Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yes I’m home thanks wearing a huge sling and feeling decidedly queasy so will keep post short! Stage 2 cancer so large section removed plus the gland nodule removed for biopsy but strong painkillers helping. Just need to get to bed and sleep it off! Will bore you all with details tomorrow.

    I’m sorry you’ve been suffering in silence after your fall but what’s with all that snow Anne? Stay indoors and be entertained by neighbour Harry.... wearing a mask! Perhaps they were stopped on their travels and told off.

    No good; reading glasses making me feel nauseous 🤢. (A first opportunity to use this emoji!!)

    Take care and I’ll check in tomorrow.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Thank goodness you are safely home JACKIE. I've been hanging around hoping we would hear from you. Have you someone to keep an eye on you overnight? Or the neighbours to phone should you need them. I'm so sorry you have had to go through all this but at the same time so glad you had the mole checked out. Well, it's behind you thank the Lord and you may feel nauseous, and how horrible that is, but new beginnings tomorrow with a lovely cosy cottage in your future. A good nights rest will make a huge difference. God bless.

    Harry's back after taking yet another load, somewhere, minus the mask.

    Anne, (with the E)
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh drat! My post went into outer space again. Why? Where? How come? Any way, the weather is decidedly cool but sunny between high clouds or maybe it is a marine layer. We have some cloudy day and a bit of rain in the near future. I guess we need the moisture but it feels like we have had a wet cold winter. There are places here in Oregon in the throes of a serious drought. .

    Jackie: so glad you are home and safe after your surgery. I have a feeling your neighbors will keep an eye on you. As you may reluctantly admit, you will benefit from a dose of friendly TLC. My personal favorite brand of medicine. You are on the road to recovery now. We are thinking of you every moment.

    Anne: on Amazon there are special arthritis support gloves that really help me. They support your muscles and tendons with a firm elestic material. Would that help you at all? Both John and I have become quite expert at medical research. I have already complained about our lack of really good medical expertise. Found out about this on an arthritis advice site.

    Lin: your activities remind me of my growing up years on a cattle ranch. Even back then, we had state and federal meetings and materials to be read again and again. Actually a nice way to live back then.

    Must get going,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,360 Member
    :)<3Jackie, I have been thinking about you today and am relieved to hear that you are safely at home. Time and some TLC will get you back to your energetic self before you realize it.

    :) We ventured out to Costco today for our first store visit since November. We went early when few people were there. We took two carts and two separate lists so we could finish the shopping in half the time. Now we have lots of stuff that needed.

    <3 Barbie
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Merry Christmas… A picture paints a 1000 words - this photo was taken this morning before heading to the gym at 4:30am. The forecast for next Tuesday is low 70’s and 80 on Wednesday! I’m ready!


    Nothing really new except - our old “cheap” (under $100.) Sears Kenmore microwave that served us well for 12 years had to be replaced with a new (under $100.) replacement (photo). I know what you’re thinking… Jean’s birthday is in July and this would have been the perfect gift. :D


    Jackie – I think you are right about Jean and me binging on Line of Duty… when left with episode cliff hangers it’s impossible not to want more…
    Your “brooding romance with his jet black wavy hair and neat beard behind a mask” description of the doctor overseeing your scan had me thinking I was reading your diary. LOL – It’s my understanding Orion’s Belt is a big “waist” of space. Hope you are feeling well and perhaps as time passes you will in fact be able to resume your swimming. Wishing you all the best! Glad the strong pain killers are helping.

    Lin – I thought some sneakers might like that video. I showed it to Jean and few family members. I did stop at the pharmacy and picked up some magnesium – so we shall see As you can see from my intro the weather is nuts…but that is normal for where we live… and heck “nuts” is normal for me. :D

    Congrats on your tomato seedlings with buds. Can’t wait to get some plants going on our deck as well.

    Anne – Hope you are feeling better from that food allergy… As for Covid and Canada, I definitely feel bad for you. As prev stated, my Canadian nephew hasn’t been able to see his family for some time…and now it will be longer.

