Mission Slimpossible - May 2021 Team Chat



  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited May 2021
    @askewcr Hey fellow Georgia girl!! I’ve lived in GA for 16 years. Go DAWGS!! That is a hint to where I live. ;) Eating healthy is hard but we all can do it if we stay determined to our goals. That is at least what I keep telling myself! :grin:

    @19shmoo69 It looks like you bloat from carbs as I do. After what I ate today, I’m NOT even stepping on the scale tomorrow. We need to focus this week and get back to what works for us. OK!! B)

    @Jactop, Jolene is such a great name for a dog! Please tell me that you channel your inner Dolly and sing your dog’s all the time? :D Glad that you are in with me on the 50 day challenge!

    @trooworld What a nice day for a walk! Did you get good stuff at the farmer’s market? :)

    Hi Team! Today was a pretty good day. I started out by having a good workout and then went to church where I hung out in our Fellowship Building getting things ready for today’s new member luncheon. We had a chicken/steak Barberitos fajita bar, cookies, and iced tea. We had a great turn out and everyone had a really good time and learned more about our church and staff. I had planned to have one cookie and I unplanned two more cookies. Plus, I ate one too many flour tortillas. So, the carbs have been blown and it's only the second day of the month! :s However, I did come home and plan my meals for the rest of the week and I will do better!!

    50 Day Commitment: Day Two
    1) Track Food Yup, I tracked it the best I could! :#
    2) Hit my macros (carbs under 30 grams total): Ha, not even close! >:)
    3) No unplanned sugar indulgencesSad to say there was unplanned sugar :'(
    4) Workout 6 days a week (Including the Butt & Burpee Challenge) Today was leg day with weights and I did the B & B challenge B)
    5) Rate my day to the team and post in the Habit Tracker. Not my best day but also not my worst day. Tomorrow will be better. o:)
  • caitlingfry
    caitlingfry Posts: 26 Member
    Hi team! Just checking in here that I’m good to go for May, or whatever I need to do to get in there.

    I’ll put my intro in here even though I think I still have to register: I’m Caitlin, I’m 31, and I’m a therapist in Pennsylvania. I work with families of kids who are at risk for out of home placement (think suicidal kids, CPS/CYS involvement). I work in two counties and drive from house to house so food is an issue. I currently live with my parents though hopefully by the end of the year (the goal was originally summer but I’m being realistic here) I’ll be buying my grandmothers (dream) house. Historically, weight wise, I’ve been as high as probably 300, I didn’t look at the scale after 280. I had a whopping lifestyle change and got down to about 135ish between winter ‘17 & spring ‘18 (cut out alcohol/soda/fast food, started physical therapy for a minor back injury). I put a few pounds back on and I’ve been hovering around the 160 mark and I’d like to be back down to about 135. I joined this group in April and really enjoyed it! I think one of my goals for May is going to be to log in on my computer sometimes instead of my phone. Personally I’m enjoying the tracking and stuff on my phone but for this community aspect of the program I think I need to be a bit more intentional.

    Speaking of intentionality..

    I peeked at the habit tracker again and I think I’m going to add that to May too so I am on here more consistently. Between having disrupted all my major routines in the month of April and the glorious weather upon us, I am hopeful to have at least semi-regular/not chaotic check ins moving forward. Hopefully the habit tracker will help. My goals for tracking are going to be sleep, water, and avoiding snacks during work. Going to try to think one up for physical activity so I can start crediting myself and encouraging me to do more.

    Here we go, Slimpossibles!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,642 Member
    Hi all, I'm Christie, and I'm in my mid-thirties, married with a toddler who's almost 2.5 now. I live in a small town in rural Australia, where I'm an accountant at a gold mine. I've been part of this group for a while now, and I love how supportive it is. I've learned a lot from everyone here and have been figuring out what works for me personally. So far I have lost about 11kg (25 lbs) and I have a long way to go but I know that, with the support of this group, I can do it!
    Here's a pic of the toddler because I love to share him!


    @TeresaW1020 I like the look of the butt & burpees challenge, but I know that I could not even do day 2 lol I can't do burpees to save my life! Looks like a fun challenge though! Also, good thinking about the 50-day commitment coming into your summer! You got this!

