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Downsizers - October 2020 Team Chat



  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member
    Steps today = 12,055
    Good day - healthy eating + long walk
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,748 Member

    What is the most important tool you use in your weight loss journey?

    I think I agree with Linda and Megan, that my food scale really made me aware of how off I was with my serving sizes, both too small and too large. Also my Renpho Fit Scale to weigh myself on. It's on sale right now on Amazon for $23.

    I wish I had read this before I ordered my scale. I saw the Renpho scales but I ended up going with a different one. They had a few on sale for prime days. We will see how it works when I set it up today.

    missGYST wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I hope I haven't gotten the boot out of here yet because I honestly can't remember the last time I posted my weight. I've been the worst lately... logging in but not completely logging my food, forgetting to add my weight to my daily tracker, just, in general, doing nothing other than keeping my log in streak alive. Somehow, I've maintained my weight for the most part - at some point last week I was at 204 so I did have a slight gain. That's including going pumpkin picking and eating the apple cider donut holes and roasted corn, so that's a win. I'm waiting on my new charger for my Fitbit to be delivered so my attempt to join the step challenge was a bust. Hopefully, onward and upward from today! :)

    Username: missgyst
    Weigh-in day: Wednesday
    Previous weight: 206.6
    Current weight: 204.8
    Loss to date: 27

    No you are still here. No one is added to the drop list until they missed 2 weigh ins. Congrats on the loss! I had 2 donut holes on the weekend but they are called timbits here in Canada. It is surprising how high in calories those little things are. It was 170 calories for the two I had.

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post October 13
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 8628
    Exercise 60 min walk pushing stroller

    Well done! You are very consistent with meeting your goals.

    eaturpasta wrote: »

    What is the most important tool you use in your weight loss journey?
    I do like my Renpho scale, and my digital kitchen scale. I find measuring in grams is much more accurate than ounces. Who knew metric works? Also listening to my gut, sometimes not eating when not hungry is as important as eating healthily when I am.

    Now I really wish I had ordered the renpho. That’s two of you guys using that brand.

    eaturpasta wrote: »
    10/14 check in.

    drank water yes
    5645 steps, but 6 miles on my bike!
    Close rings every day...yes

    October Goals
    LTG 155.0
    Lose 1lb/week
    Drink 90 ounces of water daily
    7,500 steps/day
    Close rings every day this month

    Weigh in Day: Tuesday
    SW 197.0
    LTD(loss to date) 25.8

    That is an awesome bike ride. Is it an indoor or outdoor bike?

    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    Tuesday Daily Check-In:

    Day #2 of my new resolution!

    Yesterday I bought my bullet journal and now am learning how do do this - I walked for over an hour which was great even though it's starting to get cold, and it's been raining in Paris for weeks now!
    I am currenly cooking a huge batch of vegetable chili which should come out at 4-5 meals for the week, meaning I have less room to cheat, fingers crossed ^^
    For now I've had half of my 3l goal and am not worried about reaching it (I'm thirsty these days!) and am still within my calories, so all good =) I just need to convince myself to go for my walk of 30 minutes, maybe after dinner later when there are less people out and about.

    I do bullet journaling too as well as creating junk journals and normal journaling. It is very therapeutic.

    I just googled junk journals. That is so interesting!

    Between the wind, the arthritis and the frustration of this week I haven't been doing real great on the food and logging. Hopefully I can get over this slump

    I understand your frustration. I know I say this over and over but pre logging your food may help. I know when I get up what I am supposed to eat and in the evening I make adjustments. Hang in there.


    Weigh In Day: Friday

    Steps: 10117

    Highest steps so far that I have ever accomplished since starting this.
    However, my body hates me today. I am totally exhausted. Blood pressure has been running high today, so I am dizzy and blurred vision and I ate a bunch of junk food.. ugh.

    Now to find a happy medium with eating and exercise, because.. I would have loved to have had all those "extra" burned calories today.

    Congrats on your accomplishment! Please take care of yourself. Do you normally have hoping blood pressure?

