Downsizers - February 2021 Team Chat



  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 - I'm glad your stomach is feeling better today. Housework should definitely count as a workout :) Ans yes, there is a lab to check parathyroid hormone.

    @lelbarou - I know the CPAP sucks but not getting enough restful sleep contributes to weight gain, so you may be making it harder on yourself by :# not using it.

    @Piqueaboo - your running route sounds amazing! I'm jealous.

    @lcfa5317 - nice steps!

    @Beautyofdreams - thanks for the positive thoughts. I do love the phrase, "fake it until you make it" ... it's so true!

    @heatherbluebell - great loss! That success chart is exactly like weight loss, lol

    @Bluetail6 - I am glad I put my name on the list, but I am incredibly impatient and want it NOW :s

    @rlaskey2 - good luck on the job search, sounds like you have a good routine going. Hopefully you will be back working full time soon.
  • garn76
    garn76 Posts: 56 Member
    Today is an awesome day for me .... I heard from my son today ....It has been 8 years since I have seen/heard from him .... he is 21 and I just found out that he is in the Military (Navy) He is in Guam right now ...He texted me out of the blue saying he has been trying to find me for awhile

    WOW!!! I can't even imagine how that must have felt.
  • garn76
    garn76 Posts: 56 Member
    Username: garn76
    Weigh in Day: Friday
    PW (281.8 lbs)
    CW (279.4 lbs)
    LTD (7.6 lbs)
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 that is wonderful news and I am so happy for you!
    @lindamtuck2018 it sounds like you have a fun weekend planned and your granddaughter will make sure you get steps in.
    @piqueaboo your running trail sounds divine and just moving is an awesome mood booster.
    @azkunk you will get your macros dialed in. Just pay attention to what satisfies you the most whether it is protein, carbs or fat.
    @garn76 that is a stellar loss! Congratulations on your hard work.
    @rlaskey2 wishing you success with your job search.
    @icfa5317 isn't it wonderful to see all that snow melt!
    @lelbarou the Cpap made an enormous difference for my brother-in-law. It may feel awkward but please give it a chance.

    Today I dropped into a new decade. I weighed 149.7 pounds. Now the scale will probably go back up for two or three weeks until I can consistently weigh in the 140s but it is coming. With consistency, hope to meet my goal by my birthday in October.
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 walked 1.19 miles today for 20 minutes at a 3.5mph pace on 2/26.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,596 Member
    garn76 wrote: »
    Today is an awesome day for me .... I heard from my son today ....It has been 8 years since I have seen/heard from him .... he is 21 and I just found out that he is in the Military (Navy) He is in Guam right now ...He texted me out of the blue saying he has been trying to find me for awhile

    WOW!!! I can't even imagine how that must have felt.

    It felt amazing ... It was great hearing from him :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,596 Member
    @Beautyofdreams thank you :)
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Today is an awesome day for me .... I heard from my son today ....It has been 8 years since I have seen/heard from him .... he is 21 and I just found out that he is in the Military (Navy) He is in Guam right now ...He texted me out of the blue saying he has been trying to find me for awhile

    That is awesome. I bet there were lots of happy tears during anc after the call
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post February 25
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 100oz
    Steps 9030
    Exercise 32 min Inc Dance Fit

    Today was a busy day. So here I am winding down for the night when I realise I hadn't made my post today yet! Yesterday I had my nieces all morning and afternoon. Miraculously, school and naps lined up enough that I got my workout done after lunch time. Just the baby had to watch me dance haha.

    I'm using today as my rest day instead of tomorrow. It's been a busy day with no time for a formal workout and right now I've got a headache so I'm gonna take it easy tonight.
  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member
    02/26. = 5,374 steps
    stationery bike - 70 minutes
    I only can stay on the bike so long because of Netflix.
    It was a pleasant sunny day but I was too busy with work.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Today was a bust ... pizza and margaritas tonight. It was worth it. Tomorrow is a clean slate.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    Username: piqueaboo
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 215 lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 216.6 lbs

    Last weigh-in of the month and I've pretty much undone all the progress from January. It's super easy to beat myself up about this, however, I'm choosing not to and instead to focus on the improvement's I've made this month:
    1. I started running again. I'm going to aim for 3x per week, while I hate jogging, I find it super strenuous and breathing is difficult, I have the most beautiful running route (along the Seine passing most Parisian landmarks) and after I run I always feel so good about myself - so it's totally worth the torture
    2. I started focusing on sleeping more and moved from my average of 4-5 hours per night to 7-9 hours per night. The difference is pretty incredible and sleep is directly linked to weight loss (as @lindamtuck2018 correctly says) it's helping the overall journey.
    3. My Fitbit is back in action! I'll post my steps below and would officially like to rejoin the step challenge, please!
    4. Fewer food deliveries. I was out of control for a second there, but I think it's kinda reigned in a bit lately. Now I'm aiming for Deliveroo once a week instead of twice a day. Jeez.

    • Friday 5 624
    • Saturday 10 964
    • Sunday 19 267
    • Monday 8 822
    • Tuesday 8 511
    • Wednesday 2 270
    • Thursday 19 020

    Do you have a step pledge that you would like me to add? You are back on the step challenge :)

    Yes, put me down for 9000 per day, I think I can do that! Thank you!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Happy Saturday team!

    I’m here with this weeks check in. I have to say I’m very disappointed with the scales. I’ve been working my butt off this month and I really got back into my workouts and drinking my water. My eating isn’t great but it has been consistent so some progress should be showing. The month started off really well going down consistently each week but then last week it spiked up and I have been struggling to get it back down again.

