Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,394 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - come on back in! We would never turn you away!
    @swenson19d - Is the vertebral hemangioma (I had to go back and find what it was called) still a possible cause of the issues? I hope the shoes come soon and that they help some. Also glad you are feeling better/happier with the structured class and something to focus on.
    @rheddmobile - We had friends whose mom lived near us and they are about 2 hours away. We volunteered to help but they ended up having family come to check her every few days. She was diabetic and also a heavy smoker. They would leave her shots all drawn and ready for her and come back and they would still be sitting there and she would swear she had taken them along with all her other medications that hadn't been touched and that they were trying to trick her. Ended up she had sundowners(?) dementia and they eventually had to put her in an assisted living home. They were terrified she would burn her house down. Interestingly she also charmed all the medical professionals and her doctor refused to say she couldn't drive. They finally just took the car away. I hope you can figure something out for your mom that won't cause you so much stress and pain. @swneson19d's suggestion of nursing students or even residency or medical students could be a solution. My dd suggested as much for Hilde - dd's residents would have loved to help and they can always use some extra money.
    Please let us know what we can do to help you and keep you sane? A gift certificate for dinner for you and dh? Something in particular from CA? A bottle of wine?

    I am doing ok. Had a decent but too hot run yesterday and it was still hot at agility last night - 91F at 8pm! Dh made it safely home and the dressing table has been successfully installed in its new home.

    I listened to this podcast yesterday and it has SO much good information I would encourage all of you to listen to it. It is about the research that Dr. Sims has done and found on women athletes and the impact of hormones and how it changes our nutritional and rest needs and how they differ from men's. Mostly about pre-menopausal but I still found some good nuggets of information on protein requirements, etc.. This is a YouTube link but I found it in Spotify.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Someone else mentioned that podcast and sent me the link to her Ted talk. Last summer I listened to Roar (borrowed the audiobook from library). I think I'd like to pick up an actual copy of the book someday.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,394 Member
    She and Selene Yeager are supposed to come out with a book soon on menopause as it relates to active women. I thought about getting Roar but it doesn't have much that is applicable to me any longer. She also has a class but I don't think I need that much information either or want to spend that much money... She also has some podcasts with NUUN that look pretty good too.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso They haven't kicked me out yet and I go awol often these days. Glad you are back and have a good plan.

    @rheddmobile Sounds like your mom checks many of the boxes for need for assistance. You are smart to recgonize your limitations. Some people can take that on and others can't. My sisters took it on for my mom because they both lived in the same area.....far away from the rest of us. But it semi-ruined their relationship after my died. It's a lot. I hope you can find a workable solution.

    @quilteryoyo Nice mail surprise! That's fantastic. I agree about the meat thing too.....I can eat vegeterian now and again but not all the time.

    @shanaber that podcast sounds interesting. Thanks for the share....

    @swenson19d interesting info re the leg length. I had my evaluation today from the PT. He definitely sees a different in strength and movement between my right and left side. Wants to try to pinpoint the actual cause or causes...instead of a medical code du jour.....right now, osteoarthritis. He is not in my insurance plan and is pricey. Hope he finds an answer fast....
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Still here and reading.

    @rheddmobile my heart goes out to you and your mum. Its so incredibly hard seeing them like that and not knowing what the right thing is. Make sure you look after yourself as well. It's absolutely OK to say you can't do it and get help. You can't help if you need help yourself. It sounds selfish, but put your needs first, and you will be in a much better position to help your mum. Kia kaha.

    @quilteryoyo yay for a win! Especially after the crap you put up with!

    @swenson19 you are always in my thoughts. Hope you are having a good day.

    Yesterday was bad for eating. But I've been excellent the rest of the week. Ive been lazy and not cycling lately. It's so easy to get up and go for a run when it's cold, but I just can't be bothered cycling when it's cold. So no cross training lately. Oops.

