Mission Slimpossible - January 2021 Team Chat



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,032 Member
    @raleighgirl09 You are so funny! A river walk sounds so relaxing. The gifts to Miz Hazel sound very thoughtful. Is she your granddaughter? Congrats on staying under your MFP goal, well done! Thanks for the recipe. re: snack boxes...I even saved them in my WW diary as "Snack Box #1" so I know how many points they are (they are kind of high, I'll have to either eat them on a day when I have a lot of points left or only eat half of the box each day). Nice job resisting the chips! I'm a chip girl, too, so I know what a great victory that is.

    @Cornanda Thanks! Yes, I am very visual so I needed them to look good too. Have a great week!

    @TwistedSassette I hope you and the toddler get over the cold soon. That's great you tracked some, well done! :)

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! I love pistachios, too, especially the chili ones. I would not like the ones with the shell, that's too much work! :D I hope you enjoy the Quit Sugar Summit.

    MONDAY MINDSET THOUGHTS: As you saw yesterday, I took the time to pre-make my snacks for the week...this is because I have noticed that I get ravenous during the day and I wanted to have something on hand that wouldn't derail me (I'm looking at you, chips!). I think this puts me in a good frame of mind for the week. By investing the time to make the boxes, I am saying, "I am worth it, and I can do this".

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,585 Member
    Howdy Slimpossibles!

    Username: AustinRuadhain
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Week 2
    PW: 139.6
    CW: 136.2 :smile: (I think some of it was retaining water last week, but I'll take it!)
    LTD: 129

    Zowie! Congratulations on resisting ships last night! That is excellent!

    I love your water planning!

    And hey, I just watched a video from NutritionFacts on Optimizing Water Intake to Lose Weight. Short answer -- evidence shows that drinking 2 cups of cold water on an empty stomach a few times a day is a useful addition to your weight loss routine.

    Enjoy your singing and dancing with Hazel! If you want more ideas, there's a book I loved and used called Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and Other Action Rhymes by Zita Newcome that is full of ideas for other toddler-appropriate song-and-action things. It's available for 99 cents if you pick up a used copy on Amazon.

    Family calls! (Already?) Back soon! Must feed hungry person!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,686 Member
    @Cstockton18 It's tough with physical limitations and being stuck at home to get in movement, can you get a referral to physical therapy? For me when I was on a lot of pain medications I ended up depressed, I've found for both staying on a schedule helps a lot. For example, I go to bed around Midnight, wake up and make the bed, feed the cats and feral cat, then make coffee. Making the bed first thing means I accomplished something plus I'm less likely to crawl back into a made bed! I try to do the dishes before bed each night and eat as healthy as I can. I exercise every day, whether it's just stretching or the full workout. It helps me tremendously mentally just to sing to music and get my heart rate up but I focus more on what will strengthen my spine and keep my legs limber.

    Sorry for not catching up with everyone, just wanted to drop in and say hi! Had my family party on Zoom yesterday, about half showed up so it was a good turnout. Today's the dentist's, not looking forward to it but it's the last step and I get my permanent tooth today.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,021 Member
    @kerritho- Yay for you! Hope it helps!

    @twistedsassette- hope you all feel better soon and the rash is nothing. I love your thoughts on food power. I hope you will post any further thoughts you have as you work on that because I would be greatly interested.

    @teresaw1020- enjoy the No sugar summit. You are doing such a great job staying strong in 2021 that your TRANSFORMATION is sure to happen. You’re going to kick that scale right in the bootie by Friday.


    @raleighgirl09- My daughter was given the nickname Sunshine by her Grandma. It started when she was little and Grandma would recite the “Merry Sunshine” poem to her when she woke up in the morning. And now, it is just used during special moments between them. Very sweet. An idea for you and Hazel?

    @austinruadhein- wow- 100 of each of those exercises. Love your strength and determination! (my abs are sort of hurting just thinking about it.)

