Downsizers-July Chat 2021



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,534 Member
    Nice swim! I am hoping if we don’t have thunderstorms I will get there later in the week. Only 10 people are allowed in the pool at a time and you can only stay for a max 2 hours. COVID restrictions.

    Awesome steps! Stretching before and after your walk might help. I get that they would complain with the walking you have been doing. My dietitian said any liquid except for sugar count as water intake. I count my black coffee and tea as part of my daily fluids. Your supper sounds delicious. I have to remember to check if they sell that ice cream in Canada.

    Another killer workout!
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope you all are staying somewhat cool.

    From what I've read some are under a lot of stress. Good luck with reducing that soon.

    @Poobah1972 great work out and a nice loss.

    @Tazaria87 the scales hate us. Why? It's not like we're jumping up and down on them, though some of us should. Great idea to take the break to diffuse the tension.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 amazing swim.

    Excellent steps all around. Best group anywhere.

    Sorry if I don't comment on everyone's posts. I can't remember most of them but I do read them.

    I had the 'Butternut squash and black bean chili' from MFP tonight. It was very good and filling. I've set myself up for ice cream dessert tonight. Only had 900 cal thru 3 meals. I can easily absorb a shake but will get a dipped cone. I may splurge on a medium but no larger. If i go to baskin Robbins instead a single cup since they don't have dipped cones. I'll check in later.
  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    Steps - 6,654

    Went on a small walk ...boy it was hot!!

    Met all my goals, except 1...I will work on my water intake only 73oz today...

    Thank you for all your support!!!
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    edited June 2021
    @Beautyofdreams I'm amazed at how well you are holding up with all that going on. It's more than enough for people to say f it. Best of luck with the review and all of your appointments. Smart move not to pay that bill.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 have a great walk.

    @MSWarrior7088 nice steps. You'll work up to more water, especially in this heat. Welcome to the group. Now that you have seen us for a couple days what are your thoughts?

    Check in for 6/28:
    Steps - 13,724.
    Calories - 1260. To low for my liking but I won't eat anything else.
    Exercise - 5.28 mile walk in the heat of mid afternoon. Should have drank more water. 1 hour 45 minutes.

    Small chocolate dipped cone from DQ. Brought back a lot of memories. I'm glad I made the room for it.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,534 Member
    Question for my air fryer friends:

    Have you made bacon in the air fryer? I am thinking of trying it tonight.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    edited June 2021
    @lindamtuck2018 I wouldn't eat more since it was after 9PM. I don't like eating before bed anymore. Hard habit to break. Good luck with your appointments to get your pain under control. Sorry about your meds not working.

    @lmf1012 nice alternative to a walk. Good luck with your get together. With this much lead time you can plan a great day.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,342 Member
    Question for my air fryer friends:

    Have you made bacon in the air fryer? I am thinking of trying it tonight.

    Yes I have .... I love it because all the grease is not on the bacon :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,342 Member

    PW- 287.0
    CW- 284.6

    LTD- 90.4lb!!

    Well, I got to another milestone! haha. I was getting so frustrated this week, but I'm glad that the scale moved some!

    Today I'm feeling hot- it's still humid, but there are thunderstorms and rain on the cards for today, apparently it's going to help the temp drop by a few degrees!

    I also didn't sleep terribly well again, so I'm not as energetic as I usually am (which honestly is a low bar at the best of times haha)

    I have just under 5lb to lose to get under 280 and I cannot wait- but I guess I'll have to!

    Just going to study a bit, then watch the England game (football/soccer). I'll make time to exercise once it cools a bit

    Have a good day all!

    Amazing loss and awesome LTD ...I am sooo proud of your accomplishments Tanya :):):)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,342 Member
    Just got back from our walk ...140 minutes 5.69 miles and 736 calories burned .... It is humid out and no rain in our forecast... California needs it bad ...we have been in a drought for several years now
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    rwood566 wrote: Β»
    I had the 'Butternut squash and black bean chili' from MFP tonight. It was very good and filling. I've set myself up for ice cream dessert tonight. Only had 900 cal thru 3 meals. I can easily absorb a shake but will get a dipped cone. I may splurge on a medium but no larger. If i go to baskin Robbins instead a single cup since they don't have dipped cones. I'll check in later.

    Check in for 6/28:
    Steps - 13,724.
    Calories - 1260. To low for my liking but I won't eat anything else.
    Exercise - 5.28 mile walk in the heat of mid afternoon. Should have drank more water. 1 hour 45 minutes.
    Small chocolate dipped cone from DQ. Brought back a lot of memories. I'm glad I made the room for it.

    Thank you for the recipe idea, I just bookmarked it:
    Wow, only 1,260 calories? That is so low! I really don't know how you do it. I'm glad you had the small chocolate dipped DQ cone 🀩
    Roger!! 5.28 miles AND 1 hour 45 minutes AND 13,724 steps πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Absolutely tremendous step day πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ You are a mad man, you walked in the heat of the mid-afternoon? That deserves even more steps or a higher calorie burn🀣

    Steps - 6,654
    Went on a small walk ...boy it was hot!!
    Met all my goals, except 1...I will work on my water intake only 73oz today...
    Thank you for all your support!!!

