WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - March 2020



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Long day. More tomorrow
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @1theresamcvean and @sleepymom5 I love fresh artichokes. I cut the stem leaving about 1/2 inch of it and trimming the outer edges of the stump. Use scissors to snip off all the pointy tips about 1/4” or a little more off each end. Then chop the tip off with a sharp knife. About 1/2” or so. Then steam. I put about 2” of water in a pot with 1/2 a lemon. The artichokes should be about 1/3 submerged. Cover and simmer about 45 minutes. I stir them around every now and then.
    Molly doesn’t eat them. I make 2 for me. 1 for the next day. Eat warm or cold.
    The next step is the sauce.
    About 1/2 cup mayonnaise add 1 pressed garlic and juice of 1/2 lemon. A little salt and your good to go.
    Pluck off the leaves, dip and scrape with your teeth. As you get to the inner choke be careful. There’s silky like layers that are stringy. You need to cut those out. Then cut the remaining stem into quarters. Dip them in the sauce and moan with pleasure.
    I’m making more this week. If anyone is interested I can take pictures of the different steps. You do have to be a bit cautious. You could literally choke if you tried to eat the center without removing the choke part.
    But very yummy! Some people like to dip in melted butter as well.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cafelelia I just saw your recipe lol. Do you eat the choke?
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
    Friday 3/20
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 min walk, PT, strength and stretching

    I had another good day today but not quite as productive. I seemed to get a lot of calls and texts today. I am tired so I am going to make this short. Hope everyone is hanging in there!

    @JillyBT I heard about California but I didn't realize it was for a month! This is such a difficult situation to begin with but it is even more difficult for you with your parents. I hope that senior health manager can help you figure out a situation that will be best for you and your parents. Hope you can get caregivers who are trained for people with dementia. No problem with the weigh in, I used last weeks weight as requested. Hugs!
    @kirsten11872 That is so scary about your husband's office. I am glad he is ok. I can't even imagine working at costco. I am glad that you both are able to work.
    @pacsnc6 Good job maintaining. No rush making a decision. Just let us know when you want to do it. You can take it day to day. We are happy you are here.
    @Cafelelia Thanks for the recipe. I love artichokes but my dad used to make them. I have never tried them myself. I knew I was forgetting something this morning! I forgot the photo challenge. Everything looks so delicious!
    @1theresamcvean I love hearing how people are doing nice things in these trying times. Thank you for sharing. I love the pics of your granddaughter! What a cutie!!
    @ljdanny I forget what state (PA, NJ or Delaware) said in a news conference that they are really trying to keep daycares open because the first responders and medical staff need them or they won't be able to work. I wonder if that is why they are not making a decision on that yet. That will be nice to meet and hang outside with your friend. I have noticed a lot more people out walking in my neighborhood too. Everyone is keeping their distance but also people seem friendlier. I just got in to get my hair done before everything started closing down. I was planning to go away or else I probably wouldn't have lol! My niece is a hair dresser and had a funny meme about not panicking and box dye your hair! Lol!
    @lennoncpa That is so cool! I know you will enjoy that. If I remember, I will check it out!
    @hope002 Of course on weigh in day right? I am sure you will have a big loss next week. I hope all is going well for you.
    @Mrsbell8well Do you still need to go into work? My brother in law works at a bank and they are still going in but very limited in what they can do. Thanks for the recipe. :)
  • Fi45
    Fi45 Posts: 21 Member
    Sorry it’s late:

    PW 205.6
    CW 203.3

    Having somebody working from home has kept me from my afternoon snacking!

    Stay safe everybody xx
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Hi everyone, just checking in. First week in a long time that my anxiety has been high, and that poses a challenge to my eating disorder. The last time I lost weight there was a point where my default anxiety coping technique switched from binge eating to binge exercising, and that was hell when I injured myself and ultimately I didn't cope and went back to bingeing. It's been awhile since I had that compulsion to exercise, but it found me again this week. I am in recovery from my ED however so I recognized those thoughts, and limited my exercise. I actually wound up with not many steps because I've had a lot of nerve pain this week, not that my irrational brain cared about that!

