Mission Slimpossible - April 2021 Team Chat



  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited March 2021

    Good morning!
    I am doing a quick check-in. Today's an extra busy day. I just did a batch of food prep and am about to go finish that, so that I am set up for success there. It has been where I have been falling down on the job every Tuesday for several weeks. I have gotten a bunch of housework done and am going to get to work on class prep soon. I also want to get in a walk.

    Quick reminder:
    This week's mini challenge, the April Showers Challenge, is being fun. Check it out, if y'all have not!

    Also, don't forget the Habit Tracker. It's a great way to stay focused on a few small critical things, and to harness the magic of checking things off!

    I am at work on some of my habits this month, for sure. I am using a set of tool called Tiny Habits. I loved this reminder
    I’ve researched human behavior for over 20 years at Stanford University.
    ​I've learned that only 3 things will change your behavior in the long term.
    Option A: Have an epiphany
    Option B: Change your environment
    Option C: Take baby steps

    Creating an epiphany is difficult. So rule out Option A unless you have magical powers—I don’t.

    On the other hand, Option B and Option C are practical. And they can lead to lasting change if you follow the right program.
    So I have been focusing on changing my environment and taking baby steps. Here's a link to more about Tiny Habits, if you are curious.


    Does four weeks feel like a long wait to find out about your doggy's surgery? I hope he's comfortable, and that you enjoy extra doggy cuddles time while he is moving slower.
    Puppy above ^^ for you.

    Thanks for the congrats on the NSV at the grocery store! I did look that way and just made sure not to go into that corner. Having a plan can be so helpful.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,070 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - Cleaning out your closet is VERY exciting. Whoot whoot!

    @TeresaW1020 @AustinRuadhain -Things will be a lot different this summer. It WILL be fun and tiring. It will be joyful and sometimes frustrating. And I'm going to do my best to enjoy it. This may be the last summer that they both live here. Whoa!

    @caitlingfry - We are very positive here. Wanna say it's OK and healthy to share struggles and bad feelings too. We are supportive of whatever is going on.

    @laurelfit57 - I googled your dog breed and Oh my! Looks super cute! Learning crochet is a great idea to keep hands busy and out of the food. I used to be quite into crochet. I've picked up an unfinished project to work on during TV time.... we'll see if I actually follow through on it. :p

    @trooworld - I'm glad your pooch is home and I hope he's not uncomfortable. Great NSV for you at the office!

    @GabiV125 - molasses speed is still a speed. :)

  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    BETTER LATE THAN NEVER..... Right?!?!



    1st @imgwendolyn2015 3.63 %
    2nd @Beautyofdreams 2.64
    3rd @bearchested 2.29 %

    1st @imgwendolyn2015 9.0 Lbs
    2nd @davidji82 5.6 Lbs
    3rd @bearchested 4.6 Lbs



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @dignow96 5.73%
    2nd @rachelrjh 5.52%
    3rd @eahrenee 5.46 %

    1st @dignow96 16.8 Lbs
    2nd @bmotisko 14.8 Lbs
    3rd @lelbarou 13.2 Lbs



  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @caitlingfry I hope you like the April Shower challenge. This week is crazy busy for me, so I haven’t even looked at it. I better go over there too.

    @laurelfit57 It does feel amazing to get rid of all those too big for me clothes! Nighttime snacking used to be such a struggle for me too. I solved it by doing intermittent fasting, but distractions are such a good idea too. Keep yourself busy! And brush your teeth. ;) Ohh your dog breed is so cute and very close to my Maggie Mae, who is a Cavapoo.

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you! I actually get mad at myself because 19-20 fast is super easy for me. I need to start pushing it to 22-24 hours. I just like lunch too much! :D I’m hoping to get a consult with a Lasik specialist. My issue now is that since I’m 55 years old will it be too late and I will end up needing readers all the time. If that is the case I will just get progressive contacts and a new pair of glasses.

