

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Thursday weigh in week 3 (16Jan2020)
    Previous weight: 188.9
    Current weight: 189.6 (ugh more and AGAIN)

    I attribute this lovely gift to water retention and higher sodium, although today was better (hoping it's not the gift that keeps on giving....). I'm actually down 2 pounds from Tuesday morning and I'm not really eating in such a way as to gain weight so I know it isn't that. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and be even more mindful that I need to not be doing less than 100% of the habits I'm tracking. I'll need to assess my January tracker just before February and determine if I need to make any changes. I think this would be natural evolution as habits are formed or no longer apply, etc. I added assessments to my daily journaling questions to trigger me to continue always looking at what I'm doing for what's worth keeping, improving, adding or getting rid of.

    The other big thing is, I am not exercising as much as I was for a while and interrupted myself over the holidays - food intake was great but exercise dropped off. I would love to say I am raring to go and gonna kill it tomorrow and all will be as it was but I'm not inclined to lie to myself like that, nor all of you fine folks. => I want to say that would happen but I know better so I'm going to hold off on that. Maybe I just need some time to become royally irritated with myself...?

    Planned and Prelog 3 meals? yep, all 3!
    Times? B 9a, L 1245p, D 630p
    Non-planned eating and thoughts?
    Hunger? seemed like what would be normal - hungry for meals, not in between although as I sit here at 9pm....i feel very snacky and snack urgy
    Things that went right? Oddly, my clothes are looser and I think that is catching up from losing a lot in Dec., not from what's going on at the moment - however, it is officially a Good Thing.
    Things that could be better? I could get some more rigorous exercise.
    Exercise? 1 mile walk at work [log steps from day before] (15Jan2020 steps 12,431)
    Sleep? 930p-530a [log the morning after]
    Assessed the previous day / week / month? yesterday: steps were very good (keep and improve), lunch salad without meat was tasty with avocado and cheese but I did miss the meat (reconsider), had a virgin snoopdawg as an experiment and it was great! No alcohol - going to continue as an experiment so I get more gin taste when I have it on the rocks but still enjoy a couple mocktails with a lot fewer calories and risk of tispy (refine and improve)
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    edited January 2020
    wwood008 wrote: »
    @broncobuddee I had asked about if I was going to be in the group since we were headed into a new month/new year and never heard back. I’ve been keeping track on my own so I can add those now:

    Username: wwood008
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Week 1: 151.9
    Week 2: 150.4

    @wwood008 - Yikes! Sorry I missed it. All set.
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    @Katmary71 thanks for the explanation. That is what I thought you meant. I also meant to tell you previous that I have been reading a Jillian Michaels book and she said your gains/results are so much quicker when you vary your activities. Seems you are noticing that.

    Thanks @TeresaW1020, @raleighgirl09 and @Katmary71 for the encouragement. I was thrilled with my weigh in.

    Quick check in tonight

    WW points were good. I used some of the weeklies tonight so that means less for the weekend. 😬 (Of course that has never stopped me before. Lol)
    Water fantastic.
    Exercise didn’t happen. I managed to pull my hip flexor muscle today and can hardly walk. There’s always something. 🙄

    I am consistently meeting all my habits except exercise. That is a work in progress. I do feel like cutting out the aspartame has helped with sugar cravings. Does anyone have any experience with this?
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,586 Member
    @gwamajtw91 great loss!

    @canzone777 I'm such a wuss with cold, I don't know how those of you with real cold weather do it.

    @raleighgirl09 The carrot, chickpea, garlic soup is on the blog Cooking on a Bootstrap. It's really good! It only makes 4 servings but they're decent-sized, I'd assumed they would be small so I poured in two bowls and was surprised at how big the servings were. I used more chili powder than recommended. If you still have roasted garlic you can use that instead of roasting it with everything else, I used extra garlic too. Roasted garlic is so good, I've actually sat on the couch with a bulb and squeezed cloves for a snack!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,586 Member
    @sunshineplace I hope your hip flexor recovers quickly, it can really make it hard to move!