    Monday mindset- I’m telling myself: do the work! I planned my exercise for the week, I’m keeping with my eating plan. (that’s how I make sure the work gets done!)
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,720 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thank you for sharing the No Sugar Summit. I decided to register as I'm interested in the science side of it (not the fads and fancy stuff) and I'm currently listening to the first speaker - an Aussie! He's good at dumbing down the science to a level that a lay person like me can understand. I will check out some of the other speakers later, thanks for letting us know about it as I'd never heard of it before!
    We are all on the mend here now, I don't think I'm really getting the cold as bad as the others. I'm going back to work on site tomorrow, so this is my last day working from home.
    Yesterday was an ok day. I did overindulge a bit, but I tracked everything (yay me) and I did do 15 mins of light exercise throughout the day (not super, but a start) and I drank a TON of water. I'm calling yesterday a win, because I refuse to feel guilty about eating too much, and I ticked my other goals.

    My mindset today is about focusing within. Asking myself the tough questions - am I really hungry? Do I really want to eat that chocolate biscuit, or would I rather a piece of fruit? And honesty - track, track, track!
    Goals for January:
    Sleep: 74.3/200 hours (average 6.8 hours) - ON TRACK
    Total Calorie Deficit recorded to date: -935 - AT RISK
    Exercise: 89/600 minutes (average 8 minutes) - AT RISK
    Meditation: 1/4 sessions - ON TRACK
    Social Media: 7.85/31 hours (average 0.71 hours) - ON TRACK

    Updated to 11/01/2021
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @raleighgirl09 Yayyy on getting those habit tracker checkmarks!! Haha, I am the same with sticking to the challenges! I made a vow to myself to finish January’s habit tracker. I always fizzle out after week two. I was a night time snacker until I started IF. I still use a fasting app and when it’s turned on there is no more eating. Took a while to get the urge out of my system but I did it and you can too. Have a nice hot cup of tea. :) That jambalaya looks so good and has been pinned to my Pinterest board! I LOVE cauliflower rice and finally just got my mom hooked on it too. Hubby would still like some rice and I told him once in a while I will cook him up some. I’m a good wife even though watching him eat all those carbs makes me twitch. :D

    @trooworld I’m glad that the boxes seem to be working for you. I think they are a great idea to keep you from grabbing things that you know will hurt your weight loss and just make you feel angry with yourself. ;)

    @AustinRuadhain I always down 12 to 24 oz. of water first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to jump-start the body and get that water going. :)

    @Katmary71 Glad, you had a good turn out for your family Zoom party. I hope all went well with the dentist. <3

    @Cornanda I’m doing my best to kick that scale to where I want it to go! Right now I have single-minded determination. I’m pretty sure that my dear husband is getting tired of me constantly talking about weight loss and what I believe to be true on how to get my weight off. But if he wants a fit and healthy wife then that is the consequence. :D Your Monday mindset is great! You do have to do the work and that means planning and then doing! You are going to have a great week!

    @TwistedSassette Yayyy I’m so happy that you are listening to The Quit Sugar Summit. Dr. Fettke is amazing!! I LOVE him and his story so very much. He is a true hero to the entire low carb world for what he had to endure. He has lots of YouTube videos and has been on many podcasts. If you only listen to a couple more, I really recommend Drs David and Jen Unwin and Mike Collins (who is the founder of the summit). Dr. Joan Ifland was also really good and her work on how processed foods caused much of the world’s obesity is awesome. I totally geek out over this stuff and my favorite part is that most of these speakers have walked the walk of sugar addiction and weight issues.

    Hi Team! Soooo I woke up this morning with a 2.5 lb whoosh and am finally in the 180’s. I was super happy and even more motivated to keep up doing what I feel is really working for me. After my workout, taking mom to the doctor, and going to the grocery store I have been home watching the sugar summit. I want this info so ingrained into my very being that I will be changed forever!! :grin:

    January Goals: 1/11
    No Sugar Challenge: 11 Days sugar-free!
    Fast for 19+ hours: I fasted 20 hours
    Ate on plan: I stayed Keto today.
    Workout 30+ minutes: Beachbody #MBF upper body
    Drink 96+ oz. of water: By bedtime I will have all my water and then some.
    2021 Focus Word: TRANSFORMATION
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,021 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - hooray for the whoosh! Can hubby be convinced to mix the rice and cauliflower rice 50/50? It works in my house.

    Just popped back on to get that jambalaya recipe.......
  • adhmrh
    adhmrh Posts: 112 Member
    @Cornanda I love combining rice with riced cauliflower. So good and healthy!!!

    @TeresaW1020 awesome "whoosh"!!! I so appreciate Mindset Monday! Thanks so much for doing this. You are right, everyday we have the power to choose. We just need to choose wisely.

