Downsizers - May 2021 Team Chat



  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for Tue, 5/26

    Check in daily:
    Water (90oz):
    Macros (P>100, C<115, F<40):❌❌✅
    Exercise= row 20 min 4x /wk: ✅❔❔❔

    Protein was a little low and carbs were a little high but fat and overall calories were under budget so I’ll call that a win. I did row for 20 minutes and even got in 8995 steps. If only I looked at my watch before bed, I could have been over 9K 🤦🏻‍♀️

    I feel like I am finally getting back into control and making good choices. The scale is slowing coming back down but it has a ways to go before I am back to where I was.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,907 Member
    This is more of a general question. I was trying to update in our habit tracker, while I have internet. Anyway I was unable to check the boxes on my iPad. Anyone have any ideas? Same thing on my phone.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    26th May
    Steps 6,395

    Can't wait to get my treadmill next week. Its been raining a lot here!

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Sorry guys... I've been so busy and at times quite pissed off today. Work is Microsoft Schedule is pissing me off to no ends. Lots of pressure.

    I did walk this morning though... And I noticed I had to work harder to get my heart rate up... Wasn't till the final lap I finally got it to 160 and my average was down to 139. 5 Lap time was good though. My resting heart rate is also much lowered from 4 weeks ago, down to 71 from 79. So, I guess this is all good, and I'm just going to have to work even harder out there.


    And it's Chest and Arm workout immediately after work 💪

    So crushed for time... Got home, met Lynn in the parking lot. Straight into the house, weight room and 90 minutes of sweet glorious Sweat. No doubt about it, my body has learned how to sweat once more. Drenched.

    Chest and Arm Day.... I did a pretty good job at guessing what I can handle, can move up on some, staying where I'm at on others. I did most exercises that needed a bench on 20% incline, simply cause lying flat on the bench hurts both Lynn and I's lower back (not to mention difficult to get up. lol). Kettle Bell Skull crushers unfortunately required a Flat Bench as my Benches back is too tall. Only other interesting thing, is I'm concentrating on using almost completely DB's (with exception of KettleBell SkullCrushers) today instead of Bar type exercises.... So I was lacking a bit on my left hand on some exercises. I feel DB exercies trump Bar exercises any day of the week, and go a long way to building all the core and stabilizer muscles. Regular Bar Bench is also great for max strength, but I don't need to go there yet.


    We were both kind of run down, by the day and events at work... But at the dinner table immediately after the workout Lynn noted how much better she felt, and I would have to agree. We feel at the moment! 😄

    Now I'm Just dropping this note off to you guys, Cleaning up after dinner for my share of work. (Brother Cooked). Then were settling in for an episode of Hands Maid Tale.

    Sorry to Message and Run! 😜 Hopefully I can find some time.

    OH one last thing... My knee's seems better off now than they were yesterday... Which must mean I need to not take a rest day tomorrow. MoooooahahhAHAHHAHAHAHHA! 😈

    Peace out everyone.... I miss you guys, and feel guilty. 🙁

    Ps Lynn is a great work out partner and is giving 100%. And is a great spotter to boot.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Wow! That's A LOT of renovations going on at once, my head is spinning for you! Nice job on choosing something a bit lighter. You're in the middle of so much and you still got in over 6,000 steps 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Look at all of those ✅s!! Rowing for TWENTY minutes 🙌🏻🙌🏻 AND almost 9,000 steps🎉 Way to go with all of that purposeful movement. By the way, I know what you mean about checking your watch before going to bed to get in a quick five steps. Isn't it incredible how those little digital rewards (confetti, pins, green bars...) motivate us?

    The rain can't slow you down! Look at all of those steps. Congrats on the new treadmill coming.

    So many great things for you- look at you having to go harder while walking, your body is already stronger from the walking and is telling you to step it up 😆 Glad to hear that your knee is feeling better. Your home gym seems to be not only making you and Lynn stronger, but also help release some frustration at the day. You both are doing spectacularly well.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Bike- 30 minutes, 8 miles ✅
    Steps- 10,000 ✅
    Seltzer- 8 cups 👎 so close, only seven- and the seventh almost floated me away
    Tracked everything ate and drank ✅
    Under calorie budget ✅

    Bike 30 minutes, 8 miles, moderate effort
    Steps 11,300

    Today was much easier, I was able to get in my hour walk this morning while the kids had graduation practice. The vacuuming and mopping did not get done, again. I was able to fold two loads of laundry and finish the kids' graduation books though. While the kids were having a snack and a rest, I did a quick ride, fast shower and then we did our Reading (both are reading The Hunger Games- one child is on book one, the other is on book three). We didn't get our evening walk in, and won't for the remainder of the week either, the kids have to wake up before the sun this week. Ok, time to read the kids a bedtime story. Have a great night everyone!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,605 Member
    This was on the June registration page so I thought I would copy it and put it here :)

    emking517 wrote: »
    Hi yall. I'm Erin. I'm a wife and mother of 5. During my last 2 pregnancies (boys, current ages 7m and 2y) I ended up keeping the weight after they were born. Been slow to start losing, and wanting to get fit/toned too. Husband is in this group and encouraged me to join up. Thanks for accepting me and let's all get to losing! 😁

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,563 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    This is more of a general question. I was trying to update in our habit tracker, while I have internet. Anyway I was unable to check the boxes on my iPad. Anyone have any ideas? Same thing on my phone.

    Do you usually use your phone or iPad to use the habit tracker? I just checked and it was working for me.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,563 Member
    I would be chasing my tail trying to get all that done but then again multitasking hasn’t been my strong suit.

    And she’s back! With hitting your goals the scale will be back to where it was in no time. Great day!

    Another stellar day! With your determination success is a guarantee.

