Mission Slimpossibles-July Chat 2021



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    Tracking challenge:
    Yesterday tracked 100% of what I ate.
    Today, I am pre-tracked for all meals.

    How about you all?
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 501 Member
    edited July 2021
    Weekly weigh in
    Username. laurelfit57
    Weigh in day. Sunday
    PW. 160.6
    CW. 160.6

    I stayed the same this week, that had been my hope. My brother was up visiting from BC for five days and we did lots of festivals around town which included many food trucks :-). I was trying to watch what I ordered and eating half of what I got, seems like it worked out OK :-) :-). Because my brother was here, I didn’t get as much bike riding done as I had hoped, but I haven’t seen him in two years and it was fantastic!
    I really do want to check in more often, it just seems we are so busy catching up and reconnecting with family and friends that by the end of the night I’m done and can barely keep my eyes open.
    I got a new scale when I started this challenge, it’s called the Renpho from Amazon. I do remember to hop on that every Sunday and it is really helping me keep track!
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    PW 6/23:225.8
    Check in weight (6/30/2021): 224.9
    Check in weight (7/7/2021): 226.6
    Check in weight (7/14/2021):225.4
    Check in weight (7/21/2021: 226.5
    Check in weight (7/28/2021):225.2

    I am glad I at least maintained this month considering my state of mind. I am upping my exercise, but even that has been rough. I found out the knee injection I got last was only intended to last a couple of months, not 6 like I usually have for a different brand. No wonder I can barely walk! I have an appointment in 2 weeks, so I should be better with my knee soon!

    My dad has an appointment with the Oncologist next week, so we will know next steps soon. This limbo state is super stressful.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend :)
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    Final Friday check-in
    PW: 159.6
    CW: 158.3
    As I have managed to stay under 160 (my goal weight) for the whole month of July I am going to bow out and head to the maintenance zone for a while.
    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for their words of wisdom and encouragement, without which I probably would not have succeeded!
    Wishing you all the very best in your personal journeys and (in the nicest possible way) hope not to have to re-join this group in the future!! ;)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited July 2021
    @TwistedSassette Thanks for your reply on why you eat back your exercise calories and it all made total sense to me. I guess my main question is how do you know for sure what your calorie burn is during exercise? Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great that you have a system that is working so well for you, and I might need to figure out something like that for myself now that I’m working out so much harder. I need the scale to start moving in the right direction again and maybe that is a key component that I hadn’t really considered. :) We also have really overworked doctors here too and most only take the required nutrition course, so it’s no wonder that many get it wrong. Especially with diabetes and other weight-related health issues. My mom is still on a diabetes pill even though she has lost over 30 lbs. by changing her diet. Her BG and A1C are in the normal range. So it’s super annoying to me that they haven't taken her off the pill even though her doctor said she probably didn't really need it anymore! :# I hope you had a better day today and that your mood has improved. <3

    @19shmoo69 Ohhh so sorry that you are sick! Just take it easy and get better. I’ll be praying for you. :)

    @trooworld Yayyyy for the negative results! And that is great that you are getting better sleep. I can’t sleep hot at all and use a fan on my nightstand pointed at me, a ceiling fan, and hubby turns down the A/C a degree when we go to bed every night. I also only use 100% cotton bedding. In the winter months, I just keep the nightstand fan on and toss covers on and off of me. :grin: And yes ma’am I have pre-tracked all my meals!

    @laurelfit57 that is great that you maintained your weight even though you had your brother visiting. I love food trucks! I have the Renpho scale and love it. The app is great, and I love seeing all the data. I step on it every single morning. :)

    @leonadixon You are doing great weight-wise considering that you are in pain and the real stress and worry about your dad. Hang in there and please be kind to yourself. <3

    @gwamajtw91 that is awesome that you are staying at your maintenance weight and feel that you can now confidently move to the Maintenance Zone. I hope you don’t need to return to the Slimpossibles but if you ever do then know that we are here for you and will welcome you back with lots of encouragement and support. Take care! <3

    Hi Team! Today was a good day. I began my new workout program 21 Day Fix Extreme and the first workout was Plyo which I used to despise because I couldn’t do any of the jumping. Well, since I tried, and succeeded last week at doing jumping jacks, I gave the other jumping exercises a try and I could do much more than I thought I could. I felt so pumped that I stayed and did day two which was all upper body with weights and resistance bands. :grin: After that hubby and I worked together and did some housework and then I started a new 2000 piece puzzle while watching Master Chef. For dinner, I made yummy enchilada zucchini boats. I do miss tortillas, but I don’t miss the carbs!

    Since @trooworld already started I thought I better too. :smiley:

    (Target Goals—Cal:1300, Pro: 112 gm., Net Carbs 30 gm., Fat 85 gm.)
    Tracked Pre-tracked my two meals
    Target Goals Cal 1191, Net Carb 30, Protein 115.5, Fat 62.6
    No Snacking No Snacking
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    Username: Lulu_jo
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 277 (1/15/21)
    PW: 214
    CW: 214🙄

    Next week will be better
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,726 Member
    @19shmoo69 Sorry you are ill - wishing you a speedy recovery!

    @trooworld Phew! I'm glad your test was negative! Also great news on the sleep front - what a good discovery.

    @laurelfit57 I'm glad you have had such a great time with your bro - and making some good choices at the festivals sounds like just the right way to approach this as a lifestyle change! I have a Renpho scale too, and love it!

    @leonadixon What a bummer about your knee - glad you have a solution on the horizon though. Limbo is so stressful, hang in there.

    @gwamajtw91 Congrats on hitting the goal zone - you're an inspiration.

