Mission Slimpossible - April 2021 Team Chat



  • caitlingfry
    caitlingfry Posts: 26 Member
    @kellyisonamission hey Kelly, welcome!! I love the lockdown weight loss, I think it has been a tremendous time to look inward and do the self work! Idk about Louisiana but Pennsylvania has decent parks available for nature walks and hikes that have been my respite for lockdown. Gym seems to be working for you tho so get it girl!! 👏👏

    @TeresaW1020 no plans really. I’m currently awaiting covid test results which kind of took the wind out of my sails. Today is my boyfriends birthday, my moms birthday is on Sunday, and mines on Monday. My sisters unofficial wedding anniversary is Friday but she cut herself off from the family after her wedding.

    *taking suggestions for quarantine birthdays round two* 😂😂😂
  • caitlingfry
    caitlingfry Posts: 26 Member
    @trooworld the only real plans I made was with my mom, since she’s 4/11 and I’m 4/12, we’re going to have dinner with my dad on her birthday somewhere around here (provided I get the negative results soon!). And walking. We like to walk and talk. As far as the foods go - the portions have been my biggest feat in this lifestyle change. Idk how accurate these things are but I try to use them loosely. The two things that stuck with me (again idk how accurate they are, they just gave me some perspective) : 1. your stomach is the size of your fist. 2. A portion of protein is about the size of deck of cards. Another thing that has been less prevalent in my thought process itself but not gone from my perception is seeing what the weight of sugar looks like in more relatable measuring terms. Like taking the weights and putting it into “cups” or something so I can see and understand how insanely high the amount sugar is. So those are the things I’m mindful of most of the time, which helps a little even at special events.

    This Easter was a good representation of how my plates even look different since I changed my lifestyle.. it was visually like 80% veggies which I know shocks my mom 😂. Like yeah I had a whole piece of ham, but I also had broccoli, asparagus, corn, sweet potato, fruit salad. So while the plate’s portions leaned to the side of holiday eating (not like the 2-3 plates before), the portions on the plate and the choices I make have changed, which is pleasing to me. (We don’t need to talk about the winter holidays right now though 😬)

    I LOVE your words for wellness Wednesday: (as I type on my phone) - it’s a serious issue that I deal with every day! Myself, the kids, the parents: the phones are interfering with our own well-being and our relationships!! Thank you for sharing that!!
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    PW 3/23:216.3
    Check in weight (3/30/2021): 219.4
    Check in weight (4/6/2021): 219.8
    Check in weight (4/13/2021):
    Check in weight (4/20):
    Check in weight (4/27):

    Hi everyone! Bday was good. Between Easter and my bday, I've been indulging in sweets (I had given them up for Lent and was craving pretty bad). I am going to get back on track this week after that indulgence. I've been walking more as I finally got my knee injection. Have a great week!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    PW - 129.4
    CW - 129.4

    Second week steady. It could be better but it could be soooo much worse. I have this tendency to stay at one weight for a while so now I’m trying to up my walks and my water intake. It’s been less than a week since I started paying attention to this but I’m sure if I’m consistent, something will work better because of it. Please let it be sleep first 😁.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,724 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I don't like a lot of the modern styles of clothing either. I don't understand the recent trend for ugly patterns and colours like mustard! But wow, that must have been a great feeling to not even look at the plus-size section - one day I hope to get there!

    @caitlingfry Fingers crossed for a negative result. I hate that results take so long to come!

    @trooworld OMG I have this image of your dog licking his eyeballs - so gross!
    I love the words for Wellness Wednesday. I am working on putting my phone down more and feeling better for it!

    @AustinRuadhain I tried the Plum Village app last night for the first time - thank you for the recommendation! I just chose a really short meditation as I was preparing for sleep, but I liked that it wasn't really "talky" which annoys me in a lot of the other meditations I have tried.

    @leonadixon I'm glad you got your knee injection and that you are able to walk more now. Less than a half-pound gain with Easter and your birthday doesn't actually sound bad! You got this.