    @TwistedSassette glad you all are on the mend. I really like your mindset - asking the tough questions.

    @AustinRuadhain wow, awesome weight loss!! Like the James Clear quote. I like getting his newsletter.

    @trooworld great idea prepacking your snacks. They looked awesome!! You definitely are worth it and you definitely can do it!!

    @raleighgirl09 I'm with ya. Often It helps me not eat something because I don't want to write it down, it is more real if I log it, lol.

    @SammyDee2015 great weight loss!!!

    Hey everyone, I hate I have been away so much. I am trying to read and catch up with everyone. Was a rough week last week. Hubby had to have a biopsy. So very thankful we have gotten results and there is no cancer. We are so relieved.

    Since I haven't checked in too much I will try to catch it up.

    January Goals:

    No sugar January: 10/11 days
    Exercise daily: 6/11 days
    Fast 16 hrs.: 9/11 days
    7+ hrs sleep: 9/11 days
    Prayer & Bible study: 10/11 days
    Eat healthy w/in plan: 10/11 days
    Drink 96oz water: 11/11 days

    Exercise is definitely where I struggle. This week my goal is to walk and stretch on my lunch hour. Part of my job is managing the outreach center at our church. It has a gym/multipurpose room where I can walk. I just have to do it!!

    Hope everyone has an awesome week!!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 682 Member
    edited January 2021
    Monday evening check in

    Triumph - another all greens in the Habit Tracker day - Day 1 of my choice of challenge for this week, to be all green on it!! Aaaaand tomorrow is the first obstacle to making all green checks for this week. We have someone coming at 5pm to inspect the work we need to have done to stop having water come into the basement so I need to take a longer walk at lunch in order to get 10,000 steps. I debated trying to take an earlier walk but have decided to use that colder time to jump online sooner for work and take a longer lunch. It has been a good day - well focused. Cooked another meal this evening, two cooked yesterday along with random chicken. Between leftovers and salads, my meals this week should be pretty simple to make and easier for sticking to the calorie goal. @Cornanda and @TeresaW1020 I found some shelf stable riced cauliflower on Saturday, in the grocery isle with rice. It made it *super* easy to do the sheet pan jambalaya. It actually had more rice texture than the fresh riced cauli I have done in my food processor....it's very easy to do but a big ol' PITA so I have don't it in a while. I have mush worries on the frozen....do let me know if you're aware of the texture being acceptable when using frozen riced cauli! Anyway, the meal was plenty generous and was really tasty - and aside from sodium, about perfect. I was up .5 this morning, I feel quite sure it's sodium and will dissipate in the next few days - as long as I stick to my plans!

    @Cornanda totally with ya, Sistah.....doing the work of the planning for exercise gives me yet one more prompt for eating well. I know I don't have to have both to have at least one but a focus on one thing can aid my focus on other things.

    This is another meal I made for this week: https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/land-of-enchantment-posole/ It is quite yummy and I made only a few changes. No oil used and I did a pork roast in the crock pot, saving some for hubby when I go meatless. Next time I'll do boneless, skinless chicken thighs in the crock pot, I think it will be an acceptable change to lower the calories. It's not really a low carb option, either, but it is moderate for me and my eating plan.
    @TwistedSassette very glad to hear you're on the mend! It's really tough when mom is sick along with everyone else - we're usually the care takers! I hope someone has been able to nab you all of the soup and ginger ale you have needed! Awesome ditching of the almost-guilt feelings over food choices, goes so well with the PEACE mantra... => <3
    @Katmary71 such great conversation with @Cstockton18. Although I have had only bouts of pain which felt chronic to me in those moments, it is truly a different experience to go through it for as long as you and some others on the team have.
    @AustinRuadhain thanks so much for the book advice - I ordered it and will have it on Friday!
    @trooworld yes, the intrepid Miz Hazel is my granddaughter - my Hazelnut.... <3
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,032 Member
    @TeresaW1020 There is nothing like a nice drop to keep you motivated, congrats!

    @adhmrh Thank you! I'm so glad your hubby's results were negative for cancer. It looks like, despite the stress, you have been doing well on your goals, congrats!

