Introduce Yourself



  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    Congratulations @MargaretYakubovich !!!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    pdd1216 wrote: »
    Hello....I've been using MFP for a few weeks and as usual, started off very motivated. Feel the giddyup starting to wear off so decided to try to get involved in giving/getting support rather than backing off. Go into the problem, right? I started at 322 and have lost 7. Like many, this has been lifelong struggle but I'm really feeling the wear and tear on my body. Right now, my knees and hips hurt so it is a challenge to even walk as an exercise but hopefully losing some of the load will help with that.
    I'm not real sure how these community boards work. (it doesn't look easy to respond? or at least to see responses?) But I look forward to getting to know some of you on this journey!

    Hi hi @pdd1216 :smiley:

    Look for things that are sustainable for you instead of just looking for large deficits.

    Use your logging to evaluate the foods that you eat and "promote" the ones that are worth the calories for you because they bring to your table good combinations of satiation, taste, nutrients, etc, making them good for your needs at the time!
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    Welcome @Ladyamanda87. This is a great place to start. There are so many informative boards and posts from people who have been exactly where you are! Everyone here is super supportive with no judgment. Jump right in.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Angel1960 wrote: »
    This is day 2 on MFP and I have about 140 pounds to lose. An entire person. Wow. So, I'm started and just going to work on watching calories and do a bit of low-carb because it has been effective for me in the past. My biggest hurdle is sugar - if it has sugar in it, I can eat my weight in that food in one setting. Just sets me off, so I know that sugar is a huge trigger and that will be my first focus.

    So far, I've managed to cook, eat and record it all for the last two days and that's where I'm starting. Hoping to add exercise later but here's where I'm starting for now.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :)

    Welcome to Larger Losers…we are a motivated and supportive group….there is so much information in posts here…jump into any conversation…we also have a weekly goal chart you are welcome to take part in…all of us have one common goal…..Losing Weight!….I started out at 350 lbs and now I weigh 240 lbs!…all from counting calories!…I didn’t exercise at all the first year I was on MFP….I will be 70 this month and I have been here 2 years….tell us about yourself if you feel comfortable doing so…we all have a story!….glad you found us!
  • aeborowski
    aeborowski Posts: 72 Member
    Hello, all! My name is Ashley and I'm addicted to food.

    I've been struggling with Binge Eating Disorder all of my adult life and my number one goal is to get some control over it. I recently developed some restriction behaviors and that was a huge red flag for me. It's sort of like now or never, you know?

    Second goal is to lose about 100 lbs. A huge task, but I am up for it.

    My biggest obstacle, aside from mental health, is that I LOVE to eat. I love the act of eating, I love cooking and I hate being told that I can't have something.

    Simply eating less (and smarter) and exercising have not really worked for me. I think a natural next step for me would be healthy volume eating, so if anyone has any suggestions on volume eating, they would be greatly appreciated.

    I look forward to taking this journey with you. Please feel free to add me for a daily dose or motivation and sarcasm. :*
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    aeborowski wrote: »
    Hello, all! My name is Ashley and I'm addicted to food.

    I've been struggling with Binge Eating Disorder all of my adult life and my number one goal is to get some control over it. I recently developed some restriction behaviors and that was a huge red flag for me. It's sort of like now or never, you know?

    Second goal is to lose about 100 lbs. A huge task, but I am up for it.

    My biggest obstacle, aside from mental health, is that I LOVE to eat. I love the act of eating, I love cooking and I hate being told that I can't have something.

    Simply eating less (and smarter) and exercising have not really worked for me. I think a natural next step for me would be healthy volume eating, so if anyone has any suggestions on volume eating, they would be greatly appreciated.