    @GabiV125 I have that same tendency, my weight stays the same and then whoosh it drops a bunch without me really doing anything differently! Walking and water are great ideas :smile:
    Quick update from me - work was better yesterday, I stayed back a little and got my report out on time despite being delayed by a day - luckily I was able to shuffle some things around while waiting. Got a big thank you from my boss and his boss which is always nice! Was exhausted and we ended up getting takeaway for dinner. I ate a little too much but still had a deficit. Up a little on the scale today thanks to the salty foods. Didn't exercise, but did meditate, which was nice.

    Today, I have much less stress at work, and should be a fairly normal day. My sister is coming over to cook dinner for us tonight - not sure what she is making so I will try to save as many calories as I can just in case. My biggest thing is portions, even if she makes something deliciously naughty, I can eat it I just need to only have a bit instead of my usual tendency to serve a big plateful and eat it all. Serve it smaller, eat it slower, savour every bite. <- my mantra for tonight!
    Goals for April:
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member

    Happy Wednesday!

    It has been a good day. It started by realizing that we had not put out both trash cans last night, sprinting to get #2 out there, and getting it to the curb before the track arrived. Woohoo!

    I am on track to get my checkmarks in for the day. I still need to meditate and promise to do that before bed.
    ✔️Food on plan (Dr F) (7xwk)
    ✔️Breathing practice (7x wk)
    ✔️Cardio (6/wk)
    ⚪Meditation practice
    ✔️No food after 9 pm (8 pm pref) (I hereby promise not to break into the pantry for some after-hours pb. Even if I am tempted.)
    🟡Exercise Challenge (FitRockr): I am a little short of my l to go up a lveel this week. Extra exercise tomorrow is planned!


    Oh, yay! I am so glad you found Plum Village worthwhile. I, too, find some of the others too chatty, though I know some people love that.
    If you are up for about 10 minutes, there's one that is Thich Nhat Hanh speaking called Flower Fresh that I particularly appreciate. 💮
    I love your mantra: Serve it smaller, eat it slower, savour every bite
    And I hope your meal with your sister was lovely!

    Holding steady is GREAT sometimes!
    Keep experimenting and you will find the thing to change. Your determination is so inspiring! 🤩

    So glad you enjoyed your Easter indulgences. Hurray to the knee injection and getting to walk more (and comfortably)!

    Your Easter plate being filled with all those fruits and vegetables sounds so wonderfully healthy!
    And, yes, no need to discuss the winter holidays right now. :lol:
    Good luck on the COVID test. 🤞🏾 It's a little odd to be hoping that someone has allergies, but I hope you and your partner are just fighting the pollen.
    The picky French baker sounds so fun!
    Wait, you have 14 chickens? Wow! Are they all the same breed? Hens only?

    Aww, you are most welcome for the Plum Village recommendation. (It's free and easy to uninstall if not a fit!)
    Tanks for the inspirational; reminder abotu checking our mindsets!

    A big hooray to that first vaccination!
    And an even bigger hooray to seeing the plus sizes and knowing by looking at them that they are too big for you. That IS super exciting!

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,127 Member
    May I rejoin the team? I promise to do my best to play nice.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,040 Member
    @caitlingfry I am hoping you get negative results so you can celebrate with your family. <3 It sounds like you are a very visual person. It is a great idea to keep those portions in mind. Excellent. Your Easter plate it a great NSV! I think the phone is a lot of people's weakness. I know I pay more attention to mine than I should, too.

    @leonadixon I'm glad you had a good birthday. That's great about the knee injection!

    @GabiV125 Consider it practice for maintenance. :D That's great that you are tweaking your plan. I hope the scale moves for you next week.

    @TwistedSassette LOL...I know, he's a weird one! :D That's great you are working on putting your phone down. I'm working on mindfulness, too. Sounds like you had a great workday despite being delayed. I like how you don't have off-limits foods: just smaller portions. That is true balance!

    @AustinRuadhain I love the graphic. <3 That was a close one with the garbage cans. Good thing you remembered! I used the Plum Village app yesterday for a 16-minute body scan and it really helped calm me down. I will try it again today, I think. Thanks again.