    Sandy – Sorry about the strained ligament and lengthy prognosis for recovery. Great idea on the gift card… I LOVE gift cards…especially for Amazon, Ebay and Best Buy. I normally collect them and then get something super nice that I wouldn’t normally purchase.

    Connie – Thanks for sharing that beautiful pic from your front yard! Your weather sounds a bit crazy like ours. Amazing how logging food with the MFP app can have such a huge impact. Congrats on your results.

    Time to visit with Jean a bit.

    She has plans to go to dinner with 2 girlfriends (of many decades). They haven’t seen each other for a while and live in the city where the one restaurant they go to was closed. Also one of them have several serious health issues and wasn’t venturing out. Glad she will get to see them. Earlier, she asked if I remembered she was going out and I said yes…she laughed and said “you’re looking forward to it aren’t you?” I merely smiled as I am not that stupid… I’m thinking TV, wine & cheese. :)

    Best to all. Bob :)
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just me saying good morning drinking coffee and dripping hair all over the place from the morning shower.

    Misery loves company and it's so good to know BOB down south is enjoying a pretty scene just like me above him.

    My old usual high spirits are returning. They got a little low watching The Serpent. Normally I have no trouble with murder mysteries but that series was based on true events and there but for the grace of God, a lack of money and extremely strict parents go I. Fortunately the ex rescued me from youthful foolish adventures when I married young only to face more adventures at a maturer age. And here we are in a sort of new adventure which isn't going to go away soon. So with high spirits returning instead of grieving for the old way of life, lost friends due to the grim reaper, etc. it's time to take on new challenges. Much as I would like I won't be rearing chickens like our indomitable JACKIE though. The weather is so severe here I would probably bring them inside and I don't think my "landlord" would approve along with Miss Jilly. Jackie leads the sort of life I would if I lived in a more temperate zone.

    So, all ideas for a more adventurous future at an advanced age will be more than welcome. Gyms are out, gyms are closed, not into pole dancing, haven't a pole anyway, can't go hunting for teapots in antique shops, antique shops are closed and gone, it has to be something appropriate for a very different lifestyle. Mmmm. I'll wander off and finish dressing and drying hair.

    Hope today is kind and good to us all including the elderly lad next door who is still loading his truck.
    Anne and Miss Jilly Bean. ❤️🙃❤️🐶

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    View from my sick room, i.e garden room!

    No rest for the wicked it seems because every time I settle and rest my eyes someone phones, turns up at my gate or the builder says I’d best move as a lot of dust will be pouring out of a window. Better out than in that’s for sure!

    As ever, thank you all for your kind thoughts and good wishes. My shutters are back up having slammed them right down to get through the past 3 days. The driver that took me to the hospital was pleasant and we chatted all the way. He kept working throughout our Covid lockdowns, against his GP’s wishes because as he said there were people requiring dialysis and other treatments as a matter of life and death. It was quiet at the hospital and I can only imagine they are keeping patient numbers at a manageable rate to give staff some respite so after a chat to the anaesthetist and doctor I was walked to the theatre where everything was explained. They asked about my two dogs and before I got to Betty I was out!!
    My arm is wrapped from hand to elbow but I’m hoping the incision isn’t that long as it’s supposed to be balloon sharped. I also have padding where they probed the lymph nodule which is the more painful area. A friendly European nurse called Christina took good care of me and insisted she call me Jacqueline because of Jacqueline Onassis so I asked if she knew that her stepdaughter was called Christina but she was too young to remember that era!
    My neighbour Louise collected me once the hospital called her and I was home in no time. Not the best night’s sleep but I’ll catch up tonight I’m sure.
    Apparently George growled at the dog walker yesterday so she had to sit on a step and talk to him for 10 minutes before he would go out with her. Betty in the other hand was happy to go anywhere but at least I know if someone tried to steal George from my garden they would probably get bitten!