    Thursday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- bike, yoga, core/stretch

    Gym 3xs a week- going 3x tomorrow
    Strength exercises and stretching each day- done
    Fit On 5xs- did the last 2 today but yoga's a great cooldown so I'll probably keep it up.
    Cardio 30 minutes a day
    New recipe- did carrot chickpea garlic soup, tonight was honey siracha chicken (skinnytaste) that was my favorite of her recipes, butternut squash 3 bean chili tomorrow for breakfasts.
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 287 Member
    Username: davors19
    Weigh-in week: Week 2
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 285
    Todays Weight: 285
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 2
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Previous Weight: 209.4
    Todays Weight: 208.7

    In the GREEN!! B)
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    @cornanda - Wow and good for you!

    @katmary71 - can you believe yoga made me sore?!?!
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member

    Pw 196.3
    Cw 197.4

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,586 Member
    @rachelleahsmom The first routine I did was tough and the next morning my hip flexors were so sore in the morning I had to sit with my legs crossed on the couch! I definitely understand soreness from yoga! I've only done it four days but it's already making a difference in my tightness, plus it's relaxing as an add-on to my workout, I never focus on breathing. Did you enjoy it?
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    @rachelleahsmom The first routine I did was tough and the next morning my hip flexors were so sore in the morning I had to sit with my legs crossed on the couch! I definitely understand soreness from yoga! I've only done it four days but it's already making a difference in my tightness, plus it's relaxing as an add-on to my workout, I never focus on breathing. Did you enjoy it?

    Those slow seeming workouts can sneak up on me, too!
    I love yoga, and it's such a treat after a cardio/get sweaty session.
    Any other yoga/stretching lovers out there?
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    @Katmary71 and @AustinRuadhain The jury is still out for me on yoga. I really want to love it and know all the great benefits, but I find myself lying on the mat thinking, "did I leave the porch light on? Do I have garlic for tonight's dinner?" and stuff like that. I think it making me sore was a positive thing, because I work out almost every day and am almost never sore. So, adding something different was a good wake up call that maybe I need to shake things up a bit.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    Friday Weigh in

    PW- 185.4
    CW- 184
    Week- 3 (I'm new. Week 1 was starting week, and this is my second weigh in post. Did I do this right?)

    That's GREEN! Yeah!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    Friday Weigh in- See above. Forgot user name:

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Cornanda wrote: »
    Friday Weigh in

    PW- 185.4
    CW- 184
    Week- 3 (I'm new. Week 1 was starting week, and this is my second weigh in post. Did I do this right?)

    That's GREEN! Yeah!

    Tip on the week and knowing which week - I always write in the day, the week# with the date (Thursday was week 3 for me, 16Jan2020). I copy from my previous week's weigh-in and change the week# and date so I can keep up with it - it took me at least to the 2nd month to figure that out so I am passing along! The only drawback is having to go back and find the previous - if anyone has any other tips, I'd love to hear them!! =>
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Friday check in (a very long post - deep dive into my January weight loss (or not) so far)

    Pretty certain I chose lunch out of stress - I had more than I would normally. I did ok for the day by choosing to not have alcohol tonight so that I would still fit in a filling meal and be happy food wise. I discovered that I am pretty happy with a mocktail and not add gin (my usual is gin, grapefruit juice and fresca) and it pretty much tastes the same. Alcohol does not always serve me well so skipping it for food is quite alright. =>

    Some thoughts on weight and not really losing in January, so far. Still trying to get below the 04Jan low of 188.1 - I have been bouncing around between that and a high of 191.6 on Tuesday - and all points in between. In the world of weight loss, a bounce gap of 3 pounds over two weeks is nothing and if I was choosing maintenance right now, I'd be in range. So there must be choices I am sometimes making that are leading to not heading downward, despite doing the right things often enough to not be just gaining weight, right? I did a week assessment at the end of my list below and there's enough there to make a difference. I can't be all out of joint about not getting the results I want if I am 10% or 20% off the whole plan, in a given week. Do I know for a fact that that's the percentage? No. But do I know it hasn't been 100% effort for the last week - and probably not the previous either. You can't get 100% results on 90% or 80% effort when there is not a lot of weight left to lose. 20 pounds may be aggressive and 25 almost certainly is, this just based on my previous 130 pound loss. Anyway - these are the things I'm thinking about and going into next week, I need to give 100% everyday, for at least a week. Just for something to compare this week to and see if I can get past a stall - a stall that, if I am being honest, I have not worked to prevent and have aided and abetted. The data on MFP, Fitbit and the Habit Tracker are all pointing to this, even if it isn't exact science numbers. It's enough to show me what I need to know.