    Hi all. I'm starting off struggling with my goals but it's only because I've had to go into work yesterday and today. I'll do better tomorrow. I am drinking enough water and pre-tracking, so not all of my goals went by the wayside.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS.
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    Username: buniphuphu
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Week: 2
    Starting Weight: 345.4
    PW: 315.3
    LTD: 30.3

    I've really been trying to tighten up my eating this last week...fewer starches...more fruits and veggies. I haven't been able to get to the pool as often as I would like because I haven't been able to get an appointment slot. It's hard to do with only 4 slots available for each block of time.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,686 Member
    Hey everyone! Sounds like we're all getting back into the swing of things. I got a bridge where my tooth had to be removed, it's going to be a pain to floss but I'll do what I have to, I kind of wish I'd gone ahead and got the implant. I swear I broke that tooth eating carrots! Today's my boyfriend's 50th, I'm getting an ice cream cake and food. I'll have some but I'm hoping I won't derail having cake in the house, it helps having my boyfriend here because he eats more normal than me, I'd be eating cake for every meal if he wasn't here and I had it in the house! I have my eye appointment tomorrow to get contacts, I've only had glasses for two years and they drive me nuts, my vision's a lot worse so they need to be replaced. Still doing arm cardio, strength training, and stretching.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,585 Member
    Monday Check-in
    🔴Morning walk/workout (10+ min) - yes to the workout, but forgot to do it in the morning. Back at work on making this a habit!
    🟢100 Pushups & Situps Programs (3 ea/week) - not yet...
    🟢Food measured & tracked
    🟢Hit MFP calorie goal
    🟢Workout 45+ / 6 days-wk
    🟢10K steps
    🟢NO SUGAR challenge
    🟢Check in on Slimpossibles daily

    Tuesday Plan/Status
    🟢Morning walk/workout (10+ min) - Ha. This at least is in the green today.

    @buniphuphu - Hurray to being in the green this week, despite not as much swimming as you would like. and 30 pounds down now -- so great!

    I love your new mantra CHANGE HAPPENS! It sounds like you did well yesterday, hitting at least some of those goals. Step by step! You have such a great attitude.

    Woohoo to an all-green day on the Habit Tracker!
    And a big wow -- I hope you enjoy the book!

    Wow. What great news regarding your husband and that biopsy being negative for cancer. I am super impressed at how well you have done on your goals in the midst of all that!

    I have not made a habit of it (maybe I should!), but I dud start today with a big glass of cold water. I have been noticing I need more now that the heater is on so much!

    Since you are interested in the science side of things, you might check out the work of Dr Michael Greger -- nutritionfacts.org. He's an MD who is passionate about nutrition-related rese3arch and communicating it so that people can use it.

    To be clear, I can NOT do 100 pushups or situps. I AM hoping to work my way up to it!
  • Cstockton18
    Cstockton18 Posts: 15 Member
    @Katmary71 hi thank you for your reply no unfortunately but not sure if their wanting to wait till all my tests are done first or what funny enough just had a phone call today saying they want me to go in again now being the 3rd time for another MRI scan but this time they want inject me with dye so hopefully will get some more answers soon. I think it’s just the dramatic change in such a short space of time to go from really active to this now is just hard for me to deal with at the minute but I’m staying positive there’s always someone else worse off than myself I’m focusing on staying positive pushing through reminding myself of how lucky my life is compared to others in the world and that hopefully one day I’ll have all the answers I need and I can but a better plan into place 😊
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Cornanda Ohhh sure I’ve done 50/50 rice and cauliflower and he has eaten straight cauliflower rice and doesn’t hate it. But since I’ve gone more down the Keto way of eating, I haven’t given them rice in a while and he misses it. So, I’ll make him some. ;)

    @adhmrh Good, I’m glad you are liking Mindset Monday. I like it too! That is wonderful that your husband’s biopsy came back cancer-free. That is a big praise for sure!! You are doing great on your goals. Keep it up! :)

    @raleighgirl09 Yayyy on all greens on the Habit Tracker!! :star: I am finding that if I look at the tracker first thing in the morning it solidifies the goals that I have for that day and for some reason it seems to be working! *fingers crossed* OK, I am VERY interested in knowing about this shelf-stable riced cauliflower. Where did you find it? What is the name? :grey_question::grey_question::)

    @trooworld Yup, I’m feeling very motivated these days. Just praying I can keep it up! It’s hard to stick to goals when your schedule isn’t consistent. Just keep doing your best! <3

