Downsizers - June 2021 Team Chat



  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    YES!!! You did it, you had a feeling it was the yeast. Great work bread detective. I'm so happy for you both. Enjoy that delicious warm bread. Hope you had a great visit with your friend.
    CONGRATULATIONS on your terrific loss this week 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 that's huge! Oh yeah, the elliptical machine is a toughie. It takes time to learn how to pace yourself, develop your lungs. Slow and steady, yada yada, work your way up. Be careful, don't make me get Lynn after you 😆

    Amazing that you were able to get in over 4,200 steps while deep cleaning! You're a high stepping machine, sneaking in those extra steps without you realizing it 😆 Great day for you!! Lots of steps, deep cleaned, drank A LOT of water and you ate under your budget 👏🏻👏🏻

    She's baaackkk, over 15,200 steps! Another stellar day hitting all of your mini goals! I'm sorry you slept poorly, hopefully tonight you sleep like a bear.

    Phenomenal step day Amy PLUS kettlebells AND ate under your budget 🙌🏻🙌🏻 You're doing amazing!

    Congratulations on your loss Amy 🎉🎉 all of that work has been paying off!

    Another huge stepper! Roger look at you 6,591 👏🏻👏🏻 You have some serious will power with that birthday cake for Mrs. Roger (that's her new name). I love how you ate a bit less of dinner to enjoy the cake, that's brilliant. Great morning walk - yes, the cookie people have overtaken the cupcake people here too. They are selling the Levain-style chocolate chip cookies for $4 each- insane! Oh, love the way you just snuck in at the end that you lost FIVE pounds over the past two days 🤣

    Tremendous step week for you!! I'm sorry you've been so busy and feeling stressed. Hoping all of that walking helps you 🤗

    CONGRATULATIONS on your overall phenomenal loss👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! I'm so happy for you 🤗 Well done, only getting the drink at McD's. You're doing incredible 🙌🏻

    Another spectacular step day for you!! I'm super impressed by your extremely high steps, but also by you starting your walk at 6AM 🤩 99 degrees sounds brutal, I'm glad you found a way to get in walks - even if it is at an indecent hour to be walking 🤣. Scales are just terrible inventions, one day they bring joy and another they bring the desire to take a hammer to it.

    Linda! Another over 7,000 day 👏🏻👏🏻 7,153 🎉🎉 You're doing incredible! You crack me up, six minutes short on sleep. You hit that sleep goal in my book. Good luck with physio and your walks. Enjoy your first restaurant since the pandemic. You got this!!
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Today's Goals:

    3 mile walk with hubby ✅
    Try to laugh and smile more
    Read aloud with each kidabunk for 30-60 minutes
    Choose a fun activity from kids summer bucket list
    Drink five cups of seltzer
    Call parents
    Stationary bike, arm and core workout
    Chores- laundry, prep dinner, meal plan, vac and mop downstairs, call insurance company
    Play Dungeons & Dragons (my son keeps asking, and we keep making excuses- I keep hearing "Cats in the Cradle")

    There's more on the list, but that's the stuff I'd really like done. Time to get at it! Happy Monday 🤩
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,895 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 :smile:
    6/12: 8,012
    6/13: 8,123
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    13th June
    Steps 3,078

    Too hot to do anything ahhh!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,435 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    I'll be done real quick.
    I'm so stressed :( if I get a mini break I will write longer. Promised.
    Weight @lindamtuck2018 130,5 kg 287,7 lbs
    Steps @Megan_smartiepants1970
    7) 11.260 steps
    8) 6.696
    9) 8.231
    10) 13.757
    11) 17.180
    12) 23.020
    13) 24. 534

    Thanks for posting ... I need your steps for 6/6 ...Thank you :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,435 Member
    Good Morning Dazzling Downsizers ... Happy Monday .... No intentional walk for me this morning ... I have too much to do today .... it is girl's day shopping day ... 2 grocery stores and clothes shopping for my daughter ...It is going to be HOT HOT HOT here in California 92 today ...later this week it is gonna be 105/107 ...I hope everyone has a great day ... will check in later today :)
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 885 Member
    Steps 6/13: 15,103

    Happy Monday!🍀🍀🍀
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,554 Member
    Today's Goals:

    3 mile walk with hubby ✅
    Try to laugh and smile more
    Read aloud with each kidabunk for 30-60 minutes
    Choose a fun activity from kids summer bucket list
    Drink five cups of seltzer
    Call parents
    Stationary bike, arm and core workout
    Chores- laundry, prep dinner, meal plan, vac and mop downstairs, call insurance company
    Play Dungeons & Dragons (my son keeps asking, and we keep making excuses- I keep hearing "Cats in the Cradle")

    There's more on the list, but that's the stuff I'd really like done. Time to get at it! Happy Monday 🤩

    Love your goal list especially laugh and smile more. You reminded me I need to call my Dad.

    Steps for 13/6


    So I finished work and had supper, and i was just full of beans. Then I saw the group challenge on the main page (the 70k steps in a week challenge) and I thought "you know what, Tanya, go for a walk" So I did!