    @Jactop Sorry to hear the chocolate got you! But I'm super proud that you managed to rein it in and not let one slip up derail you!

    April was not my best month. I started with the best intentions, fell apart in the middle of the month, and came home strong at the end! I did ok on my sleep goal, but didn't quite get it where I wanted it. I smashed my social media reduction goal though, and feeling good about that. I need to do more work on tracking, exercise and meditation, clearly!

    I quite enjoyed the last weekly challenge in April, and it really helped me get on track. Having a step goal isn't something I usually do, but it did help me to be more active overall.

    Since I didn't do so well in April, my May goals are much the same. I don't think I need to monitor my social media activity as tightly, so I am switching it out for a step goal instead.
    1. Sleep for a total of 210 hours (average 6.8 hours per night vs. April average 6.6 hours)
    2. Record overall calorie deficit of at least 10,000 calories
    3. Complete 775 minutes of intentional exercise (average 25 mins per day vs. April average 16 mins)
    4. Meditate a minimum of 12 times
    5. Average 6,000 steps per day

    Hi all, I hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was fairly busy, but productive and active which I think is always a good thing! I mentioned last week about having a challenging day on Friday, food-wise, and it definitely was challenging. I ate a bit too much of my dinner at the Chinese restaurant, but I didn't eat the whole thing which is a win in itself. But the sodium from a whole day of eating out caused a gain of over 1kg the next morning! I'm still working to get that off. I know it's just water weight because Friday ended up being a maintenance day, and Saturday was only 200 calories in surplus, none of which is enough to cause a real tangible gain on the scale!
    Sunday I did a lot of exercise thanks to the Hogwarts challenge I'm in - there was a race event so I participated a lot in that.

    This week, I'm going to be hectic at work as it's month-end, but I'm planning to walk after work if I can. I am going to try to do the May Yoga with Adriene challenge, though I missed the first couple of days already so I'll just start from today.
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for May:
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 366 Member
    My day got away from me when my hubby asked if I wanted Checkers. I said yes and ate a chicken sandwich, all of the fries, and sprite. I went over my calories but tomorrow is another day. I will do better. It is also my walk day tomorrow. Good night all!
  • eahrenee
    eahrenee Posts: 157 Member
    edited May 2021
    Username eahrenee
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Starting weight 215.00
    PW 187.6
    CW 183.6

    Goal for May is to loose 6 lbs
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @caitlingfry The work you do is so important and must be very rewarding and I’m sure often heartbreaking and challenging as well. Buying your grandmother’s house is so awesome! Will it require a lot of updating? Good idea to sign up for the Habit Tracker. I find it can really help you stay more mindful of your goals. :)

    @TwistedSassette I almost didn’t do it because of the burpees too. But there are modified versions of burpees that you can do. Yesterday, was the first time that I actually did the burpees semi-properly but I’m sure that I will have to modify them as the number of them increases. :grin: Like you, April wasn’t my best month. So let’s make May better! I’m challenging myself to have this month be the best one so far this year. Just don’t look at what I did yesterday! :#

    @askewcr Yup, I didn’t have a good eating day either on Sunday, but we have a fresh new day today so let’s crush it!! :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 & @eahrenee Nice losses this week! B)

    Good morning Team!! I woke up with a terrible headache, a puffy face, and the scale up. It kind of makes eating all those carbs yesterday really pointless. When will I learn!!! :s But I believe in practicing forgiveness and it does no good to wallow in regret. So today is Monday and I’ve got my resolve back and this week will be awesome!! I hope yours will too.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    @laurelfit57 @vegan4lyfe2012 @eahrenee Congrats on the loss!!!

    @TeresaW1020 Okay, good! I thought for a minute I had dreamed it all up lol. I did get good stuff at the farmers market: 2 loaves of artisan bread (olive bread and walnut raisin bread) and artisan 18 yr old balsamic vinegar! I had an oopsy yesterday, too: Brunch was not a wise choice but life happens and I'm back at it today.

    Woo hoo! Look at you all on the leaderboard. Congrats, @caitlingfry @JoDavo66 @davidji82 @Firefly743 @Jactop @19shmoo69 You guys rocked it!!!