    Anyway, NZ's virus cases have jumped from 5 to over 50 in just a few days, and we are all instructed to work from home. The shops are still madness, the kids are still going to school but all sports are cancelled, universities are closing campuses, libraries, public pools etc are all closed. Two of my kids have been in close contact with a close contact of a confirmed case, which shouldn't be any risk but is closer than I like. And seriously, there are 52 cases amongst nearly 5 million people, what are the chances?

    From a work standpoint, I'm lucky that I can work from home, but the situation is concerning for the company I work for. Supply chain and manufacturing issues are a biggie right now, as both are off shore. Also most of our sales are overseas, and involve large scale purchases and physical installations. Limited customers and movement of people is not good. Hubby and I work for the same company, and we live in a very expensive city. Hence the anxiety this week. But all I can do is acknowledge it, make sure it doesn't trigger my ED, and keep being sensible. Food has all been tracked and calories good, exercise has been reasonable.

    I'll weigh in tomorrow morning and update my pitiful steps for the week.

  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    03/20 steps 5808
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 yes they tell us we are categorized the same as medical staff and first responders :/ people have to have their money. It has been pretty disturbing. 2 more cases in our city. my boss allowed me to order infra red thermometers at $100 a piece. Ordered one for both my branches. Our lobbies are now officially closed but still open to clients by appointment. But I have already seen sick people coming in that just have to do their business. It puts not just me and my team mates at risk but my parents as well. Every day is changing and guidelines are changing. My boss is incredibly supportive. I really believe it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
    I spent the last 2 days completely organizing both my offices. I had stuff in there from 2009 and at least 4 or 5 past managers. Everything is now sanitized and super organized. I would have been mortified if I had died and someone had seen the awful condition of my offices. But alas all is well and looks great. I also think about the next manager coming in and how much easier it will be for them. I would like to stick it out until December 2021 which will give me a 10 year pension.
    planning to rest the remainder of the day. I had to work 1/2 a day. 2 more hours. I rarely have to work a Saturday but I left early yesterday so I could make a batch of cinnamon rolls for my team this morning.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm running low on data on my phone with too much month left.🙄 I don't usually have this issue but being home more I'm spending more time than normal on my phone. The data doesn't reset until April 8th. I am set up for the phone company to slow down my data so I don't go too far over but I am going to limit my time online. I'm still working for now so I"ll try to get on their wifi before I start working to post.

    Work told us Thursday night that they plan on us still working for now but it may or may not be our regular40 hours. They said they're going to guarantee that we get paid for at least 32 hours per week, whether or not we actually work that many hours. This is supposed to be through the end of April and after that they don't know what will happen. Time will tell.

    Hugs to all who are struggling with not knowing if they're going to have a job for much longer or are struggling with the anxiety or worry of not knowing. Also, hugs to those whose states/countries who are now in a lockdown.

    I know some of you are believers. I am too. I have been praying for all of you and our countries. I don't know why this is happening so I can't answer that but I do know that prayer is powerful.

    It's so easy to just sit in front of the TV and eat our emotions and anxiety away but as we all know that won't help us. Instead, maybe do some bodyweight exercises, read a novel, call a friend or elderly neighbor to catch up and make sure they have what they need. And, yes, I'm talking to myself too.

    Glad we all have the support of everyone here, weight related or not.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope you all are hanging in there. I am so tired this morning. I stayed up too late last night. Once I wake up in the morning, I usually can't fall back to sleep. Today was like that although I feel like I could sleep now Lol!. My husband has been sick with the flu. He has the flu and a stomach bug. Just regular influenza, I don't think he has the coronavirus. At this point they wouldn't test him. No temp, no SOB and cough isn't horrible. He is on Day 4. He has been between our bedroom and his home office so we all have been ok. I clean and air out the room he is not in when he switches. I have been sleeping in the guest room. Other than that, we are plugging along. I am limiting my news intake. I don't want to miss anything but in the beginning of this I was just watching the news all the time and getting nothing done except getting stressed out. I will watch when the news conferences come on in the afternoon. Also, my phone will let me know if something important happens.

