Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    But I don't like coffee flavor, so I don't eat tiramisu.

    Today lunch was pulled pork, and after I get back from the store we'll have spaghetti with bolognese sauce. Or bolognese sauce on pan seared zucchini. Good either way.

    There's always Beerimisu (use an oatmeal stout instead of marsala wine/espresso) - equally yum.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Leaving the other half in charge of dinner tonight (a rare occasion on account of his liberal use of all things calorific) we're having mashed potato, roasted sprouts & rainbow carrots and smoked kielbasa.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    I made tacos. Good meal to put as little or as much as you want. I had meat and beans and cheese. Super yummy.

    Tomorrow for breakfast Alex wants breakfast bowls. Eggs, cheese, hash browns, and bacon. He covers his with ketchup. I’ll also pick and choose what is on there. More egg. Less hash brown.

    I’m making spaghetti and meatballs for linner (lunch/dinner). We only really eat two meals on the weekend.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Yeah, I don't do alcohol at all. I don't make the enzyme that deals with it, apparently, and so it's like natural Antabuse. I'll cook with it but I have to stand back while it cooks off because it'll make me nauseous and give me a headache. (Bodies are weird)

    Today lunch we cleaned out the fridge and ate leftovers, and tonight's dinner was supposed to be tacos but he wanted a walking burrito instead so I said screw it and had taco salad since all the stuff was out for it.

    I maybe shouldn't have done that cause now I have gut cramps. That may have been more fiber than usual. Oh what fun.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    But I don't like coffee flavor, so I don't eat tiramisu.

    Today lunch was pulled pork, and after I get back from the store we'll have spaghetti with bolognese sauce. Or bolognese sauce on pan seared zucchini. Good either way.

    There's always Beerimisu (use an oatmeal stout instead of marsala wine/espresso) - equally yum.

    Wait how did I not now about this, this is incredible. Bless you.

    Yeah, I don't do alcohol at all. I don't make the enzyme that deals with it, apparently, and so it's like natural Antabuse. I'll cook with it but I have to stand back while it cooks off because it'll make me nauseous and give me a headache. (Bodies are weird)

    Today lunch we cleaned out the fridge and ate leftovers, and tonight's dinner was supposed to be tacos but he wanted a walking burrito instead so I said screw it and had taco salad since all the stuff was out for it.

    I maybe shouldn't have done that cause now I have gut cramps. That may have been more fiber than usual. Oh what fun.

    Should the mood ever strike you to make tiramisu, you could just substitute more coffee for the liqueur. On the other hand, who needs an entire pan of tiramisu lying around? (Me. I do.)

    We ended up ordering pizza last night, and I fell asleep on the couch at like 8:30. It was glorious. We're going out and about today, so will probably get some fast food for lunch. I'll probably do the tikka for supper tonight, as I have a bunch of tomatoes I need to use up ASAP.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Had a friend over for dinner this evening, slightly against the lockdown rules but the guy was struggling with mental health issues even before COVID and I kinda think of it as covered by the allowance for visiting vulnerable people exemption, he isolates himself when not in a good headspace and his dad's in hospital after a 2nd stroke in as many weeks.

    He's a big fan of my Cinnamon Rubbed Pork Roast, so made that with some creamed leek & kale and some roasted potatoes, turnips, parsnips & carrots. With a slice of chocolate and beetroot cake for dessert, there was a little more beetroot in it this time and a little less chocolate than the recipe calls for.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    We went out for a big lunch so we had egg burritos for dinner and popcorn for a snack!

    Very kind of you to help a friend in need, tinkerbellang83
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Yesterday was my usual breakfast of egg and avocado toast, and we did fast food for lunch. I managed with a 6 piece McNuggets, and a small mocha frappe as a special treat. For supper, I had a jar of my mom's turkey soup, and manged to end the day still at a deficit.