    I look forward to taking this journey with you. Please feel free to add me for a daily dose or motivation and sarcasm. :*

    Welcome to Larger Losers!….when I started reading your introduction, I thought it was mine!….I also struggle with Binge Eating and other issues!…there are some great posts here on Binge Eating and Volume eating….lots of great ideas!…feel free to join in any conversation….there is also a weekly goal site for your own personal goals….members are in different stages of their weight loss….some are new members and some have been here a long time…we all have one common goal!….get healthy and lose weight!….I have lost over 100 pounds and still need to lose some more….but 40 more to lose sure looks easier than 150 that I needed to lose when I started this!…once again, you are very welcome here!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited July 2021
    Brain hamster wrangling is almost a full-time job for some of us, almost to the point that I'm thinking of naming mine ❣️😹

    That said, explain to yourself that you're not removing anything from the menu, you're just on an adventure to explore lower calorie (yet still relatively acceptable to you) alternatives ❣️

    I mean isn't it such a great rush and win when you can discover something that can give you hours of interesting variations but pack better nutrition, more satiation, and fewer calories then the chips, cheesecake, ice cream healthy nuts (or whatever else it was) that this new lower calorie thing can now crowd out and replace most of the time?👍

    My discoveries have included egg whites and regular eggs, apples and applesauce in different contexts, 0% artificially sweetened yogurt in tub sizes and 0% plain Greek yogurt in slightly lesser quantities, high fiber cereals and other relatively high fiber foods, various types of artificially sweetened puddings, as well as garlic, onion, and good old plain potatoes‼️

    What you eat will evolve but as long as you're willing to experiment and consider and change what is working and what is not... you will do fine!

    Especially in the beginning I would concentrate on satiation for the calories. I don't care that a steak and potatoes maybe less healthy than fish with green beans IF the calories spent versus satiation and satisfaction mean that it t is a better deal for me. (Okay I do care now but I didn't when my primary goal was losing weight!)

    As you lose weight you can then evolve and take additional goals under consideration.

    At least that's what my approach was this time around---with a bit of post fact editing to replace what worked as compared to a few things that didn't work as well!😹

    Took most of a couple of years to get to the 115lb lost range. And another to get to 125 lost and start stabilizing, and have mostly remained in the 120-130 range for another 4 years or so.

    And the hamsters are no longer throwing fits when they don't see 125 (they were apoplectic for a long time when 123lbs lost was coming up: they wanted 125! Now they're meah, who cares as long as we're not seriously going up! 🤷🏻)

    So read some of Novus' posts, they're quite good... and get to inventing new options! Everything tastes better with hot sauce (right Connie?😹)... and let me know when you invent the best ever sweet potato zucchini brownie... I tried for three years 😹 while eating at a deficit... some attempts were almost credible! :lol:
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,173 Member
    Hey folks, I'm Jane and although I'm already a member of a couple of other supportive groups on MFP, this group seems a great resource for more support and inspiration.
    • I started on 17th March 2021 at 96kg (BMI 40 - obese category 3); currently 80.8kg (BMI 33.8 - obese category 1). My ultimate goal is to reach 56kg (BMI 23.3), equating to an overall loss of 40kg (so just under 25kg to go!)
    • I'm a lifetime yo-yo dieter - highest ever weight 104kg (BMI 43.3); lowest adult weight 60kg (BMI 25)
    • I'm following a CICO strategy, with an emphasis on wholesome, nutritious, natural foods and modest levels of exercise
    • I'm a keen (dog) walker, gardener and I'm just rediscovering my love of cycling. I used to race MTBs, but now I'm more interested in leisure road cycling and modest touring/bikepacking. I'm just getting started, though, so currently only riding about 25 miles per week.
    • I'm 56 and I retired a year ago, so I finally have some time to invest in my own health.
    • I'm married, and I live with my husband Kim and Border Terrier Norman in a tiny market town in Norfolk, England.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    Welcome, Bella! Just a quick message because I'm running after my grandson this morning - but wanted to welcome you and say that I just love your profile picture. Wow! Can't wait to see you around the forums. Come check out the daily check-in thread - you are welcome to join whenever you like. There is so much to read in the forums here - look for some of the introductory posts by Novus Dies and PAV8888 - those two provide an extraordinary education - as well as everyone else!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    I 100% defer to Novus because of his keen observation and insight, especially in this sub forum He has also had a longer path to go and has taken the time to compose and articulate his thoughts and write most of the introductory and insightful posts here!