    @trooworld Glad that your fur baby’s surgery went well and fingers crossed that it will be a success. Yes!! Get rid of the clothes as soon as they are too big. Last year, I got rid of all the 3Xs and size 16 jeans. I will continue to dump sizes as soon as they are too big. Plus, I watched this YouTube video on how not to look frumpy. I have been failing that one!! :D Good to hear that the Lasik was good for you. I’m going to get a consult at a place that does both Lasik and PRK. Is your vision perfect? Even when reading? I soooo want to do it and hope it will work out. :)

    :star:Waaaahoooooo!! :star: I am super excited that we made second place on week four and the top place for all of March!! @dignow96 Congrats for taking first place in individual percentage and pounds lost!! Super proud of this team and can’t wait to see what we do this month!! B)

    Hi Team! Today was another day of cleaning out my closet. I got hubby in there and we went through all his clothes. He is impossible and feels that he only needs about two of everything. NOT!! But we did purge a lot of stuff and a huge box went up to Good Will. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and then I will come home and work on organizing what’s left and picking up the big pile of empty hangers. Hubby actually asked me if I wanted the hangers to go to Good Will. Again, NOT!! Those hangers are for the new, smaller-sized clothes that we will be buying. Silly man!! :grin: Oh and this morning I went grocery shopping and I was so excited that Walmart finally had 20 lb. dumbbells for sale. Of course, those went right into my buggy!! It has been a very good day!

    Track using Carb Manager Yup!
    Stay under 30 grams of Carbs 28.9 grams today. Cutting it close!! :#
    Clean Fast 19+ hours 19 hrs. 15 min.
    Exercise 45+ minutes 80 Day Obsession, AAA
    Post on the Habit Tracker Daily I sure did!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,814 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thinking of you, and hoping that you can find the help that you need with a new therapist. Please don't be embarrassed! Don't give up on yourself.

    @eahrenee Congrats on your loss this week!

    @Jactop Woohoo! There's the whoosh we were looking for last week!

    @trooworld I'm glad that your doggo's surgery went well. Hoping for good news in 4 weeks! Congrats on avoiding the temptations of the vending machine and cafe - that's awesome.

    @mtnbkr1966 Welcome to the team!

    @TeresaW1020 Wow, that must be a great feeling to be clearing so much old "baggage" from the closet! Yay for new clothes!
    My friend had lasik surgery a few years ago, I drove her to the city (8 hour drive each way) for the surgery. It was much quicker than I thought it would be! She just had to wear eye patches for the night (on both eyes - it was fun trying to feed her dinner!) and the next morning at her follow-up, her eyesight was better than 20/20! One thing I remember her saying was that they normally will only do it when your eyesight has been stable for a couple of years (i.e. you've had the same prescription) otherwise if your sight is still getting worse then you'd need the surgery done again or have glasses/contacts again at some point afterwards. I know you're awake for the procedure, but they give you valium so you're relaxed enough that you don't move your eyes when you're not supposed to.

    @caitlingfry I laughed at your "emotional support water bottle" - clever!

    @laurelfit57 Taking up crocheting is a great idea!

    @AustinRuadhain Congrats on the NSV - I try to avoid grocery shopping when I'm hungry, too! Especially this time of year with all the yummy Easter eggs out...

    Congrats to all Mission Slimpossibles on taking out the victory for March! Great effort all around!
    Quick check in from me. I was home with a tension headache yesterday, so I didn't check in here or do much of anything. Our new carpet got installed though, so we built the new bed and set all the other furniture back up in the room. It's so nice!!

    Today I am getting back to basics and focusing on getting in my water, tracking, and doing some form of exercise! This is the last day of March so I will update tomorrow with my new goals for April (when I figure them out!). Doesn't look like I will be hitting any of my March goals, so I still have some pondering to do.
    Goals for March
  • caitlingfry
    caitlingfry Posts: 26 Member
    @trooworld so glad he did well, hopeful it was successful! Pet people are the best people, and it sounds like he’s lucky to have landed with you! And hiking - yessss! I took a hike this past weekend that really kicked my butt physically, mentally, and emotionally (HAHA) so that is partially what motivated me to get back onto MFP. Still sore. I also really enjoy kayaking which I’m so ready to get back into here soon!!
    As for the water, after I quit drinking alcohol and upended life as I knew it, it just became really natural to me. It was a huge tool in helping to feel full and recognize what my body was actually trying to tell me. Plus I have developed a weird obsession with the stainless steel vacuum insulated vessels that keep things cold really long. Except make it affordable!

    @AustinRuadhain thanks! Congrats on your loss and staying focused on your goals! Can’t wait to check out your reading recs 🙂

    I’m finally starting to accept that I’m going to get less steps and general activity at work. I used to be able to go on walks and play to talk with the kiddos, however some of those don’t really work out for my new partner. She’s got some physical limitations that make it difficult to keep up with the kiddos all like that, so I’m very understanding and it’s admittedly a little selfish. A real adjustment for me though, especially when energy tends to be low after work.
    Luckily I live with my parents and my mom likes to walk with me when we can. She is retiring tomorrow (!!!!) and we have plans to go on many walks. Unfortunately this month has been stress-eat city around here, but I put my blinders on and stay focused and hydrated. I’m planning to buy a house this summer so I’m looking forward to having more control over things like diet/space, etc.