    Btw-I am having such problems with posting pictures or anything that is recent. I think when I made an update on my phone, the format of my pictures changed or something like that. I am trying to figure it out but I am a nurse so my talents lie elsewhere Lol!

    Speaking of being a nurse. They put up a number for nurses to volunteer last night. If it wasn't so late, I would have called right away and signed up. Since then, all I have been hearing is how they don't have enough protective gear. Not only on the news, from my friends who work in the field still. One ER, two ICU nurses plus a few other nurses. That made me pause a little. I also believe in signs. How weird that 2 separate group texts with nurses happened to cover that topic when I was thinking of volunteering. Now I don't know what to do. I think this is for the surge of cases they are expecting. I am hoping by that time they will have the supplies taken care of. I probably will end up signing up. I have been feeling guilty seeing all the nurses being overworked and I have the skills to help out.

    @Fi45 Nice loss! Hope all is going well with you.
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx I am glad that you are at least at a place that you can recognize that you are heading towards bingeing. Not that it makes it any easier to stop but I am glad you did. I know you love to workout to so there is a very fine line that you need to be mindful to I am sure. These are scary times so I can understand why everyone's anxiety level is up. I wish we had an end in sight. Hugs! Thanks for the cute pics! Love your cat's name!
    @brown6267 Nice loss! I am glad you have a plan for exercising when the gym is closed. Hope all is well by you.
    @Zumba_Luvah Nice loss! 170s here you come!! Hope all is going as well as can be expected for you.
    @Mrsbell8well Hugs! Sounds like you are doing as well as you can be. Wish people who were sick would stay home or reschedule. Quite frankly, not just now but all the time. Stay well.
    @tryingagain5 I love that post. I think that is just what I needed to see this morning. I am sure you are going through data like crazy. Good idea to limit and try to get on at work. I don't know if you have a notes app or somewhere you could write your post without using data and then copy and paste here. Maybe that will help a little. There are probably other options but I am not the best with technical stuff. I agree, there is power in prayer. Hugs to you!
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    @Cafelelia - thank you for the kind words, yes shall have a long phone chat with my mum on Sunday and my dad's just texted me that the parcel I sent arrived today so that's something. Your homemade pizza looks yum - I must admit pizza is def one of my weaknesses lol

    @1theresamcvean - how lovely of your daughter's friend. It does make you feel better to see the stories of those who are going above and beyond to help their neighbours.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - sorry to hear your anxiety is playing up, I think it's really understandable at the moment but never a nice feeling :( Your cat is adorable - are you a Big Bang fan? I was very tempted to name one of my cats Zazzy but it didn't seem to be quite fit.

    @brown6267 and @Zumba_Luvah - congrats on the weight loss, think is extra impressed with so much going on the moment :)

    @sleepymom5 - hope your hubby feels better soon. I know what you mean with news, there's just so much at the moment that it can get overwhelming, yet at the same time you feel you need to be up-to-date. I'm trying to restrict to just the main headlines each day.

