Today's Goals - What are yours?



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Goals for today:

    stay within calorie limit!
    clean out my car so it will be ready for hte donation people to pick it up
    finish varnishing the kitchen island
    make soap (done, unless I want to make a 2nd batch this evening)
    vacuum the house
    put away pellets so dad can have his wagon back
    go to the studio for a free session of Jiu-Jistu and see if it might be something I could maintain and have fun at
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    Today's Goals
    > Not buying off-list when grocery shopping later. :smile:
    > Meal Prep Monday: Chicken, Chorizo & Chickpea Stew for dinners and Aubergine & Mushroom Soup for lunches. Write up meal plan for rest of the week. :smile:
    > Finish cleaning apartment (catching up after weekend away) :/
    > Aim to be in bed for 10pm and get some yoga done before hand. :smile:

    Meal prepping all done, including some homemade granola, my ratios of oil/honey/oats still needs some experimenting but it was still tasty.

    Today's goals:

    > Stay hydrated (got a pretty bad cold)
    > Do some weight training
    > Aim to be in bed for 10pm again and do some yoga
    > Stick to planned food
  • It's not a day where I can plan to conquer the world, but I think I can get things done:

    Eat to plan; I've prelogged it, if I eat just that, it comes in under calories.
    Drink three large glasses of water (I have a big 24 ounce glass that I keep to hand.)
    Take meds at noon.
    Clean the upstairs, which is five rooms that need sweeping and dusting and two bathrooms that need cleaning. This may or may not happen in total, but anything is better than nothing.
    Make a batch of fudge for Boyfriend, and plan tomorrow's baking day.
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    Today's goal is to get my hunger / snacking under control and stay within my budget. I slipped a bit over the last few days, eating closer to maintenance, and need to get back in line.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    so I got everything done on yesterday's goal list except the vacuuming and getting the last coat of varnish on the kitchen island. But I decided to wait to vacuum until I'm done wit the island and ready to move it into place, and I plan to mop this weekend, so I figured to wait a few days and get it all done at once.

    Today's goals:
    -stay within calorie budget
    -put last coat of varnish on island & take off painter's tape
    -try to get at least 30 minutes in on the elliptical today
    -try to get at least 5,000 steps in (if I have to, I'll go to Walmart and circle the store a couple of times!)
  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    1. Go to Zumba
    2. Stay on Plan
    3. Don't overeat
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    merph518 wrote: »
    Today's goal is to get my hunger / snacking under control and stay within my budget. I slipped a bit over the last few days, eating closer to maintenance, and need to get back in line.

    Stay Strong! is so easy to slip back into bad habits....I wanted to eat worthless garbage last night and the only solution for me was to go to bed and go to sleep! have done so good, don’t beat yourself up...take it one day at a time until you hit your stride again....whatever you do, don’t you dare give up!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Today's goals:

    > Stay hydrated (got a pretty bad cold) :)Drank plenty of water & juice
    > Do some weight training :/Wasn't feeling up to it, so just did some exercise bike
    > Aim to be in bed for 10pm again and do some yoga :/No Yoga, in bed for 11pm
    > Stick to planned food :/ Daytime food was fine, went off plan in the evening

    Today's Goals:
    > Re-read Self-Help Plan at lunchtime (Overcoming Binge Eating)
    > Do weekly review of Self Help Plan
    > Stick to planned food
    > Do bathroom break bodyweight exercises
    > Stay hydrated

  • dew11252
    dew11252 Posts: 90 Member
    Eat healthy portions
    Get outside
    Do some exercise
    Clean something
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    today's goals:
    -attempt to try to get 5,000 steps in (will be difficult as I have obligations that will take up most of my evening)
    -stick to deficit
    -try not to be depressed because scale is being stubborn even though I've really tightened up my logging and sticking to the deficit and even up activity in the last 2 weeks, remembering that you have water weight gain because of TOM and because of the increased activity......
  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    Stay on plan
    Lift weights
    Be active at home
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I made my goals for today! Tomorrow is to try to get another 5000 steps in and hold as many calories as I can for the evening because I'm going to a concert by a local musician tomorrow evening, and I want to treat myself to a calzone at a local pizza place. If I get the walk in and limit what I eat for breakfast and lunch, I can fit the calzone into my calorie goal for the day!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    edited February 2020
    Today's Goals:
    > Re-read Self-Help Plan at lunchtime (Overcoming Binge Eating) :)
    > Do weekly review of Self Help Plan :)
    > Stick to planned food :omore or less
    > Do bathroom break bodyweight exercises :)
    > Stay hydrated :)

