Downsizers-July Chat 2021



  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    lmf1012 wrote: »
    Good morning, just checking in. Just another day. Work, eat, walk. lol

    7/6 steps 10,859

    And that's how it's done! Have a great day Joni! :)
    thanks for the love everyone! the ortho doctor gave me a script for physio (I will call them today) and a note for ANOTHER MONTH off work. I'm content with that, and i'm not. It gives me more time to focus on my studies (I really need to get cracking on 2 of my courses) but I also will be on next to no money, and I also will struggle to get my steps in :( lol.

    Talking of steps:

    6/7- 6659 PLUS 35 min swimming (like a medium pace, not leisurely, mix of all strokes)

    I know Megan is ace at doing her magic with the steps thing hahaha

    I am sitting here, at 10am, just *tired*. It's a little damp outside, but I think the pool will still be open, so I'm going to go do that! I need to get my exercise done somehow, without aggravating my leg :(

    and TODAY (not weight related) I am FINALLY getting my face waxed! maybe i'll lose about 10lb of fluff just from my eyebrows alone, haha. It's been nearly a year- I am so excited!!

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    Pool sounds really nice! Enjoy! And face wax? sounds painful, then again I gotta real hairy face. 🧔 Enjoy the wax Tanya!!! 😀
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    edited July 2021
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Have all weights recorded to this point. Will check back in later.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    Steps 14,331

    Got in a little walk and some relaxation after all the parties. Weird weather couldn’t decided what it wanted to do.

    Awesome steps!

    Weigh in Day: Monday (was out of town)
    PW: 195.8
    CW: 196.8

    Gained +1 pound....not to terrible for a weekend of bad decisions!!!

    Moving forward

    Steps: 4,204
    Didn't meet my water goal

    Will try again tomorrow 😊

    You had a great weekend. You are trying so that is the biggest step in succeeding.

    rwood566 wrote: »
    Check in for 7/6:
    Steps - 8006. 2 1/2 hours at sea World. Back was hurting most of the time. No shows since I don't think I could have sat thru them.
    Calories - about 1700, I figure. Amusement park food is hard to figure. Drank 100 plus oz water.
    Exercise - just sea World. Lots of steps, high pulse for a long time.

    A lot of medical coming up. Hope they point to some answers.

    Great day! I am sorry about back pain. I hope you get everything sorted out with your appointments. It’s been along time you are trying to get answers.

    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    rwood566 wrote: »
    @Poobah1972 excellent job on the hill. You are improving rapidly. Time to start walking around town yet?

    A lot of medical coming up. Hope they point to some answers.

    No, not yet. One day though. Our little community in which I live is next to river, and naturally that puts us in low man's territory. So if you leave the community, you are faced with an extremely steep hill to the north (the kind of hill car's don't always make it up in the winter), and to the south there is another very long hill (but not as steep). And to add salt to the wound, the streets are very long and so even the shortest block i could choose would likely put me well over the 30 minute time allotment I have in the morning. But I figure I'm getting close. I guess the good news is if I can make it to the top of the hill, all the way back home is downhill? lol

    I'm also excited about a third potential source of cardio.. (see rest of this post... lol)

    Good luck on the medical stuff!

    Good morning Campers!!! 🤗

    It's Wednesday! I'll try to keep it short this morning.

    Mr. Egg Banjo has reignited an itch me and Lynn were considering a month back... And he's made me realize it would be a rather simple endeavour to add a Heavy Bag to the exercise room as a potential 3rd cardio exercise. So, I've did some checking, and I could easily hang one right off the center of the pull up bar on my Power Rack. Just hang it when I use it, and put it away when I'm done. If we really like it, I could take it a step further and make a bracket that utilizes the same bolt holes as the pullup bar to hang the sucker a good 18" to 24" out front and center of the power rack so we can dance to the left and right, while aimlessly kicking and throwing hay makers? lol But for now hanging it off the pull up bar is fine. hehe 🤓😁😋 This isn't happening right away though... Money. Must make more money. lol