    "Normally", no. Recently, yes. When dad had his heart surgery and the docs told us it was from high blood pressure, we all went and was checked. All 3 of my sisters have high blood pressure as well. :(

    I have been working on changing it with diet, but it doesn't seem to be working.
    Guess I should take the meds the doc wants me to take for it. :(

    Not sure I will every catch on to this "quote" thing and get my posts to look right. [/quote]

    Please take care of yourself. My husband has had high blood pressure for years. He takes medication which regulates it well.

    AmyG1982 wrote: »
    Daily Post Wednesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: walk with the kids
    Day: good day, back on track after indulging too much this weekend
    Water: 10/10
    Steps: 10,029

    Great job meeting all your goals. Weekends I find are harder to stay on track. I think part of it for me is the lack of a routine which I have on weekdays.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,748 Member
    Wednesday’s check in
    Calories: over by 17 calories
    Exercise: 17 minute walk plus three 5 minutes walk - total 32 minutes
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 6,076
    Sleep: not good
    DBF: 7

    For the last three days my weight has gone up. I am 2.4 pounds heavier. It is frustrating as I haven’t binged in a week and my average calories are below my target. I bought a new scale and I am setting it up later today. I am excited as i have been wanting a smart scale for awhile.

    I didn’t get far on my walk yesterday as I had to turn around due to the pain. I peeked at my ultrasound results and the radiologist said they are normal. It is good news as the arteries and veins are ok. The bad news is we are back to square one. I am trying the compression stockings I bought when they thought I might have varicose veins ( I don’t) today. So far they are not helping the pain but I will keep them on for the day. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the doctor and I guess they will do more tests. I am frustrated, sad and angry with this situation. I really miss walking. The spring I was walking a minimum of 5 km a day.

    Yesterday was new recipe day. It definitely wasn’t my favourite thing I have ever made. I would probably try it again but modify it slightly. It had lemon juice and Italian seasoning in it. I did not like that flavour combination. I do my menu for next week today so I get to spend time on Pinterest looking for next weeks new recipe. If you have any suggestions for my new recipe let me know.

    Have a great Thursday!

    Goals this week
    1. No binge eating/late night snacking
    2. Bed by 10 pm
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,760 Member
    Gooooood Morning Everyone ... Happy Thursday :) As soon as it gets light outside I am off to go walk with my daughter and Aspen my husky ...then I will come home and do Richard Simmons Broadway Blastoff Video twice :) I hope everyone has a great day :) Please Please get your steps in ...I am missing a lot this week ...thank you :)
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    edited October 2020
    @lindamtuck2018 Linda, it's great news that your tests came back clean!! But, I'm sorry you are having so much pain without answers, true frustrating. Don't be down about the weight fluctuation, I am going through the same thing now...I've been good all week and exercising my butt off and still the scale is not responding. It takes a few weeks "on" for our bodies to catch up. Water retention most likely.

    Also, I really liked the chili I made yesterday, the family loved it too:


    Have a great day :)
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    GOALS: Wednesday, Oct. 14

    🏃🏻‍♀️Workout: YES
    💦 Water: YES
    🍽 Food: YES
    😴Sleep: YES


    Wed. 10/14: 9,400 (spinning) + 15,075 = 24,475
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post October 14
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 10355
    Exercise 60min walk pushing stroller

    We got news my great uncle is going downhill again. He's got fluid in his lungs now.
    My brother has a cat scan tomorrow, so I hope we get some answers there.
    Weight loss journey wise I'm doing great. The weather has been so nice and I've been walking outside every day. Been good with food. Made a recipe this week I haven't made in a long time and it was good. Lemon garlic chicken thighs over zoodles and onions. I'm just sitting here enjoying my morning coffee and the kids are playing nicely. I have my niece again today so I don't know what the day will hold but hopefully I can find time for my walk.
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 10/14: 21,146
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Weigh Day Thursday
    PW: 254.4
    CW: 253.4

    Last week was a gain of nearly 4 pounds. I was hoping for a better recovery this week...oh well...the next week😉.

    I was pretty good with getting in some exercise each day and tracking food. I also made a somewhat successful attempt to eat 'cleaner'. Turns out there is added sugar, flavor additives and preservatives in the most unexpected places sometimes. Reading labels is a real eye opener. I just don't quite have the time or dedication right now to go full-on sugar and preservative free, but I did at least eat less processed food and more whole food in the last week.

