Waist Aways - September 2020 Team Chat



  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Steps for 9/12= 7,225

    I went to visit a dear friend I haven't seen in a few years, it was such a good day... We ended up getting together with some other friends from our childhood.. It's so funny how with some people it's like nothing ever changed and we can just pick right back up...

    Today, I took the day off and relaxed and watched football... that was awesome, I am glad I get that one bit of normalcy back....
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Almost goodbye to Sunday - I hope everyone had a good day. Our rain held off much longer than expected, so I got a good walk done along the Tomifobia River. The fall is really hitting its stride, and soon the colours will be bright. I'll hike this week for sure!

    Week 3 is up and running! Heads up to:

    Weigh-ins never sleep. I just hope you did not eat the way I did today - a real anything-goes kind of day, and I'm glad it's over. Tomorrow will be a very clean eating day for sure!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,274 Member
    @micki48 Weekly Step Challenge! Slow week this time around.

    9/6 Sun - 6,393
    9/7 Mon - 13,590
    9/8 Tues - 8,597
    9/9 Wed - 7,048
    9/10 Th - 8,580
    9/11 Fri - 4,762 -Wildfires burning in CA, OR, and WA have made the air unhealthy and we've been asked to stay inside. The sky is smoky and orange. It's sad. Pray for rain!
    9/12 Sat - 3,014

    only 3 days of meeting my goal this week, but I needed the down time.

    @BaileyCat88 Praying for rain for the west. It is unbelievable. We have friends in the San Francisco Bay Area. Checked on them today. Air quality is bad, but they are doing fine. Makes sense that you should stay inside. Don't fret those numbers. We'd rather have you healthy.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,274 Member
    Thanks for those steps everyone! I hit my step goal each day this weekend, but most of those steps were doing things around the house. Didn't get in any good walks. Cooked dinner for the family again tonight. Ready for another week with Juliet. I will be starting the Pilates challenge tomorrow. So my goal is to get that workout out in every day this week. From 0 pilates workouts to 5! I can do it.

    So sorry to hear about the fires in the west. It's so awful and sad. I sure hope there is rain soon so they can get under control. Hop you all are staying safe and that your air quality is not too bad. The photos are surreal and unbelievable.

    Going to go work on that step report now. Have a great night.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,274 Member


    TOTAL TEAM STEPS - 642,589



    1ST - @jugar 107,476
    2ND - @KellyBgetsfit 86,750
    3RD - @FatSlayer1016 66,329


    @micki48 5/7
    @YinxFed 5/7
    @FatSlayer1016 6/7
    @jugar 6/7


  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    @CanadianGiraffe Yes!! Nice one! What a great moment :)

    I've just been catching up on the posts here. I'm feeling pretty motivated this monday morning and I have also just started taking Orlistat (Xenical) so I am hoping that will also help shave off a few pounds. Anyone else on here taking it?

    I am going away to Wales this weekend for my dad's birthday celebrations so am not going to be counting calories too closely, but I'm going to put my all in during the week and hopefully that will help balance things out!

    @jugar I think I will need to weigh in on Friday this week instead of Saturday if that's OK? Don't have any scales where we are going (basically a rural house in the middle of nowhere :wink: )
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Thanks for those steps everyone! I hit my step goal each day this weekend, but most of those steps were doing things around the house. Didn't get in any good walks. Cooked dinner for the family again tonight. Ready for another week with Juliet. I will be starting the Pilates challenge tomorrow. So my goal is to get that workout out in every day this week. From 0 pilates workouts to 5! I can do it.

    I'm with you on the Pilates this week! I have my list of substitutions for the moves I can't do and I have been getting closer to 5 days a week but have not gotten there yet. This is the week!
    spyro88 wrote: »
    @jugar I think I will need to weigh in on Friday this week instead of Saturday if that's OK? Don't have any scales where we are going (basically a rural house in the middle of nowhere :wink: )

    No problem - middle of nowhere is a great place to go, and the lack of scales makes birthday weekend more, um, liberating :tongue:
    This week is going to be my best week ever... I don' t know why or how, but I am determined to check every box, every day...