    Planned and Prelog 3 meals? B and L no but D yes
    Times? B 9a, L 1230p, D 630p
    Non-planned eating and thoughts? B and L technically not planned but were choices on plan. however, i ate a larger lunch than usual (which i wouldn't usually do when faced with the stats ahead of time) so i decided to forgo any alcohol to stay on track. this is a mix of things that could be better and things that went right
    Hunger? Long story but - The weight loss group I'm in has a challenge going to wait an hour when you think you are hungry - drink water and wait an hour. If you can't, you are truly hungry and should eat. I felt 'hungry' at 4:15 and had the water and told myself 'we are waiting,' and there was some chitter-chatter in my head about not really liking that but I just turned my attention to something else because I decided an hour was not a long time and way earlier than I wanted to eat dinner (the next meal method). I was so surprised when 5 rolled around and realized not only did I make it, I had not thought one more thing about it. Also realized at 5 that I was no longer 'hungry' and no need to rush dinner. I at at 630. It was a really good exercise that I'll do again.
    Things that went right? Met the above challenge, made sure i got a walk, realized that i have been more strict in what i call exercise then i used to so a 3 mile walk counts
    Things that could be better? had lunch right after a meeting that was stressful, that did lead to eating a higher calorie lunch. having planned food would have made the option of what to eat less of an option and more following the plan
    Exercise? 3.25 mile walk in the hood [log steps from day before] (steps 16Jan2020 6,532)
    Sleep? 1015p-7a [log the morning after]
    Assessed the previous day / week / month? week: 5 days within cals, 3 days 10,000 steps, 6 days water, 3 days all habits (EDIT: 7 days / 4 items per day (under calories, 10,000 steps, all water and all habit tracking items done= 28 possible critical actions over a 7 day period. 10 items divided by 28 opportunities available, not done is 0.35714285714...so I only gave 64% effort).
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    @Katmary71 and @AustinRuadhain The jury is still out for me on yoga. I really want to love it and know all the great benefits, but I find myself lying on the mat thinking, "did I leave the porch light on? Do I have garlic for tonight's dinner?" and stuff like that. I think it making me sore was a positive thing, because I work out almost every day and am almost never sore. So, adding something different was a good wake up call that maybe I need to shake things up a bit.

    @rachelleahsmom I would probably be doing the same, this is how I get derailed during times I have tried meditation! You, @Katmary71 and @AustinRuadhain - the Slimpossible awesome yoga group, guys! Are there other yoga folks out there?
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 2
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Previous Weight: 209.4
    Todays Weight: 208.7

    In the GREEN!! B)

    @TeresaW1020 awesome weigh in, in the GREEN - way to go!!! =>
  • vanjan14
    vanjan14 Posts: 7 Member
    Username: vanjan14
    Weigh in week: 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight (PW): 257.0
    Today's (Current) Weight (CW): 255.7

    Continuing 16-8 intermittent fasting and keeping on track. Only had one day over my calorie limit this week! Going on a SCUBA diving vacation in a week and aiming to be near 252lbs which will be the lightest I've been in five years!
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    I used to take yoga classes and I really loved it. I still incorporate poses into my workouts but it just isn’t the same. I would love to get back into it and perhaps you have all inspired me to do so.....stay tuned. Lol

    @Katmary71 thank you. It’s not going so well but it’ll get there.

    @AustinRuadhain I have been taking a page out of your book (at least I think it was you) purging. The clutter around my house is adding to my stress so I’m working on cleaning it out. Also thanks for your encouragement on my loss this week. Means a lot.

    @raleighgirl09 you are very analytical. I was attempting to decipher your percentages but gave up. Lol. I am impressed you gave up the alcohol for the food calories. I am currently doing the same but that bottle of wine is calling to me so here I am distracting myself.
    vanjan14 wrote: »
    Username: vanjan14
    Weigh in week: 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight (PW): 257.0
    Today's (Current) Weight (CW): 255.7

    Continuing 16-8 intermittent fasting and keeping on track. Only had one day over my calorie limit this week! Going on a SCUBA diving vacation in a week and aiming to be near 252lbs which will be the lightest I've been in five years!

    Good for you! Enjoy that vacation!!
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