Downsizers - February 2021 Team Chat



  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 - what's going on that you are not eating enough? Low blood sugar is nothing to mess around with ... take care of yourself.

    @DawnCumm - I'm glad your son and daughter-in-law were still able to have their destination wedding. You look fantastic!

    @888Angie888 - nice loss :)

    @Tazaria87 - hope you enjoyed that coffee

    @mari_moulin - love the home gym and the doggo

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - how did your appointment with the surgeon go?

    @Bluetail6 and @jimboden3 - the more research that I do, the more I am leaning towards the C2. I even put my name on the waitlist figuring that I can convince my husband in the estimated 6-7 weeks it can take before I can place an order.

    @363days - sorry that you are having such a tough time lately.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    Waiting for insurance to approve my upcoming surgery ..... they will call me and then its pre op....I really hope this will be the last hernia surgery I have (2 of them is too many)
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 573 Member
    2/24 Steps 13,667
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    Off to Petsmart to buy pet food and such ...they love Aspen so we are taking her :)
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 2/23 19,487
    2/24 12,455

    It has been a good week being able to walk outside with the weather warmer. Tuesday I did a leg workout and a walk and yesterday just a walk. Let’s hope these temps in the 40’s stick around.

    Trying to get into a routine of doing job search stuff in the am after I drop kids at school then household stuff in the afternoon. The day seems to fly by, I can’t believe how much I used to accomplish in my old life working full time and still getting everything done. It will be an adjustment when I do find something.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,881 Member

    That's great that you put your name on the list. It gives you wiggle room, and you can always take your name off. I'm excited for you regardless of which model you choose. Just get the best on that you can afford. I'm sure your husband will agree. My hubs has put a moratorium on my buying any more home workout equipment.... :D
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,881 Member
    DawnCumm wrote: »
    Back from vacation, I hope you are all doing well. Up five pounds but I did expect that. Ate and drank 24/7 for ten days. I still am so happy that we were able to hold my sons wedding during this COVID timeframe in Jamaica. These were the girls, I am in red. Now back to the real world! almxfebm9oxo.jpg

    What an absolutely amazing photo!! You look lovely. :)
  • heatherbluebell
    heatherbluebell Posts: 86 Member
    I have no doubt hormone imbalances can cause issues with weight gain/loss. I hope things get figured out quickly.

    I hope your insurance goes through to cover your surgery. I don’t know the US health care system very well, but what happens if the insurance says they won’t cover it?! It bothers me that that is a possibility. ❤️

    It’s weird how cravings work. And now that I think of it, why of why are we wired to have cravings? What evolutionary purpose do they serve? Anyways, I feel you, and I’m glad it didn’t impact your weigh-in this week.

    I love your reminder. It makes me think of the character Anne of Green Gables, and she talks about how ‘every day is fresh with no mistakes in it’.

    I’m so jealous of your trip! They’ve just imposed new travel restrictions returning to Canada, that you have to add approx. $2,000 to cover mandatory hotel isolation upon return. It’s probably a good idea, but same token I miss going places… especially hot places mid-winter!!

    You’re absolutely right. I know it! I know stressing over weigh-ins are counterproductive, and it’s important to be gentle. And it is easy to have compassion for others, and sometimes not so much to ourselves. I actually train a mental health program at my work, and we talk about “The Big 4”. It’s 4 things that are scientifically proven to reduce stress. One of them is self talk, getting out of thinking traps (using ‘shoulds’, overgeneralizing etc) and changing negative narratives to positive ones. It’s good for me to be reminded of the big 4, and apply them especially when I’m feeling stress.

    I’m sorry to hear you’re having troubles eating. I expect your meal planning and grocery shopping helps, but I hope you’re able to find ways to get your calories in. You don’t want your body going into starvation mode and clinging to that weight you’re working so hard to get rid of.
  • heatherbluebell
    heatherbluebell Posts: 86 Member
    edited February 2021
    Feb 24 check-in
    ✔️48 oz water/day
    ❌Healthy snack 1x/day
    ✔️ In bed by 10:30 🌟 3/3 days!!
    ✔️Check-in w/F2F
    ❌4,000 steps

    Steps for Feb 24 were: 2,392

    Username: Heatherbluebell
    Weigh-in Thursdays
    PW: 368.6
    CW: 365.4 (-3.2)
    LTD: 74.6

    I guess I stressed out about my weigh-in for no reason.

