Jumpstart January 2020 Challenge!



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Day 7:
    Eat at maintenance (1764 +/-200 per day) o:)
    Do the planned workouts every day o:)
    Get 10K steps a day o:)
    Write 30 min a day >:)

    Mostly a good day...it was snowing so the trek home was long, but then I got a fire going and watched the last of season 2 Stranger Things while having half a bottle of wine...it was nice and relaxing, and a change up from my normal mid-week hustle.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Jan 7
    on-plan cals: higher day:mrgreen:
    on-plan carbs: higher day :mrgreen:
    workout: 2/6, strength :mrgreen:
    NEAT: :mrgreen:

    Only used the 12.5lb dumbbells for strength. Just trying to get started. Didn't do bad at all. A tad sore in a couple places today as would be expected. I hit 10 out of the 9 nags on my Fitbit and got the :star: for NEAT. Still didn't care for my step number. When part of your hour long workout is Arnold presses and bench presses, you just don't get those steps. On strength days, if I can just break 5k, I'm mostly satisfied. I only have so much time. It is what it is. I have my hour, and I'm lucky to get that. On cardio days, I get over 10k so that is good.

    I finally got on the scale and I've maintained throughout the holiday season. :smiley:
    I still have about 5 vanity pounds I want gone but it doesn't seem to want to budge without an act of God. Ok. To be honest, I do not have the patience at this moment to do the calorie deficit that is required, so I guess we'll just cruise along until I think I can do that again. Maybe next week?

    Anyway, onward!

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Day 7:
    Eat at maintenance (1764 +/-200 per day) o:)
    Do the planned workouts every day o:)
    Get 10K steps a day o:)
    Write 30 min a day >:)

    Mostly a good day...it was snowing so the trek home was long, but then I got a fire going and watched the last of season 2 Stranger Things while having half a bottle of wine...it was nice and relaxing, and a change up from my normal mid-week hustle.

    That does sound relaxing!
    Daily DH and I usually watch something, if we have enough bandwidth left to stream with my teens gaming with their friends :unamused: and I've brewed myself a cup of herbal tea to sip. Just chilling and decompressing after a day of work (for him) and kid educating and wrangling for myself.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    1) Wait 20 minutes when having urges to binge 💩 I waited and waited but ended up binging anyway haha! 4 days in a row. New goal is to go 37 days, 1/10th of a year.

    2) Exercise outdoors 💪 I went on a hike this weekend. I had to push myself to find a place to go, drive there, find a parking spot, locate the trail, etc. I got a little lost but I did it and it was awesome! Looking forward to going again this weekend. Also kept up with my other workouts this week 5.5 / 300 hours far.

    3) Meal prep 💪 Started with prepping 2 meals at once so I only have to heat something up every other night.

    4) 1700 calories, 100g carbs & 130g protein, no eating between 8pm and 12pm. 💩 yeah, NOPE except I have been keeping up with protein.

    5) Shed “all or nothing” attitude and remain accountable 💪 My track record has been horrible the past 2 weeks and I would have quit half a dozen times by now but I am still here and still trying.

    Awesome job with the stick-to-it-tivness!
    Perseverance. :triumph:

    As far as the evening eating, I work in a large snack before bed every night. I have to white-knuckle a little during the day to have enough cals for that but it's worth it to me. So then I'm only eating on-plan but get my munchies, too.

    For urges to binge, I chew gum or sip diet soda or tea to keep my mouth occupied with stuff that's not going to set me back.

    Just sharing my hacks. I realize that we're all different, but maybe my things will spark thoughts that will help you troubleshoot yourself. :smile:
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Day 7 went well for me. I reeeeeeally wanted to snack all afternoon at work so tried walking around for distraction purposes which seemed to work. Fasted for about 17 hours, tried a new low carb dinner and stopped with small portions. Score!
  • francesca_grey
    francesca_grey Posts: 96 Member
    @Violet_Flux thank you! I think I read that you went hiking recently too. Nature is so good for my brain. I made it a point to notice the smells and sounds and pay attention to my surroundings. Looking forward to my next hike this weekend.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Hiking sounds like a lot of fun. The weather here is too cold for that or maybe I'm being too soft. It's not going to get to the double digits Fahrenheit today for a high temperature but the weatherman says it's going to warm up for tomorrow.

    Check in for Dec 7.

    1. Lose 5 lbs before 1/31, Scale sitting at the same spot, that's okay, not gaining.
    2. Stay under carb goal, <35 day YES! Way under at 8 net carbs, 10 total.
    3. Stay under calorie goal, <1,500 day YES! Way under at 1,005
    4. Exercise every day YES! Didn't have much time but did get 30 minutes
    5. Plan ahead for meals and snacks

    It seems that my body doesn't want to get rid of extra fat unless I stay well under 50 carbs. On January 1, I went up to 76 and that's when the steady weight loss crawled to a halt. I plan to keep the carbs very low and see what happens for this week.

    As someone said earlier in the thread, one day at a time.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    @chickencereal We love getting out in nature as well. 😺 There's a ravine & park nearby, & lots of trails that are great in summer.