    @jugar No problem, I just didn't want to be doing a job that I wasn't supposed to be doing lol.

    @caitlingfry The habit tracker helps me, I hope it helps you, too!

    @TwistedSassette That's a great picture of the toddler, he looks so happy all the time! At least you finished April strong.

    @askewcr Today is indeed a new day and you've got this.

    Hi all. I have to check in real quickly: remember how I said the weather was going to be great? NOT. It was raining all day lol. I still went to the farmers market and had fun. We went to brunch afterwards (LIFE HAPPENS!) but I'm back on the wagon today.

    50 Day Commitment: Day Two
    1) Track every day using WW app ✅
    2) Workout at least once a week (it's a start!) ✅
    3) No unplanned sugar ✅

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Hi all, my name is Gabi I’m 49 (raging peri) and leave in Northern Virginia with my husband of 25y and our teenager. Her sister will graduate college in 2 weeks and this fall she’s starting grad school all the way on West Coast. Between full time stressful work, kids, older parents, worries and all that, my weight was always an annoyance and never a priority (for the longest time).
    I’m at my last 15lb and frankly much better at maintaining than losing. My main form of exercise most days is dog walking, but I’m starting to plan little changes now that the weather is so nice.

    I’m in for the 50 day challenge:
    - diary in green - 1/2
    - walk 12k -1/2
    - read or journal- 1/2
    Yesterday was a great day spend all with friends outside, the weather was fantastic , but there was way too much eating- hence missing all my pegs for one day 😁
  • caitlingfry
    caitlingfry Posts: 26 Member
    Happy Monday friends!!

    Finally trying this out on my laptop and already liking it more. I have the habit tracker open in the next tab so that's where I'll go when I wrap this up. Found a small window of time to call my own today before I start this excellently scheduled week of many appointments now that I'm feeling well again.

    @TeresaW1020 the work can be heavy but it definitely is rewarding. I mean, I don't think I've met anybody along the way who got into social work etc for the paycheck. LOL. & my grandma's house will definitely need a ton of work. Not only has it been empty for a while, it needed some work while she was in it. It's a dreamy wooded creek front cabin at the end of a quiet old dusty lane. My grandparents had intended it to be a vacation home but ended up building it 4 seasons and living in it full time. Screened in porch the length of the house, and the whole side of house facing the creek is nearly 100% windows onto the porch. Fireplace at one end and woodstove at the other.. Just feels like a totally custom house. Surprised/saddened me that nobody else in the family was really interested in buying it, but understood there are a lot of factors at play for them (other properties/emotions/etc). Stressful for me as a first time home buyer! The dream is once i'm in there filling it with house plants and playing in the creek all the time. We are still working on organizing things and cleaning up, which is going slowly, but I don't want to rush anybody's process or anything, and I'm in no rush to lock into a mortgage while I'm doing some major saving.

    @trooworld Thank you!!! seriously it was a wild ride and i was ready to throw in the towel in week 4. Week 5 really blew my mind and made me feel like I can keep at it. If i'd have totally blown it and stayed up after the medications I'd have likely been out for May haha. thanks again! :)

    Ok heading over to the habit tracker to see what kind of goals I can start out with! Have a good week team!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    Happy Monday! I'm waiting for my boyfriend to finish up at the DMV so this is a quick one! I went back and was at the holistic pain clinic for almost 4 hours, I had to present my situation to a dozen people which was Instant anxiety but they were all really cool people. The main thing that helps is similar to a TENS unit but $2000, she told me to start saving because it's helped a lot of people with CRPS. They treat scarred areas with micro current and had me put on a gown with an open back, I placed more of an emphasis on my pelvic surgeries but then they saw all the scars from my back surgeries and said I forgot some stuff! Both days were free though I bought a supplement I feel better with that has a lot of vitamins and herbs. I'll go back next week but it's going to be hard to afford though it seems a way better route to go before I get any permanent implants (pain pumps or spinal cord stimulators).