    Which brings me to the Ironmaster 120lb dumbbell expansion kit. Remember a few weeks back I mentioned I managed to track down a Brand-new Kit at a Canadian dealer.. (one which didn't happen to have an online store). Well after 2 weeks of emails and feet dragging, they finally shipped the suckers to me, I might even have them today. After it was all said and done, they even gave me a deal at 375 Canadian. Considering they sell in the states for 349.99. That's a bargain. 😄 This means I can take my Dumbbells from 90lbs with the heavy handle kit all the way up to 135 pounds each. Throw on a few 2.5-pound plate mates, and I can hit 140lb each. INSANE!!!! I'll get there, eventually. lol Do keep in mind I just need to get past 90lb to actually need this kit, and that's coming sooner than you might think. 😁

    Oh, almost forgot, Lynn ended up pulling the trigger on those 50lb NÜOBELL Adjustable Dumbbells on the weekend. The They emailed us an additional $50 dollars off coupon on top of the July weekend $100 dollars off, for a total of $150 off. So being good Consumers we MoooooooOOOoooeed I mean purchase it right away. Unfortunately, they are the regular black variety. Red wasn't in stock.

    As for cardio this morning, I killed it on the Elliptical, or the Elliptical almost killed me... Ummmm Probably both, if that makes sense? As human beings we surely must be mad right? Heart rate monitor looked like it was bang on this morning for the most part. I hit 1.6 miles with a whole minute left. So that's definitely a PR. WOOT 😆😃👍

    And my Shoulder actually feels quite a bit better this morning. Hopefully better enough to not cause any significant troubles with this evening's workout. Chest/Triceps and Shoulders. 👍😎

    And that's that for this morning.

    Take care my friends!!! Don't forget to squeeze the Charmin! 😋 🤓🤗🤗🤗🥳😄🤠💪👍😎


    You are consistently beating your previous records. Well done! Great burn today! A lower heartbeat is a bonus of the exercise you are doing. You are amazing!
    Username missymarea0612
    Weigh In Day:Wednesday
    PW (Previous Weight): 208.6
    CW (Current Weight): 211

    Are you settled in your new place yet?
    thanks for the love everyone! the ortho doctor gave me a script for physio (I will call them today) and a note for ANOTHER MONTH off work. I'm content with that, and i'm not. It gives me more time to focus on my studies (I really need to get cracking on 2 of my courses) but I also will be on next to no money, and I also will struggle to get my steps in :( lol.

    Talking of steps:

    6/7- 6659 PLUS 35 min swimming (like a medium pace, not leisurely, mix of all strokes)

    I know Megan is ace at doing her magic with the steps thing hahaha

    I am sitting here, at 10am, just *tired*. It's a little damp outside, but I think the pool will still be open, so I'm going to go do that! I need to get my exercise done somehow, without aggravating my leg :(

    and TODAY (not weight related) I am FINALLY getting my face waxed! maybe i'll lose about 10lb of fluff just from my eyebrows alone, haha. It's been nearly a year- I am so excited!!

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    I am glad you are going to do Physiotherapy. Look at those steps and laps! Outstanding!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Check in for Tuesday
    ✅Steps 11,058
    ❌ 7/8 hourly reminders

    Not sure how I missed one of my reminders to move. I am also not sure how I ended up with all the steps. I walked before my daughter picked me up and then I guess walking into the water from our spot on the beach added up. My eating sucked yesterday. I ended up having my first binge in awhile. I skipped supper as I wasn’t hungry and I know better. Skipped meals almost always lead to a binge. I am pleased overall with my eating in general as I seem to have found a method that minimizes the binge eating.

    Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!


    Swimming 30 minutes leisurely
    Treading water 2 hours 30 minutes ( I think this is the best way to count it)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Measurements had gone down on bust and hips but stayed up on waist so back to tracking calories more closely. Went to nephrologist today and the nurse made the comment to me that she wished that they had blood pressure cuffs to fit little arms like yours in the office. I told her that last year the cuff would have fit. Nephrologist, like the rest of the doctors would like me to get into an Endocrinologist office ASAP. The medication substituted for prednisone is standard treatment for Adrenal suppression but not for transplant patients. It also thins your blood and causes depression of which I have been extremely depressed the past 2 months. Hopefully dosage will be adjusted down in August when I can finally see an Endocrinologist.
    It's funny, but I don't get the same thrill with losing weight that I got before(in March). Can't decide if it's the medication or if mentally have switched to maintenance and losing 5 pounds to maintain is no big deal. Skin grafts are still continuing into August. Feel like summer activities have passed me by. At least , can see an end in sight. Temps have been just under a 100 for the past week and a half. Had a welcome break today with clouds and low 80s, so opened the windows to air the house out.

