New members



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,551 Member
    Welcome! Nice to see you.

    The group has been quiet lately, and you can help change that. Keep us apprised of how your journey goes and what we can do to help.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Hi to all our new members.
    As mtarafoot says our group as been a little quiet. Probably because of covid 19.

    Feel free to post discussions. Keep us posted on your weight loss too.
  • libertyacres
    libertyacres Posts: 3 Member
    Just so I don't get myself in trouble, Can someone explain the "flag" and "quote" buttons to me, please? Does "flag" mean I'm following or tattle on someone? What does "quote" do? Thanks!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Just so I don't get myself in trouble, Can someone explain the "flag" and "quote" buttons to me, please? Does "flag" mean I'm following or tattle on someone? What does "quote" do? Thanks!

    "Flag" is for posts that go against the MFP rules or code of conduct in some way.

    I believe the "spam" flag is intended to be use for something that's obviously advertising, like someone who has signed up to MFP to self-promote (a book or webite or product or whatever), or that's a post by an advertising bot.

    Otherwise, I believe the "Report" flag, which will open up some other checkbox options, is what we're asked to use to report most other types of inappropriate behavior, such as insults, trolling, explicit posts, etc. It allows for a note to be written to clarify what the problem is, in the eyes of the person flagging. (It also has an option for asking for one of your own posts to be deleted, if you want that.)

    "Quote" just copies the post you're quoting into a new post, so you can reply to the quoted post (makes the context clearer). Just be sure to type outside of the quote "tags", which look like {quote} quoted stuff here {/quote} except with square rather than curly brackets. If I type that same thing with the proper square brackets, it comes out like this:
    quoted stuff here

    You would hit the quote option, see the quoted matter copied into a fresh reply space, then you type after the close quote tag (the {/quote} one, but with square brackets ;) ).
  • lorrieannoberry
    lorrieannoberry Posts: 42 Member
    52 and have been on weight loss journey all my life it seems. I can lose.. its the keeping it off and not falling off the wagon.. I have a problem with. until i started on a life journey instead of a 'diet'. I want to play with my grandkids and be able to without not being able to get out of bed in the morning. lol. I am learning to eat better, move more and i feel great. God has been so good to me to keep me healthy in spite of my self. 176 lbs but only 4lb 11 inches tall. so for me still in obese BMI range. But i am taking one day at a time.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    52 and have been on weight loss journey all my life it seems. I can lose.. its the keeping it off and not falling off the wagon.. I have a problem with. until i started on a life journey instead of a 'diet'. I want to play with my grandkids and be able to without not being able to get out of bed in the morning. lol. I am learning to eat better, move more and i feel great. God has been so good to me to keep me healthy in spite of my self. 176 lbs but only 4lb 11 inches tall. so for me still in obese BMI range. But i am taking one day at a time.


    I think it's helped me to think of weight loss as "weight maintenance practice", and use the time of limited calories to figure out what helps me stay full, well-nourished, and happy with fewer calories. During weight loss, I was trying not to do anything I wasn't willing to continue permanently, except eating slightly fewer calories than I was expending. I didn't do anything dramatically differently when I reached goal weight, except add back those few calories, gradually.

    There used to be someone on MFP who liked to say "there is no wagon, so we can't fall off it", and I think there's some truth in that. Inevitably, there will be some more goal-driven days, and some days less productive for the goals, but the key is to keep going, and work in an overall positive direction in the big picture. Figruing out how to manage the loss phase so it's pretty easy - at least as easy as it can be ;) - is a big help, IMO.

