition my hair
    > Re-read Binge Eating Program
    > Call my Dad to wish him happy birthday
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    To Do List for Thursday, April 9

    Must Do List --
    Log everything in MFP
    Drink at least 8 water
    Do at least 2 sets of 5 minute walk
    Do 15 minute morning stretches
    Do 30 min chair yoga routine
    Find a way to block 2 cold air returns to keep the &^%$ cat out of them -- still need to do

    Need To Do --
    Turn mattress and put on new sheets and pillowcases -- Tues, still need to do
    Box up remaining DGD's items (1/2 already done) -- Wed, one box to go
    Clean cat boxes and clean up their room -- Thur, still need to do

    Like To Do --
    Work in yard doing cleanup for a bit -- at least 15 minutes
    Do one load of laundry: wash, dry, fold, put away

    Granddaughter is home and messed up my routine. Did not get in all of the little walks and only about half of the yoga routine. Seems like any disruption can throw my routine off ... so, back at it today I hope (she's home all day today).