    There's a nice walk- 4.25km ish around my area and it was a lovely evening.

    So I use "Map My Walk" and after every mile it tells you what your split pace per KM it is. After the first mile, my split pace was 10min 55sec per KM. and I thought "noice, that's the fastest I've ever been" but then came the uphill struggle (literally, it's a pretty steep incline for a while). Anyway after the 2nd mile, I was over the worst of it, and its mostly downhill.

    Well, "she" (the timer woman lol) said "split pace, 11 minutes, 1 second" I said "oh like hell you are" and just bombed it home! haha. I was all red-faced and sweaty by the end of it- but finished with an average of 10min 44 seconds per km!

    I was looking back at my previous times of doing this and I actually shaved off 6 minutes and 45 seconds from the first time I did it about 6 months ago! So I am really happy :)

    Anyway, just wanted to share that lol. Back to my studies now. Have a great day all!!

    All I can say is inspiring!

    rwood566 wrote: »
    hi all. happy monday. i'm hoping everyone enjoyed their weekend.

    i only gained 1.8 lbs yesterday. that was expected since i had a late dinner, late dessert with lots of sugar and an early bed. went to bed on a full tummy. got up expecting to hit the gym but daughter wasn't feeling well. so i went on a walk. i had to burn off a lot of sugar calories. 6.18 miles in 2 hours 1 minute, according to google maps. fitbit said 5.74 miles. we all know fitbits conspire with our scales to keep us fat. so far i have 12,725 steps.

    A 2 hour walk! I don’t know how you do it. Inspiring!
  • BRGking
    BRGking Posts: 40 Member
    sorry for the delay

    6/11 - 6500
    6/12 - 4100 - slow day
    6/13 - 6600 + 30 minutes leisure swim
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 80oz
    Steps 2961
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 enjoy your evening in a restaurant. It must be wonderful to get out and see people and do things. Your steps are great and I bet its helping your diabetes management too.

    @Poohbah1972 You'll be under 400 before the next weigh-in. You and Lynn are working really hard on improving fitness and health and you will have to set new goals before you know it.

    @littleflutterby great steps and what a fast walk! Hope you are dancing with your wife again because I think those steps ought to count too.

    @rwood566 Your dedication to stay under calories and exercise is inspiring! Hope you enjoyed the celebration and bison burgers sound amazing.

    @Mssouzeb great self control at McDonald's. Congratulations on getting your first covid vaccination and the discomfort will fade soon.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,435 Member
    We just got home from food shopping ...clothes shopping etc.... I am dead tired ...I have 26,000 steps so far .... will resume to walking early in the morning ... :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,435 Member
    Just a reminder I still need steps from: Thanks Ladies :)

    @363days 6/12
    @red1185 6/12
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Good Evening Everyone...

    The power of the Keto Bread can't not be denied. Every morning since the beginning, breakfast was glorious... The eggs, the bacon, and the Magnificent Keto Toast with Salted butter, gently tugged apart with my fingers into nice bite sized pieces, which I would use to mop up my runny salted egg yolks. Every morning, I kid you not it would put a smile on Lynn and I's face. It was perfection, each day, before heading off to work. And that perfection, and those smiles helped to propel us effortlessly through the day.

    Then approximately a month ago... Disaster struck. No longer could I bake a Loaf of the "Best Keto Bread". They fell flat, like bricks. Not only were they bricks, but they no longer tasted good, they no longer soaked up Yoke like they once did, they had no crunch along the edges. And as they were so small, there was definitely no toast left for a bit of Jam, Peanut Butter or Syrup. All the JOY WAS BLED DRY from them. They were the Anti-Toast.

    At first, it didn't dramatically change the outcome of a given day. But don't doubt it for a second... Every morning as much as I once smiled as I indulged in that one perfect thing, I now knew what I was missing, and slowly but surely an emptiness grew where once a solid beacon of light stood steadfast.

    The shine was removed from my day, I was just that much less able to tackle the day on my terms, as my terms themselves were slightly tarnished.

    Laugh and heed not the seriousness in which I tell this tale. But instead try and understand how one perfect thing removed from each and every day does in fact play with the very fabric of your reality.

    All I can say is.... What a great day today, and it all started with that Perfect Toast (and a Kiss and a Hug from my Perfect Fiancé). Seriously though, well I may jest... I am just as serious... It's funny isn't it? But True I say.... TRUE!!! 😎

    Back and Bicep's today was fantastic! Both Lynn and I really enjoyed ourselves. I had lots in the tank, and we drove ourselves to the Limit.

    We even finished up in just short of 1 hour.

    Love the food you eat! Love that special person in your life, and Eat em both when feeling HUNGRY!!! 😍 (ooops, did I say that?) 😋😂

    Good night my friends! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member

    Lots of exercise lately. However, outdoor gatherings = drinks! I have to learn to drink sparkling water at all the events happening.
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