    Thank you Patsy, Lin, Sandy and Barbie for your thoughts of TLC. Yes, it certainly does help and I’ve some good friends I’ll give real hugs to one of these days

    The builders are doing a grand job rebuilding what was pulled down or dug up and this afternoon beautiful sparkling granite lintels to go above the windows and outside door have been delivered. Also a new wall light has arrived. Not unpacked yet but I’m sypure it will fit nicely into my new dining room. Tomorrow morning the dining chairs I was planning to recover oh so long ago with the red and green, with monkeys, material will be collected by a reupholstered who knows what she’s doing.

    Happy Christmas Bob! 🤶🏻🎅🏼 The weather is becoming erratic around the world so hopefully some serious discussions will begin about environmental issues. You did make me smile at your plans for tv and “snack”. What else to do when it’s snowing! That was my understanding of Orion’s belt too so when Dr Darcey mentioned he couldn’t see it in the scan picture I said just as well!! Just guessing here but I’d say a microwave for Jean’s birthday present wouldn’t go down well. One day I’ll tell the story of the not so pleasant neighbour buying his poor wife a petrol grass strimmer for Christmas!!

    Anne, The Serpent left me feeling rather depressed about the story too, something almost too dark, so I got the shudders any time I saw a picture of the character but then the actor appeared on a BAFTA awards video link to talk about a different project he was involved in and what a delightful young man he turned out to be. Says a lot about his acting skills in The Serpent and seeing him shook off any bad feelings. Good to read the old Anne is returning although not surprising you are so fed up with the Covid situation in Ontario. I gather flights from India are to be paused on Friday here in England so no doubt the airports are filling up today!

    Sounds as if the builders are clearing up to go so I’ll sign off as they’ll want to show me what’s been achieved today.

    Take care everyone

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    And it's good to know our JACKIE is back home with a lovely long memo to put us all back in the picture. I won't show a picture out of my side window. Unlike your garden Jackie mine would be a view of Harry tying string around what looks like another old water heater. Michael was right about Harrys garage really being The Tardis. The walls MUST expand inside, stuff keeps on coming out. Going back to The Serpent - his acting accomplice is the very pretty girl who acted as Victoria in the series. She's pretty versatile as well and keeps popping up in Dr Who etc. I have to admit I can't remember her name. Tried to catch it in the credits but they whizzed past too quickly.

    Meanwhile Justin is still pondering whether to stop flights from India. We might know today.

    Time to cook lunch. Yes, hopefully the doldrums are gone and even my thumb feels a little less painful today.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) We had a great time celebrating our friend's birthday yesterday, it was wonderful being together. Today is my meeting and then dinner for Bryanna, Lisa and the kiddos. I will be making tacos which I hope the kiddos will eat, I do have turkey dogs as a backup.
    Today is the anniversary of my mother's death, 29 years and I still miss her everyday.

    Jackie, so glad you are home and trying to rest. It sounds like a rough procedure but glad you are feeling better today. I hope you get some much needed sleep tonight. The picture of your garden is absolutely beautiful enjoy!!

    Anne, sorry Canada is having bad weather and Covid cases. I think it will be a long time before the world is normal again. It is hard to keep spirits up when confined to the house but think positive and get creative with a painting or another book with Patsy. I can't believe how much stuff Harry is carting out of his garage, have you had a chance to ask them what is going on?

    Bob, I would love to hear Jean's remark if you told her the microwave is an early birthday present. lol My hand is getting better everyday, I just wanted to be sure it wasn't something serious. I even apologized for wasting the Doctor's time but of course he gets paid so I am sure he doesn't mind. Keep your snow, we are heading for 80 by next Tuesday. I liked your plan of TV, wine and cheese.

    Barbie, I am glad you and Jake got caught up on supplies and did it fast. Always good to know we have what we need.

    Patsy, I was surprised the doctor didn't instruct me to wear my hand brace but it does limit my movement so your glove sounds better. Sorry you lost your post, happens to all of us.