    I had leftover pork in peanut sauce for breakfast with half an avocado, will hav a light snack for lunch, and am about to (finally) start working on the chicken tikka for supper. Those poor tomatoes won't last much longer!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Yesterday was my usual breakfast of egg and avocado toast, and we did fast food for lunch. I managed with a 6 piece McNuggets, and a small mocha frappe as a special treat. For supper, I had a jar of my mom's turkey soup, and manged to end the day still at a deficit.

    I had leftover pork in peanut sauce for breakfast with half an avocado, will hav a light snack for lunch, and am about to (finally) start working on the chicken tikka for supper. Those poor tomatoes won't last much longer!

    Had smashed avocado and poached eggs myself today, afternoon was mostly bingey eating, feeling out of sorts so went to bed for a few hours.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Lunch was a walking burrito (all the condiments normally on top are inside the burrito) and dinner was Greek grilled chicken with saffron rice and/or green beans with tomato sauce, with pitas.

    I have the calories to have a little bit of lunch meat before bed, so I may do that, as I am starting to jones for protein.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,553 Member
    Tonight was a big piece of grilled chicken with BBQ spices, 3 slices of center cut bacon, and two thin slices of Colby Jack melted on top. Added a small amount of Avocado mayo, had a Caesar salad (light on the dressing) on the side.

    My meal prep for work lunches this week is stuffed peppers. Red, orange and yellow peppers cut in half, stuffed with a filling made from lean ground beef, Riced cauliflower, garlic, onion powder, oregano, parsley, red pepper flakes, marinara sauce and Italian blend Shredded cheese.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    New day, new week. Chicken and jalapeno quesadillas for lunch, and pork chops with ale sauce, rice pilaf or mashed cauliflower, and brussel sprouts with bacon drippings and cracked black pepper for dinner.

    I eat a very light breakfast because my body is unsure about food in the morning, not out of dieting. Just a very well toasted English muffin with a little butter and sugar-free jam.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    I am preparing for my high calorie birthday weekend at Universal Studios. So tonight was a grilled hamburger patty and some beans. Hit my goal for the day. Going to try real hard for tomorrow too. My mom is bringing me perogies for lunch (my favorite!) so it’s a super light dinner tomorrow night!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    We had turkey kielbasa,baked potatoes, and green beans....snack was an apple,laughing cow wedges and trisquits.....
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Today we are having Italian hot beef sandwiches for lunch, and sweet and sour shrimp with broccoli and rice for dinner.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Since we had just deep-cleaned the kitchen (mom is coming to visit and arrives today!), we didn't really want to cook. We got Chipotle, and they currently have cauliflower rice! I saved myself nearly 200 calories on my burrito bowl, and didn't particularly miss the real rice. I was able to eat my full bowl, and while I was over my target, I was still below maintenance for the day.

    No idea what we'll do tonight, but I suppose I should come up with something quick before mom gets in!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Chicken legs in the air fryer,roasted potatoes and mixed vegetables....snack tonight is rice cakes with peanut butter and sliced oranges!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    ....snack tonight is rice cakes with peanut butter and sliced oranges!

    How do you find rice cakes as far as triggering?

    Because it is so cold out here and I've managed to maintain my walking, my fingertips are so dry that they are splitting and I have bandaids on half of them. I'm trying to bump up my fat because I think that might help? And peanut butter is my go to. But I've cut out crackers again, and bread...because they just set me up for some crazy cravings. So I've been eating a spoonful of peanut butter here and there - and although that is pretty delicious actually - it would be fun to have something crunchy and sit down with it like a snack, with a cup of tea, rather than popping all those calories into my mouth and barely enjoying them. But I'm just back on track and I don't want to introduce something new that sends my gut back into the DEMANDING state it was in after the holidays.
  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    edited February 2021
    @lauriekallis Would apples or celery work for you with the peanut butter? I love apples with peanut butter and my kids liked pb on celery when they were little. I know those 2 things aren't really the same as bread or crackers but they might work.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I like peanut butter but I don’t LOVE it!...same with ice cream....I love the caramel rice cakes plain, too...

    I think some really good hand lotion or gloves might help your fingers!...or vaseline!

    The mini vanilla wafers are good with peanut butter!.

    I like celery in tuna salad!