    Hi all. Yesterday was the most stressed I've been in a long time. My dog's stitches came out AGAIN. I was off all day (mentally, but I still had to work) but couldn't put an emotion on it. I realized at about 4:00 p.m. that the feeling I was experiencing was OVERWHELMED. It helped to know this as from that point on, I was more gentle with myself. I did do a meditation from the Plum Village app in the morning and then I did a deep breathing exercise shortly after. These both helped me feel less stressed. I did not stress eat, for which I am proud.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    edited April 2021

    Happy Thursday, awesome Slimsters!

    I am glad the Plum Village meditation was a contribution. I too find the body scans helpful.
    Having your dog's stitches come out AGAIN is something just about anybody would find overwhelming. I am glad you were gentler and kind with yourself.
    🏆 Not stress eating in the midst of that is indeed a choice to be proud of. I am impressed!
    I am wishing you peace of mind today, in the midst of supporting your poor doggy. 💮

    Hey there! Welcome back! 🎉🤗

    I am off to tackle my day. I need to get some extra exercise in, and will be doing it be doing yard work later today. Woohoo! More outside time is always good for decreasing my stress level. I have a board meeting this weekend I am prepping for, and feeling a bit crazy about all there is to do, Time to take a break and check my mindset as @trooworld reminded us!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,021 Member
    @trooworld Oh no! Your poor pooch! Does he have to have surgery again?!

    Been keeping up with all of you, but not posting this week. We are moving the kids home tomorrow, so that will be an active day!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @trooworld So very sorry that you are having so much stress with your dog!! Good for you for not stress-eating. I am very proud of you too for doing that and for keeping up with your mediating. <3

    Hi team! I woke up with a headache and my arm hurting a little from the vaccine. I went to work and had my staff meeting and then we had to clean out a huge amount of stuff under both our stairwells because the Fire Marshall seems to think that is NOT a good idea. I then cleaned the main church building. There was all this Easter candy that I got into and I’m super annoyed with myself right now. My weight is up and it sure won’t be better I the morning. I’ve been halfhearted with my fasting and eating since Easter. I don’t really understand why I’m self-sabotaging myself other than the addiction of carb brain has been calling the shots lately. Soooo I need to get it together and stop this crappy behavior. Starting tonight with dinner I am going strict Keto and fasting. Buying new smaller clothes is fun and I don’t want that fun to stop!! :/
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    May I rejoin the team? I promise to do my best to play nice.

    Sure, you can come back! Please give @broncobuddee your weigh-in day and your starting weight. :)

  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,724 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Thanks, I'll find the Flower Fresh track next time I'm looking to meditate!

    @trooworld Oh no, not again! Is there anything they can do to stop it happening? A mild sedative or something? Poor doggo and poor you. But also props to you for recognising your emotion and labelling it, it really helps a lot in figuring out how to deal with your feelings. That's something I need to work on as well.

    @TeresaW1020 Awwww no, not the Easter candy. It's so tempting! I have two mini eggs sitting in a jar on my desk at work, they keep calling my name but I challenged myself on Tuesday that they should be still there at the end of the day. They were. It's now Friday and they're still there! But be kind to yourself, you had a setback and you recognised it and you know what to do to turn it around. What advice would you give a friend in the same position?
    Yesterday was good. My sister ended up making a casserole which I also make so I know what's in it, and while I did have a large serving I did so knowing that I could fit in the calories for it! We had a few beers, watched the football and chatted so it was a really good evening. I was a bit late to bed (ok, very late) but since I've been getting a good amount of sleep this week it wasn't too hard to get up at 5:30 this morning for work! I did some walking and finished under my calorie goal for the day (even with 4 beers!) so I'm happy overall.

    I'm still retaining some water weight, but am down slightly from last week.
    Goals for April:
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,724 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 138.5kg
    PW: 129.5kg
    CW: 129.3kg
    LTD: 9.2kg
    LTW: 0.2kg
  • caitlingfry
    caitlingfry Posts: 26 Member
    @trooworld sorry to hear about your pup! Its so hard to stay present when our fur (or real) babies need help. I’m glad you were able to catch yourself and slow down!! Great skills 😊

    @AustinRuadhain yes we have all hens! My dads family actually farmed eggs in the 70s, 80s and 90s (think tens of thousands of hens). Today my parents have soon to be 21 layers of like 6-8 different breeds (my mom chooses based off the color of the egg) so their dozens come with a few blue eggs, some brown, tan, and whites. They just got some olive eggers this year so now there will be some olive colored eggs in the mix.