    I've spent more time on the main forums and I admit that as weight loss recedes into memory my occasional extrapolation seems, at times, less relevant to struggles people face, though I'm seldom shy about expressing my opinion‼️😇
  • latinlil
    latinlil Posts: 7 Member
    Hullooo!! I’m a dog, travel, adventure and sports-loving 53 y.o. Who’s had a recent break-up with dieting.

    My ultimate goal is 145 lbs, I was at 269 as of 1/1/2021. 7 mos. later and I’m now at 240, but I think I need a success pal to help
    me get to the next milestone.

    I’d love a 1:1 accountabilibuddy to keep me honest and someone I can root for too! I’m trying new tools for shedding the weight and would love someone to talk thru what I’m learning.

    Ping me if you’re interested!
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    latinlil wrote: »
    Hullooo!! I’m a dog, travel, adventure and sports-loving 53 y.o. Who’s had a recent break-up with dieting.

    My ultimate goal is 145 lbs, I was at 269 as of 1/1/2021. 7 mos. later and I’m now at 240, but I think I need a success pal to help
    me get to the next milestone.

    I’d love a 1:1 accountabilibuddy to keep me honest and someone I can root for too! I’m trying new tools for shedding the weight and would love someone to talk thru what I’m learning.

    Ping me if you’re interested!
    Welcome @latinlil ! There is some great info and discussions here, and please jump in wherever you'd like! We often kind of talk out loud about what we're learning on the boards. I am an awful accountabilibuddy (so flaky), but am always happy to chat and talk things through!
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I am Andrea or Andi, I'm 22 years old and I live in Pickerington, Ohio. I weigh 402lbs (goal is 350lbs) 5'7" and I have been struggling with my weight for years. I've always been a bigger girl, even as a child. Growing up, my biological father tended to always have something to eat and whenever he wanted to hang out with me, it was to go out to eat or to have a snack and watch a movie. I was never motivated as a kid to get up and moving. I did however play soccer and ride my bike alot. As I got older, my typical overeating became my normal and this resulted in the weight gain.
    Now that I have surpassed 400 pounds, i have decided that I need to force myself to do something about it. I have been suggested this group and this app by a new and great friend that I have made in college, Daniel (DDino22) and I believe that with the right mindset and emotional support, I can do this.

    Welcome @HeyimAndi22
    You're in the right place! So much great information in all of the threads - definitely worth reading through them (even/especially some older ones). College such an exciting and stressful and fun time - and there is plenty that makes it both harder and easier to lose weight! Small, easy, and sustainable changes are the key to long-term weight loss and maintenance (which was absolutely NOT my mindset when I was in my early 20's lol). You'll do great!

    We're a friendly and welcoming group...please jump in wherever you'd like and post any questions you have too!

  • jenpobble
    jenpobble Posts: 10 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hi everyone,

    I’m Jen. Age 43, I’m British and live in London but previously lived in NYC for several years.

    I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life - I had severe asthma as a kid which made being active difficult, and I also have dyspraxia and struggle with physical coordination.

    I have a habit of going on a diet, losing 10kg pretty fast, then my periods stop and I get left feeling like I have permanent PMS (emotional and ravenous!) until I give up and gain it all back.

    Trying to do it slow and steady this time, showing my body love with healthy food and portions rather than ‘punishing’ it with starvation!

    Things that are on my side: I have a dog so I do plenty of walking, and I cook from scratch and always have. I have a biology degree and understand food chemistry, nutrition and digestion.

    My obstacles: I don’t enjoy ‘exercise’ or being sweaty. I’m a picky eater and dislike a lot of vegetables. I’m prone to emotional eating.

    SW:119kg (01/07/21). CW 114. GW1 99 Ideal 80