    @buniphuphu that is a bummer you can’t always get in the pool but good for you for tightening up your eating. I agree with giving up the starches where you can. How much fruit do you eat? That can really hinder weight loss for some people. :)

    @Katmary71 Glad things well with your new bridge. I’m sure you will get used to it. Enjoy the cake in moderation and then get rid of it if becomes too much of a temptation for you. I told my hubby that if we are still wearing these stupid masks in the summer I will be getting contacts. I can’t take the fogging and not being able to breathe. :mask::grimace:

    Hi Team! Not much happening today. I did my workout and then did some housework while carrying around my phone listening to the Quit Sugar Summit. Afterward, I worked on my puzzle and watched some more speakers. My key takeaway from the last two days is that there is no one diet for everyone and we must all find what works best for our bodies and mental health. The other key thing is that sugar is a terrible thing if you are in the slightest addicted to it. I am and it’s been like a weight around my neck since I was a child. My deepest desire is to be free from it. I hope to not be someone who can never have sugar, like many sugar addicts have to do but to be able to have it when I want it. I don’t want it hijacking my brain ever again and that means that like most addicts I will have to be hyper-aware the rest of my life. :|

    January Goals: 1/12
    No Sugar Challenge: 12 Days sugar-free!
    Fast for 19+ hours: I fasted 19.5 hours
    Ate on plan: I stayed low carb
    Workout 30+ minutes: Beachbody Barre Blend Booty
    Drink 96+ oz. of water: I got all my water in for the day
    2021 Focus Word: TRANSFORMATION
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,720 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I must admit I have been a bit of a skeptic when it comes to the whole keto thing. I do believe that deprivation diets are not sustainable, for me (I know that they work for many others, like yourself, which is fantastic!). So I was interested to learn more about it and Dr. Fettke was great! Although the skeptic in me does note that he admits himself that a lot of what he talks about can't be proven one way or another, I did find myself skipping the sugar in my latte yesterday...
    I also listened to James Goolnik (the dentist) and found his perspective insightful as well. I like the Rewards Project he is involved in and I sent my sister (a primary school teacher) a link so she may find some things to implement at her school.
    I'm at work in the office today so I'll have limited time but I'll see what other sessions I can listen to. Thanks again for sharing! And congrats on the whoosh - that's amazing!!!

    @adhmrh I'm glad your hubby's biopsy was clear. It's a scary time, just waiting on results. Sending you hugs!

    @buniphuphu I've noticed your weigh in on my news feed - you're doing amazing despite not being able to swim as often as you'd like. Keep it up!

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you for the recommendation on Dr Michael Greger - I'll check out his work!
    Finally recorded myself a calorie deficit yesterday! Time to start peeling back against the surpluses I keep recording!
    Not that yesterday was a perfect day, we had pizza for dinner (hello sodium!) and I was over target, but still had a deficit and I did enjoy the pizza. We have leftovers for tonight as well.
    I'm back at work on site today so it's a bit easier to be in routine. Working at home, if I felt a bit hungry I'd find myself standing in the pantry or at the fridge, or making a piece of toast. I can't do that here - I can only eat whatever food I brought for the day!
    I have a couple of MFP member-run challenges starting this week/next week so I'm looking forward to getting back into the normality of that as well. One is Hogwarts-based and the other is Game of Thrones-based, so they're quite fun but also push me to do more exercise and keep on top of my tracking. If anyone is interested in joining, let me know!
    Goals for January:
    Sleep: 81.8/200 hours (average 6.8 hours) - ON TRACK
    Total Calorie Deficit recorded to date: -730 - AT RISK
    Exercise: 93/600 minutes (average 8 minutes) - AT RISK
    Meditation: 1/4 sessions - ON TRACK
    Social Media: 8.4/31 hours (average 0.70 hours) - ON TRACK

    Updated to 12/01/2021
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 682 Member
    Tuesday - nearing the Hump Day crest!

    Slimlettes, I am rockin' and rollin' with some goals this week! Very pleased and also taking it one day at a time! Turns out my after work deal at 5 was....tomorrow! I 'accidentally' got a buncha steps because I took a long walk at unch and then also at 5 - I think I'll get to 15,500 for the day! The only issue is the now I have to do the longer walk at lunch tomorrow...... :# All greens on the Habit Tracker - Day 2 of that as my goal for the week, hitting it every day.

