Downsizers - June 2021 Team Chat



  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Today's Goals:

    3 mile walk with hubby βœ…
    Try to laugh and smile more 🧐 unfortunately the boy had other plans for this goalπŸ‘Ž
    Read aloud with each kidabunk for 30-60 minutes βœ… daughter was 90 minutes, son was 60 minutes
    Choose a fun activity from kids summer bucket list βœ… make sushi at home
    Drink five cups of seltzer βœ…
    Call parents βœ… they are always so busy, so it's hard to get them on the phone 🀣
    Stationary bike, arm and core workout βœ…
    Chores- laundryβœ…, prep dinnerβœ…, meal plan πŸ‘Ž, vac and mop downstairsπŸ‘Ž, call insurance companyβœ…
    Play Dungeons & Dragons (my son keeps asking, and we keep making excuses- I keep hearing "Cats in the Cradle") πŸ‘Ž he didn't finish his campaign

    Bike- 30 minutes, 8 miles πŸ‘Ž 32 minutes, 8 miles
    Steps- 10,000 βœ… 13,200
    Seltzer- 8 cups πŸ‘Ž only five cups
    Tracked everything ate and drank βœ…
    Under calorie budget βœ…

    Bike 32 minutes, 8 miles, moderate effort
    Steps 13,200

    Hubby and I went for a 3 mile walk this morning πŸ€©πŸ€— I'm so proud of him! He even shaved off time from his first walk to today. My daughter wanted to keep reading past her one hour mark, so we read for a total of 90 minutes. I love our snuggly, one-on-one reading time. It's so much sitting though. Then it was the boy's turn, another hour of snuggly time. Oh my booty was tired from sitting for so long. Went on the bike for a half hour, that helped get the feeling backπŸ˜† At dinner, noticed that I only had about 8,000 steps in, so after I cleaned up, went out for a quick 2 mile walk, then drank my fifth cup of seltzer. Now, it's time for some snuggly tv time.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Terrific step day AND at the beach πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» that's amazing! Love the free foot scrub while walking the beach.

    Fantastic two days of steps πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ» you're doing incredible!

    Hopefully the heatwave breaks for a few days. Hang in there πŸ€—

    That's the spirit! Talk about taking the challenge to heart, you're awesome! Over 15,100 steps πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» crushing it on the walk AND shaving SIX MINUTES & 45 SECONDS off your time!!!! Cheers πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    Another impressively high step total day πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    What a day! Over SIX MILES πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» SIX 🀩 Absolutely amazing! That's quite a huge step day, 12,725 steps, plus the day isn't over yet. Yes, FitBit and scales are in cahoots. Why can't all technology just work correctly?

    Thank you. So, did you call your dad?

    That was a terrific list of steps πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    Way to go with your goals πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» How was your day today? Did you get a walk in with your parents?

    26,000 steps!! Did you also walk to the store? 🀣 That was a hugely successful trip- food, clothes and steps πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


    πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰Congratulations to @missysave0612, @Beverly2Hansen, @Bluetail6 and @BRGking πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Congratulations to those of you who hit their daily goals and/or stayed on their path. You're doing fantastic. Keep at it. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
  • amymartin555
    amymartin555 Posts: 90 Member
    We just got home from food shopping ...clothes shopping etc.... I am dead tired ...I have 26,000 steps so far .... will resume to walking early in the morning ... :)

    Wow awesome step count!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,422 Member
    Thanks @TheresaM787 and @amymartin555 ....We walked all over but no we didn't walk to the stores lol...
  • amymartin555
    amymartin555 Posts: 90 Member
    Steps 24,076
    Swimming moderate 60 minutes
    Stayed under calorie goal
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Way to go Downsizers. Numero uno yet again.

    It's bad when your second highest calorie meal is dessert. Only 50 calories short of tops. I didn't read the calories and serving size of the Madelines.