    Still gardening, arm cardio, stretching, and strength training. They told me if I'd stopped this last year my body wouldve frozen and movement is key to recovering which is the experience with other sufferers.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld Glad you still had fun at the market even though it was raining. We have been dealing with major thunderstorms here all day. I hope you at least enjoyed your brunch. I love brunch foods! :)

    @caitlingfry The house sounds wonderful and I’m sure that once you are there you will begin to make it your own special place. Do you watch any home improvement shows? Those can give you some good ideas on some DIY stuff that you can do. :)

    @Katmary71 I’m glad that you are getting some good results from the pain clinic and that the people were good to work with? That would be awesome if you could get that machine that could help you with your pain. Keep up the movement!! <3

    Hi Team! Well, I had a much better day food-wise than yesterday. I also got my hair done and for the first time in over 25 years, I didn’t dye it red, and instead, my lady put a nice warm brown color, which is much closer to what I was born with. I love it and so does my hubby! :) After my hair, I went grocery shopping, and then we all went and got our second Covid shot. I’m sitting here now feeling slightly off, which could be from the shot, fallout from all the carbs I had yesterday, or I’m just a hypochondriac. :D I don’t have any plans for tomorrow just in case one or all of us get sick from the shot. I also pulled the trigger today and bought an e-book about Protein Sparing Modified Fasting. I’ll let you know how that goes when I learn something. :grin:

    50 Day Commitment: Day Three
    1) Track Food Yup, I tracked it!
    2) Hit my macros (carbs under 30 grams total): 26 carbs
    3) No unplanned sugar indulgencesNo sugar!
    4) Workout 6 days a week (Including the Butt & Burpee Challenge) I didn’t do any workout today. Way to busy!
    5) Rate my day to the team and post in the Habit Tracker. It was a much better day!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,642 Member
    @askewcr You are so right, tomorrow is another day!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Great loss!!!

    @eahrenee Congrats on your loss this week!

    @TeresaW1020 Yesss! Let's make May our best yet! We got this!
    Sorry about the carb hangover...I'm glad you can forgive yourself truly and move on.
    Also glad your hair appointment went so well and you're happy with the colour!

    @trooworld Lol, he's definitely not happy all the time, especially lately (terrible twos anyone?) but I don't take photos of those moments lol. He is pretty chill and good-natured for the most part!
    Sounds like you had fun at the farmers market and brunch. Even though you went off plan, you still ticked off your daily commitments and I think that's great!

    @caitlingfry The house sounds just lovely!

    @Katmary71 The pain clinic sounds amazing and sounds like just what you need! I'm glad they were able to affirm what you already know about movement being key to recovery.
    I had a decent day yesterday. There was a morning tea for my boss's birthday which I did participate in, but didn't overindulge too much. I swapped out my lunch for something smaller/lighter, had a healthy dinner, took the toddler for a walk before the thunderstorm arrived, and did some yoga and meditation. Finished the day with a great deficit and felt really good!

    I didn't know we were expecting a thunderstorm last night! We could hear it rolling in for a while and then, just after I got the toddler out of the shower, there was this HUGE crack of thunder, it must have been right above us! Scared the daylights out of me! So then we had to launch into a discussion about storms and thunder with the toddler in case there were more loud cracks through the night, we told him it's just clouds crashing together and it's nothing to be scared of. We lost power a couple of times but only for a minute or so each time, and there wasn't a lot of rain, about 14mm (a little over half an inch) through the night.
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for May:
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 366 Member
    Greetings from the other Georgia Girl! Today was so much better. I was under my calorie goal and I got all of my water in again. I am so thankful for this accountability. It means so much to wake up and your head is in the right space. This is awesome and thank you so much!!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 366 Member
    So glad you all survived the storm.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    @Katmary71 It sounds like the holistic pain clinic gave you some hope? That's great that your movement is helping you. Even more reason to keep it up!

    @TeresaW1020 I did have fun and yes, I enjoyed my brunch. I hope the rain stops for you. Good idea not to plan anything since you just got your second shot.

    @TwistedSassette lol...I figured he couldn't be THAT happy all the time! :) I did have a great time on Sunday. Thanks! That was a good explanation to the toddler.

