WaistAways - February 2021 Team Chat



  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @mbakhtiaruz it’s sounds like a tough time. It’s good to see you post here there’s a lot of us to cheer you on! 🌸💐🌺 I hope today is better
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Wednesday weigh-in
    PW 88.4
    CW 87.5
    Very very happy with this.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Username: PlaneMonkey
    Weigh-in day: Wednesday
    PW: 207.6 Lbs
    CW: 205.0 Lbs
    LTD: 39 Lbs

    Woohoo! That's amazing!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Look at all the green today!
    @Pearl4686 - YAY! Remember this beautiful feeling and go go go!
    @sarkrisd - Every green bit counts. 0.6 pounds green is better than that other colour!
    @PlaneMonkey - you keep that up, and you'll be in Onederland really, really soon :smiley:
    @KellyBgetsfit - did you just apologize for losing 1.2 pounds? You are doing great, especially during a crazy time full of struggles. With tiny children. Holy moly, rock that tiara today and remember that it's a long road you're on, not an instant change. No apologies :heart:

    @SMcFall0215 Thanks for asking and checking in. Wednesday is a great day to hunker down and get the mistakes fixed. Good for you! I'm doing well today - even though I'm waiting for the telephone to ring and can't go outside until the hospital calls with all the details about what I need to do when before this surgery ONE week from today. I have to get a covid test on Monday, even though I have been self-isolating completely since they gave me the surgery date, and then I have a raft of questions to ask. So yeah, I feel like the proverbial teenager waiting for the phone to ring. Luckily I pre-planned my lunch or I'd be eating everything in sight! There are lots of gorgeous greens growing in my indoor salad garden, some beautiful sheep's milk feta cheese, local hothouse tomatoes, lima beans... It will be delish. I'm hungry!

    Great step results, everyone! I'm glad I had a strong January, because this month will be a slow one. The rest of you keep on keeping on with all those big numbers. Great job! And thanks @micki48 for tracking all those millions.

    Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday, everyone!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    1 week... I hope time flies for you @jugar!

    My rebounder arrived today. 30 minutes on that and I know about it, blimey. I couldn't go for a walk at lunch as my ankles are too sore to wear more than slippers, and whilst 30 mins on the rebounder was tough (and dragged a little, even watching TV) it felt effective. I needed 30 mins to get healthcare points, but I think I could do shorter bursts in the future, combined with resistance bands or mobility work.

    I'm doing well on the water, exercise and 5-a-day; still eating more chocolate/crisps than I probably should but for now it fits within my calories and I'm already noticing fruit taking up more of my snacking budget.

    The 300g had dropped off this morning too - I'd love to see below 86kg by my next weigh in on Monday, but either way it'll come soon enough.
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 12,728.
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    So new job is going well, its a mess i can see why they wanted someone with my type of experience. My team was working with no experience in accounting and just doing what they thought was best, or what the cpa told them to do, but they have no idea how to job cost, or what burden is... So I have a big job in front of me...

    My food and exercise have been good, even though I am giving myself a little bit of leeway this week, it turns out I haven't really needed it.

    Hopefully I'll be more involved next week, once i get used to this schedule!
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    @micki48 steps for February 3
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Sounds like they really need you at your new job, and that your team needs some serious training! I'll bet you'll straighten them up in no time.

    I got a new piece to work on today for the recording that will hopefully happen some time when we can travel and play music together again. It is the best of the pieces that the composer wants recorded - I'm really glad he added it to the list. But the phone didn't ring, so I did not go outside on the snowshoes the way I wanted to! Tomorrow I'll just go out anyhow. They can leave a message. Hmmph.

    So some weigh-ins are still due for today -

    And Thursday has only one person - the one, the only

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    @jugar Vera (Matthews5) has reached out to me and wants to rejoin Waistaways. Can we get her back on our team for February? She said she had rejoined already.
    It would be great to have Vera back! Certainly - just ask her to post here, give us her weigh-in day and starting weight, and she'll be ready to roll.

  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi all! I'm back. It's been an action packed couple of months. I'll fill you in on a separate post.

    @jugar please count me in for this month's weight loss challenge. My starting weight is 358.6. I'll keep Friday as my weigh in day.

    @micki48 please count me in for the step challenge this month.

    Thanks everyone. Stay safe and healthy.
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    @micki48 steps for
    2nd Feb 11030
    3rd Feb 12704

    Yesterday was pretty manic, but I managed to stick within calorie goals. I went for an hours dog walk with my daughter which was lovely, and then in the evening my husband and I had a go at a Youtube pilates class. I think I could actually really like pilates, hadn't tried it before! Does anyone have any recommendations for YouTube pilates to follow??
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member

    Not a lot going on with me. I'm still easing into working out and logging after being under the weather. I've done a couple of low key ballet workouts with my daughter. Honestly they have been more laughing and goofing off than working out. I'm pretty much back to eating normal but need to start formally logging everything again.

    I just got my new dress today 😍 It was from the new valentines collection and I love it to pieces! Its got flowers on it and more ruffles than any grown woman really needs! It really lifts the spirits.

    @jugar So excited for your surgery. I remember being super excited to get my gallbladder out. I hope the hospital calls soon. If you want me to call and hassle them for you I will 😉

    @mbakhtiaruz Hang in there! This is a difficult time for lots of people. Self care is definitely in order for you! ❤ Be kind to yourself. You got this.

    @micki48 Nice work getting your workouts in! That has to be a great feeling.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy Glad you have made it through the first few days and are getting a feel for things. Whip them into shape!

    @DD265 The soggy run sounds intense 😳 Glad you're able to do some indoor workouts with your rebounder!
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