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WaistAways - June 2021 Chat



  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    PW 147.4
    CW 147.8

    I am not surprised. I need someone to put a lock on my kitchen! I am doing better with getting more fruits and veggies in addition to the junk I am eating. Now, I just need to reduce the junk. I am logging it. That usually helps me get me on track...but it hasn't yet.

    @jugar thanks for the kind words. I wake up everyday and say this is going to be the day I stop mindlessly eating...and I know one of these days, it will be! I actually feel strong thanks to my exercise. I am still fitting into my tighter clothes that I was wearing in May. I will get through this phase and get the scale trending back down.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Extra hugs to those in the group right now who need to show themselves a little grace. Thankful that each one of you is here and for your honesty! Hope you find the traction that helps you soon.

    Brad and I got used bikes this week so we went out for our first bike ride together tonight. The weather was perfect and it felt good to ride... I think it's a hobby we will really enjoy together.

    We both had the most insane scale reading today from a salt laden piece of salmon last night.. we knew as we were eating it that it was very salty and the scale sure reminded us this morning. I am getting used to the daily fluctuations and using it as practice to not get in my head about it. Reminding myself it's temporary, glued to water and just thankful today wasn't our weigh in day lol.

    @ashleycarole86 Thank you for your encouraging words. They mean a lot! I needed to hear that reminder to give myself some grace. I got on my mat for a short pilates routine this morning, but earlier got on the scale and saw numbers I haven't seen in over a year or more. I am on the cusp of 200. I guess it just shows you can't take time off and eat whatever you feel like grabbing. I have had two milkshakes in the last week. (rewarding myself for all my hard work around the house--Ha! Then, I'm sad looking at the scale.) Food cannot be a reward. I guess I haven't learned that lesson well yet. I'm going to try and focus on finding my motivation and making this a perfect day. I have three days to get that scale back down closer to where I was last week. I'll say it again though, WHY DON'T I LOSE WEIGHT AS FAST AS I GAIN IT?! GRRRRRR!!!!

    @jugar Thanks! I started my day grabbing that little bit. It helps. Everything logged. I'd like to get a walk in today. It's been a few days or a week. Heat is not like it was so much more hospitable. Glad to hear you are having a fabulous time visiting Alberta. Did you and @ashleycarole86 and Brad take any photos together?
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    CW 193.6

    Its going to be a rainy weekend, I should finally have time to catch up on the last 8 pages of posts. I haven't been logging food, just opening up the app daily to maintain my streak. Life sure can get busy!
    I miss you all and will catch up soon
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 564 Member
    @jugar CW 186.6 Huzzah! Feeling empowered and relieved that my body is reacting well. I have agreed to three days per week swimming in the pond (30 min) and walking five days per week for the same amount of time – I’m sure I’ll be able to do more, but at the moment that feels right.

    Good morning! In case you’re interested, here’s a link with discount to NOOM. The psych-aspect is really working well for me. I hope you’re enjoying the summer so far! Xoxo


    Hugs all around for everybody to have a wonderful day. Looking forward to visits and family time friend time any time outside with people is such a lovely change, isn’t it? Please remember to be kind to yourselves. You deserve it just for being alive on the planet, not because of anything you do.
    Can’t wait to see you!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,260 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    It's another perfect sunny day here - getting hot, and the days are SO long this far north. Tonight is "Wings Night" with all the silly Army boys, so I'll have to seriously behave myself up until then. There is nothing much on the menu that fits the way I'll eat, so it's calamari and salad - about as close as it gets, in spite of the calamari being fried. They are delicious, and the boys are amazing fun, so it'll be fine! In the meantime, walkies are the order of the day. It is so flat here, I am seriously missing my hills from home. I'm not missing my scale, though - and hoping it won't be too bad when I get home!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,260 Member
    edited June 2021
    Welcome back @MandiSaysHey !! We missed you :heart:

    Please let us know what day you will choose for your weigh-ins, and your weight from this week to use as starting weight for July. thanks!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    We ate the entire remaining half of the birthday cake yesterday. No regrets, but definitely a lot of calories.

    Life is super hard right now, and I see a few of you are also struggling in various ways. Brighter days are ahead so for now, let's all just face it down a day at a time, or even an hour at a time.

    I'm hoping to get to the gym this weekend but that will depend on how my ribs feel. So far I have seen dramatic improvement so I'm hopeful.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh in

    PW 238.4
    CW 237.6
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @EvMakesChanges I am glad you are enjoying Noom and getting something out of the articles. It is interesting to read the psychological part of weight.

    @MandiSaysHey Welcome back!

    @AshenMoon Happy Birthday!!!

    @MoStacy Looks beautiful! It is definitely hard to stick to a meal plan when you are traveling. Enjoy your time.

    The scale hates me. I had a decent day yesterday and the scale was up even higher then yesterday!🙄 I know it is just a number but in May, I was one pound away from my first goal and I have gained back 3-4 pounds in June!!!! I have been regularly working out. I have been doing better with my steps. I try to run up and down the stairs a few times a day!!! But, I am eating closer to maintenance. But, not in a surplus, so I am surprised by this gain.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    @AshenMoon Happy birthday!

    @micki48 We didn't take any pics, no... didn't even think of it at the time. Oops :neutral:

    Rainy day here.... the smell outside is amazing! Brad and I took the bikes out again last night for an even longer spin.

    We have extremely hot weather for Alberta coming up starting tomorrow and into early next week. Early morning and later evening will be key for outdoor exercise!

    Well, stressful day of work ahead.. best not to delay it any longer ;) Enjoy the day!
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    I had 2.5 diet Mountain Dews today ….. I’m embarrassed to guess how many I was drinking per day a few weeks ago but 2.5 is a significant improvement! I’d like to be at zero Monday.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,260 Member
    gak71 wrote: »
    I had 2.5 diet Mountain Dews today ….. I’m embarrassed to guess how many I was drinking per day a few weeks ago but 2.5 is a significant improvement! I’d like to be at zero Monday.
    My son was seriously stuck on those for a while - good for you to get away from it!! They make you kinda crazy...

    I can't believe it is already my last night here at my daughter's. I just found out that my ride from the airport to home has fallen through, so I am frantically trying to figure out how to get around that. My husband cannot pick me up because I am contaminated with animal hairs of all kinds, so it is a bit tricky. Wish me luck!

    Friday weigh in people, it is your turn!! You've got this -

    @lorib642 (even if you are leaving for July, you are more than welcome to finish up June!)

    Thursday people still due:

    I'm looking forward to getting home, but I'll miss hanging out with all the creatures, riding every day, and gabbing non-stop with my daughter and all her friends... I may not be able to log in tomorrow - see you Saturday!
This discussion has been closed.