    Today's Goals:
    > Update Self Help review in Binge Eating Group thread
    > Stick to planned food
    > Do bathroom break bodyweight exercises
    > Get 5000 steps in
    > Stay hydrated
  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    Today my goal is not to go overboard when I go out to dinner tonight.
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    Slowly start exercising again, split it up into 3 15 minute times as I can tolerate and joints will tolerate.
    Keep eating at maintainence, record everything I eat. With said bite I got, and extreme swelling for right now food prep is out.
    Drink, drink and drink more fluids hit 96 oz daily for next week.
    Work on good attitude
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I got 6,000 steps in today, and I managed to keep my calorie intake during the day down to 301 because I wanted that calzone for dinner, and the place I was getting it didn't make different sizes, they were all large! And I ate the whole thing! (and I can tell it now, too - but I didn't want leftovers). I really had no idea how to count the calzone, so I grabbed an entry for 1115 and hope that it's close. I splurged on a half-cut tea and 1 peep. If the calzone was close to the value I inputed, then I was less than 200 calories over goal. Tomorrow is my next Jiu-Jitsu class and I'm planning on house work tomorrow, too, so I figure I'll catch up even if I was off on my estimates today!
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    After going to the Dr's and getting a skin scraping, to make sure no other annoying bacteria have joined in. I decided I felt like taking a bit of a walk. So I got in 4,000 unplanned steps today. That was on top of the I could not sleep and rode my indoor bike for 35 minutes in the middle of the night.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    My goal for today and the weekend is to stay under on calories, drink plenty of water, eat "proper" food - i.e meat and lots of veg.
    I seem to have eaten out more than I've eaten in over the last couple of weeks and I have a weigh in on Monday so really don't want to see a gain.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited February 2020
    goal for today:
    -get my housework done!
    -get over 5,000 steps in
    -stay within my calorie limit
    -go to the 2nd Jiu-Jitsu session (which should cover whatever overages I missed on that calzone yesterday lol)\
    -hold most if not all my exercise calories from today and count them tomorrow

    My intention is to not eat back my exercise calories today, or at the very least, only a few, because I will be out of town tomorrow with my mom, going to my cousin's baby shower, and will end up eating out tomorrow evening and plan to treat my mom to Texas Roadhouse. While a 6 oz sirloin is very reasonable in calories, and the side salad, if I take my own dressing and leave off the cheese and croutons is very reasonable, and getting veggies as my side instead of a huge baked potato all would keep me well within a 700 calorie meal, the rolls, at about 240 a roll, are what kill me, so I want to bank my extra calories from today to use tomorrow!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Today's Goals:
    > Update Self Help review in Binge Eating Group thread :)
    > Stick to planned food :unamused:had very bad bingeing last night
    > Do bathroom break bodyweight exercises :)
    > Get 5000 steps in :neutral: almost
    > Stay hydrated :)

    Today's Goals:
    > Return to non-calorie counting food diary
    > Stick to planned food
    > Be kinder to self
    > Get 5000 steps in
    > Stay Hydrated
  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    To soak up as much sun as possible today. First sunny day we have had in eons and I need it so bad!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Today's Goals:
    > Return to non-calorie counting food diary :)
    > Stick to planned food :)
    > Be kinder to self :)
    > Get 5000 steps in :)
    > Stay Hydrated :)

    Today's Goals:
    > Keep up hydration
    > Stick to planned food & complete diary
    > Aim for 7500 Steps
    > Plan food for Mon-Thurs

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    today goal's
    -stick to calorie deficit, despite being out of town
    -get in at least 5,000 steps
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    Time to get myself back in control so goals for today:
    • Log everything today (haven't logged in three weeks)
    • Stay in my calorie goal
    • Move some every hour
    • go to Zumba tonight
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    My goal for this week is to not “ eat back” any exercise calories...I really need to step on the gas this week....I was at 307 after Christmas and now I have stalled out at 284 for a couple of weeks..

    .I have had two significant binges since Jan 1 because I was in a foul mood and the other was a stress trigger over my grandsons heart condition...eating crap didn’t help or solve either problem..

    .Johnnathans ( my 14 yr old grandson) meds are working but he still may need heart surgery in the future if they do not continue to regulate his heart beat....I do have some anxiety with my husbands severe RA continuing to worsen and his recent surgery for placing a stent in his heart.

    ...our daughter, husband and both grands live with us but this is a desired situation as she has never left home at 37....

    Anyway I am ready to drop some more weight!
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    Review the reasons I am wanting to lose Weight, spend time thinking about this.
    Log all food
    Make sure to get in 64oz of water, other 32 oz can come in a variety of drinks but every day 64 oz of water this week. FOCUS!
    Prep for one pan roasted Veges
    Do Stretch exercises daily, 15 min walk slowly daily.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I not only got 5000 steps, I actually hit 7500 including a 30 minute session on the hotel elliptical!

    And if I can continue to resist the siren call of the box of mini moonpies, I will make it to my deficit today too. I only counted half the session and still had 90 calories to spare but I don't trust the portion size I got at cracker barrel tonight so I'm not eating those last calories to give myself some more wiggle room
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    edited February 2020
    Today's Goals:
    > Keep up hydration :)Plenty of water and herbal tea drank yesterday
    > Stick to planned food & complete diary :)More or less, slight changes to times
    > Aim for 7500 Steps :)Over 8000 steps done
    > Plan food for Mon-Thurs :)Done.

    Today's Goals
    > Complete review of last week for Binge Eating Program
    > Update my thread in BE group
    > Stay hydrated
    > Have some Me Time this evening, last night was full of interuptions and didn't really switch off.
    > Aim for 7500 Steps