    Thursday update:

    Test results came back, unfortunately we’re both positive. It’s been a real rollercoaster of a day. And I decided I’m not going to try to eat broccoli again until I know I will taste it. 😂

    Just set up my video games in my bedroom to have a real bachelorette frog style few days off. 🐸🦠😷

    Really can’t believe I got exposed the same day I got vaccinated. I feel like I lost a race! What a rollercoaster of emotions, for real. Well I guess I have a pretty good chance of losing that Easter/stress eating (one pound) that i gained.. and then some.. by my Saturday weigh in. The appetite really does just vanish with the senses, adding another loop in my emotional rollercoaster because I want to enjoy my CHOCOLATE!!! 😭😭😭

    Ok well I’m feeling well enough so this isn’t a sympathy post really just a rant in this awful global situation. Also really glad (and repeating it in hopes of drilling it into my memory) that my BFF nurse shared with me that I should still go get my second shot as scheduled as is best practice according to UPMC (anybody from PA? Lol)

    So I’m wrapping up.. most of my days are going to look pretty bleak for a while so I might be quiet. Reading! But quiet. Stay safe out there beautiful people!! 🤗❤️😷
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,021 Member
    @TwistedSassette - backtracking- I could not believe your bad day at work- everything PLUS toilet problems! Good for you for hanging in there and working through it. Glad you had fun with your sis.

    @TeresaW1020 - It's a big challenge NOT to get into stuff that is just laying right there in front of you. You know how to get back on your horse this week, no matter what the scale says tomorrow. You are a determined butt kicker and nothing will get you down.

    @caitlingfry - Soooo sorry to hear you are positive in the home stretch. Feel free to share your bleak with us as you will have plenty of time to log on! Definitely no broccoli while in quarantine!

    Well, the van is prepped for the journey tomorrow. We are out the door early. I need some skinny vibes for my weigh in before we get on the road. Things look pretty good, but a bit of a down woosh in the am would be welcome.
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    @Cornanda Good luck with the move tomorrow. I like active days; I burn lots of calories while being busy.
    @TeresaW1020 I hope your headache is gone and your arm is better. Don’t be hard on yourself we all go through ups and downs, getting back on track faster is the key. Sometimes it takes me a day or two and sometimes I don’t until like a week later, but I say it is better than not get back at all.
    @TwistedSassette Family time is the best, enjoy it and make up for it the next day – that’s what I do all the time.
    @GabiV125 Steady is better than gaining. I’ve been steady for more than 2 months now, it is killing me but at least I do not see the number go up. Changing some routines, or as you said pay attention to other your water intake and being consistent will pay off, hang in there.
    @leonadixon Happy Belated birthday! Glade you got your knee injection and get to walk more.

    Easter weekend was lots of fun, we drove up to Rochester MN and had a great time with my parents and brother. But my parents left going back home, to Jerusalem. Happy for them as they are so excited and been wanting to go back for so long, but so sad we will miss them so much. They came to visit back in Feb. 2020 for a 2-month trip and have been kinda “stuck” the whole year because of COVID, my brothers (both physicians) weren’t agreeing on them travelling before getting the vaccine. So, once vaccinated they flew … the good news is that they will be back in the fall, my youngest brother is “finally” getting married late this year or early next year. That’s all the info we have as of right now, so it is really very important to me to lose the weight, I want for once to look good in weddings ☹ and he is the last in the family to get married, all my siblings are married and have kids.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,127 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    May I rejoin the team? I promise to do my best to play nice.

    Sure, you can come back! Please give @broncobuddee your weigh-in day and your starting weight. :)

    @broncobuddee my weigh in day is Sunday and my starting weight is 262.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 501 Member
    Trying to check in one more time. I seem to be having issues with my app. For some reason I keep losing my post.
    Sounds like it has been a very busy time.
    I have been able to stay on track with both exercise and nutrition.
    I will try one more time tomorrow to make a longer post
This discussion has been closed.