    On a positive note, my measurements are continuing to go down. Slowly but each week it’s a little bit less all around.

    I’m not gonna stop trying. Gonna keep pushing myself and I will eventually see results.

    2021 Starting / Previous / Current

    Weight - 198.2 / 197.4 / 196.4
    Chest - 108 / 105 / 104.8
    Waist - 106.6 / 104.6 / 103.8
    Hip - 110 / 108.4 / 107.6
    Thigh - 58.8 / 57 / 56.2
    Calf - 37.4 / 36.6 / 36.2
    Arm - 32 / 30.4 / 30.4
    Body fat mass - 43.9 / 43.7 / 42.8
    BMI - 31.9 / 31.7 / 31.6



    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Weigh in week: 4
    Previous Weight: 197.4
    Current weight: 196.4


    Sunday - 17,268
    Monday - 14,145
    Tuesday - 15,187
    Wednesday - 17,957
    Thursday - 17,180
    Friday - 16,174
    Saturday - coming 🔜
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Feb. 26 check in
    Logging - yes
    Walk - 30 min plus errands

    steps - 7188

    So, crazy week is over...just took it easy yesterday and can do so today...Then Sunday is back to prep.

    Finallly got a chance to look over all the posts. Will respond below.

    Hope everyone has a super weekend!
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    @iradi8 - Awesome stepping! Plus on the main page your diet has been amazing while you are away. Super job! Congrats!

    @lindamtuck2018 - Sorry your stomach has been off. I also have the issue with reacting to restaurant food. My stomach is so sensitive that it is just easier for me to eat from home. I really feel badly for the restaurants, but I can't do it very often.

    So wonderful about your mini walks! You can do it Linda! GO For IT!
    Glad your granddaughter is coming over this weekend! Hope you have a super time!

    @azkunk - Thank you for you input about my CPAP. I don't know why I am so incredibly stubborn. It really is beyond logical! LOL

    Your rower idea sounds amazing. I'm sorry that you and your partner don't agree...Hmm. Yes. Negotiation is difficult. Can you offer him something else he wants in return? Maybe he wants to buy something for himself? Sweeten the pot so to speak!

    Sorry about the perparathyroid possibilty. This doesn't sound fun and I hope you don't have it. I'm glad you are getting a shot for your hip. I really hope it helps!

    @missGYST - I understand how not having a loss is frustrating. If your body is like mine, I find this is sometimes happening. I won't lose for a week and then I will drop several pounds - like 3-4. Maybe you are like me? Make sure the scale doesn't deter you! Keep on track and that weight will come off...

    @Beautyofdreams - WOW! Congrats! Going from 2x and 18W to M and size 8! That is sooo AWESOME! You must be so proud of yourself! That is really wonderful! you GO gurl!

    Congrats also about entering a new decade! And congrats about receiving the epogen drug!

    I like your talk with your friend. Not motivation, but habits. Yes. Everything can be managed by a plan of action. Exactly!

    @heatherbluebell - WOW. Working 11 hours with a 15 min break! You are a champion! As far as being too gentle with yourself! I wouldn't worry! I think as people, in general we are too hard on ourselves and being compassionate to ourselves is very hard to do! Also, congrats on doing Zumba even with such a crazy long day! Just WOW!

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - I just saw your post about your son! That is wonderful news! You must be over the moon! Really, that is such great news! You must be so excited and happy! I am so happy for you! What a wonderful event to take place in your life!

    Also, I hope the insurance will cover the hernia. I've got my fingers crossed!!!

    @Bluetail6 - Another super loss buddy! Just KICKING it!

    @888Angie888 - Super stepping and loss! Great job!

    @Piqueaboo -Love your goals! Your running route sounds so awesome! I think your goal of better sleep and less take out is also great! Yep. Everything impacts weight loss so putting all your ducks in a row is super smart!

    @DawnCumm - Hi Dawn, the picture of you at the destination wedding is super! You look beautiful and really, really happy! So wonderful! You must be so happy the wedding of your son and daughter-in-law was able to move forward! Whoop!
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    User: cesse47
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday

    Previous weight: 294.8
    Current weight: 295.2

    STEPS -- 3000 each day this past week

    Ate out twice this week ... Chinese ... and had leftovers that carried into lunch the next day. I know the gain is mostly because of that but it was wonderful going out to a restaurant for a meal after so long.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Just FYI- I got a Wii Fit second hand and I'm not using it all!
    I don't think it's my thing and I don't know why I bought it honestly! I;m too impulsive! LOL
    I live in Toronto, so if anyone in TO wants it then DM me and we can meet at a subway near me and you can have it! I live near St. Clair West station. Sorry, but I'm not into going onto the TTC now, so it would have to be there. If not, I guess I will give it to salvation army or something. Please let me know... Laura
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,563 Member
    edited February 2021
    8 years is along time so that must have felt wonderful. You must be so proud he is serving his country.

    That is an awesome loss! Your hard work is paying off! Do you think tracking made a big difference?

    I hope your headache is much better.

    Do you watch Netflix while you are biking?

    Sounds like a good night! It is your cheat day and you very seldom have them. You will be back fighting again today. Did you have much water weight today? I am up 2.2 pounds from sushi and a small bag of chips.

    I think you are doing amazing. You lost a pound, you are working out really hard and your measurements are dropping. Keep it up and those pounds will be melting off.

    I am so proud of you walking inspite of the pain. I know how awful nerve pain can be. You inspired me to do my mini walks.

    Sounds like you are retaining water. I can’t wait to go to a restaurant again.
This discussion has been closed.