    Connie, beautiful tree, thanks for sharing.

    Time to eat and get ready for my meeting. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A bright partly cloudy morning here. It was strangely cold here yesterday as well. No snow and it looked beautiful out. But bone chilling cold with a very unpleasant cold breeze. Today promises to have better temps. A bright sunny morning and still somewhat cold. And so we shall see what the day brings.

    I am involved in such a crazy research project with son Damon. He is house hunting. Yes I know it is a bad time to buy because the prices are just crazy. But the interest is still pretty low. I am looking at real estate sites and looking at all the photo tours. I find possible places and he goes to look at them in person.he is picky and he wants to be closer to his boat. The list of requirements can make the hunt challenging.

    Our meals are wrapped around getting enough interesting food for John and not too caloric for me. He has high calorie requirements and I need virtually NO calories. I seem to be like mother bear, I can live off the fat of the land for months. I have seriously stored all the nuts and berries metaphorically I need for months. So we are having tacos, also corn chips and black bean dip for John. He will have 2 of his chocolate sugar-free cookies as dessert. For all that, John will not weigh even an ounce more. Where is the justice?

    We are rewatching “the Americans” and it is so well acted and well written, we really recommend it. It is a bit old now but still nail biting excellent!

    Take care everyone. Anne, Sandy and have your careful and get well soon.
    Love to all you sneakers,
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    No, I haven't talked to the mask-less Harry, it's more fun speculating don't you think? SANDY. The truck is now LOADED with string tying everything together so stuff doesn't fly off wherever it's going. I was pulling on my thumb in bed last night in case it is dislocated and in all honesty, not pain free today but less discomfort, it was clicking when I bent it but that appears to have eased off a bit. Forget painting and writing books maybe my new career is pulling bones back into sockets, lol.

    Personally, I wouldn't mind a new microwave for my birthday. Lasts longer than flowers and chocolates. Even jewelry. I found in the past when I was given jewelry it was what the giver liked. For instance my skin tone and clothes don't go with silver. So I have or had silver jewelry and very little gold which I love. Not complaining mind, just a comment how we tend to choose what appeals to us when buying or when given gifts which we have to wear for fear of offending the giver. Can't go wrong with a microwave, lol.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    edited April 2021
    I'm trying to figure out where everyone is located. Anne's reference to Justin must mean she is in Canada. Barbie - I remember you. I think we started on MFP about the same time - at least a decade ago. I know Sandy is in Illinois and Jackie - do I remember correctly that you are across the pond???

    After two days of horrible weather, Spring has once again sprung here in Missouri. I check all my flower beds to see what's been lost and I think all will recover except my grapevines. Their leaves are curled, frostbitten and we'll be another year without grapes. Oh, well. The birds get most of them before I do anyway.

    I tried giving Sadie a trim but she just won't hold still so I did a terrible job. I won't even share a photo of the results, but here is a better one - my girl watching for the mail man to arrive.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ohhhhhh Sadie is a beauty! Our Labradoodle is sweet but she has a short attention span and grooming (which must be done regularly) is a challenge. We live on the north Oregon coast. We live on a forested acreage and I think we have now bite off more than we can chew..but we really can’t live anywhere else. Your Missouri place is beautiful. Lots of work and I’ll bet you feel the same. You couldn’t live anywhere else!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yes, I'm a transplanted Brit living in Ontario, Canada Connie. My pride and joy is a very tiny Miss Jilly (Bean most folk call her).
    She has a Pomeranian dad and her mom is chihuahua and whatever Jackie's George is, mix. Can never remember the name! Starts with an S. A very sweet natured little thing.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited April 2021
    Good afternoon. Thursday and my usual long weekly call with a friend. We spend lots of time on each call now establishing what day it is, when we last had a conversation and reviewing her news for the last several weeks. I hope we work on this long enough to make her feel grounded and happy with the conversation. She is agonizing about her decision to attend or pass on her high school class reunion. It is coming up in early May and she said it is likely the last one they will have as so few class members are left. Since her fall, she has not been able to rehab enough to walk without her walker and is feeling very uncertain about the whole event. Her son would have to drive her there and she would have to stay overnight. I can tell she really would like to see these people again. I had no advice but tried to commiserate.