    Things at home have improved. We had a massive heart to heart. And that seems to have helped. There was a lot of emotions aired. We are both making an effort so that's all you can really ask for. We've been together for 20 years so blow ups like this are always hard.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    So yesterday my win was I had a few calories left at the end of the day. I was slightly hungry so I wanted something. Instead of having a serving or more of ice cream, I grabbed a small bowl and mentally calculated I could have around half a serving. So I measured out a little more than half (hard to scoop exact measurements LOL). It looked sad, even in the small dish but I savored it and enjoyed it and felt satisfied after.

    I've got all food pre-logged for today. I'll adjust dinner when it's actually time for it. Currently, I have my best guess so I can see where I am calorie-wise. Looks like I will have almost 400 calories to play with. I probably have another afternoon snack and something after dinner.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,999 Member
    I'm glad you and your DH had a heart to heart @Avidkeo and are BOTH putting in the effort to make things better. You can't do it by yourself.

    @RunsOnEspresso Great job on the food. I'm horrible at only having a serving of ice cream. D

    Did I tell you all that my neighbor bought me a huge box of Oreos? He knows I love them. An open box of Oreos usually don't last long around me. Fortunately, this box has 10 sleeves with 13 cookies each - is supposed to be 14, but each one is short a cookie. LOL Anyway, I kept them for about 4 days before opening the box, then, I opened one sleeve, took out a 3 cookie serving, put the rest in a zip lock bag, and put them in the cupboard where they are out of sight. I had one more serving tonight. Not really tempted to eat any more. I'm pretty proud of myself.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo Ugh, oreos are so hard to resist! Great job!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,394 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I completely missed your post. That is pretty exciting to get the settlement fro your heat pump! Now if only the IRS would get their act together too!

    I honestly think I may be one of the very few people who doesn't care for Oreos. I never had them growing up, not until college and I guess I just never developed a taste for them. I recently (pre-fumigation) threw away a package of peanut butter Oreos dh bought me thinking I would enjoy them instead of regular ones that he loves... Nope! I think the use by date was 2018 and only a couple had been eaten.

    @bearly63 - I hope the PT helps (quickly!)! Mine have always been covered but I do have to have a referral to go though.

    @avidkeo - glad things are going smoother now and that everyone is putting in the effort. Like @quilteryoyo said, you can't do it on your own! It's a partnership and both partners have to do their part.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Re: Oreos - when I was a child my best friend and I were having a sleep over. We snuck down to the kitchen after lights out and absconded with a whole box of Oreos and a whole tub of cool whip, and ate the cool whip by dipping Oreos in it. We ate it all and hid the evidence. All went well until a couple of days later when my mom was going to put Cool Whip on whatever she bought it for and couldn’t find it. She asked me if I knew what happened to it and I denied everything. I remember her saying, “Just tell me the truth! I won’t be angry, I just need to know I’m not losing my mind, I know I bought some!”

    I did eventually confess. My mom didn’t completely tell the truth, though - she was plenty angry!

    Anyway that is my Oreos story. So you can see back in the day I could down a whole box of Oreos by basically inhaling them. And I was so skinny! Nowadays the last time I tasted an Oreo it tasted like not much, maybe vaguely burnt? And the filling tastes kinda like Crisco and sugar? Hard to remember why I used to like them.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Still hanging in there. Day 3 with my mom back from the hospital and if I could live without sleeping I’d be doing okay. She is honestly better than expected mentally - yesterday she was sharper than she’s been in months - but unfortunately worse than expected physically. Her hematocrit is super low and her blood pressure is all over the map, so she keeps trying to pass out whenever she’s on her feet for longer than a few seconds. She can get herself back and forth to the bathroom at least, but isn’t really safe to leave unsupervised.

    We did park her in bed yesterday and get in a short trail run at the closest park, and I got in my lifting today by getting up early.

    As an introvert this is just about killing me. I like my alone time and she is lonely and wants someone with her all the time, including at night. I did put my foot down on that and insisted on sleeping in my own room with a door that shut. She has her phone and she’s in her right mind, so no excuse for doing anything dangerous. This is not sustainable even short term, but I’m hoping she will continue to improve.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @rheddmobile good to hear things are looking up a bit for your mother!