    I am still a little sore from my unexpectedly challenging hike on Saturday, plus I got my first round of the Fauci Ouchie yesterday so I’m just laying low and being kind to myself. Weighing my options on a gym membership though, will likely decide within the next few days. Also going to draft up some goals in the next few days. Ok.. well,

    Night! ✨
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 561 Member
    I roasted up a big pan of veggies in the oven for the week and the house smells delicious! Can I just say that one huge advantage to everyone wearing masks here, I can eat as much garlic as I like and no one will be the wiser🤣. Always have to look for that silver lining:)
    @trooworld so glad your pup came through the surgery well, fingers crossed for a good outcome. I am so sorry that your pup had such a rough start, very glad though that he found a forever home with you!
    @AustinRuadhain , Tiny Habits sounds very interesting, thanks for the link.
    @GabiV125 you are SO close. 2022 will be your year
    @TeresaW1020 1020 our neighbours have a Cavapoo, they are so cute. His name is Anson and he is a real little gentleman:)
    @TwistedSassette sorry about your headache, those are brutal, hope you are feeling better today!
    @caitlingfry congrats on getting your first shot! Sounds like you are going to have a very exciting summer, with a new house!!
    Congratulations to the Slimpossible on such a great month🥳!
  • mtnbkr1966
    mtnbkr1966 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for welcoming me to the team! I’m looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.

    I’m in the San Francisco area, and the weather here was gorgeous today. I took the dog out for a romp in the foothills. And she spent more time in the poison oak than on the trail!!! Yikes!!! She got a bath the minute we got home! Hopefully no rashes for me!!

    I met my calorie and exercise goals today, and breakfast and lunch have been planned for the week. And after a run to Costco tomorrow I’ll be able to map out my dinners.

    Wishing you each a restful night and a beautiful morning.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 692 Member
    3/21/21 199.8
    3/28/21 202.2

    Sorry about not fessing up last week. I'm so embarrassed and I'm doing so bad mentally, I just want to quit. I stopped seeing my therapist awhile ago so she could work with my daughter again (she was my daughter's therapist years ago). I will start my search for a new one tomorrow. Prayers are appreciated.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 well, my friend, we can keep each other company climbing outta da hole we dug. I'm thinking I'm really glad it isn't a bigger gain than it is - looking forward to seeing the rebirth of spring (at least in this hemisphere... B) ) echoed in my efforts for rebirth of forward momentum!!!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 692 Member
    Wednesday check in

    Hey gang! I'm encouraged this morning by the last few days of moving away from mindless eating to being mindful of portions and choices. I have gone back and forth from time to time on logging calories or just journaling intake and am back to journaling intake as a solution. But, to be fair - I haven't started that yet!! :#

    I decreased my weight loss goal to .5 a week to get the expected calories up to 1500 a day - that said, I'm not logging calories. I'm working on a plan for maintenance more than weight loss - as in, I need that mindset for maintaining a loss and doing that the rest of my life. I want to lose weight, 10ish pounds by the end of summer and 20ish pounds by the end of the year. What I am actually striving for is a strategy to keep off what is off and lose slowly. I am fine to lose a little - hang tight and maintain - lose a little, etc. If I can't maintain what I lose, I will just yoyo - and that is not the goal, plan or desire.

    I am setting up my Habit Tracker spot with these things in mind: more real life, less rules and fewer strict definitions.

    This is me just trying to keep it real, keep it off, and take positive strides for something I can do forever.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,498 Member
    @AustinRuadhain That information about your options and tiny habits is so good! Thanks for sharing. Yes, it seems like it is going to take forever to find out if the surgery works. :( He's comfortable, he doesn't notice anything about it. He's getting extra love for sure! <3 It's all about the planning!

    @Cornanda Thanks, he is comfortable and doesn't even notice anything different.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you. I'm doing better at not looking frumpy but I'm sure I'm guilty of it sometimes! My vision WAS perfect for many years until I started getting older and my vision changed and continues to change slightly (I got the eye surgeries in my 20s). I started having to wear glasses again in my late 30s I think? I wear transition lenses because I need glasses for reading and distance now...my vision isn't horrible without them though. That's one thing you might want to ask: how long your vision will be better before you have to start wearing contacts or glasses again. I hope your dental appointment goes well. LOL about the hangers!