    I think you deserve 5/5 ✅’s. Your water was so close! Awesome day! It amazes me how much you get done as a busy Mom.

    Welcome to the team! You must be super busy with 5 kids. I can’t wait to celebrate all the milestones of your weight loss journey.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @TheresaM787 - I love that! I read a book YEARS ago with a title something like Change One and it was about just that. I often think in those terms as a result.

    @Poobah1972 - your heart muscle all of the heart stats that you mentioned definitely indicates improved cardiac fitness. You are CRUSHING it and continue to inspire me.

    @roz0810 - I wish you could send some of that rain my way 🌵

    @Bluetail6 - you certainly are busy. Your condo will seem like a brand new place when you are finished

    @Tazaria87 - that’s funny that she felt cheated 🤣 Poor baby

    @lindamtuck2018 - I feel like I’m just about back in the groove. I’m sorry the pain kept you from walking today and hope it’s better tomorrow. You still have a lot of ✅s. So, celebrate the victories ... you are doing so well!

    @rlaskey2 - over 13K steps ... you are doing something right, even if you don’t know what it is

    @jimboden3 - sounds like an amazing thing to do for your children! The memories created will last their entire lives. What’s next, the seven continents?

    @runzfromzombies - sounds like an exciting adventure. You will get lots of support here.

    @mszoueb- I went to a sit down restaurant for the first time since March ‘20 last week with my kids. We sat on patio but it really was surreal. The feeling of normalcy contrasted with the angst of being maskless in public. I can’t wait until we can truly get back to normal

    @rwood566 - hope you are feeling better today
  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    5/26-12,758 🙂steps
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good evening all. Site finally let me on. Been trying for 4 hours. I'm doing better today, thank you when asked.

    @lindamtuck2018 they are waiting on testing from other departments. I pick up a cpap tester on the 8th nut I haven't heard about my halter fitting yet.

    Check in for 5/26:
    Steps - 4126. After the gym went shopping with daughter. Been home since noon.
    Calories - just over 1600, but It really is a bit higher. Had Syracuse potatoes for dinner but couldn't find stats for those.
    Exercise - gym. 11 machines before I had to stop. I might just do arms here tomorrow. Need to do a 24 hour urine sample and it seems I get dehydrated when I walk even though I'm drinking 20 ounces or more.

    Today was horrid for salt so my weight might go up due to water. Went out for bfast and shared omelette and hash browns. Dinner was worse. Corned beef and syracuse (salted) potatoes. I'm hoping my body needed most of the salt to get back up to normal since I don't like to eat salty meals.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    Username: roz0810
    Weigh In Day: Thursday
    PW: 247.8
    CW: 248.2

    Not bad considering I had a few days off!
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Love that positive and healthy mindset 🎉👏🏻 You've had some terrific step days 🙌🏻🙌🏻

    Terrific exercise day, the gym (11 machines-sweat 😓) and steps 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Hopefully the CPAP will allow you to get better sleep. I'm glad you're feeling better today 🤗

    Incredible step day 🙌🏻 did you go for a walk outside?
  • Ziggyiguana82
    Ziggyiguana82 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey guys :) looking to can (pressure canner) some low/zero carb foods this weekend. Anyone got any good ideas?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,563 Member
    Hopefully, you get answers soon. Sounds like you had a great workout. I had to google syracuse potatoes. Lots of salt but sounds so yummy to me. I love salty foods but the don’t love me. If your weight is up you know the reason why. The water weight will be gone in a few days.

    You know why and are taking the small gain in stride. You have been really working on your steps so I call that a big win. When do you get your treadmill?

    My two tries at canning was a disaster. Some others maybe able to offer ideas. I just searched low carb canning recipes on Pinterest and there are quite a few. I love Pinterest. I can’t wait to hear what you can this weekend.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,907 Member

    Username: Bluetail6
    Weigh-In Day: Thursday
    PW: 141
    CW: 140
    SW (9/1/20): 194

    This was a nice surprise. I was over calories yesterday, as some of it was a guess. I am having lunch with my husbands family later today at their house. I am then having dinner at a restaurant with a friend who lives in our small complex. I got to chose the place. It is expensive, but has really healthy fare. I am giving myself a lot of grace about what I eat. I just don’t feel the need to go hog wild.

    It is a lot to get done. I have extended my stay to early next week. I’m not telling the contractors, and I don’t want to let up on the promises they made. My friend is much relieved that I extended my stay, as we have had other work done for the Condo Association. The quality of the work was excellent, but getting it done on time was an issue. I am holding the purse strings in this case, so I have faith, lol. I must admit, though, it was weird to see the furnace being removed yesterday... This contractor comes back on Friday to install the new furnace/air conditioner unit. So far he has been on time and responsive. The other contractor has been reliable with a little more prompting... Again, we shall see. The Fire Chief is a friend, and will check things after I’m gone. So that is a true blessing. In fact he’s coming over this morning to go over with me all the things we are having done.

    It’s not so much multitasking to me, but getting done what I need in the time I have. I am making another trip down in Sept., I think. Then hubs and I will be back for a longer stay in October. My sister’s in laws are coming in two weeks. They will be our test case for renters. We aren’t charging them for the 3 weeks they will be here; but, they will be able to give us an idea of what is working so far when we actually have short-term rentals. My goal is to get it rented for the holiday season. Yes, I am “busy as a cat covering it up”, at the moment... But in a couple more weeks I’m going on a 5-day destination spa trip, that I have planned since early February. It is my gift to myself for sticking to my plan of losing weight on my terms. That will include a lot of rest, daily hiking + other exercise, and out-of-this-world healthy food. I have been there in the past. So for now, all the work I have on my plate is just fine, lol.

    Steps for 5/26: 6,327

    If I have missed anyone else, I’ll check back in once I’m done for the day.
This discussion has been closed.