    @askewcr Yay for a good day! :D

    Hi all. I had to work onsite yesterday and I did NOT get into the vending machines! I didn't even get a coffee at the cafe, I got it from the coffee machines which has substandard coffee lol. My challenge today is to not boredom eat. I'm at home and I can get bored working, I tend to nosy around in the fridge at times.

    50 Day Commitment: Day Two
    1) Track every day using WW app ✅
    2) Workout at least once a week (it's a start!) ✅
    3) No unplanned sugar ✅

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome to all the new people – good luck on your weight loss journey, this group is amazing and has helped me tons!

    I live in the Midwest – USA with my husband and 2 girls. Sarah is 13yrs and Dana is 9yrs old. I work full time from home and homeschool the girls since the beginning of the pandemic.
    I was already overweight since my teenage years, and between March of 2020 and Nov. of 2020, I gained 20+lb, my annual physical visit with the dr. in Nov. scared me, the way she put my future in front of my eyes made me determined to lose the weight and do it right this time, and that is how my journey started. Since Nov. I lost 23lbs. The weight loss slowed down since Feb. and 3 weeks ago I started the IF again and it is helping get the number on the scale go down.

    The last couple of weeks I haven't posted anything but my weekly weight as I was overwhelmed with new job responsibilities.. things slowed down now and I finally got to enjoy the outdoor and sunny days. We got 4 small chicks and 2 ducklings for the girls and spent the weekend building their coop and fencing the area they are to stay within. We also bought a baby pool for now to have the ducks in and looking for a larger pond for later in the spring and summer.

    I plan to exercise more outside instead of going to the gym, good weather doesn't stay long here in Iowa and we try to get out as much as we can when the weather is good. We love to walk long distances, bike, hike and of course lots of swimming in summer.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    Hi, Quick intro, I'm starting a vacation later today..... B)

    I'm Lisa, I live in FL with my husband and my two college agers who are home for the summer right now. They are away during the school year. Struggled with weight all my life, has become more of a fight the older I get. Been in this group for over a year and I find the support so helpful! I'm originally from Wisconsin. I have not seen my family in almost two years due to Covid. They are arriving tonight and will be here for a week. Very excited! I'm going to do my best to eat mindfully and only when I'm hungry while they are here, and I've planned healthy meals.

    Have a super Tuesday!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette We had very serious thunderstorms yesterday too. I wish I could explain to my little dog that the clouds were just clashing together. She insists on doing massive amounts of barking instead. I actually feel very bad for her because she is so scared. Way to go on enjoying your boss’s birthday and compensating with a lighter dinner and a walk. That is the way to do it!! B)

    @askewcr I’m glad that the group is helping you to stay accountable. That is one of the main points of this group! I hope you survived OK through the storms too. :)

    @trooworld Nope, more rain and barking today! :grin: Yayy for staying away from those vending machines. Does it help you if you plan your meals and snacks beforehand when you are home, so you are prepared before the boredom munchies attack? :)

    @RYcare What fun to have baby chicks and ducklings! I bet your girls are loving them. Enjoy your time out in the nice weather! :)

    @Cornanda That is awesome that your family is coming to visit you! I hope you all have a wonderful time together. Good job on planning healthy meals. But do remember to forgive yourself if you go off plan a little. This is a special time to be enjoyed! <3

    Hi Team! Today was day two of the Covid shot and I woke up with a sore arm, feeling a little achy, and have had some chills off and on throughout the day. Hubby has been the same as me and my mom feels great. So, all in all we are pleased that there were no serious side effects. Tomorrow, I will get back to working out and I plan to go to the library and see what Keto cookbooks I can get my hands on.

    50 Day Commitment: Day 4
    1) Track Food and hit my macros (carbs under 30 grams total): Yup, I tracked it and my carbs were exactly 30 grams! I didn’t even eat an extra cinnamon Icebreaker because I didn’t want the extra carb. :grin:
    2) No snacking and no unplanned sugar indulgences: No snacks and no sugar!
    3) Workout 6 days a week (Including the Butt & Burpee Challenge): I didn’t do any workout today.
    4) Fasting Hours (Goal is to 19+): 19 hrs. 4 min.
This discussion has been closed.