    A friend of mine also in a weight loss journey has been struggling, and last night told me she’s viewing March 1 as the start of phase 2; a rebirth so to speak. I just made an online grocery order to pick up on Sat after my OT is done. I have my dry-erase weekly and monthly calendars ready to go to plan my 1. food menu for the week, and goals for the month. I think as a goal I’d like to make a morning routine of some kind. I’ve been sleeping in, so I think I’m going to make a goal about time to get out of bed on work days, and maybe do a meditation or something. I have a couple days to decide what exactly I want to do.

    I shared this pic on Facebook a couple years ago, and it just came up as a memory. I LOVE this, and I think it's important to remember this same graph applies to our weight-loss journeys we're on. It's not a constant straight line and to expect it to be is unrealistic:


  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    2/25 55 minutes strength training. @Megan_smartiepants1970

    @363days and @lindamtuck2018 I have my loss set at 0.5 pound a week, also. The scale has been going the wrong direction despite eating under calories. I think it is water weight due to high sodium diet the last 4 days. Maybe using a weight trending app would be helpful to avoid discouragement and get a better sense of the true picture.

    @azkunk hope you receive a quick diagnosis with the parathyroid and the hip injection makes you feel better.

    @heatherbluebell you are doing great with all the overtime that you put in and taking care of yourself. As for compassionate, focus on one or two habits that you can maintain when busy and just let the others go into a less important role. I focus on logging everything, eating under calories and let the rest slide when I'm busy or sick. Celebrate your victories like attending half your zumba class instead of none of it and drinking your water. Keep building on those successes.

    Today, I received a message from a new friend looking for motivation. Don't think my reply was what he was looking for but here it is and would welcome your thoughts. I told him that you don't need motivation to lose weight. You need to develop healthy habits so even when you don't feel like you are worth it you "fake til you make it" and the habits become as second nature as brushing your teeth. On a day when things don't go well, ask yourself what you learned and plan a way to minimize or avoid the issue until you can better cope with the situation. This has carried me through the past year no matter how frustrated, sad or lonely I have felt.
  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member
    Over calories- sad
    On the plus side - I just got a lot of work done for my job and feeling good.
    Going to do a few yoga moves before heading to bed .
    I walked outside with a friend today which was great. We had to hop over lots of puddles due to all the snow melting. We still have a lot of snow, but it’s looking better.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member

    Username: piqueaboo
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 215 lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 216.6 lbs

    Last weigh-in of the month and I've pretty much undone all the progress from January. It's super easy to beat myself up about this, however, I'm choosing not to and instead to focus on the improvement's I've made this month:
    1. I started running again. I'm going to aim for 3x per week, while I hate jogging, I find it super strenuous and breathing is difficult, I have the most beautiful running route (along the Seine passing most Parisian landmarks) and after I run I always feel so good about myself - so it's totally worth the torture
    2. I started focusing on sleeping more and moved from my average of 4-5 hours per night to 7-9 hours per night. The difference is pretty incredible and sleep is directly linked to weight loss (as @lindamtuck2018 correctly says) it's helping the overall journey.
    3. My Fitbit is back in action! I'll post my steps below and would officially like to rejoin the step challenge, please!
    4. Fewer food deliveries. I was out of control for a second there, but I think it's kinda reigned in a bit lately. Now I'm aiming for Deliveroo once a week instead of twice a day. Jeez.

    • Friday 5 624
    • Saturday 10 964
    • Sunday 19 267
    • Monday 8 822
    • Tuesday 8 511
    • Wednesday 2 270
    • Thursday 19 020
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 884 Member
    Steps 2/25: 20,134
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Check in for Feb. 25
    Logging - yes
    exercise - no
    Steps - 2632

    The crazy week is finally over and just going to take it easy today. Today and Saturday will be my days off and have to do prep on Sunday. As far as my next milestone it will be 250. That is a while away, but I will be super excited to reach it.

    I haven't been using my CPAP machine. I just really don't like it. I know I should be but...

    Love your graph above about success! It's right on the money. Success and improvement is NOT a straight line upwards. Lots of tiny lilttle ups, downs and squiggles and loops which trend eventually upward! True Dat! Yep!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    I hope you can get that straightened out soon. Do they do a blood test to figure out if your parathyroid is the problem?

    The reason I haven’t been eating is my stomach has been off all week. I take insulin (slow acting) for my type 2 diabetes so it has caused me to have low blood sugars. I have adjusted it every night to compensate.

