Mission Slimpossible - May 2021 Team Chat



  • Firefly743
    Firefly743 Posts: 133 Member
    ***Weigh In***
    PW: 261.2
    CW: 257.8
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    @RYCare enjoy your walk and time with your girls!

    @trooworld Have a great time with your husband and enjoy your walk! Do you have any friends at the WW meetings? I went to them when I was a teenager, everyone was really nice but I was the only kid. What kind of art? Ever since we talked about painting rocks I've been thinking of doing it, I may wait and do it when my friend comes in a couple weeks as she loves crafts. I'm not artistic at all, my Mom tried all the classic things "lefties" are good at with me and the only thing I seemed to do though wasn't that special was play music.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 179.2
    CW: 179.4

    Been struggling with a bit of "the vacation is over blues" this week plus some health issues my mother is having. Definitely time to stop eating my feelings and get back on track.

    @trooworld - Uggh on your gain. I know you tried hard this week. Sometimes we just get one of those zingers.

    @Katmary71 I admire your grit as usual- watering seedlings twice a day when not feeling well. You're inspiring.

    Happy weekend all!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette That is sooo exciting that your ring is almost fitting perfectly again! Are you feeling better from your cold?

    @leonadixon I hope the new meds will have the effect you are hoping for! <3

    @Katmary71 how close you live to the food bank farm? I hope you are able to keep up with the watering without hurting yourself. That is great that you will get to meet up with your friend and have your other friend come to visit. :)

    @RYcare Nice & @Firefly loss this week!! B)

    @trooworld I know you are bummed about the scale but you just need to keep your determination and it will come off. How fun to have an art day with your hubby! What did you both make? I’m having a cleanout of my kitchen cabinets day. Woot!! :grin:

    @Cornanda I’m so sorry that your mom is having health issues! It can be hard to get back to our routine after a vacation. Give yourself some grace and spend some time refocusing on your goals. :)

    Hi Team! So, I decided to start another Beachbody program. I liked the one I was doing but it was a little too easy and I want to try to push myself harder. So, I’m doing 21 Day Fix, which I will double up on certain days, and then I’m doing 21 Day Extreme. I took my measurements this morning and will again in 6 weeks. Kohls was having such an incredible sale that I ordered some new tops and pants in the next size down and they came today, so I have some real motivation to work hard on diet and fitness so I can fit into them! B)

    I was listening to Dr. Robert Cywes (who I LOVE!!) on a podcast and he said something that just made me stop, rewind and write down. He said, “For the chronic dieter or long-term obese person the objective is NOT to lose weight. The objective is to find out why you got fat in the first place.” I think that is key! I know for me, that if I don’t get to the root cause of my issue with food, I will never be able to remain at my goal weight once I get there. Definitely food for thought and I would love to hear your opinions. :)

    50 Day Commitment: Day 15
    1) Track Food and hit my macros (carbs under 30 grams total): Tracked it all and nailed my macros!
    2) No snacking and no unplanned sugar indulgences: No sugar or snacks
    3) Workout 6 days a week: 21 Day Fix sample workout and then Cardio Fix.
    4) Fasting Hours (Goal is to 19+): 19 hrs. 23 min.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited May 2021

    Happy Saturday, y'all!

    It has been a good day.

    I started the day with a cold water swim. I had lived through the discomfort of shopping for a bathing suit this week, and this was my reward! Afterwards, I sat in the grass while my teenager did some diving, and I got to watch a family of Egyptian geese (including 4 goslings!) that have decided to live at the springs where we went swimming. (I wonder how we ended up with a breeding pair of these in Texas? Abandoned pets?)

    I went plant shopping today, too. I have so much to do in the yard, that I am doing it in bits. Today's haul included an assortment of things that are native or well adapted to this part of the US: one hibiscus (red flowers), two New Gold Lantanas, two Golden Showers Thryallis, plus a couple of basil and cilantro, as I need to start rebuilding my herb garden. (The Big Freeze in February took out a lot of my yard plants.) After I plant these tomorrow, I will tackle another section of the yard. So tomorrow's yard work will be plenty of exercise.

    I stuck with my pre-planned good-for-me diet today, despite wanting treats.
    🟢Food on plan (Dr F) & tracked
    🟢10 K steps -- over 14K!
    🟢 NO unplanned dried fruit/nuts
    🟢45+ min cardio + martial arts
    🟢Post to group & Tracker
    BONUS note: I keep track of fitness points on FitRockr, and am going up a fitness level at the end of the week. I have been trying to consistently up my exercise, and the numbers say I am getting that done!