    I'm not partial. I can't even remember the last time I ate one, 20+ years perhaps. My ex would eat the whole package in one sitting though.

    I think some of the symptoms could be related to the hemangioma. I have terrible back pain off and on. I will specifically ask about it.

    DH is mad Bob is cleaning around him. LOL. I don't think Bob cares if he hurts his feeling or is inconvenienced. The floor needs cleaned, Bob must be unleashed. I set Babs to do a dry sweep the other day not expecting it to make much of a difference. I didn't see a difference but the pad of cat fur told a different story.

    I am not well today...
    I slept in, as is now normal since DH moved his office out of the bedroom. Come 10 AM Bear wasn't having me sleep any longer, he was lonely... and persistent. Any way, I am dizzy today. IDK why. And I have a bit more rhotacism than usual. Perhaps it's a migraine of sorts. I will take some med in a min. I bet I slept too long. Which is weird cuz I am so tired but my mind thinks I've slept too much.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,999 Member
    @rheddmobile Hahaha on your Oreo story. Glad your mom is improving. Hope she continues to do so and gets to the point where you feel safe to leave her by herself again. Also hope you can find some help so you don't run yourself down and get sick. After my husband's brain biopsy went South, I maybe slept 2 hours a day for 3 months. Looking back, I have no idea how I did it, but I did. Not sure I could now that I am 16 years older.

    @swenson19d Sorry you aren't feeling well today. Hope tomorrow is better for you.

    @Avidkeo Oreos are addictive. If there's an open package where I can see it, I won't eat the whole thing at once, but will grab on every time I walk by. That's why is seems to work to keep them in the cupboard. Yay for sticking up for yourself. I'm not the best at doing that.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    How’s the holiday weekend going for the US folks?

    Just another weekend here.
    Dh wrapped up his porch project, I cleaned the cat boxes, yesterday dd and I walked 1.5 miles, bob has been busy, I’ve got a jump on class work that begins Tuesday, repotted a bonsai, had Dh help me put the antique desk up from where it sat in plastic in the garage, dh is off to the city to “look” at a bike (Harley) which I expect him to come home with.
    My neighbors have been driving a car in their back yard in circles for about 3 hours now… whoopin’ and yee hawing. :s I seriously shudder over it. I’m Gladys from Bewitched peering out the window and updating Dh as he Harley shopped…
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,394 Member
    @swenson19d - Just another weekend here too, although we do have plans to BBQ. Burgers tonight and brats on Monday. I am not a huge fan of brats, they just seem to have so much salt but dh made it over to the German deli where they make their own and are fresh. They are typically so much better than the store bought Johnsonville or whichever brand.
    We have a church parking lot behind our house and kids like to go really fast and spin out in circles there, usually at 10 or 11 at night or later. We can hear the tires squealing and I am sure one of these days someone will lose control and they will go through our block wall. For a while they were blocking off streets and doing it in the street until the police shut them down.
    Sounds like you are busy getting things done and I was happy to see you were able to get out for a walk. How did it feel?

    @avidkeo - good for you learning to stand up for yourself! I didn't learn it well until a few years before I retired and I wished I had been better at it years before.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,999 Member
    @swenson19d Nothing special here either. Trying to clean house really good in preparation for my step-daughter's family coming for a visit the first full week of June. I'm glad to see you got out for a walk too. Do you have your elevated shoe yet?

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited May 2021
    The walk went fine. I’m not sore today at all and would have gotten out again today but Dh ran off. I haven’t gotten my shoes back yet… I am eager for the possibility of “better”. The hip is kinda itchy pain. I expect that just a circulation thing? The neighbors are back at it again after a 2 hour break. There is a line of trees between us and I fully expect someone to hit them or veer off into the ravine.

    The backyard project. Idk if this link will work. ETA. Seems too. It is narrated and pardon the mess, someone spilt paint and the dog (Jack) tracked it everywhere.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,999 Member
    @swenson19d Glad you aren't sore from your walk. I could see your video, but the volume was so low, probably my computer, I couldn't hear what was being said. LOL Looks like a big project going there.