Downsizers - June 2021 Team Chat



  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    @Beverly2Hansen ...somehow I missed a day of your steps ...Can you please re-post your steps for me ? 6/6 I have 15,012 ...6/7 19314....6/8 13,870 missing 6/9 I think and have 15,090 for 6/10 ..Thank you sorry for my confusion

    I have to look at what got posted here for those days. I used my manual pedometer at times that week which was malfunctioning and doesn't keep the data like Google fit does. It'll take me a few minutes.
  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    6/6/21 step count-12,083
    6/7/21 step count- 15,012
    6/8/21 step count- 19,314
    6/9/21 step count- 13,870
    6/10/21 step count- 19,318
    Additionally I need added 1-40min jogg 6/7/21. On the day I discovered my manual pedometer was broken on 6/7/21 I jogged 40minutes using only the manual pedometer and then walked with my google fit app on wearing my phone with the manual pedometer also clipped to me. When I got back the manual pedometer had half the steps as the google fit did even though it should have shown more because I used it before jogging in place watching my show for 40minutes. I ended up using my step count on the google fit as it has the correct number of steps and miles for how far I walked but I don't know how to turn the 40min jog into steps and add it to that day. If need be you can drop the jogg and we just go forward. My 6/6/21 step count is probably 50% lower than the amount I walked that day. When I looked into others receiving the same brand faulty pedometer other people recorded massive discrepancies in their counts but how much it was off was very inconsistent from day to day so I didn't want to guess about 6/6/21 and am leaving it underestimated. Everything from 6/8/21 going forward is acurate as I was fully back to using google fit.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,443 Member
    6/6/21 step count-12,083
    6/7/21 step count- 15,012
    6/8/21 step count- 19,314
    6/9/21 step count- 13,870
    6/10/21 step count- 19,318
    Additionally I need added 1-40min jogg 6/7/21. On the day I discovered my manual pedometer was broken on 6/7/21 I jogged 40minutes using only the manual pedometer and then walked with my google fit app on wearing my phone with the manual pedometer also clipped to me. When I got back the manual pedometer had half the steps as the google fit did even though it should have shown more because I used it before jogging in place watching my show for 40minutes. I ended up using my step count on the google fit as it has the correct number of steps and miles for how far I walked but I don't know how to turn the 40min jog into steps and add it to that day. If need be you can drop the jogg and we just go forward. My 6/6/21 step count is probably 50% lower than the amount I walked that day. When I looked into others receiving the same brand faulty pedometer other people recorded massive discrepancies in their counts but how much it was off was very inconsistent from day to day so I didn't want to guess about 6/6/21 and am leaving it underestimated. Everything from 6/8/21 going forward is acurate as I was fully back to using google fit.

    Thank you for sorting it out for me .... I missed 6/6 ...I added your jog to 6/7 ..All is good now ...Thank you :)
  • amymartin555
    amymartin555 Posts: 90 Member
    four hour 5 minute walk today ...9.60 miles and burned 1263 calories ...shorter than yesterday but felt longer to me ..almost 25,000 steps ....I had 33,010 steps yesterday

    That is still a great walk!! Are you as sore as I am? My legs feel ok as long as i am walking but as soon sit down for a few minutes then try and walk my legs kill me. Keep up the good work!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,554 Member
    19,318 steps on 6/10
    Yesterday ate in deficit and drank 2 litters of water.

    Awesome steps! Great job on hitting all your goals!

    BRGking wrote: »
    Steps- 11,100 + swimming 30 minutes

    Great job on being so active!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,554 Member
    lmf1012 wrote: »
    Good morning Downsizers!! Yay, it's Friday!

    It has gotten quite warm (and humid) here in Texas... looks like summer has arrived! Definitely makes for some uncomfortable walks but hopefully I will acclimate soon.

    6/10 steps 9,250

    So, I have only been at this for going on 11 weeks now but yesterday, I finally hit that point where I actually thought to myself "I cannot wait until tomorrow because it is lifting day". If you know me, you know I HATE exercise lol so that was a huge step in the process!

    I am impressed you stuck with the training until it became something you enjoyed! Well done!

    rwood566 wrote: »
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 312.2
    CW: 311.2. -1.0

    Awesome loss! Great job staying under calories.

    four hour 5 minute walk today ...9.60 miles and burned 1263 calories ...shorter than yesterday but felt longer to me ..almost 25,000 steps ....I had 33,010 steps yesterday

    That’s quite a burn! You are amazing!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    It was Leg day today... 😐

    And I'm still confused, and it was demoralizing for a time 😣. I've never experienced such a set back when I lifted regularly in the past. So I'm a bit confused as to what happened.

    My squat today was equivalent to 10 steps backwards (as opposed to 1).

    All things being the same, last week I managed 10 reps in the first to sets to 12.5 " off the ground.

    This time I did just 5, then 3, then a miniscule 2 on my last set.... And I didn't even work up a sweat or a heart beat... I just had nothing there, it's like I couldn't make the mind to muscle connection? or the muscles weren't primed? Perhaps I shouldn't take a Aleve the night before? Either way, during that set I was totally defeated. I felt like quitting and walking out of the room for a moment.

    But I stayed with it... For whatever reason my Leg Extensions actually improved my Leg Curls were slightly improved. Everything else was fine. *scratched head*

    Lynn and I were discussing the possibility that when she installed the seat last week? Maybe she put it at 14.5 and not 12.5"? But I don't think that is it?