    + + + + + +

    Woohoo! Congrats on staying even!

    You are doing so well, and stay so kind and balanced with yourself. Keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing your sunny-ness and inspiration!

    Hurray for those fun clothes y0u are going to be wearing! Yo have already lost so much weight -- what fun to be heading towards another smaller clothes size!
    “For the chronic dieter or long-term obese person the objective is NOT to lose weight. The objective is to find out why you got fat in the first place.”

    Wow, this is a great one.

    For me, I think the critical thing to getting fat was eating on impulse rather than eating what works. I get in a snarl when I eat calorie-dense foods that are triggering for me. The more I eat those, the more I feel bad, and want to make myself feel better in the moment by eating more calorie-dense trigger foods. Saying "I am celebrating" or "I am tense" and having that be an excuse to eat things I have trouble with is a problem when it becomes a habit.

    Not sure that will speak to you, but that's what I think of.
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 3 - Apr 2021 Sunday
    PW 138.8lbs (63kg)
    CW 139.9lb (63.5kg)
    LTD about 37lbs (16.8 kg)
    GOAL weight 121lbs (55kg)

    Gained - Lots of chocolate and cheese.

    Super sleepy so eating than sleeping for energy.

    1. This week will try and not snack.
    2. Drink tea with cup and saucer

    Have a good week ahead 😁!
  • mlhopp93
    mlhopp93 Posts: 192 Member
    HW -- 355
    Weigh in day Saturday

    SW (5/1/2021): 263.6
    5/8/2021: 259.2 (-4.4)
    5/15/2021: 260.4 (+1.2)

    Another see-saw week. This week I'm focusing on writing my feelings each morning instead of eating them. Just a couple of times per day I'm eating something from stress/boredom instead of thinking about why I'm eating. Just an extra 500 calories per day is a pound for the week. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @Firefly743 Great loss!

    @Katmary71 Thanks! I do not have any friends at the WW meetings but I just started going to them again after all this time so I haven't had a chance to make any. In the before times, I did have friends in the meetings. It was always nice to see them. During art day yesterday, my husband drew with pencils and I did a watercolor illustration of some lemons. That would be great to paint rocks with your friend! Playing music IS special...I would love to be able to play music, but I just don't have that gene. What instruments do you play?

    @Cornanda Yeah you are right...and sorry for your gain, HUGS to you for what you are going through!

    @TeresaW1020 I just used some watercolors and Micro pens to do an illustration of lemons and my hubby drew with a pencil. It was a lot of fun! Cleaning out cabinets can be very rewarding! Oh my gosh, what Dr. Cywes said, right on! I, too, need to find out why I gained. I *think* I know, but do I know? I will regain it all if I don't find out.

    @askewcr Have a great day!

    @caitlingfry WTG!

    @AustinRuadhain That does sound like a good day!

    @mlhopp93 That's a good idea to write your feelings. Have a great day!

    Hello all. The walk at the park yesterday was really nice. I got to say hi to dogs and people and get my day started off right.

    50 Day Commitment: Day Two
    1) Track every day using WW app ✅
    2) Workout at least once a week (it's a start!) ✅
    3) No unplanned sugar ✅

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    @Cornanda I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Sometimes you need a vacation from the vacation!

    @TeresaW1020 Congratulations on the new clothes and the new workout program! A challenge is good, think of when you first started and how far you've come with your workouts, you're doing amazing! The food bank is right around the corner (2 blocks maybe?) so it's not a big deal, the only thing that will be hard is after you start the watering systems you go to the end of the field and pull the watering hoses straight so the walking and squatting will be a challenge. I figure if I can't squat I can at least start it all and pull the worst ones, I may see if I can use a hoe to do it but overall it shouldn't be too bad and is about 15 minutes twice a day twice a week. I used a great stool when I prepped food for boxes yesterday so that's on my wish list now, I think it would be great for my dad too as he can't feel his feet either and is really unsteady so it may be his Father's Day gift.

    @askewcr Sounds like a good day overall! Sometimes things don't make sense as far as calories and logging but eventually it seems the body catches up one way or another. A waffle sounds amazing but I love them with strawberries and whipped cream!

    @AustinRuadhain I'd love to see your garden! I started with herbs, I'm adding in tea herbs this year then bought a lot of fun varieties of basil and mint as well. Lantanas are funny here, how big are yours supposed to be? My lantanas go over the fence by the end of summer, I've never seen them so big!