    My goal for the coming week is to remain consistent. I have a bit of an 'all or nothing' mentality, so that makes it a challenge.

    Happy Thursday!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,760 Member
    Just got back from a 4.42 mile walk with my daughter and Aspen the husky :) off to do Broadway Blast twice to equal 60 minutes :)
  • eaturpasta
    eaturpasta Posts: 84 Member
    I can convert your 6 miles on your bike into steps but I need to know if it was leisurely 10-11.9 mph....moderate 12-13.9 mph or vigorous 14-15.9...and how many minutes :)
    let's say 3 miles leisure and 2 miles moderate and 1 vigorous. It all felt vigorous...but that's because I suck at it. Getting better though! I will try to figure out a way to note the MPH's.


  • eaturpasta
    eaturpasta Posts: 84 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 All of my bike rides are stationary. I got it free, and it has resistance a knob, but not much else. Still figuring out how to work it. :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,748 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 Linda, it's great news that your tests came back clean!! But, I'm sorry you are having so much pain without answers, true frustrating. Don't be down about the weight fluctuation, I am going through the same thing now...I've been good all week and exercising my butt off and still the scale is not responding. It takes a few weeks "on" for our bodies to catch up. Water retention most likely.

    Also, I really liked the chili I made yesterday, the family loved it too:


    Have a great day :)
    GOALS: Wednesday, Oct. 14

    🏃🏻‍♀️Workout: YES
    💦 Water: YES
    🍽 Food: YES
    😴Sleep: YES


    Wed. 10/14: 9,400 (spinning) + 15,075 = 24,475

    Yes the scales sure are frustrating. I am going to have patience and trust the process. This chili is going to be my new recipe for the week. I will cut the ingredients in half as there’s just my husband and myself. I think I will add in a pepper and maybe some mushrooms. Do you think that would work? Awesome job on the exercise!

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post October 14
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 10355
    Exercise 60min walk pushing stroller

    We got news my great uncle is going downhill again. He's got fluid in his lungs now.
    My brother has a cat scan tomorrow, so I hope we get some answers there.
    Weight loss journey wise I'm doing great. The weather has been so nice and I've been walking outside every day. Been good with food. Made a recipe this week I haven't made in a long time and it was good. Lemon garlic chicken thighs over zoodles and onions. I'm just sitting here enjoying my morning coffee and the kids are playing nicely. I have my niece again today so I don't know what the day will hold but hopefully I can find time for my walk.

    I am so sorry about your uncle. I hope things improve. Lemon garlic chicken thighs sound delicious.
    Weigh Day Thursday
    PW: 254.4
    CW: 253.4

    Last week was a gain of nearly 4 pounds. I was hoping for a better recovery this week...oh well...the next week😉.

    I was pretty good with getting in some exercise each day and tracking food. I also made a somewhat successful attempt to eat 'cleaner'. Turns out there is added sugar, flavor additives and preservatives in the most unexpected places sometimes. Reading labels is a real eye opener. I just don't quite have the time or dedication right now to go full-on sugar and preservative free, but I did at least eat less processed food and more whole food in the last week.

    My goal for the coming week is to remain consistent. I have a bit of an 'all or nothing' mentality, so that makes it a challenge.

    Happy Thursday!

    Congrats on the loss. I understand your frustration. I have put on 8 pounds over the last few months. I feel like it is going to take forever to lose it. Like I just said we need patience and have to trust the process.
    Just got back from a 4.42 mile walk with my daughter and Aspen the husky :) off to do Broadway Blast twice to equal 60 minutes :)

    Awesome job!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,760 Member
    eaturpasta wrote: »
    I can convert your 6 miles on your bike into steps but I need to know if it was leisurely 10-11.9 mph....moderate 12-13.9 mph or vigorous 14-15.9...and how many minutes :)
    let's say 3 miles leisure and 2 miles moderate and 1 vigorous. It all felt vigorous...but that's because I suck at it. Getting better though! I will try to figure out a way to note the MPH's.


    Do you know how long you rode for ?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,760 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 Linda, it's great news that your tests came back clean!! But, I'm sorry you are having so much pain without answers, true frustrating. Don't be down about the weight fluctuation, I am going through the same thing now...I've been good all week and exercising my butt off and still the scale is not responding. It takes a few weeks "on" for our bodies to catch up. Water retention most likely.