    Wishing you much success!
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Lovely to meet our new members. Welcome aboard
    Feel free to post
    We look forward to getting to know you :)
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member
    Hello all ~ My name is Tony I'm 57 go a bit longer. I'm tired of starting but never sticking with a program, never losing any real weight.... but only end up gaining. I have steadily climbed .. BUT no longer.
    I started at my highest I've ever been.... at 243. I'm happy to say I am down to 225 as of this morning, and I'm NOT going back up. I feel better and have more energy.
    looking for like minded friends and in the same age range lol.
  • RichardHaw
    RichardHaw Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, new member to this group. Off and on MFP over the past few years, working on getting a better focus on health. 63 years old and about another 25 lbs to lose to my final goal. Feel free to add me as a friend. Love bicycling but have some knee issues right now that I'm working through (stupidly over training so nobody but me to blame on that one).
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member
    edited July 2020
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Back at ya, brother. ;)
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Great to receive our two new members.
    Tony & Richard
    Feel free to post on discussions. We are all here to encourage & inspire each other :)
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member
    BBee5064 wrote: »
    Great to receive our two new members.
    Tony & Richard
    Feel free to post on discussions. We are all here to encourage & inspire each other :)

    Thank-you BBee.
  • Mackman99
    Mackman99 Posts: 34 Member
    Longtime MFP member. Had success but then I gained it all back and then some. Now at 57 years it feels even harder to lose the weight recently have finally dropped a little weight. Looking for friends for support of each other. I am also trying to be more diligent in my tracking or food. Need some friends to help me be accountable. Thanks.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Mackman99 wrote: »
    Longtime MFP member. Had success but then I gained it all back and then some. Now at 57 years it feels even harder to lose the weight recently have finally dropped a little weight. Looking for friends for support of each other. I am also trying to be more diligent in my tracking or food. Need some friends to help me be accountable. Thanks.

    It’s great to have you in the group. Feel feee to start a discussion. We look forward to seeing your progress :)
  • elijandou
    elijandou Posts: 6 Member
    I’m new. Am wanting to address my COVID belly. Working from home means I walk and get out less. Am finding it hard to get out as I lack a bit of motivation. End up working longer hours at home, and my husband does not have a weight problem so we always have treats in the house. I also am hypothyroid so it makes it a slower weight loss journey. Anyway, am here. And have survived the first week of MFP.
    Good luck everyone.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    elijandou wrote: »
    I’m new. Am wanting to address my COVID belly. Working from home means I walk and get out less. Am finding it hard to get out as I lack a bit of motivation. End up working longer hours at home, and my husband does not have a weight problem so we always have treats in the house. I also am hypothyroid so it makes it a slower weight loss journey. Anyway, am here. And have survived the first week of MFP.
    Good luck everyone.

    Wecome, elijandou!

    Couple thoughts:

    First, there's a very informative thread here about hypothyroidism and weight loss, in case you haven't already seen it. It was written by a guy who's a scientist in the field, who is hypothyroid himself, and lost weight using MFP.

    There's no magical solution there, sadly, but it's extremely helpful background info IMO. (I'm severely hypothyroid myself, but medicated for it).

    Secondly, exercise (including walking) is a great thing, but if necessary it can happen entirely by managing portion sizes. While I'm pretty active, I was active about the same amount while obese (that active for over a decade), and didn't change my exercise routine in any material way to lose weight. There are certainly people here who are in circumstances where they can't exercise at all (by inability or preference), and have lost large amounts of weight just by taking a good look at their eating habits.

    Again, welcome. I hope you find much success here!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,072 Member
    elijandou wrote: »
    I’m new. Am wanting to address my COVID belly. Working from home means I walk and get out less. Am finding it hard to get out as I lack a bit of motivation. End up working longer hours at home, and my husband does not have a weight problem so we always have treats in the house. I also am hypothyroid so it makes it a slower weight loss journey. Anyway, am here. And have survived the first week of MFP.
    Good luck everyone.

    Welcome aboard!!
  • SimplySoldierOn
    SimplySoldierOn Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am 53 year old business woman, mother of 4 and a new grandmother. The past 25 years required me to take on a lot of caretaker roles; parent, caring for aging and ailing parents, ailing partner. My career was very stressful and I had a stressful relationship. Finally, I am at a place in my life where I have the space to care for me and live the life I choose. Well, these pounds are preventing that. I need to lose 50 pounds and am looking for a community to support me along the way.

    Hoping to meet other 50+er's for possitive support and hopefully a feeling of community as I focus on this area of my life.