    @apple852hk What kind of tea do you like to drink? I like all kinds, I just made kombucha with Good Earth Sweet and Spicy (black tea with cinnamon) and it came out really good. At night I drink night herbal teas like Sleepytime or a lavender/chamomile blend I just bought plus I recently picked up Tension Tamer, I used to drink it in college because it was a beach town and it was always cold so I'd fill my thermos and take it to class, my friend used to always tease me about it but it's good for an inexpensive tea! I only have once "fancy" tea from a tea house I went to with my mom and aunts when we went to Washington but I rarely drink it even though it's really good, it's a spicy chai tea.

    @mlhopp93 I think writing is a great idea, it keeps you aware of what's really going on. I hope it helps!

    @trooworld I'd love to see your painting when you're done! I played the organ as a kid for about 5 years. When I moved I couldn't bring it but had a keyboard, only a few keys can be held down at once so it's not the best and I rarely played it. I let my nephew play it last year and he took it home and has been taking piano lessons, he now has a piano but he likes the keyboard in his room and I don't want to discourage him so I haven't asked for it back. I was learning my boyfriend's base but haven't tried it in awhile.

    Hi gang, nothing new, I have church in a bit then off to the food bank to water. I have to start building vertical support for some of my plants or there's going to be vines all over the yard, my zucchini is twice as big as the pot and it's only May! The tomatoes and peppers have support but not the cucumbers, beans, butternut squash, luffa, crookneck squash, or zucchini. That stupid zucchini I just stood there for 10 minutes yesterday giggling because it's making me nervous that's it's so big! The back lawn looks awful from not getting sun before the trees were cut, I'm tempted to dig a hole in the center and put the plant there but that wouldn't go over well. I channeled all my stress into the garden but it's so big now I get anxious, I need to do what I did when I was decluttering and just focus on one thing at once or I get overwhelmed. Especially now that they're talking water restrictions, between my garden and taking Epsom salt baths every day this is going to be rough. I think food plants should rate higher than grass but I don't own the house so it's not up to me. Have a great one gang!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 366 Member
    I just got back from church. We visited with family member's church and it was nice. I cooked breakfast for hubby and I before we went so we wouldn't get too hungry while there and want to eat a horse and a cow when we got back. I ate a reasonable amount of grits, about half of an egg, and two pieces of pre cooked bacon.

    Not sure what the rest of the day hold except I will get my nails done. (Self Love) Blessings to you all!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hi Team! This is a quick post so please forgive me for not replying to each of you. My sister called my mom yesterday and told her that her knees are so bad and she is in so much pain she can barely walk. She needs my mom to come down to Florida and help with the grandkids until my sister can get her doctor to do a double knee replacement. We thought this would be later in the year but nope I'm packing now and will leave tomorrow morning to drive mom down.

    I'm coming home late Wednesday, but it's hubby's b-day and then I have work the next morning, so I will be out until sometime Thursday. I have no doubt that our incredible motivators, @AustinRuadhain, @Katmary71, and @trooworld can hold take care of things. Take care and keep your eye on your goals. That is what I'm telling myself to do!! :)
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,642 Member
    @Katmary71 My fingers tend to swell throughout the day, the ring felt ok at the time but still a little tight to risk swelling and getting it stuck lol. I am terrified of having to get it cut off too!
    I'm sorry you're having a tough time with the flare up, and that the nurse wasn't understanding of your situation. I'm sure she just wants what's best for you but you can only do what you can afford! The visits with your friends sound exciting though!

    @RYcare Great loss!

    @trooworld Thank you! I love my engagement ring, it's rose gold (though it looks kind of more yellow in the pictures) and it has a blue diamond and two regular diamonds. Hubby worked with the jeweller to design it himself, so it's really special to me :heart:
    Your art day sounds really fun and relaxing! I'd love to see your watercolour lemons.

    @Firefly743 Wow, great loss!

    @Cornanda Sorry about the blues - you're right though, time to get yourself back on track!

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks, I am about 80% better I think. Still struggling with the chest infection but it is slowly clearing.
    I like that you're motivating yourself with new clothes - not just the idea of buying new clothes, but actually having them there to remind you every day!
    And I really like the Dr. Cywes quote, it got me thinking. I think my issue really comes down to portion sizes and realising when I'm full or hungry. Which I think is partially a hormone thing as I am imbalanced there, but also partly how I was raised with big meals and the instruction to eat everything on my plate. I have recently been making headway in this area and I can feel the difference in how I think about food (as well as on the scale). Thanks for sharing this quote.
    Just read your latest post about your sister, I hope that all goes well.

