Doom, Despair, and Agony on Me! (aka a whine thread)



  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Oh, you've gotta be kidding me! I'm still continuing to do well with my calories, I've even been more diligent about weighing and making sure I'm tracking accurately, and I'm up even more today. So in the last 2.5 weeks, I've done better than I had in a very long time, and instead of losing 2 or 3 lbs, I've gained 4.5. :s

    This is totally inconsistent with anything in my weight loss history. Historically, I'm not prone to large water weight fluctuations. I can only remember two times when I had undeserved gains two weeks in a row, and they have NEVER been this large. And historically, when I've kicked up my efforts after longer periods of no effort (or less effort) I've always had nice losses. None of this makes sense.,too....I am up 1.8 and I have been exercising in the pool for two weeks!....I weighed 268.8 this morning and two weeks ago I weighed 267.4... last Friday 267.0....I better lose some weight this week or or or or well....or else lol
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member

    Granted the MFP website system has never exceeded fair in reliability but for the last 2 weeks it has been horrible. It never fails when you are in a hurry to log you get temporary maintenance screens. Also the lag between syncing the website server and the app server has been minutes and hours lately. So I entered some of my information on the website and it flaked out and now I have entered information on the app which does not have the website food. GAH. I have a million things to do today and I do not have time for this.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    *whine* YOu know your day is going to be fantastic (note the sarcasm) when you set out a completely full, 16 oz mug of coffee on the counter and then knock the darn thing over and spill it all down the counter, the stove, and the floor *sigh*. I didn't use sugar since I sweeten with Stevia, so it's not going to be a sticky mess, but I DO put 1/2 cup of milk in my coffee, so what I didn't get will probably be stinky for a couple of days.

    OH well - the counter beside the stove is actually more of a table so I was able to pull it out and wipe down the side of the stove and the fridge and the floor beneath, but I could tell some of it went under the fridge where I couldn't quite get to it.

    I did take the time while I was at it to wipe down the stove, the fridge, the wall behind the table, and the floor. I really need to spring clean my kitchen!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I just want to grumble a little. I"ve been retaining water all week, and I'm - how to put this delicately? Clogged? Anyway, I know I'm retaining water because my measurements are up and I can feel it, especially in my lower legs. I'm bloated.

    I don't know what kicked this round off, but it's rather irritating. Today is weight record day, and I'm only showing a 0.9 lb loss. I'm not upset, just mildly annoyed because I know I lost more than that; how much is up for debate because the water weight is masking things. Hopefully, it will let go soon so I can get a more accurate picture of where I stand!
  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    *whine* YOu know your day is going to be fantastic (note the sarcasm) when you set out a completely full, 16 oz mug of coffee on the counter and then knock the darn thing...

    Totally! For me, it was taking the car to go to work, car doesn't start, check engine light is lit. So annoying!

  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    Hopefully, it will let go soon so I can get a more accurate picture of where I stand!

    Hang in there! It'll come off!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Got back yesterday. Brought back everything PLUS 12 pounds of water weight. For anyone keeping score I had JUST gotten the last round of water retention down before leaving so it is quite the roller coaster.

    I caught up my spreadsheet and it looks like the numbers support a half a pound gain but I also know I was more active than my watch was capturing so I think it will end up being a wash. Also you do not gain weight as predictably as you lose it which really makes me wonder how many calories it took to actually gain that 270+ pounds. Weight gain is only easier because the "reward" is immediate and there is less mental resistance.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Welcome back!...we missed you!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Welcome back!...we missed you!

    Thanks. I signed in once but I hate posting from my ipad so I changed my mind on doing anything.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Isn't it time for this year to be over??????????????

    My Mom died in early March out of state. Had to arrange to bring her back her for her funeral. This was the first week of Covid shutdown. Funeral could only have 10 people in attendance; sad for so many reasons and on so many levels.

    Then into full isolation due to Covid. Everything closed. Groceries delivery only. Dealing with isolation, boredom, major "cabin fever", lack of physical contact with other humans, etc.

    Then, hit with 500 year flood and it's aftermath. Three days of Flood Watch to determine if I would need to evacuate while worried about family who already had to evacuate twice from two locations. Brother's house flooded over 5 feet inside house totally destroying everything. Can't help with cleanup so volunteered to do laundry (SIL major quilter so trying to salvage her finished work as well as other sheets, bedding, etc). Also making daily runs to Flood Distribution Centers for cleanup supplies, food, water, etc.