    Whatever happened to my squat, I think the best course of action is to go back to 14.5" and just try and get stronger from there. That last 2 inches changes everything drastically.

    So yeah... Just hoping tomorrow things fair better on that end. 🤞

    Forgot to start my Fitbit on this one, so you will just have to trust me. 😉

    Other then that, I've been super busy.... And I'm off again, to watch a TV show with my brother. I've been neglecting him a bit with everything going on... I was suppose to watch Loki with him yesterday and I forgot. He wasn't to please... I could tell. But he didn't watch it without me, so he still loves me. 😎

    I'll try to catch up soon.\
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    edited June 2021
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 96oz
    Steps 11619
    Exercise 53min walk at lake

    One walk again yesterday but spent a good part of the early afternoon cleaning stuff out of the garage. It needs it so bad so I finally got a few things taken care of. Once the trash can was full though I had to stop haha. Pick up was today so it's empty again! Dad and I went for a late walk just the two of us. He wanted to push himself and have sub 20min miles so we walked faster. All 3 ended up being between 17 and 18 min miles. Mission accomplished.

    Today was grocery shopping day and mom needed to go early so my routine got thrown off-which is why I'm posting so late. We got rained on the whole time we were out which wasn't much fun. Oh well, groceries are bought and put away. No outside official walk today, just the grocery stores. I am about to go hop on the treadmill though and finish out my steps now that the kids are in bed. Tomorrow I'll probably post at a different time too. Won't be home in the morning as mom and I and the kids are going to the farmers market.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,554 Member
    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    It was Leg day today... 😐

    And I'm still confused, and it was demoralizing for a time 😣. I've never experienced such a set back when I lifted regularly in the past. So I'm a bit confused as to what happened.

    My squat today was equivalent to 10 steps backwards (as opposed to 1).

    All things being the same, last week I managed 10 reps in the first to sets to 12.5 " off the ground.

    This time I did just 5, then 3, then a miniscule 2 on my last set.... And I didn't even work up a sweat or a heart beat... I just had nothing there, it's like I couldn't make the mind to muscle connection? or the muscles weren't primed? Perhaps I shouldn't take a Aleve the night before? Either way, during that set I was totally defeated. I felt like quitting and walking out of the room for a moment.

    But I stayed with it... For whatever reason my Leg Extensions actually improved my Leg Curls were slightly improved. Everything else was fine. *scratched head*

    Lynn and I were discussing the possibility that when she installed the seat last week? Maybe she put it at 14.5 and not 12.5"? But I don't think that is it?

    Whatever happened to my squat, I think the best course of action is to go back to 14.5" and just try and get stronger from there. That last 2 inches changes everything drastically.

    So yeah... Just hoping tomorrow things fair better on that end. 🤞

    Forgot to start my Fitbit on this one, so you will just have to trust me. 😉

    Other then that, I've been super busy.... And I'm off again, to watch a TV show with my brother. I've been neglecting him a bit with everything going on... I was suppose to watch Loki with him yesterday and I forgot. He wasn't to please... I could tell. But he didn't watch it without me, so he still loves me. 😎

    I'll try to catch up soon.\

    I am sure that you had a great calorie burn. Enjoy the show with your brother.

    Went to TJ Maxx today while my mom and sister shopped in Hobby Lobby next door. Decided to look at leggings and capris. Found a set that I liked on the clearance rack but the price tag was torn. Checker scanned the barcode and they were $10.00. When I got home and tried them on they fit, the brand that I purchased are All Fenix. I looked up the new leggings and they retail for $88.00!

    That’s a great find. Deals always make me smile.

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 96oz
    Steps 11619
    Exercise 53min walk at lake

    One walk again yesterday but spent a good part of the early afternoon cleaning stuff out of the garage. It needs it so bad so I finally got a few things taken care of. Once the trash can was full though I had to stop haha. Pick up was today so it's empty again! Dad and I went for a late walk just the two of us. He wanted to push himself and have sub 20min miles so we walked faster. All 3 ended up being between 17 and 18 min miles. Mission accomplished.

    Today was grocery shopping day and mom needed to go early so my routine got thrown off-which is why I'm posting so late. We got rained on the whole time we were out which wasn't much fun. Oh well, groceries are bought and put away. No outside official walk today, just the grocery stores. I am about to go hop on the treadmill though and finish out my steps now that the kids are in bed. Tomorrow I'll probably post at a different time too. Won't be home in the morning as mom and I and the kids are going to the farmers market.

    Great day meeting your goals. Enjoy the market tomorrow.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,554 Member
    Bike- 30 minutes, 8 miles ❌ 32 minutes, & miles
    Steps- 10,000 ✅ 11,000
    Seltzer- 8 cups ❌ 4 cups
    Tracked everything ate and drank ✅
    Under calorie budget ✅

    Stationary bike- 32 minutes, 8 miles, moderate effort
    Steps- 11,000

    I had an awful night, woke up at 3AM with a terrible headache. Took medicine, but was unable to fall back asleep. Just kept my eyes closed and listened to an audiobook.
    After reading this mornings amazing steps, I was inspired to go for a slow 3.5 mile walk (instead of no walk). Came home. Got a few chores done. Did a ride. More chores. Dinner. Now it’s family game movie night. Although tonight, we are going to postpone the game until tomorrow- headache is back. So proud of you guys! Thank you for posting. You motivated me to not let my headache keep me down (not a migraine- just a bad headache).

    Sorry about your headache. It is very hard focus and do things with one. You push through and did great with your goals. You say everyone inspired you, well what you did today is definitely inspiring.
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