    Joyce you are doing incredible!! I'm chuckling over here, "only 73 oz today". I've been working on getting up to 64 oz for, well it seems like forever. Well done on your walk and high stepsπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    I have been very stressed due to the fact that my disability status is up for review again and I have been unable to work since 2005. The claim process takes 30 days and requires me to fill out forms, supply medical records(the hospitals have up to 30 days to send me info which is too late) and write a letter stating my case. Copy all of this and send it off to social security.
    At this point in time, my kidney function is just above kidney failure and dialysis levels. I see the transplant unit to discuss if I can go back on the transplant waiting list, the suppressed Cortisol levels which cause my blackouts and fainting in the morning, after exercise or when stressed continue as both transplant and my family doctor are waiting for an Endocrinologist to adjust medication dosages. I cannot get into the one that transplant wants me to see until mid December but family doctor found an out of network one that I can get into in August. Also had a dentist appointment today and am having my prosthetic eye readjusted tomorrow while seeing transplant team. Do not look to get home until late tomorrow night. Am overwhelmed emotionally, physically and financially. Am still undergoing skin grafts each week so unable to perform very much exercise to relieve the stress. Just received a suspicious medical bill in the mail demanding payment but doesn't list service, service provider, date service performed or who was the patient. I will not pay it until investigate further despite my mother pressuring me to blindly pay it.
    Read a story about stress and how we react to it whether it weakens us, hardens us or we take the experience and create something new from it.

    Oh Deb, I am so sorry to hear about all of the stress that you are going through on top of receiving, and recuperating from, your skin grafts. I hope you are able to get back on the transplant waiting list. You are one tough lady, managing all of this. πŸ€—πŸ€—
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    I admire that early morning dedication to get on your elliptical. You have come so far in such a short period of time πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ» I remember when you first joined us, and walking the laps around your neighborhood was a feat- NOW LOOK AT YOU🀩

    Check in for Monday
    βœ…Steps 8,130
    βœ… 8/8 hourly reminders

    I killed it on the steps but the price was pain and tears. My doctors appointment wasn’t the greatest yesterday so I have to see her in office at 11. To make a long story short pain medication doesn’t work for me. She said some people are like this. Your body doesn’t metabolize it. I am being referred to a pain clinic and will find out more today. I just hope it’s not as long wait as the back surgeon. In the meantime I will be doing acupuncture, physio and massage. I can’t remember if she said chiropractor. I am going for my first massage at 830 this morning and will be starting physio tomorrow.

    I will be walking to my massage so I will get my walk done early. I will do my darnedest to reach my other goals. Kids are coming over for the night as my daughter is going out for their anniversary.

    I am off to start a busy day. Have a great Tuesday!

    πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» 8,130 STEPS πŸ‘€πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» What?! That's not a walk Linda, it's an immense hike πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Congratulations! Oooh, I'm sorry to hear about the pain and tears. It sounds like your body was yelling at you too πŸ˜• Look at all of that lovely green, steps βœ… sleep βœ… walk βœ… and 8/8 hourly reminders βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…!! I hope you are able to get into the pain clinic pretty quickly. Meanwhile, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that you find relief with one of the alternative medicines. You are non-stop, even with all of that pain you are still going to do your walk and walk to massage. Have fun with the grandkids and happy anniversary to your daughter.

    lmf1012 wrote: Β»
    6/28 steps 7,730

    Rained yesterday evening so no walk, had to jump 30 minutes on the rebounder just to get the 7,730.

    Looks like a lot of rain in the forecast the next several days. Ugh though I know we need it.

    Not much else going on here, oh I do have that happy hour on Thursday with some former coworkers. Really need to plan my food diary around it for the day and try not to cave to the pressure to drink a lot.

    No way Joni!! 7,730 in 30 minutes? That rebounder contraption sounds amazing. One of the podcasts that I listen to, We Only Look Thin, talk about how they rebound when they can't get out to walk. Do you like rebounding? Is it hard to do? Enjoy your happy hour with former co-workers later this week. I know what you mean about not drinking too much, it's so easy for me to overindulge when just sitting around chatting with friends. My trick was the good ol' club soda with lime (looks like a vodka tonic), I'd alternate that with a chelada (salt rimmed glass filled with ice, some lime juice and then about 1/2 bottle of Corona light) very light and refreshing- terrific beach drink . What are you planning on drinking/eating that day?

    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 96oz
    Steps 9249
    Exercise 40mins dancing in place

    I didn't get to go for my walk like I wanted. The skies opened up while we were eating dinner and it stormed all evening. Dancing in place next to the couch while I watched a show was what I chose instead.

    Today we are hopefully going to look at an elliptical someone posted on the marketplace close to us. I've been thinking about getting one for a couple months now. It looks like a nice one and they say they can't take it cuz they are moving. I'm very excited to possibly bring it home with us! I also need to go check on my parent's house again, they are gone for 3 more days. Their kitty is very angry haha.

    What a fantastic day for you yesterday hitting your goals πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Way to keep moving during the show AND not use the weather as an excuse to not get in your steps! You are so much better than I am, I'd start moving and then I slowly stop and just watch tv πŸ˜†. 40 minutes of dancing in place πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ» Good luck with the possible elliptical. Congrats again hitting all of those daily goalsπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


    PW- 287.0
    CW- 284.6

    LTD- 90.4lb!!

    Woo hoo!!! Yeahhhhh Tanya!!!! You're doing absolutely amazing πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» I'm so happy for you🀩 You'll be in the 270s before you know itπŸ˜ƒ

    Just got back from our walk ...140 minutes 5.69 miles and 736 calories burned .... It is humid out and no rain in our forecast... California needs it bad ...we have been in a drought for several years now

    Two hours and twenty minutes!! TWO HOURS AND TWENTY MINUTES πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Way to go Megan!! I wish we could send you our rain. It rains here every day.
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