    Also did a bit more laundry. The repairman is coming first thing tomorrow to see if my old washer can be saved. 🤞🏻If not, I will be appliance shopping. Anyone know if there is a shortage of top loading washing machines?

    Today was also the day for a small grocery order. Everything is put away. Not the type of trip you and Jake made Barbie but a nice little delivery. I still have not ventured out to do any in person shopping.

    Finally putting finishing touches on the graduation card and most recent birthday card. Nice to have those finished. Time to start another birthday card! No idea where I will start on this one. No obvious interests and I don’t even know what colors attract her. I will think about it.

    So our snow is gone and the temperature has increased today to almost 60 degrees F. The weekend is set to be warm and next week, HOT! Then back down 20 + degrees. Am chomping to get plants outdoors but the pots I will plant in are too large and heavy to drag indoors if it gets quite cold again. I try to be patient.

    Jackie, so incredibly glad to hear from you. What a long message you provided. 🤗💐. I hope you will get lots of rest and that you will feel better tomorrow. Dear George is a tough character. I hope the dog walker does not have any problems with the fur kids.

    Annsie, well, your neighbor is entertainment for certain. I agree, the garage must be some type of Tardis or the stack of things inside reached to the ceiling! As far as what to do, I say follow your interests. You know best about your resources and any limitations you may have. I am just doing my usual things, pots of different vegetables, reading, making cards, little bits of clearing out some of the abundance in my house and I may get back to my art journal which has been woefully neglected.

    Sandy, enjoy your evening with Bryanna, Lisa and the kids. Aha, yes, another option for the kids is quite wise! I had a friend who as an adult still had a very picky palate but you knew all would be fine if mac and cheese and/or mashed potatoes were served. Maybe the kids will develop some never miss food options in time.

    Bob, well, I think Jean might not be thrilled with a new microwave oven. But she might surprise you but the timing did really didn’t work out did it? I received a microwave as a Christmas gift a long time ago when they were relatively pricey. Was happy with it. Excited really as it was a new thing for me. Enjoy the treats tonight as you watch the TV. You might spend some time thinking of a lovely birthday gift for later on. 😁

    Patsy, good for you! Excellent that you are helping to research homes for sale for Damon. Now that is a project I would adore. I was a Research Analyst back in the day and love to dig into things. Houses would be fun but with a list of criteria, it might not be as much fun. I am sorry that finding enough higher calorie food for John is a continual issue. Darn, I wish I could loan him my appetite for a while. He would definitely find a few pounds in short order.

    Connie, beautiful dog. I am a dog enthusiast even though I no longer have one of my own. My favorite animal followed by horses (not possible in the suburbs). I am also in the Midwest, in Central Iowa. Sorry your grape vines were nipped by the cold weather.

    A bit of whimsy again.



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    It's very sad but it had to be done. All flights and travel from India and Pakistan to Canada banned for 30 days. Anne.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well! The mystery deepens up here in the north country. H has taken all remaining buckets and dustbins away from MY fence on his side and put them in the big item pick up garbage day trash. Which leaves a huge load of logs covered in ivy and a big pile of bricks, which he's busy placing on his front doorstep. Could he be about to pave his unpaved weedy drive! He seems to be placing some in a line down to the side walk. It's dreadful being nosy but certainly passes the time away, lol. Jilly is having fun as well running from the front of our house to the back.

    Hello all. Aren't you glad I'm not your neighbour! but in all fairness it's difficult not to see what he's up to unless I close the blinds completely.

    Apart from that I'm waiting for grocery delivery, more excitement from the Bean! Hoping we can get in the garden later to start the weeding as it gradually warms up.

    Hugs from Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    Wow Anne! What is going on next door? You have me wondering.