    @trooworld way to go giving some focus on making some of the goals, even if not all. Persistence is key - doing even a portion is better than throwing it all down.... => KUDOS to YOU!!
    @buniphuphu I know you are really missing the swimming! It will be super nice when you can get back in your own pool - you're doing a good job of working on goals through the cold, it will serve you well.
    @Katmary71 I'm doing the implant - it was the scary extraction on 23Dec! Still quite tender and now a 2 month wait - the waiting (and $$$) are the hardest part. I don't know if I'll wish I got the bridge but I am glad I can do something and not just live with this hole in my jaw. I DO NOT like being without one of my teeth! I hope you enjoy the cake and special foods for the BF BD...so good to keep celebrating all that is good around us and within us. I froze some cake a friend gave me a few months ago, froze individual pieces. I don't know when I'll have the last 3 pieces - the first 3 I had were not planned! However, and here's why I am saying this.....I DID NOT eat it all at once, nor have I eaten all of it when I had some. Freezing portions has allowed me to treat it a little more naturally. Or at least not eat it all at one time.... => Freeze or talk the BF into eating it but it's possible to have it and not get carried away!
    @AustinRuadhain you'll get to your routine of timing the exercise, you've been diligently working to reigning all items and the greens are stacking up for you... => I was inspired by you and @TeresaW1020 this morning and had my first 2 glasses right after weighing this morning as a chugalug, helped me start the day off right!
    @Cstockton18 it's a pretty powerful thought pattern - the thinking that others have had worse or there are different ones we haven't had to endure. The same has helped me through tough times - prayers and thoughts to you, hoping you can get to a stable place - gain some strength and a routine that is a progress forward. For you and @Katmary71... <3<3<3
    @TeresaW1020 your fasting regime seems to get better and better - more intuitive and comfortable for you! Congrats on that and hitting your IF everyday! I hope I am not sugar addicted - I feel addicted in others ways, such as the sometimes uncontrollable urges to eat. I have, at times, compared myself to a crack addict - but my crack is on every corner, advertised day and night from every direction. I need a little bit of my crack daily....... but don't do too much, you addict, you. Control yourself with just a smidge of the crack 3 times a day and don't give in to temptations. Harumph. So irritating.
    @Twistedsassette Congrats on a deficit, WOOT!! Whoever would have guessed that office-based is a way to stay on track! I do love me some toast, too...... =>

  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 192.6
    Todays Weight: 192.5
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,032 Member
    @buniphuphu That stinks that you can't get an appointment. :(

    @Katmary71 I have 2 bridges and they are a pain to floss. I hope you have a nice celebration with your boyfriend.

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you!

    @TeresaW1020 I know you'll keep it up, you are in the zone! Thanks for sharing your take-aways from the Quit Sugar Summit. Very interesting.

    @raleighgirl09 Congrats on hitting your goals, well done! Thank you re: my goals.

    Hello all. I'm working on getting more sleep, my doctor prescribed me extended-release Ambien. I took it last night and it didn't help me, I still got up every 30-60 minutes all night long. I'm hoping it will just take a few days to start working.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette I was also a big skeptic of Keto, but I have learned a lot about the diet and about how it’s working for me. I don’t think of it as a deprivation diet at all because I eat a ton of great food that is very satisfying. And my weight loss is happening in a way that I just don’t get if I eat sugar and processed carbs. We are all a “study of one” and have to find what works for us. Today is day three and I really hope that you will get to hear Dr. Lustig, who is one of my very favorite speakers. Bitten Jonsson is another person who I hope you get a chance to listen to. :)

    @raleighgirl09 You are doing great! 15,000 steps is amazing. My actual step count is awful. I got an apple watch for Christmas and it tells me every hour that it’s time to stand up. I’ve been known to tell it to shut up. :D I agree that my IF is becoming more consistent. I set a plan for myself this month with IF and how I was going to eat and so far, so good! There are all levels of addiction but having uncontrollable urges to eat does seem like a big red flag to me. The leading experts in the field of addiction are now starting to say that sugar is the gateway drug for most drug and alcohol addicts. I know this to be absolutely true with members of my own family, including myself.

    @Jactop Down is down, so keep it up!! B)

    Good morning!! Let's make this a great day! :)


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