    Also, I really liked the chili I made yesterday, the family loved it too:


    Have a great day :)
    GOALS: Wednesday, Oct. 14

    🏃🏻‍♀️Workout: YES
    💦 Water: YES
    🍽 Food: YES
    😴Sleep: YES


    Wed. 10/14: 9,400 (spinning) + 15,075 = 24,475

    Yes the scales sure are frustrating. I am going to have patience and trust the process. This chili is going to be my new recipe for the week. I will cut the ingredients in half as there’s just my husband and myself. I think I will add in a pepper and maybe some mushrooms. Do you think that would work? Awesome job on the exercise!

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post October 14
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 10355
    Exercise 60min walk pushing stroller

    We got news my great uncle is going downhill again. He's got fluid in his lungs now.
    My brother has a cat scan tomorrow, so I hope we get some answers there.
    Weight loss journey wise I'm doing great. The weather has been so nice and I've been walking outside every day. Been good with food. Made a recipe this week I haven't made in a long time and it was good. Lemon garlic chicken thighs over zoodles and onions. I'm just sitting here enjoying my morning coffee and the kids are playing nicely. I have my niece again today so I don't know what the day will hold but hopefully I can find time for my walk.

    I am so sorry about your uncle. I hope things improve. Lemon garlic chicken thighs sound delicious.
    Weigh Day Thursday
    PW: 254.4
    CW: 253.4

    Last week was a gain of nearly 4 pounds. I was hoping for a better recovery this week...oh well...the next week😉.

    I was pretty good with getting in some exercise each day and tracking food. I also made a somewhat successful attempt to eat 'cleaner'. Turns out there is added sugar, flavor additives and preservatives in the most unexpected places sometimes. Reading labels is a real eye opener. I just don't quite have the time or dedication right now to go full-on sugar and preservative free, but I did at least eat less processed food and more whole food in the last week.

    My goal for the coming week is to remain consistent. I have a bit of an 'all or nothing' mentality, so that makes it a challenge.

    Happy Thursday!

    Congrats on the loss. I understand your frustration. I have put on 8 pounds over the last few months. I feel like it is going to take forever to lose it. Like I just said we need patience and have to trust the process.
    Just got back from a 4.42 mile walk with my daughter and Aspen the husky :) off to do Broadway Blast twice to equal 60 minutes :)

    Awesome job!

    Thank you so much ......17,000 steps so far :)
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member

    Yes the scales sure are frustrating. I am going to have patience and trust the process. This chili is going to be my new recipe for the week. I will cut the ingredients in half as there’s just my husband and myself. I think I will add in a pepper and maybe some mushrooms. Do you think that would work? Awesome job on the exercise!

    thanks Linda! :)

    Yes, that sounds so good! 😋 I wanted to add mushrooms, but I was out of them. I added chopped Roma tomatoes and jalapeños, black beans & corn to ours and it was fabulous. You'll have to let us know how it comes out.
  • darleenturner
    darleenturner Posts: 79 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post October 14
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 10355
    Exercise 60min walk pushing stroller

    We got news my great uncle is going downhill again. He's got fluid in his lungs now.
    My brother has a cat scan tomorrow, so I hope we get some answers there.
    Weight loss journey wise I'm doing great. The weather has been so nice and I've been walking outside every day. Been good with food. Made a recipe this week I haven't made in a long time and it was good. Lemon garlic chicken thighs over zoodles and onions. I'm just sitting here enjoying my morning coffee and the kids are playing nicely. I have my niece again today so I don't know what the day will hold but hopefully I can find time for my walk.

    sorry to hear your uncle is doing as well. Thoughts are with you
  • darleenturner
    darleenturner Posts: 79 Member
    back on track with eating but still not feeling 100% and after work just want to sleep. Steps are really low. Weigh in day tomorrow but not expecting a big loss

    10/14 3769 steps
    10/15 3905 steps
  • eaturpasta
    eaturpasta Posts: 84 Member

    Do you know how long you rode for ?

    21 minutes. And I was able to see mph today and I seem to stay around 12.8-14.2. A couple of 17 bursts tossed in for heart rate!

This discussion has been closed.