    I have had the service call for my washing machine. The good news is it can be repaired. The bad news is they need to order a part and I am not to run the machine until they return and have it repaired. Best case, a week for the part and then to get back on the service schedule! Maybe 2 weeks total?

    A friend called this morning and we talked for a couple of hours while I kept hoping the repair guy would call. 😂🤣

    It was wild on my 2 block long curl de sac this morning. Three homes had garage sales and any place folks could pull over to park, they did. Including the no parking side of the street. Also people drove to the end of the street and went around the cup de sac to look at a house with a newly placed ‘for sale by owner’ sign.

    I guess that is all of my news for now.

    Be safe everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Shih tzu Anne.... the other half of George! As for your Harry, I’m still thinking he’ll be clearing up to sell once he has organised a path to his door. Nothing like a bit of curtain twitching, even if you don’t have curtains!

    My dining chairs were collected this morning by a lovely, cheerful girl called Louisa who loved the monkeys in green leaves material, in fact squealed with delight when she saw it saying ‘I’m going to have so much fun covering your chairs’. Back indoors to make myself a pot of coffee I decided the layer of dust in my kitchen was depressing me so with 2 bowls of soapy water and 2 dish clothes I set to wiping every surface. Still didn’t find every speck but felt a little weary so sat in the garden room until Emma the dog walker arrived to take George and Betty for a walk. She was so pleased George greeted her and wagged his tail so best friends. After lunch my friend Pat called me on a FaceTime and we talked most of the afternoon. She lives about a mile from a major motorway but the past couple of nights it’s been shut down for maintenance and traffic diverted a along a road about 100 meters from her home most of which is heavy trucks that keep her awake so she was contemplating selling up and moving. It’s the first time it’s happened in 20 years so I suggested she sit tight for now!

    Our cold wind has kept me indoors for most of the day but at least no hammering with the builders away today.

    Lin, that’s great news on your washing machine so go dirty for a couple of weeks in the knowledge it will get fixed! I love the recent teapots, so cute.

    Was it potassium Bob was interested in? Bananas are a great source as are dried apricots and I add both to my morning bowl of porridge.

    Another early night for me as I tire easily at the moment. I hope everyone is well. 😴😵
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Forgot my name but you all know...... 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    My news is big. Just talked to Joyce. The house goes up for sale next week. They ARE moving up north to buy cheaper and have a nest egg. Some of the Junk is already up north in storage to give H a hobby in his retirement. Now what!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I am not sure where this day is going but it is going fast!! Laundry is almost done, the sheets are waiting to be put back on the bed. Joe called this morning to ask if we were going to lunch today and I explained I didn't want to go in a restaurant but we could order food and eat in his garage. I told him I would call him back. I texted his son who explained he really didn't want his dad to go to a restaurant because he and his wife and son will be doing clean up at this dad's this weekend and they haven't been vaccinated. I told him I understood and called Joe back to say we could either order food today when it will be 60 or Monday when it will be in the 70's so he wants Monday. Good thing because for some reason I can't get caught up today. My son and his wife are coming next week and I had to talk to them about food since she has so many allergies and eats gluten free amongst other things. Got that list done and should be prepared for them next Thursday. They will be driving so will be safe and they are both vaccinated.
    Was all set to not put any makeup or do my hair when I remembered I will be on a zoom call for charity and playing bingo. Glad I remembered before the actual call.

    I still want to ride my bike so sorry for not addressing anyone individual. Take care and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh dear...what ever happened to spring? It is cloudy and cold. I had this great idea of wiping down all my deck furniture today but it is honestly unpleasant outside. The damp chill in the air plus a nasty little cold breeze. So Katie and I are inside today. John is breaking down boxes (Amazon smile boxes) to take to recycling. Cardboard recycle is located near the smelly dump. Dear John takes on this task since we don’t have rural recycle pickup.

    This is pizza Friday. A tradition with us. That requires a glass of red wine. We try to think of it as our date night. We need a better movie, however. We are rewatching “the Americans.” A good series but rather alarming and sad at times.