    I don't remember hiking recently but maybe we did lol - I'd hafta look in our journal or excercise log. 😸 This time of year its more like "trudging thru ice & snow & freezing wind" but its still a workout. 😺

    Jan 8 is done for us, it was another 'ok' day. We had good food tho, sirloin was on sale so we had yummy steak for dinner! 😸

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️

    We hope everyone's having a good week! 😸
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I've done really well, 8/8 days of logging, exercising, drinking water and getting sleep. I've kept my carbs below 30g and stayed under my calories each day. I've stuck diligently to my fasting window! Feeling good - on a roll!
  • jessetfan
    jessetfan Posts: 373 Member
    Stay under 50 total carbs everyday: Yes
    Exercise everyday: Yes
    Lower my blood sugar: Yes, current blood sugar: 146
    Lose something: SW: 236.5 CW: 234.5 Loss: 2 pounds

    Today was a good day. I got in a swim instead of a a walk and bike ride, and it felt amazing. I think I'm going to probably do a swim tomorrow as well. I also got a massage today, which was really nice after ten days of exercise. I also did some grocery shopping. I went to three different stores, and I got some great low carb options that I'm looking forward to trying.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Jan 8
    on-plan cals: lower day:mrgreen:
    on-plan carbs: lower day :mrgreen:
    workout: 3/6, cardio :mrgreen:
    NEAT: :mrgreen:

    Got my star again for the NagBit. Over 12K steps. Which was hard due to soreness from my first strength training in the new year. More strength today. Thankfully not as sore this a.m. :sweat_smile:

    I'm off to do the things.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I’m playing BoxVR on a Rift S. It’s a very good and can be a quick workout. I’m lifting my 55 lb dumbbells again and want to use the 70 lb ones soon. I miss barbells but don’t want to pay a gym membership. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    I love that @baconslave, Nagbit. Since I got mine at Christmas I will give the excuse when I'm up meandering around that my wrist is buzzing at me so I have to move.

    Check in for Dec 8

    1. Lose 5 lbs before 1/31, Scale is not moving one way or the other
    2. Stay under carb goal, <35 day YES! Way under again 13 net carbs, 16 total.
    3. Stay under calorie goal, <1,500 day YES! Way under again at 965. not hungry
    4. Exercise every day YES! made up for yesterday by doing 40 minutes on treadmill
    5. Plan ahead for meals and snacks

    I'm hoping the scale will start moving again by this weekend sometime. I might not be eating enough calories the last couple days.

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Day 8:
    Eat at maintenance (1764 +/-200 per day) o:)
    Do the planned workouts every day o:)
    Get 10K steps a day :) 9K+ so close enough
    Write 30 min a day >:) watched the Mandalorian instead
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Our January 9th is done. It was a bit of a slower day, we didn't have the energy for our normal morning workout. We did get a lighter workout in the afternoon though, which was enough to meet our goals.

    1) Carbs < 30g - ✅
    2) 1000 < Calories < 1500 - ✅
    3) Log Everything! - ✅
    4) Hit our activity goal every day - ✅
    5) At least 5 workouts/week - ◼️◼️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️

  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    The last two days have been okay here. Average water intake but I still want to get another 20 ounces a day in. Yesterday I snacked before dinner because lunch may have been too light. But I’m feeling good about my portions overall. I had a less active day at work followed by a pedicure instead of a dog walk so I jogged in place while making dinner and during commercial breaks to close the rings on my Watch. I’m adicted to making those goals! Rain this weekend may slow down getting out and walking so I’ll have to find other ways to get in some steps.
  • jessetfan
    jessetfan Posts: 373 Member
    Stay under 50 total carbs everyday: Yes
    Exercise everyday: Yes
    Lower my blood sugar: Yes, current blood sugar: 157
    Lose something: SW: 236.5 CW: 234.5 Loss: 2 pounds

    Today was a good day. I got in another swim, which felt great. Tonight I actually did some cooking. I made myself sirloin tip steak for dinner, which was a little too lean for my taste. It would have benefitted from a marinade instead of just the seasoning I put on it. I have chili cooking in the slow cooker and I've mixed cookie dough that is currently chilling to be baked. Everything is low carb. I'm really liking this way of eating.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Day 9:
    Eat at maintenance (1764 +/-200 per day) >:) little bit over (90 cals) but dinner was a planned carb refeed meal, so not overly worried about it since it's off "normal" anyway
    Do the planned workouts every day >:) did strength but not cardio
    Get 10K steps a day >:)
    Write 30 min a day >:)

    I have been way more tired than I should be even with extra sleep, and my workout recovery has been way more poor than it should be for the amount of working out I'm doing...started liver pills to see if that will help, they are full of good nutrition and I tend to run borderline anemic, so it's possible I just need more iron rich foods, or more amino acids, or more something, and maybe they will help...the weather here has also been very roller coaster, which doesn't usually bother me but maybe I'm getting more sensitive to it as I age...we will see how I feel in a month with the supplement, not much I can do about the weather.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited January 2020
    Jan 9
    on-plan cals: higher day:mrgreen:
    on-plan carbs: higher day :mrgreen:
    workout: 4/6, strength :mrgreen:
    NEAT: :mrgreen:

    NagBit star achieved again. Upped the weight to the 15lb dumbells with 17.5 with stuff like deadlifts. Moving on up. :wink:

    Busy busy.
    Gotta get schooling done before 2:30. Don't know if I'll get to workout. We'll have to see how ridiculous things are. Kids have a previously postponed meet up with cousin-friends we missed due to illness once they get out of school. Gotta clean up this filth hole as the dude-bro who lost his niece on New Year is coming over to hang out with my teens tomorrow. My kids wreck this place like Miley Cyrus. But with clothes on. :smirk:

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    vkrenz wrote: »
    I love that @baconslave, Nagbit. Since I got mine at Christmas I will give the excuse when I'm up meandering around that my wrist is buzzing at me so I have to move.

    My kids laugh at me when I get up and start hurriedly bustling about 10 min until the hour all day while we're schooling. :lol:
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