    THAT is the attitude to have on Monday morning!! Every box, every day, do the best you can - GO!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,071 Member
    Steps update for 13th September:

    Steps - 2736
    Exercise - 0 mins (rest day)
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,274 Member
    @jugar Completed today’s Balanced Life core strength workout (18 minutes) and took a :50 minute walk moderate to slow pace (with a 2 year old running) Was in fatburn the whole time. I’m over my 9,000 for the day already.
    I had a happy little NSV moment this morning. When I went to get dressed for church, I grabbed a pair of dress pants from the back of the closet where they have been since last winter but they were miles too big. So I headed to my "someday I'll fit in this again closet" and found a pair of pants I haven't worn for several years and when I put them on my husband said they even looked a little big too. :)

    @CanadianGiraffe What an awesome NSV!!! It feels so good when those “some day” clothes fit or say “oops, you missed it, but you’re doing it girl!” Way to go🎉
    Good Morning, and Happy Monday... This is the 1st Monday I've worked in a couple of weeks, so it's kinda good to have all 5 days to kick butt. So instead of trying to make up for 3 days of bad eating in 4 days, I have 5 days to make up for one day of bad eating... I actually went back and recorded everything this weekend, and yesterday was not so great, but I think as a whole it much better than previous ones.. Next weekend I will check all of the boxes..

    So I have to admit my vanity this weekend, 2 of my friends I saw Saturday have lost a lot of weight, and did it rather quickly, well they both aged 10-15 years in those months.. and it made me realize I am thankful my body is like "yeah, stop rushing girl, we are going to do this ssssslllllooooowwwwwlllllyyyyyyy" I know that may make me sound horrible, but I am so happy they were able to get the weight off and get their health on track, but at our age skin doesn't bounce back as quickly....

    This week is going to be my best week ever... I don' t know why or how, but I am determined to check every box, every day... We don't have any real plans yet, I was thinking about going to this botanical garden place on Sunday, and hanging out there for the day, but I'm not 100% set on that yet....

    Anyway, hope you all have a great day !
    @Gidgitgoescrazy What a GREAT attitude! When you say it, you make it happen!! Go! Go! Also, don’t feel bad about feeling good. You acknowledged you’re happy your friends have lost weight, but you know you and slow is ALWAYS better even though we all want fast. I think you are right. Our skin needs some time to adjust. I’m thinking of a photo of me where I was the lowest I had been in a long time. I can’t remember what I weighed. I just remember this photo of me on this beautiful beach and my face looked so saggy and old. I did not like it. Now maybe I wasn’t well hydrated or something like that, but I know what you mean about the loss making your skin look older. You are beautiful. Keep it up powerful woman!

  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,071 Member
    @conleywoods thank you. That 12 week challenge was tough. I did a dance workout this morning and it was such fun!
  • ells_runs
    ells_runs Posts: 99 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I've been AWOL. Crazy, crazy week last week 😞

    @micki48 here are my steps, sorry I am late 😞

  • ells_runs
    ells_runs Posts: 99 Member

    Week 3 ( already??)
    PW 213.6lbs
    CW 213.00 lbs

    Thank you all and good luck 😍
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    You are the stepping queen! Empress! Hope you're hanging in there through your crazy crazy week.
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    PW 244.5 lbs
    CW 244.4 lbs
    LTD 24.6 lbs

    I feel pretty confident that next week will be better. We have lots of healthy groceries in the house and little Lola is getting much better on a leash so we have been walking more. I end up carrying her about half the time lol. I'm also feeling better since having the massage and chiropractor visits so I may make it to the gym this week.

    I have another stressful workweek ahead of me. Really hoping it doesn't throw me off like the last 2 weeks. I prepped a healthy lunch for tomorrow to prevent myself from eating fast food so that's a step in the right direction.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone impacted by the wildfires. I can only imagine how scary it must be. We had a very hazy sunset today in Michigan and according to the news it's due to smoke from the fires. Crazy to think how far it has traveled!
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    Hello everyone, I don't have much to say today but I hope everyone will have a great day whatever you are doing!

    Go for it if you're feeling motivated!

    Go easy on yourself if you're not.

    This is a marathon not a sprint.

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