    Katie is due for her monthly big grooming session. This breed of doggies that has poodle background get wadded up little curls that can turn into uncomfortable knots. She is a sweetheart but is very firm about her toenails and her front legs. He does not want them touched when being groomed. So it becomes a constant negotiation when grooming her. It must done! I must be the winner in this struggle.

    Oh I would love having Anne as a neighbor. She and her little black puppy would be a joy to see. What fun! I would be boring as a neighbor. Nothing very interesting going on. Maybe a giggle watching this fat old lady trying to wash windows on the deck and wash down her deck furniture while having to intermittently throw a frisbee or a tennis ball for Katie.

    Hello everyone! Sending good thoughts to our dear Jackie. Everyone stay safe.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon all. It was a great morning starting with gym at 5am…grocery store…mall for some additional walking and a stop at the “Five Below” store for a phone charger cord.

    Just finished a late lunch of - Haddock (Baked), 5 oz, Baked Scallops, mushrooms, broccoli, homemade Cole slaw – DELICIOUS!

    Jackie – Love the view from your “sick room” and fresh air always beats a lot of dust. Can only imagine the pain you are experiencing from where they probed the lymph nodule…so tender. With regards to weather, Central New York has always been a bit crazy. I can recall sweating in my Halloween costume and also years I wore a parka underneath. Same for Christmas – can be green or buried in snow. Think you are right on the micro as a gift – although one year as part of her present I threw in a new “Dust Buster.” She had actually been begging for a replacement. We don’t go crazy for birthdays (or even Christmas) like we did when we were young. I think it is simply, if we truly need something we will buy it. The older I get the less I “need” things. For now, waiting to plan a getaway as soon as things open up.

    My potassium levels are ok… but I have been reading up on magnesium and how it is widely used to treat leg cramps….so we shall see.

    Look forward to the petrol grass trimmer story! Please be good to yourself and don’t try to do too much.

    Sandy – In truth, since I do the vast majority of the cooking she wouldn’t get excited about an early micro gift. However, she loves the new toaster she bought this week, because she uses it every morning. She would in fact love anything to do with the yard etc. She is still on Cloud 9 because of all the mulch we bought and will soon be laid out – silly girl.

    Glad you hand is improving – always better to be safe than sorry. Like you 80’s is in the forecast for next week. Can’t wait! What snow we received is now gone as of today.

    Lin – The treats were wonderful as planned and Jean had a great time with her girlfriends of 40- 50 yrs. As I mentioned to Sandy, she loves yard related items etc., but normally I will shoot for things of a personal nature…stylish Sneakers (Ked’s, Van’s etc.), a new yard flag (she has a big collection) and I normally give a gift card… It’s much easier for her to get maximum “bang for her buck.” Right now we are shopping for granddaughter Brooke who turns 6 in a couple weeks….last year it was a drive-by with horns, balloons etc because of Covid.

    Hope all is going well with the cards, old washer and groceries.

    I can tell Jean is done watching the only soap she watches downstairs (The Young & The Restless) and I left the kitchen a mess. Told her to please leave it alone for me to clean. It still amazes me that we never fight over who does what… it all just fits.

    Bye for now. Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited April 2021
    Very cold and dreary. Traffic to the garage sales has ground to a halt.

    Tomorrow, better weather🤞🏻🤞🏻.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    Joyce was talking to Darren when I took Jill for walkies so I nipped over and said "okay Joyce, come clean, are you moving?" And she said yes they were for the above reasons. Although Harry would try the patience of Mother Theresa, I rather like Joyce, so we had a hug and I said I'd miss her, and I will and it will be strange not seeing a line full of their unmentionables blowing in the wind every Saturday. Harry spent the afternoon cutting back the grass which was growing onto the dirt drive and then he laid all these bricks in two straight lines on either side, whacking them with a great big mallet. I've never seen the place look so posh!