    @caitlingfry Nice loss this week!

    @AustinRuadhain Wow, I'm loving all the green checks in your post, you're smashing it! The swim sounds lovely, as do the plants. It's funny, lantana is considered a noxious weed here (it's toxic to livestock)!

    @apple852hk Do you know, I don't think I've ever drank tea with a cup and saucer! It sounds so lovely and proper, I hope you enjoy it!
    I am back on deck now, and back to work. Still not completely recovered, but much better than I was! I had enough energy yesterday to fold and put away 7 baskets of laundry (it had just built up in the laundry as I tend to wash in bulk on weekends), as well as deep clean the kitchen, pick up all the toddler's toys and vacuum the entire house! It needed doing, it was awful. I'm one of those people who is constantly losing hair so it is literally everywhere through the house. It feels much better now.

    I kind of surprised myself last week with how well I did on calories. There was only one day I wasn't in deficit, despite doing next to no exercise. I have been working a lot on reducing my portion sizes and this made a big difference for me. I didn't snack as much as I normally would when sitting at home either, though I did get into the chocolate a few times and that didn't end so well! Aside from the dregs of this cold/chest infection, I'm feeling quite good.

    This week, I plan to get back to some gentle exercise as I get myself back to full health. I have some steps to catch up on, and some meditation too as I've fallen behind my goals there. I might not get my step average up to where I wanted it but I will try, there's still a long time left this month!
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for May:[/b
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,083 Member
    @19shmoo69 I had to Google bacon congee. Looks really yummy! What do you think about using cauliflower rice for us who count those pesky carbs? :grin:

    @AustinRuadhain That is a lot of yard work! We definitely need a pic of the finished masterpiece. :grin: Shhh don’t tell anyone but I gave up on that burpee challenge. I’m just NOT that young or in shape anymore. :D

    @trooworld Thanks for the curry-lime chicken salad recipe. We all like curry so I think this could be a real hit. :)

    @TwistedSassette I was thinking about you and glad you checked in with us. You just keep taking it easy and get yourself well. <3 How are your son and husband doing?

    @askewcr It is a beautiful day here in Georgia. Although this morning was cold enough that I had to wear a jacket but this afternoon the weather is perfect! Good idea to freeze the cake and cookies. Save them for something special and when you can share them with others. ;)

    @leonadixon I am sooo happy that your daughter graduated! I know you are a very proud mama! :)

    Hi Team! Today was a busy day. I had my staff meeting this morning and then I stayed and cleaned both buildings so that I don’t have to go in tomorrow. It was a lot and my body is aching but I’m glad that I did it. My eating was good day and I’m hoping for a decent loss tomorrow but will have to see what the scale has to say about it. :)

    50 Day Commitment: Day 13
    1) Track Food and hit my macros (carbs under 30 grams total): Tracked it all and nailed my macros!
    2) No snacking and no unplanned sugar indulgences: No sugar or snacks
    3) Workout 6 days a week: Lots and lots of cleaning!
    4) Fasting Hours (Goal is to 19+): 18 hrs. 33 min.

    I am not sure how it would turn out but I may have to try it and see. Thanks for the idea!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,083 Member
    Week 3 I think
    P. W. 256
    C. W. 260

    I'm still battling snacking and bloat from dehydration. Smh
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member

    I stuck with my pre-planned good-for-me diet today, despite wanting treats.
    🟢Food on plan (Dr F) & tracked
    🟢10 K steps
    🟢 NO unplanned dried fruit/nuts
    🟢45+ min cardio + martial arts
    🟢Post to group & Tracker
    BONUS: a little progress on the garden today, despite a huge thunderstorm

    Hang in there! That number will sort itself next week by the next weigh-in. :sweat_smile:

    That IS funny about lantanas.
    Your ring story is beautiful. I had to go back and admire the picture again! :heart:

    I hope all goes well with your sister, and am wishing you safe travels. We will miss you and do our best to hold down the fort. :heart:

    My lantanas right now are small. It looks like these version grows to be a foot tall and two feet wide.
    I'll take a picture when I get things done!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 366 Member
    Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day. I'm renewing my commitment today to stay within my goals of eating and exercise. I have my niece's honor's day today and I'm excited about that. I also got a new bookshelf yesterday so I'll enjoy purging and rearranging things in my family room. Have a great day everyone!
This discussion has been closed.