Downsizers - January 2021 Team Chat



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,687 Member
    iradi8 wrote: »
    I only stopped once for a minute halfway, so I guess moderate stair climbing:) It was only about four minutes. Thank you!

    You total for yesterday was 10,764 steps ...Great job :)
  • kdlgiannoulis
    kdlgiannoulis Posts: 27 Member
    Tracked all food again today!
    Got in a beautiful 10km run. 😀
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 574 Member
    The brown rice with almond milk actually sounds kind of good. I might try that.

    You have been doing so great. Even with the difficulties you've had, you're always encouraging to everyone. It is so hard when we don't feel well:( Gallstones are no fun. It sounds like you have made a good plan for food. I like what you said about the scale and your weight not being your worth. None of us will have a perfect journey, but we are so much better off overall than we were. Love your attitude:)

    I think I am both pinching myself and scaring myself:) LOL.

    I completely get that! It is so much easier at home. I am out of town right now. It's only for one night, but restaurants, ice cream in the freezer, snacks in the car, etc. It feels good to see that scale go down after being home and being able to eat better, right?

    Dancing for exercise sounds like so much fun while burning those calories and getting our heart healthy! It's your husband's birthday and you're under on calories? That's great! That cake will be so good tomorrow:)
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member

    Sorry running late today
    1/7/21 steps - 9,091
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    sorry it posted do you delete when you make a mistake??
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 889 Member
    Steps 1/7: 17,251
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Food logged.
    Under calories.
    96 oz. water.
    Slept for 8 hours last night.

    Didn't know how to change MFP settings to 1240 calories so changed loss rate to 0.5 pounds a week. That is the only reason I am under calories for the day. It still felt like a victory because I did not overeat tonight. Will keep working on eating til not hungry instead of eating until feel stuffed. This is tricky for me as I am very slow to feel stuffed. Have been working on eating a certain amount then waiting 15-20 minutes to ask myself if I am full. It has increased my after dinner conversation with family so don't feel so out of the loop.

  • Sripalbhansali
    Sripalbhansali Posts: 13 Member
    HEY, Sorry to upload it lately.
    My weight on Tuesday was 61.1Kgs.
  • Sripalbhansali
    Sripalbhansali Posts: 13 Member
    STEPS DATED - JAN 08 2021. - 14,328
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    checkin 1/8/2021
    Weigh in Fridays

    January 8, 2021
    PW: 212.4 pounds
    CW: 211.4 pounds
    Loss: 1 pound

    Steps 1528
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: Week 1 (Friday)
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    🥤 96 oz. Water ✔️
    🍽 Under Calories ✔️
    💤 Sleep ✔️

    👣 STEPS
    FRI 1/8: 13,630 (kickboxing) + 18,322 = 31,952
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member

    Thank you so much. I really does mean a lot that I encourage you. I get so much encouragement from you and others here as well. :)
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Check in for Jan. 8th
    Logging -yes
    exercise - yes
    steps - 19721

    Hi all,
    Thanks so much for you many messages and input. I appreciate it!
    The struggle I had with was actually something I did. Not so much what someone else did
    I did a lot of exercise yesterday and it helped calm me down.
    Anyway, I really appreciate all of you and your support and input is really valuable!
    Thanks for being there are always being supportive, kind and non-judgemental!
    It means a lot!

  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Hi. Thank you for your message about your sleep issues. Using the treadmill and listening to podcasts sounds like good ways of promoting sleep. I don't have any exercise machines in my apartment, so unfortunately I have to get outside to exercise. I do sometimes listen to music. Maybe taking that to bed with earbuds is a good idea. I appreciate the suggestions.

    Hi Tanya. Your new breakfast sounds and looks delicious! YUM! Also, I loved your comment that our value is far beyond what it says on the scale! I totally agree. We are far more than that. It shouldn't decide anyone's worth. We are mind, body and spirit. We are so much more!

    Hello. I relate to what you said about obsessing over things and sometimes being really over-sensitive or taking things top personally. I have been to therapy for various things, but finding coping mechanisms for stress and strong emotions have eluded me to some extent. I think that exercise and talking with others helps a lot. In general, I find stress hard to deal with. That's an ongoing project for me to find healthy ways to cope with stress. Thanks for your message.

    Wow! I'm so sorry that the fall is causing so much pain, especially never pain which I know is truly terrible. I'm hoping and praying things are better today. Please be careful! Take care and I hope you have a better day today!

    WOW! I just was looking at your post and saw you did 31952 steps!
    That is so amazing and inspiring! You are really doing great with your fitness and your steps are just awesome. Way to go! It's so amazing!

    Hi Lee,
    I'm so sorry about your brother. I'm thinking of you and sending my very best wishes! I hope the procedure that he requires goes smoothly and is successful! Hoping and praying for the best result for your brother. We care about you and we are here to support you!

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 - I’m so sorry to hear about your fall. I just quickly breezes through over 100 messages and notices yours. I do hope you feel better quickly and that it was t too serious. I hope your move went well other than that ans that it’s all over now and you can rest. Hugs to you ❤️
This discussion has been closed.