    It was great fun PATSY, me, Mark, Michael and Mary Jo speculating. Mike and myself proved right whilst the Ms merely thought he was getting rid of his inventory to settle down in his rocking chair and retirement. I can't see that happening if he's been driving up north to put his treasures into a storage locker! Joyce said he's going to make her a dining room table but she'd scoffed at that and said she wasn't waiting around until she's my age to get it.

    Life will be awfully dull when they've gone. Nothing like a good moan to cheer one up. Of course we could acquire even more interesting neighbours. For instance just before we all moved in we thought we would be living next door to a little old house with a little old lady. She was carted off because she didn't like an apple tree in our front so she set fire to it. Harry bought and then pulled down the little old house and had half built a two storey house when they ran out of cash so for two years we looked at an inner shell whilst he, Joyce and their then two little girls lived in it. One night we woke up to the sound of fire engines and going outside (I lived in the finished basement then with Mark, Mary Jo and baby Derek upstairs) in the dead of winter we found Harry's pot bellied stove had exploded with sparks drifting very close to our roof. So that part of the burnt wall and hole was covered with tarpaulin along with the unfinished walls. I kid you not, people drove slowly by to stare at the house and the town inspectors were forever knocking on their front door. Soon after the fire Mary Jo, Mark and baby Derek moved on to better things, but I stayed on, upstairs. Very brave of me looking back. Nothing ever happened in the quiet village I left behind in Derbyshire. (Apart from meeting Prince Philip of course!). The day Harry put the outer cladding on was truly a red letter day in the history books!

    I've had quite an exciting life all told these past 40 years!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Bob - I used to have awful leg cramps at night so added a magnesium tablet to my vitamin D, and propanolol (for tremor) every morning. Helped. And magnesium is OTC and included in our monthly allowance from our medicare advantage supplier.

    Anne - I just wrote a long post for a blog I manage for the members of my high school graduating class. It is about the changes we have seen and the things we've experienced in the 80 years we have been alive. I'm not sure if they were exciting but certainly were memorable.

    Jackie - loved your view. Here is what I see out my kitchen window.


    My husband was listening to his police scanner tonight and heard of an accident just down the road from us. We hopped in the car and drove down to be "lookie louies". We really couldn't figure out what had happened but one car and its driver was so far down in the ditch they were invisible. I don't think anyone was seriously injured which, judging from the damage to the automobiles, was a miracle.

    I looked back at some posts I made on MFP many years ago. I was celebrating a weight loss of 32 pounds. Sadly, I'm right back where I started. Every time I reach my goal weight, I swear I will never gain the pounds back - and every time, I do.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. The days are pretty much the same as those during the week for us.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yesterday was St Georges day, Englands national saint. I didn't mention it yesterday because poor St George gets somewhat overshadowed by that Patrick fellow and I didn't think you all would be interested anyway. However I couldn't resist today! So belated greetings at least to JACKIE sitting in merrie England.

    Lovely scene from your window Connie. Sort of beats my side view which is slowly improving sans huge lilac.

    Did a wee bit of weeding yesterday. Mikes coming over so might get more done whilst he walks the Bean. Happy days are here again.

    Time to dig out my gardening jeans and Beaver printed tee shirt!

    Happy gardening friends or whatever you are doing on a promised 17 degree day!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PATSY a sudden thought. In jest of course but would Damien consider buying next door,!!! Lol. I mean the harbour is within walking distance with the boat clubhouse and lots of Americans docking in the summer. The garage at the back opens up to what was originally meant to be a winter boat house and with four bedrooms and two bathrooms loads of room for you, John and Katie to stretch legs and stay all summer. I'm joking of course but....maybe Damien could hire our Derek as a sort of apprentice because they are in the same business and really Derek is a beginner! John would be so happy correcting all Harry's mistakes as well.
    Dream on Annsie, it ain't going to happen but what a pity we aren't in the same country - separated by just a few miles.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Last picture of my spindly Christmas poinsettia four months later. I don't think she will wither and die now!