    Check in for 6/14:
    Steps - 15304. Didn't do much after the walk. To hot and feet hurt. I don't know how I'm going to walk 20 miles, much less 60. I'll work up as much as possible though.
    Calories - 1750 with no scrimping and 490 calorie dessert.
    Exercise - 6 mile walk. Trying to find a long walk path for training.

    Tomorrow I get a holter harness for 24 hours. It should be interesting. Sleep department called today. I stop breathing 6 times an hour. Mild obstructive apnea. I'm holding off on the cpap for now since I'm still losing weight and that can change the settings. Frustrating that I was fine on the walk but got lightheaded quickly the rest of the day.

    Good luck to @my_monkey_my_circus on your surgery tomorrow. It's a huge step.
  • Ziggyiguana82
    Ziggyiguana82 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey y'all, lost .50 lbs this week.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    14th June
    Steps: 3,898
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: Β»
    I'll be done real quick.
    I'm so stressed :( if I get a mini break I will write longer. Promised.
    Weight @lindamtuck2018 130,5 kg 287,7 lbs
    Steps @Megan_smartiepants1970
    7) 11.260 steps
    8) 6.696
    9) 8.231
    10) 13.757
    11) 17.180
    12) 23.020
    13) 24. 534

    Thanks for posting ... I need your steps for 6/6 ...Thank you :)

    6) 9.269 steps
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    HOW? Did you have the strength to go swimming after walking over 24,000 steps? Are you a Flintstone's kid? πŸ˜† I love seeing those remarkably high step counts, 24,000πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Way to go Amy staying under your calorie goal, swimming for a half hour AND walking 24,000 steps! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    You hit over 15,000 steps AND you did a SIX mile walk!! Roger, that's AMAZING πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Wait, what? Is this for the trip with the kids? Walking 20 miles, is that in one day? What's this about 60 miles? Interest is piqued.
    You are a calorie budgeting wizard! You have such a low calorie goal and then you were able to save enough for a yummy dessert. Now, that is planning.πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»
    I'm sorry to hear that you became lightheaded. Did you get lightheaded because not enough electrolytes? Water may not be enough to keep you hydrated, especially when you go on a SIX MILE walk (so impressed).

    Congrats on your loss! How are you doing?

    Nice step day πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» I've been meaning to ask, have you found any new walking videos that you like for your treadmill?

    Ziortza, I am so terribly sorry that you are going through so much right now. Saying last week was crazy, was an understatement. I'm so sorry πŸ€— I'm glad to hear that you have the support of your girlfriend and that you are still getting in steps, especially with everything going on. We are here for you. Please take care of yourself in every way you can. You are a strong woman. You'll get through this difficult time and come out better from it. πŸ€—

    Gahhh! Technology needs to work. Well, at least tomorrow you'll get that heart rate monitor on and working. Wow, it sounds like you really pushed yourself on the elliptical. Way to go Jonathan, that's a tough workout. Do you prefer doing your laps walking outside or the elliptical?
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member

    I know this isn't what The Great Dolly meant, but it's raining outside- just waiting for the thunder to stop so that we can go for a wet walk.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,554 Member
    Way to go Downsizers! Top of the leaderboard! πŸ₯‡

    Congrats to out top losers for the week
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,554 Member
    Did you walk like10 different malls? Well done!

    Great workout session! It’s just not a good breakfast without some nice toast.

    Nice loss!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,554 Member
    There is so much green in your check in. Well done! Theresa, how do you do it all?

    Another awesome step day!

    You sure are training hard for the 3 day walk. When does it happen? I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea years ago. I went for another sleep study and this time it was severe but I had gained a ton of weight. I had the test done several month after the second as I had lost a good bit of weight. It now is mild except when I am on my back. I choose not to get the cpap and have another study when I lose more weight. So yes, losing weight definitely helps with sleep apnea.

    I am sorry you have so many things happening. Lots of virtual hugs!

    25 minutes! Holy, what a workout! You are amazing!
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