    @TeresaW1020 I guess the thing is, none of us know what our calorie burn really is, whether it's during exercise or our BMR, or any other activity. It's all estimations. The only way to know anything sort of more accurate is to really track everything and compare to your actual weight lost. That's part of the reason that I don't have a deadline on my weight loss - I don't really aim to lose a certain amount per week, and I'm happy to have any deficit on paper, because it's likely close enough!
    How great that you can do more jumping and plyo stuff than you thought - how often do we underestimate ourselves?!
    Not much to update for me. I'm in a total funk right now. I think it's all related to lack of sleep - I haven't been getting to bed on time, and even once I'm asleep I am having weird dreams (like one where people were turning into stuffed animals, wtf) and the toddler has been doing some nighttime waking too which is totally not like him. I'm wrecked. Planning a big night of sleep tonight and hoping for a good start to August.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    SW: 248
    PW: 222.4
    CW: 219.6
    LTD: 28.4
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @laurelfit57 That's a fantastic weigh-in if you did all that and still stayed the same! Congrats! I have the Renpho scale, I love it.

    @leonadixon Congrats on the loss! I'm sorry about the knee...I hope you can get some relief soon. <3

    @gwamajtw91 The best of luck to you in maintenance!

    @TeresaW1020 That's about how I sleep minus the cotton sheets lol. Yay for pre-tracking! Good job with the new workout. Dinner sounds yummy.

    @TwistedSassette Yes! I'm relieved. And better sleep helps so much! I hope you can get some better sleep, too.

    Hello all. I had a loss of almost 3 lbs this week for which I am happy about. I'm back to boxing class this morning, it should be a fun but challenging workout. Dinner tonight is very light: Pinto Posole (a vegetarian soup).

    TRACKING CHALLENGE: 95% tracked yesterday. I have yet to pre-track this morning but will do it shortly.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited July 2021

    Hi Team! :)

    As we are about to enter our last month of summer it’s time to stop and review how you are doing with your weight loss goals. One way to keep you mindful is to create healthy habits! Here is your NEW habit tracker for August. Just click the link and follow the instructions.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    The August 2021 Team Chat is OPEN!

    Finish up the weigh-ins for this week here, and head over to August for introductions, goals for the month, and getting another new month up and running.

  • Firefly743
    Firefly743 Posts: 133 Member
    ***Weigh In***
    PW: 242.6
    CW: 239.4
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,691 Member
    @cherrymajoni Congratulations and welcome back!

    @trooworld So glad you're sleeping better, it makes a world of difference when you do.

    Hi everyone, I'm way behind! The pain clinic wasn't very promising, it was the PA and not the doctor and she'd never heard of anyone injured like me so that was discouraging but she wants to research it so we'll see if it's just talk or she follows through. She wants me on pain killers and anti depressants then I asked for physical therapy so all of it is in referrals. I just stopped an anti depressant because of weight gain but I'm in worse pain so I'll have to weigh the pros and cons of it. I stopped gaining at least (I'm technically logging where I should be losing about .5-1lb a week so this stinks) so I'm at 175, I put half my weight back but have stopped gaining since I stopped steroids a few months ago. I can't have it as my main focus right now because if I'm in so much pain I don't want to live then what's the use of not using something?

    On a fun note my friend is picking me up at Noon to go to her house for the day and lay around watching movies and getting take-out, throughout all of this I've really been craving time with my girl friends so I can't wait. I've talked about her before, we've been friends since I was pre-teen in the neighborhood I grew up in, she's like a big sister to me and we're about 45 minutes apart now. The other COVID thing I've wanted is to be by water (preferably a beach) but I can't get that far yet.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,022 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 175.7
    CW: 173.7


    LTD: 17.4
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette I hope you can get a really good night’s sleep and feel better. <3

    @trooworld Wahoo on the weight loss!! Kick some butt at the boxing class. B)

    @Katmary71 Well, I certainly do hope that they research your pain issues and can offer you some real help. And I agree that if you are in that much pain you have to take something for it and let your weight be what it will be. You can manage it some by eating healthy foods that are good for you anyway and do what exercise you can. I think spending some quality time with your girlfriend is also great medicine. :)

    @Firefly743 and @Cornanda Great weight loss this week!! B)
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    @trooworld thank you for the congratulations.

    For fellow team mates @TheGlwUp @RYcare, it is great to share the space on the leaderboard with you.

    Slimpossibles team mates, hope a new month of August brings us 👍month results.
    trooworld wrote: »
    @TheGlwUp @apple852hk @RYcare congrats on making it on the leaderboard!!!

  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    Monday I came down sick. My family has me quarantined. For at least 2 weeks I cannot do much as far as exercise or food choices. Thought I'd let y'all know.

    Sorry to hear about your illness. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    Username: TheGlwUp
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Starting weight: 6/26 = 225.5 (still the same on 6/30)
    Weigh in for 7/2: 225.5
    Weigh in for 7/9: 228.5
    Weigh in for 7/16: 226.5
    Weigh in for 7/23: 221
    Weigh in for 7/30: 225

    I didn't exercise at all this week because of my schedule and the weather.
    My hormones and cravings contributed to my weight gain this week too.
    I am creating a new plan for August to help me get back on track
    because the exercising has really made a difference for me.
  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    trooworld wrote: »

    Hi all. My test came back negative, no COVID! Life can go on as usual now. :) On another note, after 2-3 years of horrible sleep, I think I've found the key to better sleep for me: using our portable A/C unit in the bedroom. I get hot and wake up apparently. I've been getting mostly "GOOD" sleep scores according to Fitbit for the past 4 weeks that we've been using the A/C unit at night.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS

    Glad to hear you received great news with the negative test results! Yay! for the portable A/C improving your sleep! That should really help improve your energy levels too since you will have a better quality of sleep.

  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,726 Member
    edited August 2021
    Wrong thread, sorry
This discussion has been closed.