    Finally, about first of June, Michigan starting to slowly open back up. Restaurants having seating available while following distancing guidelines, etc as mandated by state. Thrilled I'm finally able to get a restaurant meal occasionally, but still playing it safe for the most part.

    June 9-10, had inspectors come in and they determined I had black mold in the house ... which grows and spreads mega rapidly. So, due to lung conditions and allergies, I had to move out of my house. Since all cleaning & restoration services in our state are heavily engaged with flood restoration, they are hard to get booked. Most were quoting 6-8 weeks before they could start. Luckily, I had an experience last year with Modernistic and promoted them heavily for their excellent work so they graciously worked with me this time ... but it was still almost 2 weeks before they could get into my house. Then had a house cleaning service come in to clean my house top to bottom and do laundry for any fabrics (like bedding, drapes, etc) that may have been exposed to mold spoor. Since I had never had mold issues in the 40+ years in this house, the inspectors felt I may have introduced it with the black plastic bags of flood contaminated quilts, etc that I brought into the house. GREAT!! I created this mini disaster myself.

    So, I am back home (after living in a 10-foot camper for almost a month. Have laundry to do, inventories to do -- so I can put in an order for delivery, and make to-do lists LOL.

    I seriously don't have the energy or time to read all the posts I've missed so will just start from here. Congrats to all who have lost during this time! Hang in there to those who've been maintaining or gaining!! Welcome to any folks who are new or who have returned after a time away.

    It's great to be back. Hope to restart my new normal in this unnormal time we're living in right now. Hope y'all have a great day!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member

    I'm sorry - you've definitely been through the ringer this year for sure! In times like that, usually the only thing I can hold onto is the old proverb "this too shall pass". I do hope things have leveled out for you, though!
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    Glad you're back @cesse47 !
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,348 Member
    Oh, wow, @cesse47! What a year. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with all of that, especially when it all started with your mom passing away.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member

    It is good to see you. You are a trooper and you are certainly due a period of easier to manage circumstances.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Thanks Everyone! Am thrilled to say my bed and I have re-established our intimate relationship ... and it's wonderful. Going back to basics to get back on track ... measuring everything, drinking more water, trying to up my exercise, and doing meal prep for a week of lunches.

    It is soooooooo good to be home!
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,348 Member
    Murphy's law, karma, the universe is out to get me...whatever it is, I feel like literally EVERY time I am exremely motivated, something messes me up!!!

    After a rough last week, I found some new resolve and was very motivated to eat perfectly today, and my mom called this morning and said she and my dad are coming to town and want to meet for lunch. :s And they're my parents, and besides, I have a bunch of stuff to give them, so I guess I'm going out for lunch. I know I can do okay eating out, it just won't be the 500-600 calories I planned to eat.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Murphy's law, karma, the universe is out to get me...whatever it is, I feel like literally EVERY time I am exremely motivated, something messes me up!!!

    After a rough last week, I found some new resolve and was very motivated to eat perfectly today, and my mom called this morning and said she and my dad are coming to town and want to meet for lunch. :s And they're my parents, and besides, I have a bunch of stuff to give them, so I guess I'm going out for lunch. I know I can do okay eating out, it just won't be the 500-600 calories I planned to eat.

    Eat a nice lunch and have a lean cusine and a salad for dinner...enjoy your visit!
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    @Bobsburgersfan - my trick for restaurants - review the menu this morning. Figure out what you are going to order. Log it to the best of your ability. Add in 1 T of butter to whatever you order (you know its in there!) Plan the rest of your meals around that meal - to make it fit with your macros and/or calories. At the restaurant, make adjustments to quantities when your food comes or how much of it you eat. You've been doing this long enough you know what 6 oz of protein looks like. You've got this!
  • emmyjaykay
    emmyjaykay Posts: 83 Member
    I do exactly what @speyerj said for restaurants. (My dad has insisted on bringing my partner and I takeout from a local, non-calorie giving restaurant every Wednesday for the last few months and a calorie-laden meal kit every weekend.) I check the menu, pre-log the closest thing I can find to my order, add a T of olive oil or butter, and eat a little lighter before and after that meal. Try reframing it as an opportunity to practice your habits in a new situation! Life loves to throw us curveballs and the more we learn how to adapt and be flexible, the easier it is to trust that we've learned about our needs and we truly do know what's best.