    @TwistedSassette Thank you so much! I'm sorry about your headache. Is it gone today? March wasn't as good as I had hoped for me either. I hope we both have a great April! <3

    @caitlingfry Thank you! He is lucky he landed with us: he's aggressive towards people and other dogs, so we can't even go on a vacation without him because nobody can watch him! He's had a hard time but we love him so much. <3 Hiking is such a good workout, it's good for the soul too! I've never kayaked but hear good things about it. I just keep thinking about the time on our honeymoon that we tried to rent a canoe and dumped it in Lake Tahoe because our weight made us unstable lol. Maybe once I lose my weight, I'll try kayaking. That's a good point about drinking water--- I get into fewer snacks when I drink enough water. That's great that you can still go walking with your mom and Happy Retirement to her! Buying a house is super exciting. We just bought our first house (actually a condo!) in May of 2019. No regrets! I hope your arm isn't too sore from the vaccine. My first Fauci Ouchie wasn't too bad but I'm getting my 2nd shot today and am worried about the side effects.

    @laurelfit57 Thank you so much! We are glad to have him!

    @mtnbkr1966 Welcome! The weather in Southern California was gorgeous yesterday here, too, and is supposed to be even better today! I hope you don't experience any rashes from your dog's frolicking. :) Congrats on making your goals! Well done!

    @dignow96 Well done! Congratulations!!! And well done, team!

    Hi all. Well I did my daily weigh-in this morning and I lost a total of 3 lbs for the month. Not stellar but at least the scale is going down. I can't just hope I have a better April, I need to make a plan like @TwistedSassette. I'll be giving it some thought today.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    PW: 129.4 lb
    CW: 129.4 lb

    I visited my daughter at college for the weekend, which actually translates into 5h*2 of driving and 3 days of takeout food. Good times!
    I’m trying to get back into more serious walks, now that the spring is here, but it’s only working if I had a semi-decent sleep (4+h).
    Can’t wait to get all this hormonal tornado settled.
  • fierce1alicia
    fierce1alicia Posts: 9 Member
    @dignow96 wow that is a big goal!! A few weeks away. I am glad i joined the group now to see it. What a great inspiration!
    Can wait to read more as i start my journey
  • fierce1alicia
    fierce1alicia Posts: 9 Member
    Ok. Im on keto and accidentally knocked myself out of it 3 days ago. Not on purpose i put things in the mfp wrong. And when i fixed it later that night, i knew what was coming. I was so upset yesterday, i just wanted to quit. I am so glad I didn’t i woke up today and am back in! Sometimes this diet is really hard. I dont really like meat. Lol. Anyway that is my big tale of woe
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,814 Member
    @raleighgirl09 Sounds like you have a solid plan on how you want life to look at maintenance, and I think it's a great idea to start implementing that now. I like the positivity!!

    @trooworld A 3 lb loss for the month is actually pretty decent! That's 0.75 lbs a week. Slow and steady, we will get there!

    @leonadixon Happy Birthday for next week! Sending you big hugs, and reminding you that you don't need to feel guilty about food choices, ever. Just pick yourself up and move on.
    March Wrap-Up:
    Well, March was not a great month for me. Here's how I fared on my goals:
    Sleep was almost there (about 5 hours short of my goal), but none of the others even got close. Maybe I was too aggressive with my goals after a successful February. I think I'll go back to similar February goal levels for April, maybe give myself a chance to meet them!
    Despite falling short on my goals, I did lose some weight in March, so I am happy about that. My 7-day average weight dropped 1.3kg (almost 3 lbs) so I think that's a bit of a win. I had 10 days where I just didn't track my calories at all, that's like a third of the month, so I can tell that my focus was down. That's what I need to work on for April, getting my focus back on what I know works!
    Goals for April:
    1. Sleep for a total of 204 hours in April (average 6.8 hours per night vs. March average 6.7 hours).
    2. Record overall calorie deficit of at least 10,000 calories in April.
    3. Complete 750 minutes of intentional exercise in April (average 25 mins/day vs. March average 22 mins).
    4. Meditate a minimum of 12 times in April.
    5. Limit Facebook scrolling to 55 mins per day.
    I had a decent day yesterday. Did a 30-minute spin class on Apple Fitness+ which kicked my butt, then just a short Yoga with Adriene video for tension relief. Ate mostly to plan and had a good deficit, so I'm happy enough with that. Someone needs to hide the Easter eggs though, seriously!