    Congratulations to all you inspiring Downsizers. Love reading all your posts even if not great at replying.

    It is great that you see the end of your grafts and see the endocrinologist soon. I think with myself even though I have only lost half my weight it’s definitely not the thrill as when I first started. I am losing at a much slower rate and I don’t see the changes in the mirror. Hang in there as you have been through so much lately. I hope the depression eases soon.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Ahhh, it happens. Stay with it, you got this 🤗 What are your NSVs that you're looking at this week?

    Spectacularly high steps Joni👏🏻👏🏻

    Fantastic steps (hoping you're not aggravating your leg just to get in steps- ya maniac 😆) and swimming. Glad you're going to be getting some physio, and have extra time for your studies. So funny, I always think the same thing about getting my eyebrows waxed (I'll lose some pounds from the bushiness).

    Wowwwwwwww!!! Are you kidding me??? 11,058 steps PLUS in the water for THREE HOURS 😆👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Way to go Linda! Absolutely amazing 🎉🎉
    CONGRATULATIONS DOWNSIZERS!! Top of the board once again!
    A special congrats to our top of the tops:
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    edited July 2021
    Check in for Tuesday
    ✅Steps 11,058
    ❌ 7/8 hourly reminders

    Not sure how I missed one of my reminders to move. I am also not sure how I ended up with all the steps. I walked before my daughter picked me up and then I guess walking into the water from our spot on the beach added up. My eating sucked yesterday. I ended up having my first binge in awhile. I skipped supper as I wasn’t hungry and I know better. Skipped meals almost always lead to a binge. I am pleased overall with my eating in general as I seem to have found a method that minimizes the binge eating.

    Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!


    Swimming 30 minutes leisurely
    Treading water 2 hours 30 minutes ( I think this is the best way to count it)

    22,398 total steps ...great job :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Check in for Tuesday
    ✅Steps 11,058
    ❌ 7/8 hourly reminders

    Not sure how I missed one of my reminders to move. I am also not sure how I ended up with all the steps. I walked before my daughter picked me up and then I guess walking into the water from our spot on the beach added up. My eating sucked yesterday. I ended up having my first binge in awhile. I skipped supper as I wasn’t hungry and I know better. Skipped meals almost always lead to a binge. I am pleased overall with my eating in general as I seem to have found a method that minimizes the binge eating.

    Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!


    Swimming 30 minutes leisurely
    Treading water 2 hours 30 minutes ( I think this is the best way to count it)

    Is the swimming adding to Tuesday steps or today's ?

  • MSWarrior7088
    MSWarrior7088 Posts: 167 Member
    Steps 8,171
    Water ✔
    Did an extended fast today and had breakfast for dinner

    Today I caught up on several chores that I've neglected. Boy I should sleep well tonight!!

    WTG Downsizers!! Keep up the great work!!!
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    It's truly remarkable how far you have gone, and continue to go, on your path. Do you think you'll be finished with skin grafts in August? I remember hearing both on Half Size Me and We Only Look Thin (weight loss and maintenance podcasts) that the hosts were saying the same thing about the thrill of losing vs.maintaining. They did mention how they reframed their minds, however I cannot remember what their strategies were. You got this though 🤗

    Another loss for you👏🏻👏🏻 Nice going!!

    Another Megan day👏🏻👏🏻!! I wish I could work up to your stamina, it seems so out of reach. Love seeing those high numbers from you 🤩🤗

    Even when you're not feeling your best, you're still kicking it👏🏻👏🏻 Your burger looks amazing🤩 Way better than the local restaurants. I think you both have another business venture.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    Thanks @TheresaM787 :) .............ughhhhhh my fitibit has gone to fitbit heaven tonight .... I somehow killed it after our swim ..... I had the fitbit versa ....I think I had it for 3 or 4 years...I am sooo sad is gonna feel weird not wearing it on my wrist .... thank goodness for our converter chart or I wouldn't have a clue how much I burned
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