    Not much new here tbh. Stuck to my calories yesterday but just about and it included cake lol. I'm getting quite bad with evening snack cravings again, which is weird as they've not really bothered me for weeks now. Spoke to my dad yesterday and apparently they got take-out coffee and went for a walk instead of their usual 'shop and cafe' routine. Am really relieved they're taking it a bit more seriously (though the cafes are closing from today so they're not going to have much choice!). I know it must be annoying for them as they are the kind of people who go out every day and get a bit stir-crazy in the house but my mum in particular has had a lot of health issues in the past so it does make me worry more. Been a bit cold and windy today so stayed home but might head out for a walk tomorrow just to get out of the house somewhere that isn't work :)
    Hope everyone is hanging in there x
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 935 Member
    ljdanny wrote: »
    My work decided to stay open until the state mandates a shut down or all kids stay home. I will remain with the most hours they said the other day because I'm management but not holding my breath. It's a nice day out so I decided to quarantine myself in the backyard with the dog. She wants to go in I think, she usually loves it outside. It is starting to get a little windy though. My friend and I decided if it's nice out tomorrow we might meet at one of our houses outside for a drink because we can maintain our distance, we saw it on a Facebook meme and thought it was a good idea. I don't think it will be that nice out or only 1 drink will happen. All the walking trails are now packed with families spending time together. My neighborhood was packed with walkers on my way home from work. My hairdresser's has closed, now I'm a little devastated. lol. But I will not buy box. Stay safe and healthy.

    Thought of you when I got an email from the salon saying that they are making up root kits with your own custom colour, gloves, instructions, etc. One person will be there for pick up, which will be strictly monitored for social distancing. This could catch on.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 935 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    Today in the March Spring It Forward Challenge, we are posting about our comfort food (healthy or not). I love to cook & bake and the process is as much a part of the comfort as the eating. I love making pizza for the family, and I love baking in general. I have mentioned it before here that the Skinnytaste website is great for healthier, lower calorie baking.


    Lisa, I love Skinnytaste and bought one of her cookbooks. Your pizza looks so good.
  • timibotkin
    timibotkin Posts: 235 Member
    Steps.... drastically down this week

    3/15 8,299
    3/16 10,668
    3/17 10,715
    3/18 11,758
    3/19 6,198
    3/20 11,162
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 935 Member
    @1theresamcvean and @sleepymom5 I love fresh artichokes. I cut the stem leaving about 1/2 inch of it and trimming the outer edges of the stump. Use scissors to snip off all the pointy tips about 1/4” or a little more off each end. Then chop the tip off with a sharp knife. About 1/2” or so. Then steam. I put about 2” of water in a pot with 1/2 a lemon. The artichokes should be about 1/3 submerged. Cover and simmer about 45 minutes. I stir them around every now and then.
    Molly doesn’t eat them. I make 2 for me. 1 for the next day. Eat warm or cold.
    The next step is the sauce.
    About 1/2 cup mayonnaise add 1 pressed garlic and juice of 1/2 lemon. A little salt and your good to go.
    Pluck off the leaves, dip and scrape with your teeth. As you get to the inner choke be careful. There’s silky like layers that are stringy. You need to cut those out. Then cut the remaining stem into quarters. Dip them in the sauce and moan with pleasure.
    I’m making more this week. If anyone is interested I can take pictures of the different steps. You do have to be a bit cautious. You could literally choke if you tried to eat the center without removing the choke part.
    But very yummy! Some people like to dip in melted butter as well.

    Angelina, Only if it's not too much trouble ~ I'd love to see the steps and love your pics so it's a natural combination. Please and thank you.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I was going to say good morning, but it is afternoon here! I was dealing with my mom for the past few hours as she was insisting on going to the grocery store. My mom is over 80 and has mild asthma, so I had to be very insistent that she not leave the house. She has a lot of supplies, but needs some fresh foods. Many of her neighbours have offered to shop for her, but she is too proud to take them up on this. She lives in a small town about 90 minutes away, so one of me, my brother or my husband were going to drive to her and get her groceries today. After some digging, we found a service in my mom’s region that does private shopping and delivery service for seniors and disabled folks. So we made arrangements with the service for this afternoon and I hope it works out well. My mom is still quite independent and very set in her ways, so it is hard for her to have anybody do things like grocery shopping for her. She still drives and is very healthy, other than the asthma. She is just not being realistic about the risk right now. I feel about worn out by it all, and it is only 1 pm!

    Yesterday was a good day. I followed my plan and we had a nice family dinner and movie night scheduled, so I made sure to plan for that. I drank all of my water and exercised as well. My sleep quality is not that great, and the anxiety I feel is usually at night after everyone is sleeping. I am going to try some different meditations tonight to see if that helps.