    Today (Thursday) is the last day of work for me this week, as we have Good Friday and Easter Monday as public holidays. Most of the office has taken today off as well, so it's super quiet. Which will be kind of good because it's month-end which is super busy for me, so I should be able to get a lot done without much distraction!

    We have plans to meet with friends tomorrow for board games and hot cross buns, and then last night I got a message from another friend who lives a few hours away, he will be in town today so he's going to stay at our place. It's been probably close to two years since we saw him so it will be good to catch up! My dad has his knee surgery today, and they fly home tomorrow so we'll pick them up from the airport. It should be a nice, relaxing weekend!
    My word for 2021: PEACE
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @caitlingfry It’s too bad that you can’t be as active while at work, but kind of you to be understanding with your partner. Yayy that you can walk with your mom! Keep up with the water and watch your food intake as much as you can, which is the biggest impact on weight loss. That is exciting to be buying a new home! :)

    @laurelfit57 I love roasted veggies. HaHa on the garlic breath! As long as you aren’t offending yourself. I do Keto and sometimes the Keto breath that I have with the mask is a killer! :D My little Cavapoo is not a lady at all. She barks like a manic and is a complete diva about her routine, but I adore her anyway. :grin:

    @mtnbkr1966 Is 1966 the year you were born? It was for me! :grin: San Francisco is so beautiful. I remember going there when I was a kid living in San Jose. Yikes, on the poison oak! Good job on meeting your goals and making your plan for the week. :)

    @raleighgirl09 Well, I’m all for not counting calories as you probably know. ;) I’m tracking my macros right now but I certainly don’t plan to do it forever. I do think journaling your intake along with emotions and even weight isn’t a bad idea. I started doing that in January with a daily planner and I like how it’s become this little diary of facts, struggles, and celebrations.

    @trooworld And if I was in my 20s I wouldn’t hesitate to get Lasik, but being 55 and already experiencing old lady eyes, I don’t know if that is an expense I can really justify. I have an appointment next week to discuss contacts and Lasik, so stay tuned! ;)

    @leonadixon OK, you had a rough week, so you need to forgive and move on. And your birthday is a day to be celebrated for sure. But it’s just a day, so don’t use it as a reason to blow the rest of your week. Planned indulgences are always better than unplanned binges. You got this!! <3

    @GabiV125 Wayyy to maintain your weight and have a great weekend with your daughter!! :)

    @fierce1alicia Keto can be hard. Are you testing your ketones? I have never done that. I just go by that yucky metallic taste in my mouth. :D Don’t give up just because you fell out of ketosis. Being fat adapted means you can get back into it much quicker than if you just throw in the towel.

    @TwistedSassette Your sleep goals were incredible! And I think you did pretty good on your exercise and mediation. I agree that goals should be challenging but they should also be manageable. You are going to have a great April! Have a great weekend with your friend! And I hope your dad heals quickly from his knee surgery. LOVE the graphic!! <3

    Hi Team! Today, I had a dentist appointment, and all is well. My hygienist loves that I’m doing IF because I have so much less plaque on my teeth. It’s just one of those funny perks of IF that I love so much. Plus, it saves me money! :grin: I made an eye appointment for April 12th to discuss my options for contacts or Lasik. I’m honestly leaning more toward contacts now. Hubby also got all of us our first Covid shot scheduled for next Wednesday. I’m glad to be getting it done but really annoyed that it has to be done in the first place. And these stupid masks better go away soon or I might have to become a rebel. >:) I am very happy to report that my closet is completely done and looks super organized and has room for the new clothes I want to buy. Hubby and I are going shopping next Tuesday!! I lost 4 lbs this month so that made me happy. I just have to keep my eye on the prize and don’t let up!!

    Track using Carb Manager Yup!
    Stay under 30 grams of Carbs 25.2 grams today.
    Clean Fast 19+ hours 19 hrs. 49 min.
    Exercise 45+ minutes I took today off to go to the dentist and then finished the closet
    Post on the Habit Tracker Daily I sure did!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 561 Member
    Just a quick check in tonight. I was able to read all the posts for today, it sounds like there is some really great goalsetting going on!
    I’ve had some lower back problems the last months and have been going to Physio for it. I haven’t been able to do more than 8000 steps without my back and hip bothering me for a few months. These last three days and I have been able to do at least 10,000 steps a day (today was 13,000+) And getting some weight training with no pain. Super excited about that :-) :-). For me, no exercise = weight gain
This discussion has been closed.