    You have some nice steps. I find the warmer weather gives me a bust of energy. I know if I had to go back to work I would never be able to get anything done in the apartment.

    Congrats on your loss! I think taking time and coming up with your goals for next month is a good idea. I have been mulling over mine the last few days. When I was going through the stress last year I worked with a psychologist. Changing the negative narratives into positives was really hard for me. In fact most weeks my homework was based on this. Love the picture.

    I do use a weight trending app. It does give a good overview. Water weight is such a pain in the behind. I tend to have higher sodium food on weekends so I always have a bump in weight Over the weekend. I like your message and it is great that you can do this.

    Great steps! It is getting so nice outside. I am sitting here debating whether to do my mini walk outside. How are your hips doing with your walks?

    Sounds like you have made great progress this months. Not all our victories are measured on the scale. I am so jealous of your running route. I have always wanted to go to Paris. I think when covid is over and I go to Scotland, I am going to make time to go to both France and Ireland.

    I can’t really scold you as I never went back and got mine. I know losing weight has helped me with my sleep apnea. I had mild and then gained a bunch of weight. My next sleep test showed I had severe. My oxygen was dropping to really low levels. I put off going for that test result for so long that he did a new sleep study as I had lost a lot of weight. This one was a lot better except for when I was on my back. They put me on a machine for a month to test I believe it was the flow rate I need. I returned it after a month and have yet to get the cpap. At this point I would have to get a new sleep study as it has been a year almost. If your apnea is bad you should use it. I know it is not fun to use but I know people who said they have so much more energy on that they use one. I hope you enjoy your days off. As for the 250, it will be exciting to celebrate. Maybe you could break it down into 25 pound chunks instead of 50. That way we get to celebrate with you more often.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    I think you did scold me! LOL But I appreciate it cause sometimes I really do need a kick in the butt and I know it! I will try my friend! Thank you for caring! You are AWESOME!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Thursday’s check in
    ✅Steps 4,790

    PW 217.8
    CW 214

    I was a little nervous that I was going to have a spike in my weight as I ate a really good supper and snack yesterday after not eating enough for the last few days. I also ate popcorn which tends to put my weight up even though it was natural flavour. Anyways, my stomach is really feeling a lot better so I should be able to continue eating normally. Hopefully, no more low blood sugars. I have some nice meals planned for the week and today I am planning my snacks.

    I slept better last night so I have more energy today. I am thinking about trying my mini walk outside as the sidewalks looks clear. My oldest granddaughter is coming over for the weekend. We are going to get our hair done tomorrow. I have to finish my housework for the week. I am starting to think of it as exercise instead of dreary housework.

    Have a great FriYAY!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    Username: piqueaboo
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 215 lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 216.6 lbs

    Last weigh-in of the month and I've pretty much undone all the progress from January. It's super easy to beat myself up about this, however, I'm choosing not to and instead to focus on the improvement's I've made this month:
    1. I started running again. I'm going to aim for 3x per week, while I hate jogging, I find it super strenuous and breathing is difficult, I have the most beautiful running route (along the Seine passing most Parisian landmarks) and after I run I always feel so good about myself - so it's totally worth the torture
    2. I started focusing on sleeping more and moved from my average of 4-5 hours per night to 7-9 hours per night. The difference is pretty incredible and sleep is directly linked to weight loss (as @lindamtuck2018 correctly says) it's helping the overall journey.
    3. My Fitbit is back in action! I'll post my steps below and would officially like to rejoin the step challenge, please!
    4. Fewer food deliveries. I was out of control for a second there, but I think it's kinda reigned in a bit lately. Now I'm aiming for Deliveroo once a week instead of twice a day. Jeez.

    • Friday 5 624
    • Saturday 10 964
    • Sunday 19 267
    • Monday 8 822
    • Tuesday 8 511
    • Wednesday 2 270
    • Thursday 19 020

    Do you have a step pledge that you would like me to add? You are back on the step challenge :)
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for Thursday, 2/25

    Check in daily:
    Water (90oz):
    Steps (9K):
    Macros (P-105/ C-115/ F-40): ❌❌❌
    Exercise 3x /wk: ✅❔❔

    I was under calories overall yesterday. I am having trouble getting my macros really dialed in. My weight has recently been up and down. I have started to take mini walking breaks at a brisk pace during the day to help burn some more calories. I hope it works.

    Steps this week @Megan_smartiepants1970

    2/22: 9587
    2/23: 7708
    2/24: 9749
    2/25: 9114
This discussion has been closed.