    @1theresamcvean - Your hairdresser’s to go idea is brilliant! Your grandchildren are adorable!!

    @timibotkin - Way to maintain! I am so sorry that your biopsy was a difficult experience. It is completely understandable that you needed to rest. It is hard to believe that people are out shopping for pansies right now, but I guess some people feel like they have to occupy themselves somehow. I do wish people would take the social distancing more seriously though.

    @podperson1 - Glad that you were able to chat with your mom and that your parents are taking the social distancing seriously. Wish I could send you some pizza as I am making some tonight!

    @sleepymom5 - It is so generous of you to want to help out as a nurse. Depending upon where you live, it can be very serious right now due to dwindling supplies. There is more risk with age for this virus as well. What about a public health phone or text service? Our public health number here is jammed and they are hiring nurses right now. There may be something like that in your area.

    @tryingagain5 - Thank you for prayers and I am praying too. That is good news about your job in the short term and I hope that the work continues. You are right that we all need to find things to do other than worry or watch the news. Sending you a big hug.

    @mrsbell8well - So nice of you to bring some baking to your staff! The banks here have closed a number of branches and are operating others on limited hours. They are asking people to rely on ATMs, and phone/online banking. I worked at the head office of one of the big banks for many years and know that if this does get worse, more limitations will be coming. And yes, I love artichokes and grew up eating them.

    @Zumbah_luvah - Fantastic loss, congratulations! You will see the 170’s very soon!

    @brown6267 - Fantastic loss!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - I hope that you can keep your anxiety and ED under control. You are not alone with what you are experiencing, that’s for sure. Please feel free post here if you need some extra support when you are feeling like binging. Hope that your kids are ok and not exposed. Thanks for the uplifting photos! Posts like that really do help.

    @Fi45 - Nice loss, congrats!

    @hope002 - There could be a lot of reasons for this gain. Regardless, you have been doing excellent overall!

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi again everyone,

    Our F2F April registration has opened. Would appreciate you sharing the information and links below on your walls, friends or in other groups/threads where you participate. We would like to keep our community going strong through the pandemic.




    FAT 2 FIT is going strong for now over 4 years! Yep, we have been around for a while!

    Looking for a support group?
    Looking to get as much as you give?

    Fat 2 Fit is inviting you to join!

    We are a weight loss challenge and support group. We have teams for accountability and challenges for motivation.

    Come join the best bunch of losers on MFP :)

    Click here to see what we are all about:

    Want to join us?   Click here:
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day:Saturday
    Previous weight:177.0
    Current weight:178.5
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    3/20 - 10,735 steps
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @nstephenson01 - We are so happy to have you back and will get you added back for April no problem. Can you please post or message me your starting weight? We are all feeling the anxiety right now so this is a very good place to get some support. I hope that your husband makes it back safely. Feel free to post as much as you want now! Welcome back!

    @1theresamcvean - You just made me cry! Those photos are amazing and your mom looks like she is in excellent hands! That poem is lovely and yes, there will be a time when this comes to an end, and I really hope we come away kinder and more appreciative of our blessings.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    edited March 2020
    Weigh-in Week 4
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 263.2 (119.4 kg)
    CW: 261.2 (118.5 kg)

    - 2 lbs / 0.9 kg. Funny thing, I think and calculate in metric, but weight loss always sounds so much better in imperial lol.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Steps for the past week: 52299

    Sun 15th: 6832
    Mon 16th: 7104
    Tues 17th: 11326
    Wed 18th: 4987
    Thurs 19th: 10721
    Fri 20th: 8067
    Sat 21st: 3262
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx I love your dog pictures. I guess if that’s your cousins dog, technically the dog is your cousin too! I’ve got my grand puppy in town and he’s about 3-1/2 pounds and just non stop play!! It’s amazing how dogs can get your mind off of everything else going on in the world.

This discussion has been closed.